Β 585

80 theory of glass (es). 511 formation. 508. Enzymatic activity of lysozyme ....125/, 127/ hydrated. 122-124 ..... analysis of heifer. 183* ..... (1 -...
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Absorbed water, mobility of 141 Absorption diffusion coefficient 382 energy 489 profile for hair 241 equilibrium 455 water 377-380 heat of 472, 491/, 492/ measurements 487-489 isotherm(s) 239,241,247,488/, 490/ by rubbers 378/ Accelerator 571 Acceptor strength of organic solvents 56-68 Acetate fibers 516 Activated state theory 333 Activation energy 457,461,483 for «-relaxation 439 and temperature 140 Activity coefficient (s) 387-388, 390, 391,445 of mobile counterions 394-395 Activity, water 318,390,439 equilibrium 398 Adhesion failure 104/ Adhesion, ice-polymer 99-108 Adsorption and contact angle 93-98 on ice 91 isotherms 95-98 kinetics 380-385 on molecular solids 91 potential 105 rate 377 Agarose freeze/thaw, mass balance 189* gel, spin-spin relaxation 179-182 gels, relaxation 180/ preparation 179 relaxation rates 188-189 Alanine dipeptide 25/ aqueous 23-41 Albumen, bovine 376 Alcohols in propylene carbonate, compressibilities 79* Alcohols in water, compressibilities .... 78* Amide-amide bonds, displacement .... 436 Amylopectin 254/ Amylose, conformation 261/

Amylose, hydration 260-263 Angular velocity and momentum 170 Anharmonic bond angles interactions 26 Anion interaction in hydrogen bonding 49 Anions, structure breaking effects 52-55 Anisotropic interstitial fluid flow 425 Anisotropic reorientation of water molecules 337 Apatite crystals in collagen 246 Aqueous organic solvents, ion solubility 59-61 Arrenhius behavior 467 Articular cartilage, fluid exudation 403-429 Articular cartilage, load-deformation properties 403-429 Association energies for hydrogen bonds 26 Asymmetric films 365 Asymptotic load 419,423 Asymptotic penetration 416 Autocorrelation function 147 Axial compression of tissue 414 displacement of tissue 409 elongation of fibers 312-313 strain of tissue 415-416 Azobis(methylisobutyrate) 348

Β Badger-Bauer rule 43, 53, 58 Barrier effect 338 Bending, high-frequency 29 Binding energy 472 Biological systems, water in 65-67 Biopolymers, hydration 61 shell 65 Birefringence 557,565 apparatus 558/ residual 556,567 and time 563/, 566/ Bisphenol, diglycidyl ether of 571 Boltzmann factor 205 Boron trifluoride monoethylamine complex 573 Bound water 290, 295, 300*, 331, 347, 369,371*, 372/, 532 differential scanning calorimetry 273-285 specific volume 539 Boundary conditions 428 Bragg spacing 472


Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.



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Breaking stress and strain Bridging Brownian motion rotational Bulk modulus and humidity Bulk water determination

561/ 539,541 159, 165 163, 170 318 319/ 339, 347 455

Calorimetry, differential scanning 287, 368/, 453,517, 543 curve(s) 520/ for poly (vinyl acetate) 254/, 256/, 258/ measurement of bound water 273-285 Calorimetry of water-polymer interactions 366-369 Capillary condensation 276-278 pore structure 365 radius, freezing point depression and 277* Carbon distribution, oxygen-methyl group 35/ Carbon monoxide myoglobin water structure 215-223 Cartilage 405/ compressed 417/, 418/ interstitial fluid 410-411 load-strain curves 420/, 421/, 422/, 424/, 426/, 427/ water in 65 water content 403 Casting solvents 365 Cation (s) exchange resin 393 interaction in hydrogen bonding .... 49 structure maker effect 52-55 Cavity perturbation, dielectric measurements 140 Cell walls, fungal, crystalline nigeran in 258 Charge distribution, tetrahedral 76 Charge orientation in solvation shells 41 Chemical modifications effect on hydration of hair ....239-241, 246-249 Chemical shift(s) 476,480/, 494 Chondroitin 287,290-295 Clatherate(s) formation 91-93 hydrate compounds, crystalline 39 surface structure 92/ Cluster (s) development during hydration 128 diffusion 139 formation 236 fragmented 337


