α-Aminoalkylierung. Darstellung und Eigenschaften der

α-Aminoalkylierung. Darstellung und Eigenschaften der Kondensationsprodukte H-Acider Stoffe mit Carbonyl-verbindungen und Aminen. Ernest L. Eliel...
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istry, e. g., stereochemistry, olation, and the problems of synthesis, as well as from the findings of recent research, e.g., the mechanism of replacement reactions and the role of coordination compounds in catalysis, and determination of structure through studies of absorption in the infrared. It is unfortunate that the author has not used consistently the system of nomenclature recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Although the reviewer has found a few minor errors in this book, he recommends it as portraying clearly and succinctly the current thinking on coordination chemistry. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY OR ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY JOHNC. BAILAR,JR. URBANA, ILL.

Vol. 83

system, and the special relations involving the allotropic forms of iron in ternary alloys; but these are treated only for the sake of the general schematic relations illustrated. The book, first published in 1932, is therefore in no sense out of date. “Masing” has been the model for subsequent expositions of ternary diagrams, and the book is still unsurpassed for the thoroughness of its treatment of the fundamentals. I t is thus still of great value, if not even arequisite, for the serious study of phase diagrams. The reprinting is in every way as good as the original printing of the English translation (1944). OF CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT NEWYORKUNIVERSITY JOHN E. RICCI ~ ‘ E WYORK53, S . Y.

