1,1'-Diphosphaferrocenes. Synthesis, basic chemistry, and structure

Bernard Deschamps, Louis Ricard, and François Mathey. Organometallics 1999 18 (26), .... Duncan Carmichael , Xavier F. Le Goff , Eric Muller. New Jou...
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Journal of the American Chemical Societj,



/ January 30, I980

1,l ’-Diphosphaferrocenes. Synthesis, Basic Chemistry, and

Structure Guillaume de Lauzon,Ia Bernard Deschamps,la Jean Fischer,lh3Frangois Mathey,*Ia and Andre Mitschlerlh Contribution f r o m Equipe I R C H A - C N R S , B.P. ,Yo. 28, 94320 Thiais, France, and Institut Le Bel, Unicersit; Louis Pasteur. 67070 Strasbourg Cedex, France. Received M a y 21, I979

Abstract: The synthesis of 1 ,l’-diphosphaferrocenes by reaction of 1 H-phosphol- 1 -yl anions with FeClz is described. The 3.3’,4.4’-tetramethyI derivative 2 can be acylated on C2 by reaction with RCOCI-AIC13 complexes in CHzClz (R = CH3, C6H5). With an excess of CH3COCI-AIC13 a 2.2’-diacetylated compound is also obtained as a mixture of two diastereoisomers. The formylation of 2 and of 3,4-dimethyl-l-phosphaferrocenewas achieved through a reaction with POC13 and A’methyl-N-phenqlformamide. The various carbonyl derivatives thus obtained were reduced to the corresponding primary and secondary alcohols with LiAIH4 or NaBH4. The 2-acetyldiphosphaferrocene 7 H a s also reacted with CH3Mgl and LiAIH4AIC13 to yield respectively a tertiary alcohol and a 2-ethyl derivative. Rather unexpectedly a n attempted lithiation of 2 by BuLi has failed whatever the conditions used. The crystal structure of 2 was determined from three-dimensional X-ray diffraction counter data. It consists of discrete molecules in which an iron atom is sandwiched between two n-bonded 1H-phosphol-I-yl anions. There are three such molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structural parameters of the IH-phosphol-I-yl cycles are very similar to those found in other phosphametallocenes. When projected on the second cycle, the phosphorus atom of the first ring superposes with a @ carbon

I n previous papers we described the synthesis and chemistry of p h o s p h a ~ y m a n t r e n e s ~and , ~ p h o s p h a f e r r o ~ e n e s .A~ ~ ~ brief outline of our main results is given in Scheme I. The most noteworthy feature of these compounds was their “aromatic” behavior.6 However, neither phosphacymantrenes nor phosphaferrocenes were good model compounds for the study of t h e chemical aromaticity of the A-complexed 1 H-phosphol1-yl anions. Indeed the reactivity of the former compounds toward electrophiles was rather weak (direct alkylation, formylation, or carboxylation were impossible3,’) and their stability in nucleophilic media was very low.3 On the other hand, the overall stability of the latter compounds was low and their synthesis was difficult. Moreover, the development of a potentially general synthesis of phosphametallocenes was highly desirable since the preparation of phosphacymantrenes and phosphaferrocenes which is based upon simultaneous P-Ph bond cleavage and K complexation of a P-phenylphosphole by a n organometallic reagent obviously cannot be transposed in the general case. With these ideas in mind we started to study the synthesis, the chemistry, and the structural features of I , 1’-diphosphaferrocenes ( b i s [ ( q 5 ) - I H-phosphol- 1-yl]-

irons). W e have just published previously a preliminary paper on a low-yield synthesis of these species.8

Results and Discussion Synthesis. T h e basic scheme of the synthesis of 1,l’-diphosphaferrocenes relies upon a preliminary P-phenylphosphole P-Ph bond cleavage by alkali metals according to a work of B r a ~ eAmong .~ the various procedures described in the lit~ ,in~ ~boiling erature a r e Li i n T H F a t room t e m p e r a t ~ r e , K T H F , dioxane, or t ~ l u e n e and , ~ N a in boiling T H F ; ” the first one consistently gave us the best results. The 1 H-phosphol- 1 -yl anion thus obtained was then reacted with anhydrous ferrous chloride as described in our preliminary communication.* After a careful optimization of the reaction conditions we obtained a satisfactory yield of 2,2’,5,5’-tetraphenyI-1,I’-diphosphaferrocene (1) when starting from 1,2,5-triphenylphosphole(eq r








overall yield of 1





R \


alkyl, aryl





Mn(CO),, F e ( C , H , )


0001-7863/80/ 1502-0994$01 .OO/O

1). However, we did not use 1 for our further studies because its substitution pattern was not convenient and its solubility in classical organic solvents was very low. W e concentrated our efforts on the synthesis of 3,3’,4,4’-tetramethyl- I , 1’-diphosphaferrocene (2) from 3,4-dimethyl- 1 -phenylphosphole. Indeed 2 had a much higher solubility in organic solvents and its substitution pattern was better adapted to a study of C-electrophilic substitutions. Lnfortunately the mere transposition of the synthesis of 1 afforded 2 in poor yield (-1 5%). This Ion yield was obviously not due to a low stability of the final product (in fact the r-complexing ability of 3,4-dimethyI1 H-phosphol-1-yl is certainly better than that of 2 , S d i p h e nyl-1 H-phosphol- 1-41) but to the synthetic scheme itself. Thus. in order to improve this yield, we tried a t first to improve the ‘G I980

American Chemical Society

M a t h e y et al.