Clusters (continued) mobile water number water

136 445-447 433-434,441-450, 451,539-541 contents of 12*, 13 partition function 13-17 Clustered water, determination 455 Clustering of water 435/ Coacervates 63-64 hydration 62/, 66/ water content 67 Coefficients, extinction 43-44 Coefficient of thermal expansion 515 Cohesion, molecular, in microfibril .... 236 Cohesive energy, helical 246 Cole-Cole expression 161 Collagen absorption of water 235-249 film, reconstituted 237-238 -gelatin transitions 236 heat capacity 114 rat tail, hydration 235-237 reconstituted, hydration 246 turkey leg 237 water in 65,136-138 -water interaction 241 Collisions, solvent-solute 29 Composite (s) sorption, kinetics 580/ strength properties 581/ systems, sorption 579-582 Compressibilities of alcohols in propylene carbonate 79* of alcohols in water 78* of aqueous hydrophobic compounds 77 Compression load-strain during 419-423 rates 416 and relaxation apparatus 406/ tissue 406* Computer simulation of water 46 Condensation capillary 276-278 counterion 390-391 during hydration 128 Kelvin 101/ surface water 116, 118 Conditions for D S C 274-275 Conditions for N M R relavation studies 152 Conductivity, thermal 371,543 Configuration space, sampling 205-206 Conformation changes with hydration 126-128 Contact angle(s) adsorption and 93-98 estimation 87-90

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

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Contact angles (continued) hysteresis 107 of liquids on ice 89/, 93 Coordination, tetrahedral 18 Copolyoxamide membranes, water binding in 361-374 Correlation coefficient 373, 443 function(s) 27, 29-30 oxygen-oxygen 35/ for rotational motion 33-34 and spectral density 30/, 32/ time(s) 172,178,328 for adsorbed waters 335 Cortisol 354 Counterion (s) activity coefficient of mobile 394-395 in charged polymers, mobile 391-392 condensation 390-391 deviation from ideality 393-394 distribution 391 Crack arrest lines 544-545,546/ growth rate and moisture level 540/ and stress intensity factor ....537/, 538/ and striation spacing 548/ stress and strain rate 560/ Creep at ice-polyethylene interface .... 102 Creep, surface separation through 104/ Cresol novolac 571 Cross-linking agent 388 degree of 505,509-511 intermolecular 246 and permeation 349-358 and selectivity 396 Cross relaxation 149, 172-173 Crossply panels 573 Crystallinity in nylon 535* Crystallization rate 453 Crystallographic waters of rubredoxin 212 Crystallography, neutron protein ..215-223 Curing agent 571, 573 D Damping, solvent Decay curve, load Deformation axis Deformation bands Degrees of freedom, dipeptide internal Dehydration, columnar Dehydration, strain effect Denaturation, thermal Density calculations maximum in water temperature dependence

29-30 425 565 565-567 24-27 270 270 114 543 226 12, 13* 228-230

Desalination membranes 67, 337-341 Desorption coefficient 382 Desorption isotherm, water 243/ Deuterium relaxation 149 Deuterium, scattering factor 215 Deuteron N M R D 165 Diagmagnetic systems, N M R D 159-167 Diamine condensation 361 Dicyandiamide 571 Dielectric behavior of absorbed water 139-141 behavior, water sorption and 451-467 maxima and temperature 466/ measurements 453-455 by cavity perturbation 140 properties of ice 138-139 relaxation dispersion 161 Difference map 217, 223 spectra for aqueous ion solutions .... 52/ spectra for saturated electrolyte solutions 57/ Differential heat absorption 470 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 273, 287, 366, 368/, 453,-506,517,534 curve(s) 520/ for polyvinyl acetate) 454/, 456f, 458/ measurement of bound water ....273-285 Diffraction pattern 310-312 Diffusion cell 348 of clusters 139 coefficient(s) 236, 246, 247, 349, 355, 376,381, 382*, 385 and concentration 383/, 384/ and molecular size 351/, 356/ of water 64, 81 equilibrium 375 of intracellular water 177 limited water exchange 186 rates, dye 64 rotational 337 in rubbers 375-386 steric hindrance 171 through rubber 380 translation 337 of water through collagen 137-138 Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol 571 Dihedral angle torsions, interactions .. 26 Dipeptide, alanine 25/ Dipeptide in water, molecular dynamics 23-41 Dipole(s) -dipole interaction 147 reorientation 139 water 457 orientation 53 Dispersion forces 58, 87-88

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

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Dispersion of water in keratin 315 Dissociation constant, acid 392-393 Dissociation, degree of 392 Distortion energies 97 Distribution counterion 391 of energies of water molecules 209/ pattern(s), ion 390-391 prediction of ion 395-399 Disulfide bridges in hair 238-239 Diuron 571 Divinylbenzene 388 D S C (see Differential scanning calorimetry) Dye diffusion rates 64 Dyeing, electrolytes in 59 Dynamic information from relaxation data 147-151

