-Aminolevulinic Acid Induced Photodynamic Damage to Cucumber

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv Poinsette) plants were sprayed with 20 mM solution of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), the precursor of tetrapyrroles, and...
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Chapter 5

δ-Aminolevulinic Acid Induced Photodynamic Damage to Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Plants Mediated by Singlet Oxygen Baishnab Charan Tripathy

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School of l i f e Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv Poinsette) plants were sprayed with 20 m M solution of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), the precursor of tetrapyrroles, and then incubated in darkness for 14 h. Upon transfer to sunlight (800 W m ), the plants died after 6 h of exposure due to photodynamic damage. The photosystem II (PSII) and photosystem I (PSI) photochemical reactions were impaired. Intact chloroplasts, isolated from the control and ALA-treated plants in the dark were exposed to weak light (250 μmoles m s ). Within 30 min, PSII activity was reduced by 50%, and the variable fluorescence was significantly reduced. Thylakoid membranes prepared in darkness from control and 20 m M ALA-treated plants were illuminated (250 μmoles m- s- ) in the presence of scavengers of active oxygen species. The singlet oxygen scavengers histidine and sodium azide protected the thylakoid membrane linked function of PSII from photodynamic damage. However, the hydroxyl radical scavenger formate and the superoxide radical scavengers superoxide dismutase and 1,2-dihydroxybenzene-3,5-disulfonic acid failed to protect the PSII reaction. Non-phototransformable protochlorophyllide was the most abundant pigment in the thylakoid membranes isolated from ALA-treated plants and acted as a type II photosensitizer. -2





The control of weeds by herbicides is an important modern agricultural practice. Photodynamic herbicides are compounds capable of inducing green plants to accumulate excess amounts of tetrapyrroles which act as photosensitizes and cause lethal damage to plants (7-72). Mg-tetrapyrroles are type Π photosensitizers. They have a tendency to absorb radiant energy and to photosensitize the formation of singlet oxygen (13-14), a very powerful oxidant that can trigger a free radical chain reaction and destroy biological membranes, nucleic acids, enzymes, and many other proteins (75). Mg-tetrapyrroles are extremely biodegradable and their environmental impact is negligible (7). 5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) is a precursor of heme and chlorophyll (Chi) and its synthesis is highly regulated by plants (76). Protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) is the feed-back inhibitor of A L A biosynthesis from its 5-carbon precursor glutamate (77). Exogenous application of A L A to green plants bypasses the feed-back inhibition of the regulatory A L A biosynthesis site and induces excess accumulation of M g tetrapyrroles. Therefore, A L A could be used as a commercial herbicide, if it were

0097-6156/94/0559-0065$08.00/0 © 1994 American Chemical Society

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



economical In the present investigation it is demonstrated that the radiant energy absorbed by over-accumulated tetrapyrroles is not utilized in photosynthetic reactions, rathe it reacts with molecular oxygen and photosensitizes the formation of singlet oxygen which ultimately causes lethal damage to plants. MATERIALS AND METHODS

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Plant Material. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L . , cv Poinsette) plants were grown in Petri plates (14.5 cm diameter) on moist filter paper at 25° C (18). A L A Treatment A volume of 5 ml of aqueous A L A solution (20 m M , pH adjusted to 4.8) was sprayed on each Petri plate containing fifteen 6-day-old cucumber plants (2). A glass sprayer (atomizer) attached to a rubber bulb was used for spraying A L A . After the A I ^ spray, the plants were kept m darkness for 14 h. Control plants were sprayed with water (pH 4.8) and kept for 14 h in darkness. Light Treatment. After a 14 h dark period, the control and ALA-treated plants woe exposed to light (800 W n r ) . The cotyledons were then harvested after the desired time period for chloroplast isolation. 2