99s Me

first step (cleavage of the exocyclic P-Ph bond). In a parallel workI2 we discovered that the 1 : I Na-naphthalene radical anion was a better reagent for this cleavage than alkali metals themselves. However, with FeCll 3.4-dimethyl-l H-phosphol- 1 -ylsodium thus prepared always afforded 2 in poor yield (-1 5%). Since the samples of 2 prepared in this way were very oxidizable we suspected that some finely divided iron was produced by reduction of FeCl? by phosphol-I -ylsodium along with 2 itself. Besides, it seemed to us that the very high basicity of the P-Na derivative could be a drawback in such a synthesis. T h u s , in order to lower both the reducing power and the basicity of the phosphol-l -ylsodium, we converted it into the magnesium derivative by in situ reaction with anhydrous Mg Brz. This magnesium derivative was then reacted with F K l 2 and afforded 2 in good yield (eq 2). This improved





6 yield 53%








1 -l

basic conditions ( K O H . E t O H , 90 "C, 3 h). W e did not pursue further our exploration of the properties of 5 mainly because of its limited availability. Nevertheless the results thus obtained were encouraging since the) demonstrated that the synthetic potential of phosphaferrocenes was much higher than that of phosphacymantrenes. Therefore a thorough investigation of the chemical properties of the readily available diphosphaferrocenes was undertaken. All the reactions were performed with 2. S o m e of the results are described hereafter. Our first aim was to evaluate the reactivity of 2 with classical electrophiles and with lithiating reagents. Friedel-Crafts acylations were performed with stoichiometric amounts of CH3COCIAIC13 and C ~ H S C O C I - A I C Iin~ C H l C l z near room temperature. Both experiments succeeded (eq 5). Qualitatively i t is 2 RCO('I



2, R











overall yield - 6 0 % overall yield - 3 0 %

procedure also worked satisfactorily for the synthesis of 1 ,l'diphosphaferrocene itself (3) from 1 -phenylphosphole. Contrary to 1 and 2 , 3 was not described in our preliminary communication. When pure this is a rather stable, orange-red solid: mp -I45 "C; IH N M R (CDC13. internal MedSi) 6 4.05 (dm, J H - P = 36.5 Hz, H a ) , 5.30 (m, H P ) ; 3 1 PN M R (CDC13, external H 3 P 0 4 , 6 positive for dow,nfield shift) 6 -59 ppm; I3C N M R (CDC13, internal Me&, IH decoupling) 6 79.3 (d, J C J = 64.3 Hz, C C Y )82.0 , ( C p ) ; mass spectrum (70 eV, 100 " C ) m/e 222 (I = loo%, M), 139 ( I = 2976, M - C4H4P). Chemical Reactivity. While optimizing the syntheses of 1-3 we were also trying to extend the chemistry of the closely related monophosphaferrocenes4,5further on. W e thus discovered that, quite logically if we admit a parallelism between the relative behaviors of metallocenes and phosphametallocenes, phosphaferrocenes were much more reactive than phosphacymantrenes toward electrophiles; more precisely, we succeeded when attempting a Vilsmeier formylation of 3,4-dimethylphosphaferrocene, whereas all attempts to prepare 2formyl-3,4-dimethylphosphacymantrene have failed so far (eq 3). The aldehyde 5 was characterized beyond any doubt by elemental analysis and spectroscopy. T h e fully selective formylation of the phosphol-1-yl nucleus is noteworthy. This aldehyde was of course an interesting starting point for the synthesis of other functional derivatives of phosphaferrocenes. Thus, the reduction of 5 afforded the corresponding primary alcohol in fair yield (eq 4 ) . On the other hand, an attempted Cannizzaro reaction on 5 completely failed, whereas it has been successfully performed with ferrocenecarboxaIdehyde.l3Very probably the phosphaferrocene moiety does not withstand very


= Me 8,R=Ph

74% 50%

obvious that 2 is much more reactive toward electrophiles than 3,4-dimethylphosphacymantrene since this last compound was benzoylated only at 1 I O 0 C . 3On the other hand, since the yield of acetylation is much better with 2 than with 4 (only 17%), 2 appears to be much more chemically stable than 4. In line with this observation is the fact that 2 (as ferrocene) gave the diacetylated product 9 in good yield when reacted with an excess of the CH3COCl-AlCI3 complex, whereas 4 was completely destroyed when using the same reaction conditions (eq 6 ) . Owing to their unsymmetrical substitution pattern, the AIC1,



boiling CH2C1:

9a + 9b total yield 64%

phosphol- 1 -yl moieties of 9 were chiral centersI4 and thus 9 was a mixture of two diastereoisomers, 9a and 9b. Column chromatography on silica gel with benzene-ethyl acetate (90: 10) yielded first 9a and then 9b (9a:9bratio -60:40). W e did not achieve a complete separation but we obtained pure samples of 9a and 9b. Encouraged by our success with 4 we then attempted a Vilsmeier formylation of 2 (eq 7 ) . T h e monoaldehyde 10 was


Journal of the Anierican C'heniical Societj'

/ 102:3 /

Jatzuarj, 30, 1980

Table I . 'ti and "P Y M R Data of Functional Diphosphaferrocenes







2 7 8

2.08 2.38, 2.1 1, 2.06, 1.99 2.30, 2.13. 2.05, 2.0

3.71 4.02, 3.69 3.93. 3.63



9a 9b 10 11 12a

2.23, 2.0 2.20, 2.0 2.35. 2.10. 2.03. 2.0 2.12. 2.09 2.1 I , 2.07. 2.01

3.70 4.02 4.10, 3.72 3.95. 3.58 4.15. 3.53. 3.42


2.24, 2.15, 2.07, 2.05

3.94, 3.53







4.29, 3.58, 3.44




2.07, 2.02

3.57, 3.45

3'P N V R h Z (JH-P)


-72 -54, -72 -50. -69

2.28 (2.9) 7.30 ( H I , p ) 2.26 (2) 2.23 (2) 9.67 (4.5) {CH2: 4.19 OH: 1.56 CH: 4.43 O H : 2.50 CH3: I .29 3 J H _ H = 6.1 CH: 4.53 O H : I .26 CH,: 1.48 3Jbj+t3 = 6.3

-52 -49 -5 I , -67 -67.0, -73.7 -79.6 -7 1.6. -72.3


-66. -83 CH3: l . O Z d

6 in parts per million; J in herti-; CDC13, internal Me4Si. CDCI,, external 85% H3PO4: b positive for downfield shifts: ? J p - p = 10 f 2 H z for 7 , 8 , IO, 11, 12b, and 13. 2 J ~ =~ 36p f 1 H r in every case. The CH2 protons are masked by the peaksat 6 2.07-2.02.