Ε Einstein relation for spherical particles 174 Elastic modulus 247,519 Elastin hydrated, heat capacity 142-144 water in 140-141 -water system, density 225-333 Elasticity modulus and temperature .. 521/ Electrolyte solutions, aqueous 43-68 Electron (s) density map 215 lone pair 43 spin resonance studies of hydration 122, 123/, 125/ Electrostatic interaction 26 Electrostatic Lennard-Jones forces .... 200 Endotherms, melting 371 DSC 370/, 372/ Energy changes in water absorption 235-249 Energy map of solvent near protein 200-204 Enthalpy of hydration 113 of mixing 442 monolayer binding 157 of solvation 135 Entropy driven processes 64 of solution 80 theory of glass (es) 511 formation 508 Enzymatic activity of lysozyme ....125/, 127/ hydrated 122-124 Epoxy -diamine networks 509 interactions, water571-583 resins and water 505-513


Equilibrium absorption 455 water 377-380 constants of micelle formation 59 diffusion 375 ion-exchange 391-399 swelling 375,380,407 and vapor pressure 376 water activity 398 content 556 uptake of copolyoxamide 365* Erythrocytes, N M R D study 165-167 Erythrocytes, proton relaxation dispersion data 166/ Ether hydrates of PIOP-9 60/ Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate 348 Expansion coefficient(s) 461 of hydrated elastin 229* volumetric 228 Extinction coefficients 43-44

F Fast exchange model 335, 339 Fatigue crack propagation in nylon 531-550 fracture surfaces 546/-547/ life of nylon 543-544 striations 548/, 549 Fiber(s) diameter changes 312-315 collagen 236 measurement at ambient humidities 310-312 -length change 519 modulus 523-535 shrinkage and temperature 520/ stiffness 519 transition temperature 518-529 Fickian behavior 579 Flory-Huggins equation 434, 436 interaction parameter 321 isotherm 449 theory 441-443 Fluid exudation of articular cartilage 403-429 Fractographic(s) 544 nylon 542* studies 534 Fractography of polymers 549 Fracture growth and hysteretic heating ....543-544 surface micromorphology 545,549 surface topography 544-545 times 559 toughness 541-543 Fragmented cluster model 338-341

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

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Free energy electrostatic 392 of hydration 113 and water absorption 320/ and water binding 315-321 equivalent diameter 339, 340/ induction decay 331 -volume model 349 Freeze/thaw damage, relaxation after 179-184,188-193 Freeze/thaw, mass balance for agarose 189* Freezing first-order 15 point depression 276-278 point of water 278/ Friction coefficient 31,107 Food systems, heterogeneous 177-194 Force-displacement curve 410 Fourier maps 215 Fusion, heats of 288-291, 294/, 535 for water 291/, 292

G Galactomannan 254/ hydration 264-266 Gel formation 51 Gel permeation chromatography 555 Gelatin, hydration 66/ Geometries, restrictive, thermal properties of water 11-20 Germination, seed 253 Gibb-Donnan model 388-399 Glass (es) entropy theory 511 formation 508 point of absorbed water 140, 144 relaxation studies of adsorbed water on porous 323-342 transition(s) 140 and melting 518/ temperature 225, 229 of fibers 523*, 525*, 527/ specific heat at 511 (1 -> 3)-/?-D-Glucan 254/ conformation 268/ hydration 266-267 Gradient, concentration 381 Group-group interactions 393 Guinier plot 496 Gyration, radius of 496 H Hair diameter and humidity Handsheet pressing and bound water Harmonic bonds interactions

311/ 280/ 281 26

Harmonic vibration 27 Hasselbach-Henderson equation 392 Heat of absorption 472, 491/, 492/ differential 470 measurements 487-489 of adsorption 91 capacity 508 in aqueous hydrophobic solutions 77 calculation for lysozyme solvation 117* measurements 141-145 of polymer 143/ of protein systems 114-118 for resins 511* and solvation 118 and temperature 135-136 transition 510/ of water 143/ of fusion 535 of sorption 436 Helix - c o i l transformation 246 - c o i l transitions 236 water 255 Henry's Law 442, 443,508 sorption 449 Hemoglobin 83 Heparin 280,292-296 Hexane adsorption on ice 99 Hofmeister ion series 46-49 Humidity and hair diameter 311/ and loss modulus 437/ and water content 255-257, 265-266 Hyaluronic acid 287 Hydrate water 337 Hydration of coacervates 62/, 66/ of C 1 0 " complexes 57/ of collagen, rat tail 235-237 conformation changes with 126-128 control of ion distribution 387-399 dynamic measurements of 121-124 energy(ies) of 236, 242/, 474/ ions 53 equilibrium 54 of gelatin 66/ of hair, effect of chemical modifications on 239-241, 246-249 ionizable groups and 303 kinetics 244/ of keratin 246-249 levels 499 model of mucopolysaccharides ..302-304 model, two-site 167-170 numbers of electrolytes 55-56 organic 61-64 polar groups and 303 4

