Nov 6, 2010 - THERE'LL BE BIG DOINGS at the National Chemical Exposition's l0th biennial conclave to be held in Chicago's International Amphitheatre, ...
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Windy City Hosts Chemical Exposition

X H E H E ' L L B E HIC; O O I \ ( ; S at the National (Chemical Exposition's l()th biennial conclave to he held in Chicago's International Amphitheatre, Sept. 9 through 12. (The- 134th meeting of AC'S w i l l meet also in Chicago, Sept. 7 to 12.) On hand w i l l he 150 commercial exhibitors representing the entire range of the chemical process industries—chemicals, equipment, laboratory supplies, accessories, a n d services. Those attending the exposition, sponsored by the ACS Chicago Section, w i l l not only get first-hand information on what's new in the chemical industry, but they w i l l he treated to a host of special exhibits, programs, and features. For the keynote of this year's exposition is twofold—information and pleasure». • Special Exhibits. This 10th National Chemical Exposition w i l l feature a round of special exhibits. Argoime National Laboratory w i l l show a model of its boiling water reactor. A n d for the souvenir hunters, Argoime w i l l have a metallurgical exhibit w h i c h w i l l include a melting pot for casting souvenir models of the reactor. Also on hand from Argonne w i l l be a slave manipulator, a model of the Argonaut reactor, and a l i q u i d sodium p u m p . Other special exhibits will include: • An exhibit ol the atomic, biological, and chemical activities of the A r m y Chemical Corps. • YVestinghouse w i l l show an atomic power plant model. Featured w i l l be tape-recorded descriptions synchronized with the animated operating cycle of the display • A full-sized jet engine» w i l l be displayed by the F o r d Motor Co. • Bedstone Arsenal will have a display ol missiles, stalled by specialists. • A nine-foot model of the Nautilus, atomic-powered submarine, w i l l he1 on hand from the Navy. • Farrington Daniels of the University of Wisconsin w i l l show a solar cooker. • Student Program. A complimentary bullet luncheon, four short talks on the chemical industry and what to expect treni it, and guided tours ol the exposition have been included in a special program lor students on Friday, Sept. 12. Admission w i l l be by invitation only, and limited to college and university graduate students, seniors, and juniors. Invitations are available Iroin the exposition office on request. Charles K. Hunt of the Cniversity o l Illinois, Navv Fier Branch, heads the program.

• Trail Blazers. This year, as in previous ones, chemists can display new ideas and materials in the Chemical Trail Blazers Exhibit. The purpose of the T r a i l Blazers is to give the individual scientist or research team a chance to tell the w o r l d what he has done. Further information on Trail Blazers may be obtained f r o m : National C h e m i cal Exposition, 86 East Randolph St.. Chicago 1 . 111. Some of this year's Trail Blazers: • Scientists from the National Institutes of Health and Lederle Research Laboratories w i l l detail recent work on leukemia. A n t i t u m o r agents of the antimetabolite type w i l l he shown by Midwest Research Institute scientists. • A panel of researchers from Rayonier w i l l show the use of radiocarbon in studying tree growth. This w i l l include a w o r k i n g model w i t h actual tree seedlings. • Scientists from Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory w i l l explain their work on back scattering on beta particles and on beta excited x-rays. • Other individual exhibits w i l l cover work in the synthesis of isoprenoids. arrangement of amino acids in polypeptide hormones, synthesis of harazines. chemical control of s h i p w o r m . and preparation of quart/, fibers and foamed aluminum. • The Show's the Thing. The exposition has taken over "My Fair L a d y " on Thursday night. Sept. 1 1. Tickets w i l l he available at box office prices. Requests for réservations must be submitted in advance w i t h remittance (orchestra and mezzanine. $6.00; first balcony. $4.40 and $4.90). And for the amateur photographer, the i 958 photographic· exhibit tor chemists look like it's going to he the biggest yet. One feature ol the show w i l l be a showing of special color movies by Walter MeCrone on chemical microscopy . Also featured is a chemists' art exhibit. As in former years (this is the f i f t h ) , regular entries will he divided into modern and classical groups, w i t h a separate jury and set of awards for each. This year's exhibit is dedicated to the late Harry N. Holmes of Oherlin College and a past President ol the American Chemical Society. He was chairman ol the fourth show in Cleveland in 1950. and was one of tinoriginators and staunchest supporters of the exhibit. T w o of his pictures w i l l be shown in the exhibit. ACS Chicago Section has provided chartered buses which w i l l run from the Sherman. Morrison, Palmer House, and Conrad Hilton hotels, at regular, short intervals direct to the Amphitheatre. AUG.