POCI,. H C ( O ) N



2 50 "C. 2 . 5 h


Me V ( F ? T $ T H 0

13 yield 1 5 . 7 %


?de 7

1 0 yield 58% obtained in fair to good yield but every attempt a t obtaining the 2,2'-dialdehyde met with failure. T h e same phenomenon has been already noted with f e r r 0 ~ e n e . Having I~~ in hand the three possible types of carbonyl derivatives we started a study of their reduction. T h e primary and secondary alcohols were obtained by reaction of the suitable carbonyl compounds with LiAIH4 or NaBH4 (eq 8). Quite logically the secondary alcohol


$2kk R = H R=CH,

( ())

10 7

Me reducing agent



H(OH)R 181


R = H R=CH,

i12a 12b

yield 53% (LiAlH,) 52% (NaBH,) 29%

was a mixture of two diastereoisomers, 12a and 12b, which were easily and completely separated by chromatography (12a was eluted first on silica gel by benzene-ethyl acetate, 95:5). W e also obtained a tertiary alcohol by reacting t h e acetyl derivative 7 with a Grignard reagent (eq 9). Even though this low yield was in part due to a lengthy purification procedure, it was also probably indicative of some sensitivity of the diphosphaferrocene system toward nucleophilic media, although to a much smaller extent than in the case of phosphacymantrenes.? Finally the reaction of 7 with (AIH3), afforded the ethyl derivative 14 also in modest yield (eq 10). W e then de-

AlC1, ether, + LiAlH, 0 "C







e CJH, 110)

1 4 yield 33% cided to explore the reactivity of 2 toward butyllithium. Indeed the availability of a 2-lithio derivative would have given us access to a large variety of new functional complexes. Unfortunately all our experiments failed: ( I ) 1 BuLi, T H F , 2 h, -40 " C ; (2) IBuLi, ether, 4 h, 0 "C; (3) 2 B u L i - T M E D A , hexane, 5 h, room temperature. I n each case we attempted to t r a p the expected 2-lithiodiphosphaferrocene by COl or Me3SiCI. W e never recovered anything in the organic phase (after acidification for reactions with C 0 2 ) except 2 itself ( t h e yield of recovery was better than 50% in each experiment). These failures a r e highly significant. Indeed. with the first set of conditions, 3,4-dimethylphosphacymantrenewas completely d e ~ t r o y e d , ~ whereas, with the last set, ferrocene was 1,l'-dilithiated in yields u p to 94%.Isa W e have already noted some similarities between the behaviors of the phosphorus atom in phosphacymantrenes and phosphor in^.^ T h u s we suspect that BuLi merely adds to the phosphorus atom of diphosphaferrocenes in the same way as it does with phosphorins.lSb M o r e work is currently being done in order to check this hypothesis. Spectral Data. All the products described in this paper were fully characterized by elemental analysis and spectroscopy. T h e IH and 3 1 PN M R data a r e collected in Table I. 1,l'Diphosphaferrocenes show the characteristic spectroscopic features of the phosphametallocene family, i.e., the absence of H-P and C-P couplings between 6-methyl substituents and phosphorus (phospholes themselves do show such COUp l i n g ~ ~ ~ . "the ) , large 2J(H-P) and IJ(C-P) coupling constants within the cycle (ca. 36 and 60-65 Hz, respectively) (*J(H-P) has the same order of magnitude in phospholesI6 but ' J ( C - P ) is considerably smallerI7~ls),and the very large high-field shift of phosphorus by comparison either with more classical com-

Mathey et al.


1,l ‘-Diphosphaferrocenes


Table VI. Bond Lengths (A) and Angles (deg) molecule I Fe-C I Fe-C2 Fe-C3 Fe-C4 Fe-C7 Fe-C8 Fe-C9 Fe-C I O Fe-PI FeeP2 PI-CI PI - c 4 P2-C7 P2-c I O CI-C2 C2-C3 c3-c4 C7-C8 C8-C9 c9-CIO c2-c5 C5-C6 C8-C I 1 C9-CI2 c I -PI - c 4 C7-P2-C10 PI -c1- c 2 PI-C4-C3 P2-C7-C8 P2-C IO-C9 c 1-c2-c3 c2-c3-c4 C7-C8-C9 C8-C9-C10 c 1-c2-c5 c3-c2-c5 C2-C3-C6 C4-C3-C6 C7-C8-C1 1 C9-C8-C11 C8-C9-C12 c 1o-C9-c I2

molecule 11

2.057(5) 2.041(5) 2.084(5) 2.079(5) 2.050( 5 ) 2.063(5) 2.075(5) 2.061(5) 2.277(1) 2.280( 1) 1.747 (6) I .776(6) 1.748(6) 1.762(6) 1.402(6) 1.436(9) 1.412(9) 1.413(8) 1.401 (8) 1.438(8)

2.059(5 ) 2.086(6) 2.088(5) 2.075(5) 2.092(5 ) 2.068(6) 2.026(5) 2.041(5) 2.280( I ) 2.274( 1) 1.766 (7) 1.772(6) 1.781(6) 1.752(6) 1.465(8) 1.39l(9) 1.421(8) 1.390(9) 1.420(8) 1.397(8)



1.483(9) 1.503(9) i .500(9) 87.7 (0.2) 88.6(0.2) 115.7(0.3) I14.5(0.3) 115.1(0.3) I12.8(0.3) 1 1 l.O(O.5) 110.8(0.5) 1 1 I.0(0.5)

I 12.2(0.5) 125.7(0.5) 123.0(0.5) 125.0(0.5) 124.1(0.5) 124.6(0.5) l24.2(0.5) 124.0(0.5) 123.6(0.5)

1.518(8) 1.504(9) 1.527(9) 89.1(0.3) 87.7(0.2) 112.5(0.3) 1 1 3.6(0.3) 113.2(0.3) 115.3(0.3) I I 1.7(0.5) 112.8(0.5) 112.3(0.5) 1 1 1.2(0.5) 122.9(0.5) 125.2(0.5) 124.3(0.5) 122.8(0.5) 123.4(0.5) 124.1(0.5) 123.6(0.5) 124.9(0.5)

molecule I1 I

2.064( 1) 2.276( 4)