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.


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590 Hydration (continued) of polysaccharides, crystal structure 253-270 process 128—130 protein 111-130, 157-175 of fibrous 225 of reconstituted collagen 246 shell(s) 204 of biopolymers 65 dynamic 82 ion 50, 54,79 lifetime of water molecule in ..158-175 spectroscopic examination of ....119-121 of tendon 66/ water of 118, 157 Hydrodynamic(s) flow 18 of hydration 121 model of microscopic viscosity ..173-174 Hydrogel membranes, permeation through 347-358 Hydrogen bond(s) 509 association energies 26 bending 136 in desalination membranes 67 energy (ies) 51, 135 of water 44 formation 38/ in solvation shells 39 in ice 11-12 interhelix 267 to peptide groups 82 protein-water 207-208 strengths 34-36 in water 11-13 -bonded proton clusters 340/ bonding 217, 338,447, 539 effect of ion concentration 47 infrared determination 43-44 stabilization by 255-257 scattering factor 215* Hydrophilic impurities in rubber 375 Hydrophilicity and molecular size 366 Hydrophobic interactions 76-80 Hydroxide groups, nonhydrogenbonded 45/ Hydroxyl stretch frequency 509 Hyperfine parameters 494* Hysteresis, contact angle 107 Hysteretic heating and fracture growth 543-544 I Ice-polymer adhesion Impurities in rubber, hydrophilic Infinite dilution isotherm

99-108 375 443


Infrared assignments for water 43-44,51 examination of hydration 119-121 Interaction (s) calorimetry of water-polymer ....366-369 collagen-water 241 in copolyoxamide membranes, water-polymer 369-373 dipole-dipole 147 energy (ies) 97 distributions 37/ water-peptide 33 water-water 26-27,34-36 group-group 393 hydrophobic 76-80 interfacial 89/ intramolecular proton-proton 328 ion -ion 389 -polymer 391 -solvent 389,398 mineral-protein 237 parameter 436,443-450 Flory-Huggins 321 protein-protein 174 quadrupolar 165 solvent-solute 24 proton 165 spin-spin, in labeled lysozyme 126 surface 373 van der Waals 29, 105 water -hydrocarbon 90-93 -ion 53 -lysozyme, thermodynamic parameters 115* -protein 81, 147-155, 157-175, 199-213 surface 281 -water 39,135 Interface creep at ice-polyethylene 102 effects and electrolytes 59 solid-liquid 87-90 water-polymer 87-108 Interfacial bonding 579 interactions 89/ systems, hard and soft 93, 94/ water 347 Interference, interparticle 496 Intermolecular energy of ice 43 Internal degrees of freedom, dipeptide 24-27 Interparticle interference 496 Interstitial fluid 403 of cartilage 410-411 flow, anisotropic 425

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.


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Interstitial water 137-138,188,262 Inositol 352 Intracellular water 191-193 Ion(s) clustering 469 -concentration effect on hydrogen bonding 47 distribution hydration control 387-399 patterns 390-391 prediction 395-399 -exchange equilibria 391-399 -exchange selectivity 388-390, 395 hydrates of PIOP-9 60/ hydration energies of 53 hydration shell 79 interaction (s) -ion 389 -polymer 391 -solvent 389,398 series, Hofmeister 46-49 series, lyotropic 46-49 solubility in aqueous organic solvents 59-61 solutions, difference spectra for pure aqueous 52/ Ionic dependence of transition temperature 48/ Ionizable groups and hydration 303 Isotherm(s) absorption 239-241, 247, 488/, 490/ adsorption 95-98 Flory-Huggins 449 infinite dilution 443 Langmuir 443, 449 plot 100/ sorption 113, 118,442, 443, 444/, 447, 453/, 470, 472,506, 507/ -desorption 489 water adsorption 316 sorption 240/, 243/, 245/