Chloroplast Isolation. Chloroplasts were isolated from cucumber cotyledons at 4° C by hand-homogenizing the cotyledons in a grinding medium consisting of 0.4 M sucrose, 10 m M NaCl, and 20 m M Hepes/NaOH buffer (pH 7.6) (2). The same grinding medium was used for the chloroplast suspension. When required, intact chloroplasts woe obtained by centrifugation through a 40% percoll gradient and were washed and suspended in the grinding medium (3). Chlorophyll (Chi) was extracted in 80% acetone and was a^tennined as described in (2). Preparation of Thylakoid membranes. Thylakoid membranes w e e prepared from intact chloroplasts. The latter were osmotically shocked by diluting 10-fold with 20 m M Hepes/NaOH buffer. The thylakoid membranes w e e sedimented by centrifugation at 3,000 g for 5 min and the pellet was suspended in the isolation buffer (5) PSII Reactions. Electron transport activity through PSII supported by KsFe(CN)6 and phenylenediamine (PD) was monitored polarographically with a Y S I model 53 Clark type Q2 electrode (2). Whole Chain Electron Transport Electron transport through both photosystems was measured from H2O to methylviologen (MV) as O2 uptake in the above O2 electrode (2). PSI Reaction. Partial electron transport through PSI was measured polarographically as O2 uptake (2). Electron flow from P S A was blocked by 3-(3,4dichlorophenyl) 1,1-dimemylurea (DCMU). Ascorbate/2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCIP) was used as electron donor to PSI, and M V was used as the electron acceptor. Measurement of Chi a Fluorescence Transients. C h i a fluorescence transients of isolated chloroplasts wee measured in a Waltz pulse amplitude modulated (PAM)fluorometer(2). Thylakoid membranes were suspended at a concentration of 15 ug chl m l and were dark adapted for 10 min before the fluorescence measurements. 1

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


6-Aminolevulinic Acid Induced Photodynamic Damage 67

Measurement of Electrolyte Leakage. Electrolyte leakage was measured with a conductivity meter. Ten cotyledon (Uses (8 mm diameter) were punched with a cork borer, washed in deionized water and were kept in 50 ml of deionized water for 4 h. The extent of solute leakage was monitored by measuring the conductivity of the bathing medium (19). Extraction of Tetrapyrroles. Chloroplasts or thylakoid membranes from control and treated plants were illuminated at a concentration of 1 mg chl m l at a light intensity of 100 W n r , and aliquots were taken after various durations of light treatment The pigments were then extracted in 80% acetone. Fully esterified tetrapyrroles were extracted with an equal volume of hexane. While the mono- and dicarboxylic tetrapyrroles remained in the hexane-extracted acetone residue (HEAR) phase, the fully esterified ones entered the hexane fraction. 1

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Spectrofluorometric Determination of Tetrapyrroles. Quantitative estimation of protoporphyrin DC (Proto DC), Mg-protoporphyrin DC monoester (MPE), and protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) was carried out spectrofluorometrically (20-21). Fluorescence spectra of the H E A R and hexane fractions were recorded with a computer driven spectrofluoromete having photon counting device (SLM Aminco 8000 C) and w o e corrected for photomultiplier tube sensitivity. Fluorescence spectra were recorded in the ratio mode. Rhodamine B was used in the reference channel as a quantum counter. The photomultiplier tube was cooled to -20° C by a thermoelectric device to reduce the noise level A tetraphenylbutadiene block was used to adjust the voltage in both sample as well as reference channels to 20,000 counts s at excitation and emission wavelengths of 348 mn and 422 nm, respectively. The emission spectra were receded from 580-700 nm, at excitation and emission band widths of 4 nm. _1

Determination of O2" Content Intact chloroplasts were isolated by centrifugation through a 40% percoll gradient and thylakoid membranes were prepared as described before. This procedure of thylakoid membrane isolation from the intact chloroplasts eliminated mitochondrial contamination and consequent presence of cytochrome c oxidase. To remove stromal superoxide dismutase (SOD), the thylakoid membranes were suspended in 50 m M phosphate buffer (pH 7.8) containing 1 m M EDTA, kept for 1 hat 4° C, and then centrifuged at 3000 g for 8 min. This washing procedure was repeated twice. The production of O2" was determined srjectrophotometrically by monitoring cytochrome c reduction at 550 nm using an extinction coefficient of 19 m M cm- (22). The 3 ml reaction mixture consisted of 50 m M phosphate buffer (pH 7.8), 10 m M N a C l and 20 m M ferricytochrome c. The thylakoid membranes containing 50 tig Chl were added to the above reaction mixture. The reaction rate was determined from the initial absorbance increase 1 min after itiumination. Under the above experimental conditions an increase in 0.01 A at 550 nm equals the production of 1.05 nmoles of O2". 1