1.767( 1.7)


1.510(2) 88.22(8)

1 l3.9( I )

110.8(0.5) I 1 I .7(0.5)

I13.8(0.5) 124.2(0.5) I22.4(0.5) I25.9(0.5) 123.1(0.5) 123.3(0.5) I24.9(0.5) 123.6(0.5) 122.5(0.5)

PO) Figure 1. C(11)

plexes or with free phospholes. T h e possible meaning of these features has been discussed e l ~ e w h e r e . S~ o, ~m e more specific spectroscopic features were also observed on functional derivatives. When one of the phosphol-l -yl group bears a function on C(2), quite logically the two methyl groups of this cycle


2.054( 5 ) 2.043( 5 ) 2.073(5) 2.083(5) 2.058(5) 2.075(4) 2.058(5) 2.066(6) 2.272( 1 ) 2.276( 1) 1.777(6) 1.767(6) 1.767(6) 1.796(7) 1.354(8) I .400(8) 1.434(8) 1.397(8) 1.395(8) 1.425(8) I .529(9) 1.500(9) 1.511(8) 1.543(9) 87.4(0.2) 88.5(0.3) 1 15.0(0.3) 113.3(0.3) 114.5(0.3) 1 1 1.2(0.3) 113.3(0.5)


124.0(I )



Figure 2.

become distinct on the IH N M R spectrum but, more unexpectedly, an inequivalence is also observed for the two methyls of the other phosphol- 1 -yl cycle: A(6Me) is as high as 0.07 ppm

Joirrnal of the Aniericari Chetnical Soeietj / I02:3


/ January 30. I980

Table VII. L.east-Squareb Planes" Mean Plane through C I , C2. C3. C4 and PI. C I . C4 -0.7962X 0.1382Y - 0.589 I 2 -0.7891X t 0.1406Y - 0.59802 16.8530 = 0 16.8235 = 0; Fe I .6393(7) Fe I .6425(7) PI -0.011(l) -0.8214X t 0.0874Y - 0.56362 + -0.7867X 0.0609Y -0.614372 t 10.1891 = 0 10.6096 = 0; FeP 1.6 l46(7) FeP I .6344(7) P I P -0.084( 1) -0.8067X - 0.1 101 Y - 0.58072 -0.7998X - 0.1 1 1 2 Y - 0.58992 t 5.1098 = 0 5.1733 = 0; FeS 1.6419(7) FeS 1.6448(7) P I S -0.014(1) Mean Plane through C7. C8. C9, C IO and P2, C7. C 10 -0.8171X t 0.0799Y - 0.57092 -0.7814X 0.1003Y - 0.61602 14.2836 = 0 14.0120 = 0 ; Fe -1.6291(7) Fe -1.6108(7) P2 0.027(1) -0.8396X - 0.0016Y- 0.57302 -0.8 129X - 0.0036Y - 0.58232 7.9103 = 0; 7.8698 = 0 FeP - I .6364(7) FeP - 1.6396(7) P2P 0.013( I ) -0.8066X - 0. I768 Y - 0.56402 -0.7755X - 0.1561 Y - 0.61 1 7 2 2.4298 = 0 2.4631 = 0; FeS - 1.6104(7) FeS -1.6277(7) P2S 0.077( I )



inolecule I:

molecule I I :

molecule I l l ;

molecule I :

molecule I I :

inolecule I I I .





0.67 3.84 0.66 3.50 0.67

(PI 1 , P l 2)

(PI 3 , PI 4)


(PI 5, PI 6)



(PI 7, PI 8)



(PI 9, PI 10)



(PI I I . PI

Dihedral Angles between Planes (deg) PLII-PL12 3.48 PLI-PL7 2.57 PL3-PL9 4.39 PL5-PLl1 3.18 PLI -PL3 4.66



14.48 10.00

6.52 14.73 9.16

a The equation of each plane is expressed with coordinates X,Y.2 referred to an orthogonal system ( A . B, C ) oriented with respect to the crystallographic axis such that A and B are parallel to ( I and b aiid C is parallel to c*.

for 7. O n the contrary, in CDC13 the two C H groups of the nonfunctional cycle remain indistinguishable in the general case except for the alcohols 12a and 13 (this fact does not mean that they a r e equivalent; indeed, when using C C l j as a solvent instead of CDC13, the C H P of 7 appear as three doublets). T h e origin of this inequivalence remains obscure a t the present time. T h e two methyl and C H groups of the nonfunctional phosphol- 1-4'1 are diastereotopic but such large inequivalences a r e perhaps i n fact indicative of restricted rotations of the phosphol- I -yl cycles around their common axis. A variable-temperature N M R study of these molecules will be undertaken in order to clarify this question. From another standpoint it is also puzzling to note that the two phosphorus atoms of monofunctional compounds a r e quite normally largely distinct in N M R except in the case of the two diastereoisomeric secondary alcohols 12a and 12b. Finally the appearance of a Pa-OH coupling in 13 is characteristic of a strong steric hindrance slowing down t h e O H exchange. Such couplings a r e rare but have been already described in the literature; see, for example, ref 19 and 20. Crystal Structure of [PC.IHZ(CH~)Z]ZF~ (2). T h e crystal structure of [PC4H?(CH3)2]2Feconsists of discrete molecules in which an iron atom is sandwiched between two a-bonded phosphol- I -yl groups. There a r e three such molecules in the ~ ) ~ a r e roughly parallel asymmetric unit. All P C ~ H Z ( C Hrings to the ( 1 0 7)plane of the unit cell and the individual molecules a r e linked only by van der Waals type interactions; Table V givcs the shortest intermolecular distances. Figure I shows molecule I together with the labeling scheme for the atoms; labeling schemes for molecules I I and I I I are the same as for I followed by P (prime) and S (second) for each a t o m . T h e nonhydrogen atoms a r e represented by their ellip-