Κ Kelvin-Voigt body Kelvin-Voigt model Keratin absorption of water by of dyed hair hydration of reduced hair water binding by α-Keratin from hair Kinetics of absorption Kinetics, sorption composite Kraft sheet pressure

425 428 235-249 239 246-249 239 309-322 238-239 380-385 575/-578/ 580/ 282/

L Lambda anomaly 17, 20 Langevin equation 29-30 Langmuir isotherm 443,449 Laplace pressure 103 Laplace tension 102 Larmor precession frequency 161 Laser, helium-neon 310 Lattice vibration 511 Lennard-Jones forces, electrostatic 200 interactions 26 spheres 33 Leveling agent 59 Lifetime of water molecule in hydration shell 158-175 Load decay curve 428 -deformation properties of articular cartilage 403-429 dissipation rates 419 -strain curves of cartilage 420/, 421/, 422/, 424/, 426/, 427/ -strain during compression 419-423 Loading, static 541 Lorentzian line 483 Loss maxima frequency 461 poly (vinyl acetate) 465/ and water clusters 462/ and weight percent water 463/ modulus and humidity 437/ modulus and present water 438/ Liider's bands 567 Lysozyme enzymatic activity 125/, 127/ heat capacity of 116 hydrated, enzymatic activity 122-124 hydrated, N M R examination ....147-155 solvation, heat capacity calculations 117* specific heat capacity 117/ spin-spin interaction in labeled 126 -water system Monte Carlo simulation 113 properties 120/ specific heat 115/ Lyotropic ion series 46-49

M Magnetic relaxation rate of protons, water Maxwell-Wagner effect(s) Mechanical properties of poly(methyl methacrylate)

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

160/, 162/ 139,453 555-568

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Melting first-order 15 and glass transitions 518/ temperature and water content 293/, 294/, 297/ Membrane (s) cross-section 364/, 370/ desalination 67 hydration 350 Methylcellulose, hydrated 141 heat capacity 144-152 Micelle formation and electrolytes 58-59 Microscopy, light section 414 Mineral-protein interaction 237 Mobile fraction and temperature 332/ Mobility of sorbed water 509 Modacrylic fibers 516 Model rubber 376 Model of water, two-state 46 Moisture analyzer 453 conditioning 582/ for nylon 533* level and crack growth rate 540/ modulus for 541 Molecular configurations, classifying 14 dynamics of dipeptide in water 23-41 solids, adsorption on 91 weight determination 532-534 Monolayer volumes 325 Monte Carlo simulation 199,204-213 of lysozyme-water system 113 Monuron 571 Mossbauer spectra 493/ Mossbauer spectroscopy 489-495 Mucopolysaccharides 287-304 Multistate model(s) 323 nuclear magnetic resonance 331-335 Muscle (s) analysis of heifer 183* spin-spin relaxation 177-178 tissue preparation 179 relaxation rates 191-193 spin-spin relaxation 182 Myoglobin water structure, carbon monoxide 215-223

Nigeran 254/ crystals 259/ hydration 257-260 Nitroxide spin probe 122 Nomenclature of copolyoxamides 363 Nuclear magnetic relaxation disper­ sion ( N M R D ) studies 157-175 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 273,325,476 examination of fixed water 136-138 of hydration 121 of lysozyme, hydrated 147-155 multistate model 331-335 studies of adsorbed water 323-342 Nucleation 15,17-18 homogeneous 20 Nylon 433-440,516 fatigue crack propagation 531-550


Packing, water molecule 333 Pancreatic trypsin inhibitor 82-83, 199-213 Parabaloid mean height 415 Paramagnetic susceptibility 331 Partition coefficients 348-349, 352, 355, 393 of strong acids 64 function for water clusters 13-17 mechanism 353—354 of molecular orientation 43

Neutron difference density 217 map 216/, 218/ diffraction determination of water in proteins 80-83 protein crystallography 215-223 scattering 470, 472,475/, 477/, 478/, 483, 484/, 495-499 curve 497/

Ο Octamer structure of water, bicyclic 16/, 19/ Optical diffraction, hair diameter measurements by 311/ Organic hydration 61-64 solvent-aqueous electrolyte mixtures 56-64 solvents, ion solubility in aqueous 59-61 Orientation defects 50 degree of 562 of dipoles, water 53 molecular, partition 43 water molecule 40/, 217 Orientational relaxation time 158, 172 Osmotic coefficient 388, 394-396 Osmotic pressure 377 Overtone of H O D , first 45/ Overtone spectroscopy 43-44 Oxygen-methyl group carbon distribution 35/ Oxygen-oxygen correlation function .. 35/

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.