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WHO'S WHERE? ACE GLASS, INC . 1938 N o r t h w e s t B l v d , V i n e i a n d . N. J 120 ACE PROCESSING EQUIPMENT CO . 6823 S Kenwood Ave . Chicago 37. III. 233-234 ACME PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CO., 1201 Kalamazoo. South Haven. M i c h . 119 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY. 1155 S i x t e e n t h S t . . Ν W . Washington 6. D C 79-80 WM AINSWORTH & SONS. 2151 Lawrence St.. Denver. 5. Colo. 85 ALOE S C I E N T I F I C . 5655 Kingsbury B l v d . . St. Louis 12. M o . 211 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. 1515 Massachusetts Ave., Washington 5. D C. 95 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W.. W a s h i n g t o n 6. D C 79-80 AMFRICAN HEAT RECLAIMING CORP . 1270 S i x t h Ave.. New York. Ν Υ 47 AMERICAN INSTRUMENT CO.. 8030 Georgia Ave., Silver S p r i n g , M d . 94 AMERICAN STERILIZER CO.. 2424 W. 2?rd St.. Erie 4 . Pa. 207 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 1155 S i x t e e n t h St N.W.. Washington 6, D C 79-80 APV CO.. INC., 137 Arthur St.. B u f f a l o 7. Ν Υ. 226 ARMOUR CHEMICALS DIV , 1355 W 31st St. Chicago 9. I l l 208

BAIRD ATOMIC, I N C . . 33 U n i v e r s i t y Rd . Cambridge 38, Mass. 156 BARNSTEAD STILL & STERILIZER CO. 2 L a n e s v i l l e Terrace. Boston 3 1 . Mass 90-91 BEL ARTS PRODUCTS. 4917 Murphy PI.. West New York, Ν J. 155 Β J ELECTRONICS. BORG WARNER. 3300 Newport Blvd.. Santa Ana. Calif. 225 BLUE M ELECTRIC CO.. 138th & Chatham Sts.. Blue I s l a n d . I I I . 1 BOOK SHOP BINDERY, 58C9 W D i v i s i o n St.. Chicago 5 1 , H I . 118 BRINKMAN INSTRUMENTS, 115 C u t t e r M i l l Rd.. Great Neck. L. I . Ν. Υ . 35 BUFFALO WIRE WORKS. I N C . 3 2 0 Terrace, B u f f a l o 2. Ν Υ. 218

CALIFORNIA PELLET M I L L CO. 1114 Ε Wabash A v e . C r a w f o r d s v i l l e . Ind 220-221 CALLERY CHEMICAL C O . 9600 Perry Hwy., P i t t s b u r g h 37. Pa 210 CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC C O . 1700 I r v i n g Park Rd , Chicago 13, H i 238 CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS. 1155 S i x t e e n t h St . Ν W . Washington 6. Π C 79-80 CHEMO PURO MFG CO.. 150 Doremus Ave.. Newark 5. Ν ) 206 CHICAGO APPARATUS CO , 1735 IN. Ashland Ave , Chicago 22. I l l 261 COLEMAN INSTRUMENTS. INC . 3 1 8 Madison S t . M a y w o o d . Ml 108 COMMERCIAL FILTERS C O R P . 2 Mam St M e l r o s e 76. Mass 85 CONTINENTAL CAN CO . 100 Ε 42nd St . New York 17. Ν Υ 78 COORS PORCELAIN CO . u o i d e n . Colo 71 CORNELL MACHINE CO . 99 Wall St . New Y o r k . Ν. Υ 46 CORNING GLASS WORKS. C o r n i n g . Ν Υ 212-213 COULTER INDUSTRIAL SALES CO Box 22. Elmhurst. !M 249 TROLL REYNOLDS, INC , WestfienJ. Ν I 45 CROLL REYNOLDS ENGINEERING CO . ]7 John St . Ne Λ York. Ν Υ 44


DAIGGFR Κ CO . 159 W Kmzie St . Chirago 10 HI 82 f M DF BEFRS ASSOC IATFS. 941 t,à>*