RESULTS There was no damage to the ALA-treated cucumber plants kept in the dark up to 48 h. However, ALA-treated plants incubated in the dark for 14 h that w e e transferred to light (800 W m ) became wilted and prominent necrotic patches appeared later. Tbe plants looked dead within 6 h of light exposure. 2

Pigment Content Due to dessication, the moisture content of the ALA-treated plants was reduced by 4-

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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12% after 1-4 h of light treatment The moisture content of the control plants remained constant throughout the light exposure. While calculating the pigment contents in the photodynamically damaged plants, the values were corrected for the decrease in fresh weight due to dessication. The Chl content of both control and ALA-treated plants were almost the same after 14 h of dark incubation. After 30 min light treatment, the Chl and carotenoid content decreased slightly in ALA-treated plants. Upon further light treatment there was a rapid decrease in pigment content (Figure 1). The total Chl content was reduced by 60% after 4 h of light exposure. The loss of Chl a was higher than that of Chl b. The Chl a content was reduced by 61% while Chl b was reduced by 42%. Therefore, the Chl a/b ratio decreased from 2.8 at 0 h to 2.0 after 4 h of light treatment The carotenoid content was reduced by 40 and 60% after 1 and 4 h of Ught treatment respectively. In the control plants the Chl and carotenoid contents remained the same under identical conditions. Electrolyte Leakage Conductivity changes in the bathing medium were measured to assess the extent of destruction of plasma membranes in A L A treated plants. The leaf discs were prepared from control and 20 m M ALA-treated plants exposed to light (800 W nr ) for 2 h exposed. These leaf discs were immediately kept in bathing medium for 4 h in order to measure electrolyte leakage. The bathing medium of the leaf discs prepared from treated sample had an increase in the conductivity within 1 h of light exposure and continued up to 4 h. There was almost no change in the conductivity of the bathing medium of control leaf discs under identical conditions (Figure 2). 2

Effect of Photodynamic Damage on Thylakoid Membrane Linked Functions Most plant tetrapyrroles are localized in chloroplasts. As photodynamic damage is induced by over-accumulated tetrapyrroles, it is likely that the chloroplast membranes would be affected by photodynamic reactions. Therefore, the effect of photodynamic damage on PSI and PSII, the two major functional units of thylakoid membranes, was investigated. The effect of photodynamic damage on the electron transport activities in chloroplasts isolated from control and photodynamically damaged plants was measured polarographically. Figure 3 shows the electron transport rates of chloroplasts isolated from control and ALA-treated plants exposed to sunlight for 1/2,1, and 2 h. PSII is most susceptible to membrane perturbation (2). Photodynamic damage is no exception. PDsupported, PSH-dependent O2 evolution was inihibited around 60% within 30 min of exposure to sunlight After 1 and 2 h of exposure, the PSII activity was reduced by 75% and 80%, respectively. PSI catalyzed electron transport from DCIPH2 to M V was relatively resistant to photodynamic damage. PSI activity was reduced by 38%, 49% and 54% after 1/2,1, and 2 h of exposure to light respectively. The loss of PSII reaction prompted us to investigate the turnover rate of the 32kd D1 protein to which the reaction center Peso is bound. The D l protein has a high turnover rate, especially under stress conditions. The Pulse-chase experiments using S-methionine reveal that due to photodynamic damage the D l protein is rapidly degraded to a 29 K D protein and it is not replenished by the newly synthesized proteins (data not shown). These data suggest that the degradation of the above protein is highly accelerated and its synthesis is inhibited due to photodynamic damage. 35

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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^Aminolevulinic Acid Induced Photodynamic Damage






light exposure time, h Figure 1. Pigment contents of 20 m M ALA-treated plants exposed to light (800 Wm-2)for4h.

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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light exposure time, h

Figure 2. Changes in the conductivity of the bathing medium of cotyledon discs from control and 20 m M ALA-tieated and 2h light-exposed cucumber seedlings.