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Pentagondodecahecral arrangement of water 58 Perfluorosulfonic acid membranes, water absorption 469-485 neutralized 487-501 Permeability coefficients 423-425 Permeation through hydrogel membranes 347-358 pH-dependent enzymatic reactions .... 124 Phase extensions, metastable 17 separation 103 transition modifications 407 Phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride 407 Photodiode response 566/ Plastic zone 549 Plasticization 246-247, 539,559 energy of 247 in epoxy resins 509 water-induced 505-513 Polanyi potential treatment 93 Polar groups and hydration 303 Polarity and cluster size 442 Polyamide fibers, aqueous 64 Poly(l,4-butylene terephthalate) 516 Polycarbonate ^-transition 451 Poly (cyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate) 516 Polyelectrolyte analogue 388,390-391 Polyethylene adsorption on 87-108 γ-transition 451 water clusters 452/ Poly (ethylene terephthalate) 516 Poly (2-hydroxyethyl metha­ crylate) 347-358 c/s-Polyisoprene 376 water solubility in 385 Polymer (s) mobility 138 plasticized 232 surface topology 98-99 -swelling method and free energy 318, 321 Polymerization, degree of 394 Poly (methyl methacrylate), rheooptical properties 555-568 Polysaccharides, crystal structure hydration 253-270 Polysulfone, dielectric(s) behavior 457-467 loss 459/ and water clusters 460/ Polysulfone, Fourier transform 462/ Polystyrene sulfonate gels and resins 387-399 Polytetrafluoroethylene, adsorption on 87-108 Polytetrafluoroethylene surface 100/

Poly (vinyl acetate) dielectric loss behavior 461-467 differential scanning calorimetry curve 454/, 456/, 458/ loss maxima 465/ Pore diameter 339,341 mechanism 353-355 size, critical 277 size distribution in hair 315 structure, capillary 365 structure, consolidation 281 Potential difference 392 Potential-distortion model 96/ Prediction of ion distribution 385-399 Predictions, selectivity 396-398 Pressure gradients during compression 425 Progesterone 353 Propagation of disturbance in protein, solvated 170-171 Proteases, serine 82-83 Protein (s) contribution to nuclear relaxation rates 164/ crystal, water-protein inter­ actions 199-213 crystals, water protons 149 fiber relaxation rates 189-191 fibrous, hydration 225 folding 128 history of water and 75-83 hydration 111-130, 157-175 mobility, native 81 -protein interaction 174 solvated, propagation of disturbance 170-171 specific volumes 126 stabilization 238 -water hydrogen bonds 207-208 Proton(s) clusters, hydrogen-bonded 340/ interactions, solvent-solute 165 magnetization, time dependence 149-151 mean lifetime 335-337 mobility 273 NMRD 165 -proton distances 335 -proton interaction, intramolecular 328 redistribution during adsorption .... 119 relaxation curves 151 dispersion data for erythrocytes 166/ rate 172-173 magnetic solvent 163 in soya fiber, water 181/ temperature dependence 150/, 153/ times 154 water 148, 150/, 190/, 192/

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.



Proton(s) (continued) solvent, relaxation dispersion 164/ transfer during hydration 116 Pseudoisocyanine, gel formation 51 Pulp beating 278-280 bound water 283/ preparation and characteristics ..275-276 pressing 282/ Pycnometer 226

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Quadrupolar splitting Quenching

494, 495 496

R Radial distribution function 33 Radial twists of fibers 312-313 Raffinose 352 Real-space refinement 217, 223 Recoil free fractions 494 Relaxation after freeze/thaw damage 179-184, 188-193 data, dynamic information 147-151 decay, complex 186-194 dispersion data for erythrocytes, proton 166/ dispersion of protons, solvent 164/ distance 97-98 equations 147-148 modulus, tensile 559 rate(s) 182-194 agarose 188-189 muscle tissue 191-193 protein contribution to nuclear magnetic 164/ protein fiber 189-191 ofproton(s) 172-173 water, magnetic 160/, 162/ solvent 159-161 stress 419, 425 spin-spin of absorbed water 238-239 of agarose gel 179 in muscles 177-178 of soya fiber 179-182 stress 523 studies of adsorbed water on porous glass 323-342 systems, model 184-186 time(s) 31,139-140, 325-331,339 for adsorbed water 329/ orientational 158,172 rotational 81, 163, 168/ and temperature ..327/, 476, 482/, 483 viscoelastic 436-439 of water-protein interactions 122