Name Indexof Organic Reactions. By J. E. GOWAN, Ph.L)., a-Aminoalkylierung. Darstellung und Eigenschaften der Lecturer in Organic Chemistry, University College, Dublin, Kondensationsprodukte H-Acider Stoff e rnit Carbonyland T. S.WHEELER,DSc., M.R.I.A., Professor of ChemHELLMANN verbindungen und Aminen. By HEINRICH istry, University College, Dublin. Interscience Puband GUNTEROPITZ. Verlag Chemie, G.m.b.H., Pappelalle 3, Weinheim/Bergstr., Germany. 1960. xi lishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, Y. Y. 1960. vii 293 pp. 14.5 X 22 cm. Price, $8.50. 336 pp. 17.5 X 24 cm. Price, DM 36, Certain reactions, as well as rules and laws of nature, have The major part of this book (about three fourths) deals for many years been named after their discoverers; the with reactions of the type AH RR’C=O HKR”R”’ + numbers were small, and names and reactions readily re- ACRR’SR”R’’’ HzO (“aminoalkylations”) among which membered. Some time was saved in this way, and the fact the Mannich reaction [Org. Reactions, 1 , 303 (1942)] is the that a chemist is remembered with his contributions adds most prominent example. The remaining quarter of the appeal to the usage. During the last two decades, it has, volume deals mainly with reactions of the type ACRR’ therefore, become quite general to refer to reactions by the N R / / R / / / BH -+ BCRR’SR”R”’ AH (“transaminonames of their discoverers, but with the multitude of reac- alkylations”) and ACRR’A-R”R”’ BH -+ ACRR’B tions and authors, a serious problem of memorizing has HNRj‘R”’ [alkylations with Mannich bases and related arisen. Wheeler and Gowan’s “Name Index of Organic compounds, cf. Org. Reactions, 7, 99 (1953)]. The senior Reactions,” published in 1950 as a pamphlet of 46 pages, was author, H. Hellmann, is probably the world’s foremost one of the earliest attempts to cope with this situation, The expert in the area of these reactions. little booklet saved much time, incomplete though it was in A monograph of this type necessarily slices across the body regard to entries and to the lack of formulas. The new total of our knowledge of organic chemistry. I t must be edition remedies both deficiencies. In a space more than 6 judged, in part, on the basis of whether the cross-section so times that of the first edition, it presents an apparently com- exposed contains a maximum of correlated facts and explete list of name reactions and gains further in value by cludes as little related information as possible. Based on ample references to the literature, by a Type of Reaction this criterion the present volume scores highly-more so Index and by a General Index. than the closely related book “Die Mannich Reaktion” by The book not only makes easily available information on B. Reichert [reviewed by R . Stern in J . A m . Chem. SOL., reactions which are referred to by their names and serves as a 83, 1519 (196l)l. Such seemingly diverse reactions as the guide to the respective literature, but it may also be useful Leuckart-Wallachreaction ( “amino-alkylation of hydrogen, ” to some degree as a checklist for possible reactions. Any- p. 83), syntheses of alkaloids under physiological conditions body who shares with the reviewer a liking to leaf through according to Robinson and Schopf (p. 210) and the Pictetencyclopedias may find it a “readable” book and a means of Spengler tetrahydroisoquinoline synthesis (p, 216) are all indulging this passion for superficial information. It dealt with or a t least referred to in the book. However, should be a very useful book for every organic chemist. the score is not perfect. For example, the synthesis of 1benzylmercaptomethyl-%naphthol by alkylation of benzyl RESEARCH LABORATORIES A. WEISSBERGER mercaptan with 1-dimethylamino-2-naphthol described by EASTMAN KODAKCOMPANY Poppelsdorf and Holt, J . Chem. Soc.. 1124 (1954), is reROCHESTER 4, YEWYORK ferred to in the section on condensation reactions of Mannich bases (p. 284), but the synthesis of the same compound in the same paper by direct condensation of 2Ternary Systems. Introduction to the Theory of Three developed formaldehyde and benzyl mercaptan (the equivaComponent Systems. By G. MASING. Translated by naphthol, of a Mannich reaction but using a mercaptan instead B. A. ROGERS. Dover Publications, 180 Varick Street, lent of an amine) is nowhere mentioned. Neither is it indicated 173 pp. 14 X 21 cm. that New York 14, N.Y. 1960. iv the reaction of 1-dimethylaminon~ethyl-2-naphthol Price, $1 45. with excess benzyl mercaptan give5 1-methyl-2-naphthol in This is a welcome reprinting of an excellent translation of 92y0 yield. Still in the same thought, this reviewer regrets a classic work. Masing’s exposition of binary phase dia- that alkylations of simple amines and ammonium salts are grams accomplishes its teaching purpose with remarkable not included in the section on alkylation with Mannich brevity and consummate clarity. The book deals with the bases. Thus the reaction of 1-methylgramine with methyl “theory” of three component systems in the sense of the cyanoacetate is discussed in some detail (p. 294), but the principles of phase diagrams, in particular the spatial rela- entirely analogous reaction of benzyldimethylamine with tions in the temperatwecomposition prism representing the methyl cyanoacetate [Snyder, Eliel and Carnahan, J . A m . liquid-solid equilibria of condensed ternary systems. These Chem. Soc., 72, 2958 (1950)l is not covered. spatial relations, which are sometimes quite complicated, Despite the senior author’s major contributions to the mechanism of the Mannich reaction and to the mechanism are minutely and patiently dissected, through pictures of “state spaces,” projections and series of sections. The of the alkylation with Mannich bases, the present mononumerous diagrams are clear, ingeniously inter-related for graph is largely descriptive; much of the information is summarized in tables. By the way of a caveat: the tables consistency, and helpfully repeated when necessary t o match do not always appear to be complete; thus the reaction of the text. The book deals essentially with the schematic relations gramine methiodide with various Grignard reagents [Snyder, for the fundamental elements of condensed ternary systems, Eliel and Carnahan, J . A m . Chem. Soc., 73, 970 (1951)l is involving solid solutions, compounds and two-liquid equilib- omitted from Table 13 (p, 279) although the analogous reria. The language is that of the metallurgist, “the sample” action of 1-methylgramine methiodide described in the always being called “the alloy,” but the presentation other- same paper is included in Table 14 ( p . 283). There is wise applies to all materials. Only three specific examples enough mechanistic and correlative thinking in the book to are considered, the aluminum corner of the iron-siliconkeep it from making dull reading, but the presentation o$ aluminum system, the copper corner of the tin-zinc-copper mechanistic reasnning is not as penetrating as in the authors