soids of thermal motion scaled to enclose 50% of the electron density.30 Table V I gives bond lengths (A) and angles (deg) for each molecule and the average values. Figure 2 shows the projection of molecule I on the plane defined by atoms P1, C 1 , and C4. Table VI I gives the least-squares planes of interest. The values of Tables V I and VI1 show thqt the overall geometry of all three molecules is similar. The two phosphol- l -yl rings of each molecule are not strictly planar but slightly bent around the axis defined by respectively C I and C4 and C7 and C10. The carbon moieties of the two rings a r e both planar within experimental error, but the phosphorus a t o m lie out of these carbon mean planes by 0.01 1 ( I ) to 0.084 ( 1 ) A on the opposite side to iron, with a average value of 0.04 ( 1 ) A, close to those found in phosphaferrocenej and p h o ~ p h a c y m a n t r e n e . ~ T h e dihedral angles between the mean planes C 1 to C4 and C 1 -P1 -C4 are 0.67, 0.66, and 0.67' and those between mean planes C7 to C 10 and C7-P2-C 10 are 3.84, 3.50, and 3.48', indicating that for each molecule one phospholyl ring is more bent than the other. The carbon-carbon bond lengths in the phosphol- 1 -yI rings a r e equivalent and their mean value is 1.410 ( 2 ) A, and the corresponding C-C-C angles have a mean value of 1 1 I .9 (I)'; these data are close to those found in other a-bonded fivemembered carbon rings. Phosphorus-carbon bond distances a r e equivalent with a mean value of 1.767 ( I .7) A and a C-P-C angle of 88.22 (8)' in mean; these values agree also with those found in phosphaferrocene (1.763 A and 88.40') and are close to those found in 2,6-dimethyl-4-phenylphosphorin( 1.74 A).3' 1 -benzylphosphole (1.783 A),'* and aluminum tris(dibenzoy1phosphide) (1.772 A),33

Mathey et ai. / 1,l '-Diphosphaferrocenes As shown in Figure 2 the two phosphol-1-yl rings of one molecule superpose roughly when projected on each other. The phosphorus atom of one ring superposes with a fi carbon atom of the other. The C 1 to C 4 and C7 to C10 mean planes are not parallel; the dihedral angles lie between 2.57 and 4.39'. T h e phosphol-1-yl rings of t h e three molecules a r e only roughly parallel as indicated by the dihedral angles of the mean planes in Table VII. No systematic correlation could be found between the dihedral angles of these planes.

999 JH-P = 36 Hz, CHP), 4.10(s, C5H5); the CH20H signal is masked by the C5H5 peak. lj3'P: -79.6.13C NMR: 6 13.4( s , Me), 16.8(s, Me), 61.2(d, Jc-p = 12.9Hz, CHzOH), 71.7(s, C5H5), 76.5(d, J c - p