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


^-Aminolevulinic Acid Induced Photodynamic Damage

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O-j 0











light treatment, h

Figure 3. Effect of photodynamic damage on photochemical reactions of the thylakoid membranes. Cucumber seedlings sprayed with 20 m M A L A were incubated for 14 h in dark and w e e exposed to sunlight (800 W n r ) for 1/2,1, and2h. The chloroplasts wee isolated from the cotyledons immediately after light treatment and electron transport reactions wee measured as described in Materials and Methods. 2

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.




Photodynamic Damage at Low Light Intensity 2

ALA-treated plants mat were exposed to relatively low light intensity (250 W nr ) had reduced photodynamic damage. PD-supported PSH dependent O2 evolution was inhibited by 35% and 70% after 6 and 12 h erf light exposure, respectively (Table I). PSI was less susceptible to photodynamic damage and was reduced by 27% and 39% after 6 and 12 h. The whole chain electron electron transport was reduced by 38% and 65% due to light treatment for 6 and 12 h, respectively. These results demonstrate that the photodynamic damage is light intensity dependent Table I: Effect of photodynamic damage under low light intensity on the photochemical reactions of thylakoid membranes. ALA-treated plants were exposed to light (250 W n r ) for 6 and 12 h. Polarographic measurements of electron transport were carried out as described in Materials and Methods, percent inhibitions are given in parentheses.

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Photochemical reaction

control 6 h light 12 h light treatment treatment (imoles O2 m g Chl h 1

PSII assay H 0 --> PD


29 (35)






21 (38)



PSI assay DdPH ~>MV 2


Whole chain assay H 0->MV 2

ALA-Induced Photodynamic Damage in Isolated Chloroplasts Cucumber plants treated with A L A accumulate Mg-tetrapyrroles in the dark. Upon exposure of ALA-treated plants to light the excess tetrapyrroles are photo-sensitized and the consequent photodynamic reactions kill the plants within a few hours (2). Active oxygen species are involved in photodynamic damage of plants. However, it is difficult to demonstrate the production of Oi or any other oxy-radicals in an intact plant Since ALA-induced accumulation of Mg-tetrapyrrolcs occurs in chloroplasts (5), it is likely that chloroplasts may be the primary site of photodynamic reactions. In order to investigate if the photodynamic damage to the photosynthetic functions observed in chloroplasts isolated from photodynamically damaged plants was primary in nature, intact chloroplasts were isolated m dark from control and 20 m M ALA-treated cucumber plants and their PSII activity was monitored during light exposure. Chloroplasts were suspended at a concentration of 1ragchl m l and were illuminated at 100 W n r for 30 min. Chl coirantration, light intensity and duration of light exposure were chosen that caused substantial damage (50%) to PSH reaction in the treated chloroplasts and only a marginal damage (8%) in control chloroplasts. Exposure of chloroplasts to high light intensities (400 W n r ), highly impaired PSH function in the treated chloroplasts and also caused 60% damage in control chloroplasts (Figure 4). These results demonstrate mat the pigments present in chloroplasts of ALA-treated plants cause photodynamic reactions. l




Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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^-Aminolevulinic Acid Induced Photodynamic Damage






light treatment, min

Figure 4. ALA-induced photodynamic damage in isolated chloroplasts. The chloroplasts were isolated from control or 20 m M ALA-treated plants in dark and were exposed to light intensity of 100 or 400 W n r . PD supported PSH activity of above chloroplasts was measured as a function of duration of light exposure. 2

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Effect of Exogenous PSH Electron Donors As discussed above, ALA-induced photodynamic reactions caused impairment of PSII-dependent O2 evolution. In order to localize the site of damage to PSII, the effect of exogenous electron donors; Mn +, diphenylcarbazide (DPC) and NH2OH on PSE-supported DCIP photoreduction was measured in the treated chloroplasts iUuminated (100 W nr ) for 30 min. None of the above electron donors could restore PSH- mediated DCIP photoreduction in photodynamically damaged chloroplasts (Table II). NH2OH at high concentrations (10 mM) donates electrons very close to the reaction center (23). The failure of NH2OH to restore the photochemical function of PSH suggests that damage had occured very close to the reaction center. The nature of photodynamic damage to PSH in isolated chloroplasts is identical to the same observed in vivo (2). 2