Nov. 5 , 1961



original papers in the field. On p. 140 an outmoded mechneering.” Cambridge University Press, 32 East 57th anism is presented for the Sommelet reaction [cf. S. Angyal, Street,tNew York 22, N. Y. 1961. 491 pp. $2.95. Org. Reactions, 8, 199 (1954)l. The mechanism proposed NICOLA DIOGUARDI, Editor. “First European Symposium for the reaction between furfural and N,N-dimethylformon Medical Enzvmolom. Milano 1960. Proceedings.” amide on p. 183 appears most unlikely, a reaction course S. Karger AG., -Basel,->witzerland. Albert J. Phiejbig, similar to the one shown on p. 84 for other Leuckart-Wallach american Representative, P. 0. Box 352, White Plains, reactions being much more plausible. X. Y. 1961. 575pp. $19.00, The book is attractively bound and well printed; the type and formulas are large enough to be easily legible. There H. EYRING,Editor, C. J. CHRISTENSEN, Associate Editor8 are 1876 references collected a t the end of the book in alphaAssociate Editor. “Annual Review and H. S.JOHNSTON, betical order; unfortunately, this collection does not double of Physical Chemistry.” Volume 12. Annual Reviews, as an author index, since it is not possible to tell where the Inc., 231 Grant Avenue, Palo Alto, California. 1961. reference occurs in the text. A related but much more 514 pp. $7.00 ( U S A , ) ; $7.50 (elsewhere). serious drawback is the absence of a subject index. BeWALTER H. HARTUNG, Editor. ERNESTE. CAMPAIGNE’ cause of this it is quite diacult to locate specific information Associate Editor. WARRENJ. CLOSE,LEONARD DOUB in the book (the arrangement of the subject matter being AND MARVIN A. SPIELMAN, Authors. “Medicinal Chemof necessity somewhat complex) and this reviewer seriously istry.” Volume V. “A Series of Reviews Prepared under suggests that a subject index be added in subsequent printthe Auspices of the Division of Medicinal Chemistry of ings. the American Chemical Society.” John Wiley and Sons, This book is a well-written, timely and valuable contribuInc., 440 Park Avenue South, New York 16, N. Y. 1961. tion containing a wealth of useful information. The moder432 pp. $18.00. ate price (ca. $9.00 or less than 3b per page) will keep it from being confined to the shelves of libraries. Because of CHARLES K. HERSH. “Molecular Sieves.” Reinhold Pubthe wide scope of the reactions discussed, the book should lishing Corporation, 430 Park Avenue, New York 22, be bought by anyone primarily interested in synthetic orN. Y. 1961. 129pp. $6.50. ganic chemistry and especially by those concerned with the synthesis of compounds of potential pharmacological inter- H. GOBISDKHORASA.“Some Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Phosphate Esters of Biological Interest .” est. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Fourth Avenue, hTewYork DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY 16, N. Y. 1961. 141 pp. $5.25. OF NOTREDAME ERNESTL. ELIEL UNIVERSITY DR. WALTER KROHSAND DR. OTTOHENSEL. “Pyrazolone h-OTRE DAME,INDIANA und Dioxopyrazolidine.” Editio Cantor, Aulendorf i. Wiirtt., Germany. 1961. 488 pp. DM. 98.-. MAX W. MILLER. “The Pfizer Handbook of Microbial Metabolites.” McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 330 West 42nd Street, New York 36, N. Y. 1961. 772 pp $15.00. J , L. MOILLIET,B. COLLIEAND W. BLACK. “Surface Activity. The Physical Chemistry, Technical Applications, and Chemical Constitution of Synthetic Surface-Active Agents.” Second edition, revised and enlarged. D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 120 Alexander Street, Princeton, New Jersey. 