= 58 Hz, CCUH),93.6(d, J c - p = 4.5Hz, Cp), 96.7(d, J c - p = 6.7Hz, Cp). 1R VOH 3250 (very broad). 2-Acetyl-3,3',4,4'-tetramethyl-l,l'-diphosphaferrocene (7). To a solution of preformed CH3COCI-AICI3 complex in 30 cm3 of CH2C12 prepared with 0.7g of AIC13 (0.0052mol) and 0.45g of CH3COCI (0.0057mol) is added dropwise at room temperature 1.39g of diphosphaferrocene 2 (0.005mol) in 10 cm3 of CH2C12. The mixture is stirred and heated at 50 "C for 3 h and then poured on ice. The orExperimental Section ganic layer is washed with water until neutrality, dried over sodium Most of the 'H, I3C, and 31P N M R spectra were recorded either sulfate, and evaporated. The residue is chromatographed with benzene, mp -71 "C; yield 1.2g (74%). Anal. Calcd for C14HlsFeOP2: on a Bruker W H 90spectrometer by Miss Anne Breque or on a JEOL C, 52.53;H, 5.67.Found: C, 52.60;H, 5.55.IR (KBr): v(C0) 1650 PS 100 FT spectrometer by Mrs. Raymonde Mankowski-Favelier. cm-1. Chromatographic purifications were performed on silica gel 70-230 mesh (Merck). All the reactions were run under argon. The starting 2-Benzoyl-3,3',4,4'-tetramethyl-l,l'-diphosphaferrocene (8). To phospholes were prepared according to ref 16 and 34. a solution of preformed C6H&OCI-A1C13 complex in 5 cm3 of mol) and 0.12cm3 of CH$& prepared with 0.13g of A1C13 ( 2,2',5,5'-TetraphenyI-l,l'-diphosphaferrocene (1). A mixture of mol) is added 0.28g of diphosphaferrocene 2 ( C6H5COCl ( I ,2,5-triphenylphosphole (3.1 g, 0.01 mol) and lithium in thin pieces (0.28g, 0.04g-atom) in T H F (100cm3) is stirred at room temperature mol) in 15 cm3 of CH2C12. The mixture is stirred at room temperature for 5 h. The solution becomes dark red. After filtration (moisture is for 4 h and then treated as above for 7, mp -70 OC, yield 0.16g (42%). strictly excluded), anhydrous FeC12 (2.54g, 0.02mol) is added to the Anal. Calcd for Cl9H2oFeOP2: C, 59.68;H, 5.23.Found: C, 59.88; H, 5.42.IR (CDCI3): v(C0) 1620 cm-l. Mass spectrum (70eV, 100 filtrate. The reaction medium is then stirred again at room tempera" c ) : m/e 382 ( I = loo%, M), 277 ( I = 3070,M - COC6H5). ture for 12 h and finally refluxed for 1 h. After evaporation to dryness, 2,2'-Diacetyl-3,3',4,4'-tetramethyl-l,l'-diphosphaferrocenes (9a the residue is extracted with benzene. The benzene extract is chromatographed with hexane-benzene (80:20),mp 230 " C , yield 1.37 and 9b). The acetylation reaction is performed in the same way as for g (53%). Anal. Calcd for C32H24FeP2: C, 73.02;H , 4.60;Fe, 10.61; 7 starting with 0.83g of AIC13 (0.0062mol), 0.51g of CH3COC1 P, 11.77.Found:C,73.27;H,4.39;Fe, 10.53;P,11.29.631P(1)-63.6 (0.0065mol), and 0.69g of diphosphaferrocene 2 (0.0025mol). The organic residue is chromatographed with benzene-ethyl acetate ppm. For IH N M R data see ref 8. (95:5),total yield of 9 a + 9 b 0.58 g (64%). Anal. Calcd for 1,l'-Diphosphaferrocene i,3) and 3,3',4,4'-TetramethyLl,l'-diphosphaferrocene (2).A T H F naphthalene-sodium solution is preC I ~ H ~ O F ~C,O53.06; ~ P ~H:, 5.57; Fe, 15.42.Found: C, 52.98; H, 5.59; pared with 0.75g of Na (0.032 g-atom) and 4.5g of naphthalene Fe, 15.83.IR (KBr): v(C0) 1655 cm-l. 9 a and 9b are separated as (0.035mol) in 100cm3 of THF. 1-Phenylphosphole (2.7g, 0.016mol) indicated in the Discussion: 9a, mp 128 OC (CS2); 9b, mp 134 OC is added to this solution. The mixture is stirred at room temperature (CS2). 2-Formyl-3,3',4,4'-tetramethyl-l,l'-diphosphaferrocene (10). A for 4 h. The solution turns from deep blue to dark red. Anhydrous MgBr2 (3.0g, 0.016mol) is then added. A discoloration is observed. mixture of 0.67cm3 of POC13 (0.0075mol) and 1.02g of N-methylAfter additional stirring for 2 h, 1.2g (0.01 mol) of anhydrous FeCl2 N-phenylformamide (0.0075mol) is stirred for 10 min (both reagents is added. The reaction medium is stirred again at room temperature were freshly distilled). Then 0.69g of diphosphaferrocene 2 (0.0025 for 16 h and then refluxed for 1 h. After evaporation to dryness, the mol) in 5 cm3 of CH2C12 is added. The reaction medium is stirred at residue is extracted with benzene. The benzene extract is dried and room temperature for 1 h and then at 50 OC for 2 h. After the usual then reextracted with hexane. At -30 OC the main part of the naphworkup the organic product is chromatographed with benzene, mp thalene crystallizes out of the hexane solution. After filtration and 162 "C, yield 0.45g (58%). Anal. Calcd for C I ~ H ~ ~ Fc,~ 51.01: O P ~ : evaporation of the filtrate, the residual naphthalene is eliminated by H, 5.27;Fe, 18.25.Found: C, 50.84;H , 5.18:Fe, 18.35.1R (KBr): sublimation at 30-40"C under 0.01Torr. The remaining orange solid v(C0) 1658 cm-l. 2-Hydroxymethyl-3,3',4,4'-tetramethyl-l,l'-diphosphaferrocene is practically pure, yield 0.64g (-30%). Further purification of 3 can be achieved by chromatography with hexane-benzene (80:20). (11). To 0.45g (1.47X I 0 - 3 mol) of aldehyde 10 in 5 cm3 of ether is mol of LiAIH4 in T H F (filtrated and tiSimilarly from 3 g (0.016 mol) of 1 -phenyl-3,4-dimethylphosphole, added dropwise 3.7X trated solution). After l h of stirring at room temperature, the reaction 1.4g of 2 (-60%) is obtained, mp 140 "C (methanol). Anal. Calcd mixture is treated by ethyl acetate and then water is added. The for Cl2H16FePz: C, 51.83;H, 5.80;Fe, 20.09;P, 22.28.Found: C, ethereal phase is washed by water until neutrality and dried over so51.66;H, 5.83;Fe, 20.67;P, 22.18. For I3C N M R data see ref 8. dium sulfate. After evaporation the organic residue is chromato2-Formyl-3,4-dimethyI-l-phosphaferrocene(5). A mixture of graphed with benzene-ethyl acetate (95:5),mp 127 OC, yield 0.24g 3,4-dimethylphosphaferrocene(4,5 1.1 g, 0.005mol), freshly distilled (53%). Anal. Calcd for Cl3HlgFeOP2: C, 50.68;H , 5.89.Found: C, POC13 (0.8 cm3), and N-methyl-N-phenylformamide (1 g) in di50.64;H, 5.70.IR (KBr): v(0H) 3200cm-I. Mass spectrum (70eV, chloromethane (15 cm3) is heated at 50 "C with stirring for 4 h. After 120 "C): m/e 308 ( I = loo%, M), 290 ( I = 23%, M - H2O). hydrolysis and neutralization with C03Na2, the CH2C12 layer is dried 2-a-Hydroxyethyl-3,3',4,4'-tetramethyl1,I'-diphosphaferrocenes over sodium sulfate and evaporated. The residue is chromatographed (12aand 12b). To 1.21g (3.8X mol) ofacetyldiphosphaferrocene with benzene, mp 76 OC, yield 0.56 g (43%). Anal. Calcd for 7 in 50 cm3 of methanol is added at room temperature sodium boroC12H13FeOP: C, 55.42;H, 5.04.Found: C, 55.26;H, 4.92.IH NMR: hydride in small batches until the complete disappearance of 7 6 2.18(s, Me), 2.41(s, Me), 4.20(d, JH-p = 36 Hz, CHP), 4.20(s, (checked by TLC). After evaporation, the residue is taken up with a C S H ~ )9.81 , (d, J H - P= 4.4Hz, CHO). 31PNMR: 6 -62.0 ppm, I3C NMR: 6 14.3(s, Me), 16.4(s, Me), 73.0(s, C5H5). 83.0(d, J c - p = mixture of CHzCl2 and water. The organic phase is washed until neutrality, dried over sodium sulfate, and evaporated. The crude 59.6Hz, CCU),88.2(d, J c - p = 57.3Hz, CCU), 94.5(d, J c - p = 4.5Hz, mixture of 12a and 12b is chromatographed with benzene-ethyl acCP), 101.1(d, J c - p = 8.1 Hz, CP), 196.5(d, J c - p = 28 Hz, CHO). etate (955).12a (first eluted): mp 100-105OC (methanol); yield 0.65 IR (KBr): vco 1641 cm-l. Mass spectrum (70eV, 70 "C): m/e 260 ( I = loo%, M), 232 ( I = 38%, M - CO). g (52%). IR (KBr): v(0H) 3485 cm-I (shoulder at 3370 cm-I). 12b: 2-Hydroxymethyl-3,4-dimethyl-l-phosphaferrocene(6).A mixture mp 70-72OC (methanol); yield 0.35g (29%). IR ( K B r ) : v ( 0 H ) 3250 cm-1. of aldehyde 5 (0.52g, 2 X mol) and LiAIH4 (0.2g) in ether (25 cm3) is stirred at room temperature for 3 h. After destruction of the 2-a-HydroxyisopropyI-3,3',4,4'-tetramethyl-1,l'-diphosphaferromol) of acetyldiphosphaferrocene 7 in 15 excess of LiAIH4 with ethyl acetate, the mixture is hydrolyzed and cene (13).To 0.33g ( cm3 of ether is added at room temperature I .2X mol of CH3MgI neutralized with HCI ( 1 N). The organic solvents are removed and the water layer is extracted with dichloromethane. The organic phase in ethereal solution. The mixture is refluxed for I .5 h. After hydrolysis is dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated. The residue is chromathe ethereal phase is dried over sodium sulfate and evaporated. The tographed with benzene-ethyl acetate (90:lO).An orange oil is thus crude product is recrystallized in hexane at -20 OC and then chroobtained, yield 0.28g (53%). Anal. Calcd for C12H15FeOP: C, 54.99; matographed with benzene-ethyl acetate (90:10),mp -98 O C , kield H. 5.77.Found: C, 54.75:H, 5.80.' H NMR: 6 2.17(s, Me), 3.75 (d, 0.09g (15%). Anal. Calcd for CljH22FeOP2: C, 53.57:H, 6.54.