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Table II: Effect of exogenous electron donors on PSH reaction of photodynamically damaged chloroplasts. ALA-treated cucumber seedlings were incubated in the dark for 14 h. Chloroplasts isolated from these plants were exposed to white light (100 W n r ) for 30 min and the PSII-dependent DCIP photoreduction was measured as described in Materials and Methods. The dark DCIP reduction rates for DPC and NH2OH were subtracted from the observed rates under illumination. 2

Exogenous electron donor

Donor concentration


0 1.0 2.0 10.0



control treated

umoles O2 mg" Chl h

mM None MnCl DPC NH OH

Rate of DCIP reduction

77 74 80 60



% 55 50 45 50

32 36 44 30

Variable Fluorescence Chloroplasts dark-adapted for 15 min show rninimal fluorescence (Fo) when PSH reaction centers are open and maximum fluorescence (Fm), when all PSH reaction centers are closed. The amount of variable fluorescence (F ) which is equal to F Fo, is an index of the functional status of PSII-mediated photochemical reactions. v


Table HI: Effect of exogenous electron donors on variable fluorescence of illuminated (100 W n r ) chloroplasts isolated from ALA-treated plants. Chloroplasts w e e isolated from A L A - treated plants and wee exposed to light for 0 or 30 min and the Chl a fluorescence transients were measured. 2



treated Oh Fo

None MnCl DPC NH OH 2


mM 0 1.0 1.0 10.0

4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0



treated0.5 h Fo

arbitrary units 11.0 4.0 10.5 4.0 11.0 4.0 11.0 4.0

Fy 6.0 6.5 6.0 6.0

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



^Aminolevulinic Acid Induced Photodynamic Damage

As shown in table HI, the apparent F was reduced by 45% in the treated chloroplasts exposed to light (100 W n r ) for 30 min. The apparent Fo, however, was not affected by photodynamic reactions. The loss of F suggests damage to PSH photochemical function. The exogenous electron donors, M n , DPC, and NH2OH failed to restore the F in treated chloroplasts (Table HI). These results confirm that in isolated chloroplasts the photodynamic damage occurs at the oxidizing side of PSH, at a location close to the reaction center. v



2 +


Protection of P S H by Scavengers o f Active Oxygen Species Activated forms of O2 are implicated in the damage to the thylakoid membranes (24). The possible toxic oxygen species generated are OHP, O2", H2O2, and Oz (25). A variety of scavengers and quenchers of specific reactive oxygen species were employed to trace their relative contributions to photodynamic damage in isolated intact chloroplasts (3). It was shown previously that in treated chloroplasts, the 02 scavenger histidine (10 mM) (26) protected PSH-mediated Q2 evolution by 85%, the singlet oxygen quencher NaN3 (2 mM) (27) protected PSH reaction by 65% and OH scavenger formate (28) did not have any effect Scavengers of O2", SOD (29-31) and l^-dihydroxybenzene-3^-disulphonic acid (tiron) (32), are impermeable to intact chloroplasts. It was thus difficult to determine whether the (^--scavengers could protect PSH photochemical function. Thylakoid membranes were prepared from the intact chloroplasts isolated from ALA-treated and dark-incubated plants. Most of the Pchlide is bound to the thylakoid membranes. Therefore, the permeability problem of SOD and tiron was overcome by using the isolated thylakoid membranes prepared from control and treated plants. The isolated thylakoid membranes wee suspended at a concentration of 1 mg chl m l and were illuminated at an intensity of 100 W n r . Like intact chloroplasts, Illumination of naked thylakoid membranes for 30 min inactivated PSH reaction of PD-supported O2 evolution of treated samples to the extent of 50% and did not cause any substantial damage to the control samples (figure 5). IUumination of the thylakoid membranes in the presence of O2" scavengers, superoxide dismutase and tiron, did not protect P S H However, as observed for intact chloroplasts, illumination of thylakoid membranes in the presence of the Oi scavengers histidine and Naty protected the PSH reaction to the extent of 85% and 65%, respectively. The OH° scavenger formate also failed to protect PSH. These results suggest that the 02 is the active oxygen species involved in ALA-induced photodynamic damage of plants.

