10-trans-Cinnamoylmelittoside and Other Iridoids from Castilleja

Chemotaxonomic aspects of iridoids occurring inPlantago subg.Psyllium (Plantaginaceae). Emilia Andrzejewska-Golec , Silke Ofterdinger-Daegel , Ihsan C...
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Jonmal of Natural Pradvrrs Vol. 51, N O .3,pp. 614-616, May-jun 1988



FROM CASTILLEJA WIGHTIl' GILBERT N. BELOFSKYand FRANK R. STERMITZ. Department of Chemistry, Colorah State University, F w t Collins, Colorah 80523

We have been interested in the chemistry of Castilkja (Scrophulariaceae) species that are host to Platyptilia or Amblyptilia plume moths (1) or to Euphydryas checkerspot butterflies (2,3). A Castilleja native of the north central California coast, Castilleja wightii Elmer, is host to Platyptilia pica near Half Moon Bay in San Mateo County ( 4 ) and to Euphydryas editha in southwestern Mendocino County (M. Singer, personal communication, 1987). We report here on the iridoid glycoside content of a C. wightii population near Half Moon Bay. The two major iridoids of C. wightii were found to be mussaenoside and 10trans-cinnamoylmelittoside 111, a new iridoid whose structure was determined as described below. Bartsioside was identified as a major iridoid, and a small amount of the bitter phenylpropanoid glycoside verbascoside was also isolated. The molecular formula of 1 was established as C3&38016 by high resolution mass spectrometry (hrfabms). Acetylation yielded a peracetate containing nine acetyl groups (C&H5,& by hrfabms).





'Paper 12 in the series "Chemistry of the Scrophulariaceae. For Paper 1 1 , see Gardner and Sterrnitz ( 3 ) . "

The 'H-nmr spectrum of 1 showed resonances typical for a trans-cinnamoyl group, and this was confirmed by the 13C-nmr spectrum (Table 1). In the 13C spectrum, 28 different carbons were seen, and, because two equivalent carbon pairs are present in the phenyl ring of the cinnamoyl moiety, all of the required 30 carbons were accounted for. Twelve carbon resonances (two groups of six closely matched pairs) were in the 62-100 ppm region of the I3C-nmr spectrum. This fact suggested the presence of two sugar units as p-Dglucopyranoses, which was confirmed by the 13C-nmr chemical shift values and two anomeric proton doublet resonances at 4.64 and 4.69 pprn in the 'H-nmr spectrum. The chemical shifts of the 13C resonances were typical of those for two independent glucopyranoses. Disaccharides linked at C-1, C-4, or C-6 show chemical shifts for these carbons which are 4-8 ppm removed from those observed for 1 (5,6). Two glucopyranose moieties would account for eight of the acetyl groups in the peracetate, so one additional O H must be present in 1. Nearly all 'H- and 13C-nmr resonances were quite close to those reported for melittoside 121 (7), with the exception of those expected to be changed upon placement of a trans-cinnamoyl group at C-10. The particular differences, besides those due to the cinnamoyl group proper, were the C-10 'H resonance at 4.87 ppm in 1, in contrast to 4.30 pprn in 2, and the C-10 13Cresonance at 63.1 pprn for 1, in comparison to 60.1 ppm in 2. The structure was confirmed by INEPT and 'H-13C COSY nmr spectra, the data from which are included in Table 1.

May-Jun 19881

Belofsky and Stermitz:

Iridoids from Castilleja


TABLE1. 13C-’H-Nmr COSY and ‘k-Nrnr INEPT Spectral Data for 10-tram-Cinnarnovlrnelittoside111(Solvent CD,OD, ppm). I3c-nmr

INEPT (carbon type)

Correlation to ‘H-nmr peak 3.3 3.64-3.89 3.64-3.89 4.87

7 1.18 71.91 75.11 75.36 77.55 78.28 78.43 78.63


80.44 80.5 1 94.88 98.76 99.98 105.54 118.72 129.5 1 130.24 131.59 131.81 135.91 142.06 143.80 147.08 168.18



Peak 52.63 62.43 63.00 63.14


3.27 to 3.43


5.63 4.64 4.69 5.15 6.58 7.62 7.41 5.91 7.41


6.42 7.74 -

Carbon’ c-9 C-6‘ c-10 c-4‘ c-2“ c-2’ c-3“ c-3‘ c-5“ c-5’ C-6 c-5 c-1

c-1“ } c-1’ c-4

a C-3”’,C-5’” C-2’”,C-6’” c-7 C-4”‘ c-1”‘ C-8 c-3



‘Bracketed values are interchangeable.