Journal of the American Chemical Society

Found: C, 53.57; H, 6.52. Mass spectrum (70 eV, 120 "C): m/e 336 ( I = 32%. M), 318 ( I = loo%, M - H20). 2-Ethyl-3,3',4,4'-tetramethyl-l,lr-diphosp~aferrocene(14). To 7.1 g of AICI3 (0.053 mol) in 50 cm3 of ether is cautiously added in small batches 0.5 g (0.013 mol) of LiAIH4 suspended in 20 cm3of ether. The mixture is stirred for 30 min at 0 "C. Then 0.69 g (3 X mol) of acetyldiphosphaferrocene 7 in I O cm3 of ether is added dropwise while maintaining the temperature below 5 "C. After 1 h of stirring, 4 cm3 of formic acid and, then, 20 em3 of water are cautiously added at 0 'C. After 0.5 h the ethereal layer is decanted, washed until neutrality, dried over sodium sulfate, and evaporated. The residue is chromatographed with hexane; 0.2 g of an orange oil is thus obtained (33%). Anal. Calcd for CIdH2oFeP2: C. 54.93; H, 6.59. Found: C, 54.72; H, 6.58. X-ray Data Collection and Processing. Suitable single crystals were obtained by vacuum sublimation of crude product at room temperature. A systematic search in reciprocal space using a Philips PWI 100 automatic diffractometer2I and precession camera photographs shows that crystals of (PCdH2(CH3)2)2Fe belong to the monoclinic system and that space group is P 2 1 / c . The unit-cell dimensions and their standard deviations were refined at room temperature (20 f 2 "C) with Mo K O radiation ( A = 0.709 30 A) using the method outlined by Busing and Levy for a four-circle diffractometer.22The experimental density was measured by flotation in a aqueous KI solution. Final results are P ~ C I ~ H mol I ~ Fwt~278, , a = 22.612 (13) A, b = 12.373 ( 1 2) A, C = 13.725 (8) A, = 99.07 (4)",I/ = 3791 A3, dobsd = I .44 0.02 g Z = 12, dcalcd= 1.46 g ~ m - P21/c ~ , (C52h), g = 14.37 cm-l. A parallelepiped crystal of dimensions 0.25 X 0.25 X 0.09 mm was sealed in a Lindemann glass capillary and mounted on a rotation-free goniometer head.23All quantitative data were obtained from a Picker four-circle diffractometer controlled by a PDP8/1 computer using graphite-monochromated Mo Kcu radiation. The monochromator was set at an angle of 11.68". The refined parameters listed above and the orientation matrix were obtained using standard Picker routines. Intensity data were collected using the 8/28 scan technique with a scan rate of Zo/min and a scan width of 1.6' (Mo Kcu1,02 splitting). Each reflection was scanned only if its top intensity was greater than three times the corresponding background intensity. Stationary background counts (20 s) were recorded at each end of the scan. Attenuation filters were inserted whenever the scan count exceeded 7000 counts/s. The intensities of three standard reflections were monitored throughout the data collection at intervals of 300 measurements; their ,ntensities did not vary by more than 2% during the entire data collection period. I n order to detect spurious electronic default on the paper tape punching unit and improve measuremsnts of weak reflectio_ns-duetopoor diffraction quality, all hkl, h k l and their equivalent hkl, and hkl reflections within 0 < 30' were recorded. The variance estimated from counting statistics of an integrated intensity I was u 2 ( I )= ucount2 Equivalent reflections were averaged using the program D S O R T H ; * ~out of 9077 measurements, 17 had very bad agreement and were revealed to have erroneous character punched on paper tape. In case of doubt in correction of errors they were climinated. Finally I100 reflections aere measured once and 3827 - I]/ had more than one contribJtors to averages; factors R = Z/o and R , = Z[w/- wI]/2w/ aith I(: = l / u 2 ( / ) were 0.042 and 0.056. After averaging of equivalents, an independent set of 3774 reflections with / > 4 4 1 ) was corrected for Lorentz and polarization factors. N o absorption corrections were applied in view of the small crqstal dimensions ( A * betueen 1.52 and 1.40). The structure was solved using direct methods. The most probable set of MULTAUZ5 was the correct one and the Fourier computed with these phases permitted the location of all nonhydrogen atoms. For all structure-factor calculations. the atomic scattering factors used were those tabulated by Moore26using Pepinsky's*' modification. The effects of anomalous dispersion were included for iron and phosphorus atoms; the values of Aj' and AJ" are those given in ref 28. Atomic coordinates and individual anisotropic thermal parameters for all nonhydrogen atoms were refined by full-matrix least squares using the program SFLS-5.29 In all least-squares computations, the function minimized was Zw([F,] - [r,])2 where [F,] and [F,] are




