merely a compendium of trade- names, formulations, and applica- tions. It is most helpful in that it explains the reasons behind each formulation and ...
m q New ... CO-97andCO-90 ... as made by Williams ... meet all chemical and physical requirements Of U. S. Navy Specification. MIL-C-l5169(Shipr)forType I and Type 11. They are pmduee
ments of radioactivity with special emphasis on biological ... which deal with basic chemical problems such as the special ... can be used in the elucidation of un-.
fact has made his subject, and one cannot read ten consecutive pages without perceiving the difference .... the phonograph a more uniform intensity of the voice is required to produce the record, otherwise the lower ..... frequency radiation as depen
Price: 33 ?narks; hourid 3.5 marks. This is the fifth edition in name and the third edition in fact, because the so-called third and fourth editions Tvere merely the second edition reprinted. The great change in the last ten years is that biology and
the author has taught a course, in cluding such ... advocates a similar course for all types of ... brilliant color and transparency in automotive finishes, high grade ...
(BibliothBgue de la Revue gBn6vale des Sciences). z4 x 22 cm I. pp. 220. Pavis : Geoifges Caid et C. Nnud, 1900. Price: cloth, 5 francs. -Pyrometry, which was formerly a mere comparison of different available temperature func- tions, is now ripening
directly attached to carbon; bodies containing one nitrogen atom attached to carbon; compounds containing ... “Hence the apparent strength of the base is smaller than the real strength, and the more so the greater .... But there is much evidence to s
rh x 2; CIII; 26.7 fi). Arris: A. Hcn/Iaiiu, iS9d. Pricc : papt.~ royroiics. - The Gerinaii edition of this work reatly lieen reriewetl (2, 2 j 6 j so that it is only necessary to call attentioti to tlie esistetice of a French translation. to the pro
preceding definition of radioactive substances and which appear not to have a permanent radioactivity. It has not yet been isolated but mixtures of it with inactive ..... they must now become a part of all scientific professions and must be adapted t
to take the widest tubes, serves as a water seal for connecting the outer jacket C. The liquid condens- ing on the walls of the outer tube automatically fills.