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Involvement of Tetrapyrroles i n Photodynamic Damage In order to determine the nature of pigments involved in photodynamic damage, the thylakoid membranes isolated from control and ALA-treated plants were exposed to light (100 W n r ) for various lengths of time and the concentrations of tetrapyrrole intermediates of the chl biosynthetic pathway present in the the membranes were measured spectioOu(m>-metrically (20-21). The pigments present in the membrane were extracted in 80% acetone. Hexane extracted acetone residue (HEAR) w e e prepared from the acetone extract as described in materials and methods. The H E A R fraction contains the non-esterified tetrapyrroles of Proto IX, Mg-proto IX, Mgprotoporphyrin monoeste, Pchlide and Chlide. The fluorescence enission spectra of H E A R excited at 400 nm ( E400), 420 nm ( E o ), and 440 nm (E440) elicit the the peaks of Proto DC at 632 nm (E400 F 32), Mg-Proto and M P E at 592 nm (E o F592X Pchlide at 638 nm (E440 $m) and Chlide at 675 nm (E440IV75). However, these components, especially Proto IX, Pchlide, and Chlide, have overlapping 2



Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


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1 0


treated + NaN3

| 20 light treatment, min






Figure 5. Effect of scavengers on light (100 W n r ) induced photodynamic damage of PS II photochemical reaction in isolated thylakoid membranes isolated from control and ALA-treated plants. The concentrations of the scavengers of active O2 species were: histidine, 10 m M ; NaN3,2mM; formate, 10 m M ; tiron, 30 m M ; SOD, 100 units m l . 1

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


^Aminolevulinic Acid Induced Photodynamic Damage


fluorescence spectra and need to be corrected at their respective peak positions for the contributions due to other interfering components. The corrected and deconvoluted emission amplitudes were calculated and quantified using appropriate equations and calibration curves (20). As shown in figure 6, the concentrations of Proto DC, and M P E in the thylakoid membranes isolated from ALA-treated cucumber plants were very low and remained almost constant throughout the iUumination. As Pchlide remains attached to the thylakoid membranes its content was very high (1075 nmoles 100 mg- thylakoid protein). Upon iUumination Pchlide concentration decreased to an extent of 20% within 15 min probably due to its photo-transformation to Chlide and may be partially due to photodegradation. The remaining Pchlide was nonphototransformable and slightly declined after 1 h, probably due to its partial photodestruction. The protein content of the thylakoid membrane remained constant throughout the light treatment It is possible that the Chlide formed by phototransformation of Pchlide was phytylated by the chl synthetase reaction and was integrated into the thylakoid membranes where it participated in light-driven photosynthetic reactions. However, the light energy absorbed by the nonphototransformable Pchlide population would not transfer energy to the photosynthetic reaction centers. Consequently, the absorbed energy in a type H photo-sensitization reaction would be transfered to molecular O2, leading to the formation of highly reactive IQ2. Therefore, the non-transformable Pchlide appears to be the most likely candidate responsible for the photodynamic damage.

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Production of Superoxide Radical (O2") In a type I photosensitization reaction, the triplet sensitizer directly reacts with the substrate to generate Oz~ (75). To investigate if O2" is formed in tetrapyrroleinduced photodynamic reactions due to type I photosensitization reactions, its production was monitored in the thylakoid membranes isolated from dark-incubated plants. The production of O2" by the thylakoid membranes exposed to light (400 W n r ) was monitored by cytochrome c reduction, as described in Materials and Methods. As shown in table IV, the amount of ( V produced by the control and the treated thylakoid was almost the same. The Q f produced by the control and treated thylakoid membranes in light was abolished by D C M U , an inhibitor acting at the reducing side of PSH of the photosynthetic electron transport chain. This suggests that the production of O2" in the control and treated thylakoids had its origin from the photosynthetic electron transport chain due to the Mehler (33) reaction at the acceptor side of PSI and therefore, type I photosensitization reaction was not involved. 2

Table IV: Production of Q2" in thylakoid membranes isolated from control and A L A treated plants. Thylakoid membranes were suspended at a concentration of 1 mg Chl m l and illuminated at a light intensity erf 400 W n r . 1





nmoles O2" m g protein h 1

Control ALA-treated

20 25

4 5



% 80 80

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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illumination time, min 2

Figure 6. ProtoDC, M P E , and Pchlide contents of light exposed (100 W n r ) thylakoid membranes isolated from ALA-treated plants. The above pigment contents of the thylakoid membranes isolated from control plants were 20-30 nmoles 100 m g protein. 1

Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.