/ 102:3 / January 30, 1980

the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes. The weight w was taken as l/u2(Fo)with a p value of 0.08. Refinement converged to R I = B[[FO1- [FcII/ZIFoIand R2 = (Zw[[F,I - [FC1l2/

~ K , [ F , ] of0.046 ~ ) ' ~ ~and 0.064. The standard deviation of unit weight observation was 1.42. A difference map computed at the end of isotropic refinement revealed electron density concentrations close to the calculated positions for hydrogen atoms (C-H = I A). These were included in all subsequent calculations with isotropic temperature factors of 6 A2, but not refined. The final difference map shows no maxima greater than 0.40 e A-3.

Supplementary Material Abailable: Atomic coordinates and the thermal parameters with their standard deviations (Tables I I and I l l ) . observed and calculated structure factors (Table IV) ( F , and F, X lo), and intermolecular contacts less than 3 8, (Table V) (13 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page.

References and fiotes (a) Equipe IRCHA-CNRS; (b) lnstitut le Bel. F. Mathey, Tetrahedron Lett., 4155 (1976). F. Mathey, A. Mitschler, and R. Weiss, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 100, 5748 (1978). F. Mathey, A. Mitschler, and R. Weiss, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 99, 3537 (1977). F. Mathey, J. Organomet. Chem., 139, 77 (1977). It has been shown recently that arsenin could be acetylated mainly on C(4) by CH3COCI -t AIC13: A. J. Ashe 111, Woon-Tung Chan, and T. W. Smith, Tetrahedron Lett., 2537 (1978). However, the same type of experiment fails when arsenin is replaced by phosphorin. probably because P is much more nucleophilic than As: T. W. Smith, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1977. Thus, up to now, phosphametallocenes remain the only known phosphorus heterocycles with a classical "aromatic" chemistry. A. Breque, F. Mathey, and C. Santlni, J. Organomet. Chem., 165, 129 (1979). G. de Lauzon, F. Mathey, and M. Simalty, J. Organomet. Chem., 156, C33 (1978). E. H. Braye, I. Caplier, and R. Saussez, Tetrahedron, 27, 5523 (1971). W. Egan, R. Tang, G. Zon, and K. Misiow, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,93, 6205 (1971). L. D. Freedman, B. R. Ezzell, R. N. Jenkins, and R. M. Harris, Phosphorus, 4, 199 (1974). F. Mathey and C. Santini, unpublished results. (a) J. K. Lindsay and C. R. Hauser, J. Org. Chem., 22,355 (1957); (b) G. D. Broadhead, J. M. Osgerby, and P. L. Pauson, J. Chem. Soc., 650 (1958). The same type of chirality was observed in 2-methylazaferrocene which was resolved into its optical antipodes: K. Bauer, H. Falk, and K. Schiogl, Angew. Chem., lnt. Ed. Engl., 6 135 (1969). (a) M. D. Rausch and D. J. Ciappenelli, J. Organomet. Chem., 10, 127 (1967); (b) G. Markl, F. Lieb, and A. Merz, Angew. Chem., lnt. Ed. Engl., 6, 87 (1967). F. Mathey and R. Mankowski-Favelier, Bull. SOC.Chim. Fr., 4433 (1970); Org. Magn. Reson., 4, 171 (1972); L. D. Quin, S. G. Borleske, and J. F. Engel, J. Org. Chem., 38, 1858 (1973). L. D? Quin, S. G. Borleske, and R. C. Stocks, Phosphorus, 5, 161 (1973). T. Bundgaard and H. J. Jakobsen, Tetrahedron Lett, 3353 (1972). C. F. Griffin and S.K. Kundu, J. Org. Chem., 34, 1532 (1969). F. Mathey, Tetrahedron, 29, 707 (1973). "Computer Controlled Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer PW 1100/16. Users Manual," N. V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrleken, Eindhoven. The Netherlands, 1974, Section 4. W. R. Busing, "Crystallographic Computing", F. R. Ahmed, Ed., Munsksaaard. CODenhaaen. 1970. D 319. (23) Eurrently used following cn'orlginal design of W. Petter, E. T. H., Zurich, private communication. (24) DSORTH: B. Rees, private communication.lb (25) G. Germain, P. Main, and M. H. Woolfson, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. 8, 26, 274 (1970); Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A, 27, 368 (1971). (26) F. M. Moore, Acta Crystallogr., 16, 1169 (1963). (27) V. Vand, P. F. Eiland, and R. Pepinsky, Acta Crystallogr., IO, 303 (1957). (28) "international Tables for X-ray Crystallography", Vol. Ill, Kynoch Press, Birmingham, England, 1962, p 215. (29) C. T. Prewitt, Report ORNL-TM305, "A Fortran IV Full-Matrix CrystalloaraDhic Least-Sauares Proaram". Oak Ridae. Tenn.. 1966. (30) brawings are done using p;ogram ORTEP IITC. K. Johnson, Report ORNL 3794, Oak Ridge, Tenn., 1965. (31) J. C. J. Bart and J. J. Daly, Angew. Chem., lnt. Ed. Engl., 7, 811 (1968). (32) Ph. Coggon, J. F. Engel, A. T. McPhail, and L. D. Quin. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 92. 5779 (1970). (33) G. Beckerand H.P. Beck, 2. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 430, 91 (1977). (34) I. G. M. Campbell, R. C. Cookson, M. B. Hocking, and A. N. Hughes, J. Chem. SOC.,2184 (1965).