plastics preheating. Specifications for load-handling capacity, heating rates, power input requirements, and dimen sions are given for each model with typical applications illustrated. Dept. IEC, Girdler Process Equipment Divi sion, Chemetron Corp., 222 East Broad way, Louisville 1, Ky. 51 Diaphragm Pumps. Bulletin 14S gives information on the design and a p plication of pumps for corrosive, abra sive, viscous, and other hard-to-handle fluids with complete engineering and selection data. Dept. IEC, T. Shriver & Co., Inc., 892 Hamilton St., Harrison, N. J. 52 Filter Pumps. New catalog, Bulletin M - l , contains illustrations and specifi cations for various pump models and a filter-pump selection guide listing many electroplating and industrial solutions with recommended filter pumps. Dept. IEC, Sethco Mfg. Corp., 2284 Babylon Turnpike, Merrick, Ν. Υ. 53 Turbine-Type Pumps. Drawings, se lection tables, limitation charts, dimen sions, construction specifications, and engineering specifications are included in Bulletin S - l l l describing Apco line of turbine pumps for a variety of chemical processing applications. Dept. IEC, Aurora Pump Division, The New York Air Brake Co., Loucks St., Aurora, III. 54 Ductile Iron Regulators. Bulletin J-DI describes composition, properties, specifications, comparison tables, and test results for ductile iron valves and is a condensed catalog of regulators and control valves available in ductile iron. Dept. IEC, OPW-Jordan Corp., 6013 Wiehe Rd., Cincinnati IS, Ohio. 55 Heat Exchanger Tubes. Technical bulletin gives attributes of welded steel tubing for heat exchangers. Bull. TB431, Dept. IEC, Sales Division, Babcock & Wilcox Co., 712 Eleventh St., Beaver Falls, Pa. 56 Valves and Fittings. Dimensional data, drawings, specific applications, and standard connections data for stainless steel taper seal valves and fit tings assigned for pressures to 15,000 p.s.i. are included in Catalog 759. Dept. IEC, High Pressure Equipment Co., Inc., Erie, Pa. 57
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Du Pont
DIMETHYLACETAMIDE in commercial quantities This highly polar alkyl amide is both a versatile solvent and a reaction catalyst A s a Catalyst and S o l v e n t f o r Reactions Like other alkyl carboxylic amides, Du Pont Dimethylacetamide (DMAC) has the unusual ability to serve as a reaction catalyst. It can convert molecules into reactive forms by solvation and high dielectric effect. Reactions improved by the use of Du Pont DMAC include: elimination reactions; halogenations; cyclization; alkylations; interesterification; hydrocyanations; preparation of nitriles; and preparation of organic acid chlorides.
A s a General S o l v e n t Du Pont DMAC is an excellent solvent for synthetic polymers, natu ral gums and resins. Because it is highly polar, dimethylacetamide has been found particularly useful as a solvent for polyacrylonitrile, its co-polymers, and inter-polymers. The unique solvent power of DMAC makes it a valuable chemical for use in a number of applica tions, including crystallization and purification solvent, non-aqueous electrolytic solvent and paint remover. FURTHER DATA on Du Pont DMAC—its physical and chemical prop erties and other uses—are outlined in the new Product Information Bulletin prepared by Du Pont. For your copy, just mail the coupon.
DU PONT * « . U.S. PAT.Off-
Ε. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.) Industrial and Biochemicals Dept. Km. N-2533IE, Wilmington 98, Del. Please send me your new Product Information Bulletin on Du Pont DMAC. Νa m e
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