1961. 518 pp. $15.00. BOOKS RECEIVED GUY OURISSONAND PIERRECRABBB. “Les Triterpenes September 10, 1961-October 10, 1961 T6tracycliques.” Hermann, 115, Boulevard SaintGermain, Paris VI, France. 1961. 194 pp. 30 NF. J. BELLE,Edited by. “Uranium Dioxide: Properties and Nuclear Applications,” Superintendent of Documents, LYM.4N G. PARRATT. “Probability and Experimental ErU. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25. D. C. rors in Science. An Elementary Survey.” John Wiley 1961. 726 pp. $2.50. and Sons, Inc., 440 Park Avenue South, New York 16, N. Y. 1961. 255pp. $7.25. PROFESSOR DR. HANS-G.BOIT. “Ergebnisse der AlkaloidChemie bis 1960 under besonderer Veriicksichtigung der G. PORTER,Editor. B. STEVENS, Assistant Editor. “ProgFortschritte seit 1950.” Akademie-Verlag, Leipziger ress in Reaction Kinetics.” Volume 1. Pergamon Press Strasse 3-4, Berlin W 1, Germany. 1961. 1082 pp. Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford, England. 1961. 276 DM. 140.--. pp. $12.00. J. C. D. BRAND AND J. C. SPEAKMAN. “Molecular Structure. F. H. SPEDDISGAND -4. H. DAANE,Edited by. “The Rare The Physical Approach.” St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 175 Earths.” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Park Avenue Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y. 1960. 300 pp, $6.00. South, New York 16, N. Y. 1961. 641 pp. $14.75. ROBERTC. BRASTED. “Comprehensive Inorganic Cheniistry.” S‘olume VIII. “Sulfur, Selenium, Tellurium, HERMANSSTAUDINGER.“Die Hochmolekularen Organischen Verbindungen. Kautschuk und Cellulose.” Polonium, and Oxygen,” D. Van Nostrand Company, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, Berlin-WilmersInc., 120 Alexander Street, Princeton, New Jersey. 1961, dorf, Germany. 1960. 540 pp. Dhl. 59.-. 306 pp. $10.00. Chairman, Organising Committee. “ProVERNONH. CHELDELIN.“Metabolic Pathways in Micro- C. P. STEWART, ceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Clinical organisms.” E. R. Squibb Lectures on Chemistry of Chemistry, Edinburgh, 14th t o 19th August 1960.” The Microbial Products, Presented a t the Institute of MicroWilliams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore 2, Maryland. biology, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey 1961. 211 pp, $8.00. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 440 Park Avenue South, Sew York 16, N. Y. 1961. 91 pp. $3.50. “Synthetic Methods of Organic ChemUT. THEILHEIMER. istry. Yearbook.” Volume 15. With Reaction Titles DOC. DR. JAROSLAV &HAL~K.“Potenciometrie.” Kaklaand Cumulative Index of Volumes 11-15. Interscience datelstvi ceskoslovensk.5 akadernie vsd, N o d hlssto, Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Avenue, Xew York 1, N. Y. Vodirkova 40, Praha 1, Czechoslovakia. 1961. 770 pp. 1961. 680 pp. $46.75. Kfs. 86.50.

J. W. COOKA N D W. CARRUTHERS, Joint Editors. “Progress in Organic Chemistry.” 5. Butterworth Inc., 7235 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington 14, D. C. 1961. 172 pp. $9.00. KESNETHDENBIGH.“The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium with Applications in Chemistry and Chemical Engi-

E. 0. WALSH. “An Introduction to Biochemistry.” The Macmillan Company, 60 Fifth Avenue, Kew York 11, N. Y. 1961. 464 pp. $7.50. J. R. WILSOK,Edited by. “Demineralization by Electrodialysis.” Butterworth Inc., 7236 Wisconsin .4venue. Washington 14, D. C. 1960. 378 pp. $14.00.