6-Aminolevulinic Acid Induced Photodynamic Damage 79

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DISCUSSION Due to photodynamic damage, the Chl content was Deduced by 60 % within 4 h of light exposure (Figure 1). However, the rate of loss of Chl a was higher than that of Chlfc. The progressive decrease in the Chl a/b ratio suggests preferential loss of Chl a enriched light harvesting chlorophyll protein complex I over that of Chl b enriched light harvesting chlorophyll protein complex IL The increase in conductivity (Figure 2) of the bathing medium of photodynamically damaged leaves suggests that the plasma membrane is damaged, causing solute leakage. Therefore, the death of the plants could be due to ultimate destruction of plasma membrane and cellular integrity. ALA-induced photodynamic damage of plants could also be due to the impairment of various vital functions. Mg-rx)rphyrins which accumulate due to ALA treatment are localized in the chloroplasts. Therefore, the photodynamic damage should affect the chloroplasts. The inhibition of PSH and PSI electron transport suggests that the photodynamic reactions damage thylakoid membranes. The damage to PSH was higher than to PSI (Figure 3). The former is usually more sensitive to stress than the latter (2). The 32 KD D l protein has a high turnover rate which rapidly increases during stress such as photoinihibition (29). Pulse chase experiments demonstrated a rapid degradation of D1 protein due to photodynamic damage. Photodynamic damage is dependent on light intensity. Reduction of light intensity from 800 W nr to 250 W nr reduced the extent of damage of ALA-treated plants (Table I). The electron transport chain of chloroplasts isolated from ALA-treated plants exposed to low light intensity of250 W n r was only partially impaired. This suggests that the production of toxic O2 species mediated by photodynamic reaction in ALA-treated plants is limited by light intensity. The loss of photochemical function due to photodynamic reaction is primary in nature. In illuminated chloroplasts isolated from AL\-treated plants tl^ failure of exogenous PSH electron donors, M n , DPC, and NH2OH to restore the P680mediated photochemical reactions (Tables n, ID) suggests that the damage to PSH is very close to the reaction center. The nature of photodynamic damage to PSH in isolated chloroplasts is identical to the same observed in vivo (2). Identical nature of damage to PSH in intact plants and isolated chloroplasts suggest that the photodynamic damage to photosynthetic apparatus is primary and not due to any indirect effect The Oi scavengers, histidine, and Naty, could protect the thylakoid membrane linked function of PSH (Figure 5). However, formate, the scavenger of OH°, failed to protect PSH activity against photodynamic damage. Neither SOD nor tiron protected the PSH reaction. These results confirm that Oz is the active oxygen species involved in the photodynamic damage. The involvement of Oi has also been demonstrated in photodynamic therapy of cancerous cells of animal tissues (37). In thylakoid membranes, isolatedfromALA-treated plants the abundant Chl precursor is Pchlide (Figure 6). Photodyiiamic damage to PSH in thylakoids prepared from ALA-treated tissues confirm that Pchlide is the photosensitizer responsible for the damage. However, this remains to be ascertained by studying the action spectrum of photodynamic damage. If the action spectrum of photodynamic reaction matches the absorption spectrum of Pchlide, it could be then concluded that Pchlide is responsible for photodynamic reaction. In addition to type H photosensitization of tetrapyrroles that generate 02, type I photosensitization could lead to the production of O2". However, abolition of O2" production by DCMU in both control and treated thylakoid membranes (Table IV) indicates that O2" was formed at the reducing side of PSI and notfromthe type I photosensitization reaction of Pchlide. 2








Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



This work was supported by a grant from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India. The author wishes to thank Dr. David Obenland for editing the manuscript

Downloaded by CORNELL UNIV on August 23, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: April 15, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1994-0559.ch005

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Duke and Rebeiz; Porphyric Pesticides ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.