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12TH UIDDLE ATLANTIC REGIONAL MEETING' April 5-7, 1978—Hunt Valley, Md. The 12th MARM will include the following general sessions and special symposia. Both general and symposia papers are solicited.in all areas. Please submit abstracts on ACS abstract forms to the PROGRAM CHAIRMAN (address below) before Jan. 6, 1978.

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Chairman: H. C. Freimuth (Loyola Coll.)


Symposia: Isotopes in Analytical Chemistry (J. A. Goleb, ERDA) Analytic Methodology for Clinical & Forensic Toxi­ cology (Yale Caplan, Maryland State Medical Exam­ iner's Office) Atomic Spectroscopy: Biological & Metallurgical Applications (I. Barnes, NBS)

Symposia: Toxic Materials in the Estuarine Watershed (R. Hugget, Virginia Inst, of Marine Biology) Environmental Contamination of the Mid-Atlantic Region (T. 0 . Munson, EPA) General Session (G. Heltz, U. of Maryland, College Park)

CHEMICAL EDUCATION Chairman: M. H. Gardner (U. of Maryland, College Park) CHEMICAL DOCUMENTATION Chairman: M. L. Huber (Du Pont) CHEMICAL TECHNICIANS Chairman: F. W. Barney (Du Pont) ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chairman: G. Posner (Johns Hopkins U.) Symposia: Drug Synthesis (A. Brossi, NIH) Transition Metals in Organic Synthesis Silicon & Selenium in Organic Chemistry PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Chairman: R. Klein (NBS) Symposia: Energy Storage (G. Pezdirtz, ERDA) Eximers & Eximer Lasers (M. Golde, U. of Pitts­ burgh) Lasers in Chemical Reactions (T. Colye, NBS) EXHIBITORS SEMINARS Chairman: J. M. Hamilton (Sci Tech)

EXTRATERRESTRIAL CHEMISTRY Chairman: I. Adler (U. of Maryland, College Park) GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS & THE CHEMI­ CAL INDUSTRY Chairman: Ο. Μ. Banks (State of Maryland) INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chairman: B. B. Wayland (U. of Pennsylvania) MEDICINAL & BIOCHEMISTRY Chairman: N. 0 . Heindel (Lehigh U.) Symposia: Chemistry of Radiopharmaceuticals (H. Burns, Hahnemann Medical School) Metal Ion Interactions with Nucleic Acids (Joint with Inorganic) POLYMER CHEMISTRY Chairman: D. D. Bly (Du Pont) Symposia: Fluoropolymers & Additives (J. Griffiths, Naval Res. Lab). Polymer Characterization: Physical & Chemical Methods (L. Smith, NBS) Polymer Characterization: Spectroscopic Methods (H. Starkweather, Du Pont) UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Chairman: K. Lock wood (Lebanon Valley Coll.)

PROGRAM CHAIRMAN: Alvin Bober, U.S. Customs Lab, 103 South Gay St., Baltimore, Md. 21202. ABSTRACT FORMS: Write to the Program Chairman or to the ACS Regional Meetings Department, 1155-16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. EXHIBITORS INFORMATION: Write to William Zeiger, McCormick & Co., 204 Whight Ave., Hunt Valley, Md. 21031. GENERAL CHAIRMAN: Fred Gornick, Chemistry Dept., U. of Maryland—Baltimore County, Baltimore, Md. 21228.


C&EN Oct. 24, 1977