105th meeting of the American Chemical Society. Division of Chemical

105th meeting of the American Chemical Society. Division of Chemical Education. Paul H. Fall. J. Chem. Educ. , 1943, 20 (6), p 286. DOI: 10.1021/ed020...
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105th Meeting of the American Chemical Society DIVISION OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION Detroit, Michigan, April 12-16,1943 MINUTES OP TEE EXECUTIVE C0-1IEE T H E Executive Committee of the Division of Chemical Education met in the Crystal Room of the Masonic Tcmplr, I)rtroit, hlichigan at 0: I0 P r Cat the close of the "Symposium un Civilian Preparedness for Chemical Warfare" on Tuesday, April 13. Those present were A. J. Currier, Chairman, L. L. Quill, ViceChairman, C. E. White, Treasurer, P. H. Fall, Secretary. Also present for a portion of the meeting were N. W. Rakestraw and M. V. McGill. The treasurer reported that the payments of annual dues, for which notices weresent out in earlv March. were auite disaonointing since such a small percentage had re,ponded hfethod* to be employed for increasing the responsc were dircus~cd hut no definite action was taken by the committee. Mr. M. V. McGill asked if some funds of the Division could be used t o help defray some of the expenses of the Committee of which Dr. B. S. Hapkins and he are members. This committee represents the American Chemical Society and is one of five different groups comprising a national cooperative committee on science teaching. Mr. McGill explained that this committee of two (Dr. Hopkins and Mr. McGill) is really carrying on work which would logically have fallen to the High School Committee to do. This latter committee is one sponsored and authorized by the Division of Chemical Education and Mr. McGill has been


itrchairman ,incr itsinception some yearbago. llut the Hopkins3lcGill Committee il: \ponsorcd and authorirrd, not by the 1)ivisioo of Chemical I