EXPERIMENTAL. Plant material was collected at Bean Hollow, near Half Moon Bay, San Mateo County, California, by L.R. Heckard in 1985 and by J.R. Stermitz in 1987. It was identified as C. wightii by L.R. Heckard, Department of Botany, University of California at Berkeley, and a voucher specimen was deposited in the Jepson Herbarium at Berkeley. The Heckard collection was air dried and stored at room temperature for 1 year before analysis, while the Stermitz collection was analyzed 10 days after collection without special drying. Isolation results were essentially the same on both collections. Dried and ground whole aboveground plants (Heckard collection), 16.5 g, were stirred in MeOH overnight, filtered, and the solution evaporated to yield a gummy solid which was dissolved in H,O and extracted three times with Et,O, three times with CHCI,, and three times with n-BuOH. T h e n-BuOH layer was evaporated to dryness to yield 2.4 g of residue. Of this residue, 1.0 g was subjected to flash chromato-

graphy (Si gel; CHCI,3-MeOH, 70:30 increasing to 50:50). Combination of the first 11 fractions yielded 477 mg which was subjected to medium pressure liquid chromatography (mplc) (Si gel; CH,C12-EtOH, 80:20 increasing to 50:50). T h e first fraction yielded 35 mg of bartsioside and the second 122 mg of mussaenoside. Fractions 19-53 from the flash chromatography were combined to yield 356 mg of residue. This was subjected to mplc as above to yield 13 mg of verbascoside from the first fraction and 34 mg of 1 from the second fraction. Two subsequent fractions yielded 48 and 60 mg of 1 , contaminated with small amounts of unidentified compounds. Bartsioside had ‘H- and I3C-nmr spectra and tlc data identical with those of a previous isolate ( 8 ) and an authentic sample. Mussaenoside and verbascoside had tlc data and high field ‘H-nmr spectra identical with previous isolates (9).

~O-TRANX-CINNAMOYLMELITTOSIDE [l].Amorphous solid; [IX]’~D -8.3 (c= 1.2, MeOH); hrfabms [M+ Na]+ 677.2025, calcd for C,,H,,0,6Na, 677.2046; nonaacetate de-

6 16

Journal of Natural Products


Wol. 5 1, No. 3

rivative hrfabrns found: [M Li]+ 1039.3298, L.R. Heckard for the original plant collection and calcd for C,,H,,O,,Li, 1039.3271. Uv X rnax identification and J.R. Sterrnitz for the second (MeOH) 276 nm. Ftir (neat, NaCI) crn-’ 3338 plant collection. vs, 2921 rn, 1709 rn, 1656 m, 1636 rn, 1165 s, LITERATURE CITED 1068 vs, 1014 vs, 947 rn, 863 rn, 769 rn;‘H nrnr (CD,OD, 500 MHz, Bruker 500) 6 3.27-3.43 1. F.R. Sterrnitz, G.H. Harris, and W . Jing, 3.64(9H, rn, H-9, H-2’,3’,4’,5’,2”,3”,4”,5”), Biochem. Syst. Erol., 14,499 (1986). 3.89 (4H, rn, H-6’,6”), 4.43 ( l H , br s, H-6), 2. F.R. Sterrnitz, D.R. Gardner, F.J. Oden4.64(1H, d, 7.7, H-l“), 4.69(1H, d, 7.7, Hdaal, and P.R. Ehrlich, J . Chem. Ecol., 12, l’), 4.87 (2H, H-lo), 5.15 ( l H , d, 6.4, H-4), 1459 (1986). 5.63 ( l H , d, 4.4, H-l), 5.91 ( l H , br s, H-7), 3. D.R. Gardner and F.R. Sterrnitz, J. Chem. 6.42(1H,d,6.4,H-3),6.58(1H,d, 16.1,~1), Ecol., 14 (in press). 7.41 (3H, rn, H-2”’,4”‘,6”‘), 7.62 (2H, rn, H4. H . Lange, Hilgardia, 19,561 (1950). 3’”,5”’), 7.74 ( I H , d, 16.1, p); 13C nmr 5. E. Breitrnaier and W . Vmlter, “13CNMR (CD,OD, 67 MHz, Bruker 270) see Table 1; ‘HSpectroscopy,” 2nd ed., Verlag-Chemie, 13CCOSY nrnr (CD,OD, General Electric 4300) Weinheirn New York, 1978. see Table 1. 6. G.N. Belofsky, M.S. Thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, 1987. ACKNOWTXDGMENTS 7. A. Bianco, P. Passacantilli, G. Righi, M. Nicoletti, and M. Serafini, Phytwhmistry, This work was supported by grant CHE25, 1981 (1986). 852 1382 from the National Science Foundation. 8. G. Harris, Ph.D. Dissertation, Colorado The 500 MHz ’H-nrnr spectrum was obtained at State University, Fort Collins, CO, 1987. the Colorado State University Regional NMR 9. D.R. Gardner, J. Narum, D. Zook, and Center funded by NSF Grant CHE-820882 1. We F.R. Sterrnitz, J . Nat. Prod., 50, 485 are especially grateful to Dr. Dale R. Gardner and (1987). the Procter and Gamble Company for obtaining the ‘H-’3C-COSY nrnr spectrum. Wealso thank Received 10 Decem& I987