Ε. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

May 18, 2012 - Ε. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1959, 51 (12), pp 115A–115A. DOI: 10.1021/i650600a790. Publication Date: December 1...
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plastics preheating. Specifications for load-handling capacity, heating rates, power input requirements, and dimen­ sions are given for each model with typical applications illustrated. Dept. IEC, Girdler Process Equipment Divi­ sion, Chemetron Corp., 222 East Broad­ way, Louisville 1, Ky. 51 Diaphragm Pumps. Bulletin 14S gives information on the design and a p ­ plication of pumps for corrosive, abra­ sive, viscous, and other hard-to-handle fluids with complete engineering and selection data. Dept. IEC, T. Shriver & Co., Inc., 892 Hamilton St., Harrison, N. J. 52 Filter Pumps. New catalog, Bulletin M - l , contains illustrations and specifi­ cations for various pump models and a filter-pump selection guide listing many electroplating and industrial solutions with recommended filter pumps. Dept. IEC, Sethco Mfg. Corp., 2284 Babylon Turnpike, Merrick, Ν. Υ. 53 Turbine-Type Pumps. Drawings, se­ lection tables, limitation charts, dimen­ sions, construction specifications, and engineering specifications are included in Bulletin S - l l l describing Apco line of turbine pumps for a variety of chemical processing applications. Dept. IEC, Aurora Pump Division, The New York Air Brake Co., Loucks St., Aurora, III. 54 Ductile Iron Regulators. Bulletin J-DI describes composition, properties, specifications, comparison tables, and test results for ductile iron valves and is a condensed catalog of regulators and control valves available in ductile iron. Dept. IEC, OPW-Jordan Corp., 6013 Wiehe Rd., Cincinnati IS, Ohio. 55 Heat Exchanger Tubes. Technical bulletin gives attributes of welded steel tubing for heat exchangers. Bull. TB431, Dept. IEC, Sales Division, Babcock & Wilcox Co., 712 Eleventh St., Beaver Falls, Pa. 56 Valves and Fittings. Dimensional data, drawings, specific applications, and standard connections data for stainless steel taper seal valves and fit­ tings assigned for pressures to 15,000 p.s.i. are included in Catalog 759. Dept. IEC, High Pressure Equipment Co., Inc., Erie, Pa. 57


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Du Pont

DIMETHYLACETAMIDE in commercial quantities This highly polar alkyl amide is both a versatile solvent and a reaction catalyst A s a Catalyst and S o l v e n t f o r Reactions Like other alkyl carboxylic amides, Du Pont Dimethylacetamide (DMAC) has the unusual ability to serve as a reaction catalyst. It can convert molecules into reactive forms by solvation and high dielectric effect. Reactions improved by the use of Du Pont DMAC include: elimination reactions; halogenations; cyclization; alkylations; interesterification; hydrocyanations; preparation of nitriles; and preparation of organic acid chlorides.

A s a General S o l v e n t Du Pont DMAC is an excellent solvent for synthetic polymers, natu­ ral gums and resins. Because it is highly polar, dimethylacetamide has been found particularly useful as a solvent for polyacrylonitrile, its co-polymers, and inter-polymers. The unique solvent power of DMAC makes it a valuable chemical for use in a number of applica­ tions, including crystallization and purification solvent, non-aqueous electrolytic solvent and paint remover. FURTHER DATA on Du Pont DMAC—its physical and chemical prop­ erties and other uses—are outlined in the new Product Information Bulletin prepared by Du Pont. For your copy, just mail the coupon.

DU PONT * « . U.S. PAT.Off-

Ε. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.) Industrial and Biochemicals Dept. Km. N-2533IE, Wilmington 98, Del. Please send me your new Product Information Bulletin on Du Pont DMAC. Νa m e




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