Reorientation dipole 139 rate 34 rotational 35/ Repeating units of mucopolysaccharides 289/ Residues from collagen 235-236 Resin components 572/ Retention, water 279 Rétrogradation 260 Rheo-optical properties of poly (methyl methacrylate) ....555-568 Ribonuclease, transition temperature.. 47 Rotational correlation time 170 diffusion 338 mobility 29t, 33-34 of water molecules 23 relaxation time 81,163, 168/ reorientation 35/ time 23 Rubbers, absorption by 378/ Rubbers, diffusion in 375-386 Rubredoxin 81-82 crystallographic waters 212 x-ray diffraction analysis 121

Salt(s) addition to pulp 283/ and bound water 276, 284 solubility, reciprocal 61 in ternary systems 62/ Salting out in aqueous electrolytes 50-53 Scattering density, volumetric 223 factor of deuterium 215 factor of hydrogen 215* Seed germination 264-265 Selectivity coefficients 387, 395, 396* and cross-linking 396 ion-exchange 388-389, 390, 395 predictions 396-398 Self-diffusion coefficient 338-339 Serine proteases 82-83 Shear adhesion of ice to polymers ...... 102* Shear deformation 567 Side-chain motion 206, 208, 209/ Simulation, Monte Carlo, of lysozyme-water system 113 Site binding model and free energy .... 318 Small-strain modulus 539 Solid-liquid interface 87-90 Solubility of chlorides in water and alcohols 60/ Solubility strength of the organic solvents 56-58

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

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Solute(s) Specificity, degree of 505 exclusion 274 Spectral density 147 properties 27 and correlation function 30/, 32/ structure 28* Spectroscopic examination of transport parameters 350*, 353* hydration 119-121 Solution-diffusion model 337-338 Spectroscopy, overtone 43-44 Solution thermodynamics 442 Spin Solvation centers, average distance between.. 127* by dispersion forces 58 lattice relaxation time 476, 482/, 483 enthalpy of 135 -spin interaction in labeled and heat capacity 118 lysozyme 126 shell(s) 31-33 -spin relaxation charge orientation 41 of absorbed water 238-239 hydrogen-bond formation 39 of agarose gel 179, 182* Solvent in muscle(s) 177-178 density 208, 210/, 211/, 212 tissue 182 dynamics 31—41 of soya fiber 179-182 near protein, energy map 200-204 Spreading coefficient 95 relaxation rate 159-161 Stabilization by hydrogen bonding 255-257 -solute collisions 29 Starch, crystallinity in 260 -solute interactions 24,165 Starch, gelatinization of 253 structure 31-41 Steric hindrance of diffusion 171 Sorption Steroids, transport parameters of 355* 163 composite kinetics 580/ Stokes' Law in composite systems 579-582 Strain effects of dehydration 270 by copolyoxamides 365-366 optical coefficients 562-565 -desorption curves 473/ rate and crack stress 560/ -desorption isotherms 489 581/ and dielectric behavior 451-467 Strength properties of composites heat of 436 Stress water 245/ intensity factor 534,536/ and crack growth rate 537/, 538/ Henry's Law 449 optical coefficients 562-565 isotherm 113, 118, 433, 442, 444/, relaxation 523, 562 447, 470,472, 506, 507/ rates 419,425 water 243/, 245/, 435/ and temperature 522/ kinetics 575/-578/ -strain curve 519 mechanism 579 parameters of acrylic polymers 448* Stretching, high-frequency 29 Soya fiber(s) Structure preparation 179 of aqueous electrolyte solutions 45-56 spin-spin relaxation 179-182 of aqueous systems 43-68 water proton relaxation 181/ breaking effects of anions 52-55 Space charges 139 maker effect for cations 52-55 temperature 50 Spacial density distribution of electrolytes 47 function 187-188 and turbidity 48/ Specific heat 519 of water 43-46 capacity of lysozyme 117/ in polymers 135-145 at glass transition 511 of water 46 Structural adaptation 267-270 of lysozyme-water system 115/ perturbation with adsorption 105 Specific volume(s) 517,519 water, determination 215-223 of absorbed water 437/ 17-20 of bound water 539 Supercooling of water concentration dependence 231/ Surface(s) of hair fiber 316 area determination 371, 373 of proteins 126 changes and thermodynamic of solvents 113-114 parameters 112 and temperature 518/ characteristics of water 13 temperature dependence 227/ fast-fracture 545

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.



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Surface(s) (continued) fatigue fracture interactions restructuring separation through creep structure of clatherate topology, polymer Swelling, equilibrium and vapor pressure Synthesis of copolyoxamides

546/, 547/ 373 90-93 104/ 92/ 98-99 375,380,407 376 361, 362/

Temperature and line width 481/ and mobile fraction 332/ and relaxation times 327/ Tendon, hydration 66/ Tensile adhesion 102 axis 565 relaxation modulus 559 strength, ultimate 582 stress relaxation modulus 564 testing 516-517,557,573 work recovery 523 Tetraglycidyl methylene dianiline 571 Tetrahedral charge distribution 76 Tetrahedral coordination 18 Thermal conductivity 371, 543 denaturation 114 energy, average 508 expansion coefficient 436,515 mobility 509 properties in restrictive geometries ..11—20 Thermodynamics, solution 442 Thermodynamics, water-protein ....111-130 Thermograms, D S C , of mucopoly­ saccharides 295 Thermograms, D S C , and water content 290-295 Thermogravimetric measurement of bound water 274 Thermomechanical analysis 517 of fibers 521/ Thioglycolic acid 239 Thiourea 352 Torsions interactions, dihedral angle .. 26 Transition behavior, calorimetric 457 interfacial film-bulk liquid 106/ spectroscopic 510/ stage water 337 temperature(s) ..365, 446-447, 505, 573 and cluster size 442 depression 507f, 508* of fibers 518-529


Transition (continued) temperature(s) (continued) and heat capacity 510/ for resins 511* of ribonuclease 47 β-Transition, polycarbonate 451 γ-Transition, polyethylene 451 Translational diffusion 338 Translational mobility 29*, 33-34 Transport parameters of copolyoxamides 363* of solutes 350*, 353* of steroids 355* Transport, rate 381 Trypsin inhibitor, pancreatic 82-83, 199-213 Turbidity point 49,56,58, 61, 67 and structure temperature 48/ Turkey leg collagen 237 Two-site hydration model 167-170 Two-state model of water 46 U Unit-cell amylose (1 - » 3)-£-D-glucan nigeran parameters galactomannan (1 -> 3)-£-D-xylan of polysaccharides (1 -> 4)-/?-D-xylan

260, 262, 263/ 266*, 268/ 258*, 261/ 264* 257*, 266* 269* 255, 256/

V van der Waals contact distance 33 interactions 29, 90, 105 van't Hoff heats of sorption 113 Vapor pressure calculations 276 Vapor pressure and equilibrium swelling 376 Vibration, harmonic 27 Vibrational degrees of freedom, dipeptide 24 Volume change and water content 231/ changes on mixing 230—232 compressibility, isothermic 316 contraction of hydrated elastin 229* as a function of hydration 113-114 and water binding 309 Viscoelastic relaxations 436-439 Viscoelasticity 559 Viscosity, microscopic and macroscopic 173-174 Viscosities of mucopolysaccharide N a salts 288*

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.



Downloaded by on May 26, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: August 19, 1980 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1980-0127.ix001

w Wash-and-wear performance 528 Water activity 390,439 clusters 441-450,451,529-541 content and D S C thermograms 290-295 of hair 313,314/ and humidity 255-257, 265-266 and melting temperature 293/, 294/, 297/ of mucopolysaccharides 301* of nylon 439 and volume change 231/ diffusion coefficient 64 -epoxy interactions 571-583 in heterogeneous food systems 177-194 -hydrocarbon interactions 90-93 - i o n interactions 53-55 loss and temperature 471/, 487-489 -lysozyme interactions, thermodynamic parameters 115* molecules, distribution of energies 209/ molecule packing 333 -peptide interaction energy 33 -polymer interface 87-108 -protein energies 207 interactions 81, 147-155, 157-175 average energies 209/ in protein crystal 199-213

Water (continued) -protein (continued) mobility during hydration 128-130 thermodynamics 111-130 relaxation, temperature dependence 151 restricted 337 retention value 274 sorption and dielectric behavior ..451-467 -surface interaction 281 uptake of copolyoxamides 367/, 368/ -water energies 26-27,34-36, 207 -water interactions 39, 135 Weight changes in water absorption 235-249 Work recovery and temperature 522/

X X-ray diffraction analysis of rubredoxin determination of water in proteins X-ray scattering Xylan, hydration of (1 -> 3)-0-D-Xylan hydration of (1 _» 4 ) - £ - D - X y l a n

199 121 80-83 366, 472,476, 479/, 495-499 255-257 254/ 266-267 254/

Y Young's modulus

Rowland; Water in Polymers ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

379, 532