1,4-Bismethanesulfonates of the Stereoisomeric ... - ACS Publications

1,4-Bismethanesulfonates of the Stereoisomeric. Butanetetraols and RelatedCompounds. Peter XV. Feit. Leo Pharmaceutical Products, Ballerup, Denmark...
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\+-:istre:ited with lithium duriiiniirii hj-dride in the presence ~l

c.hloride to maintain acidity. Iluring the decornposition i ) f t h e hydride complex tlie pH of the solution was never : 1 l l c i w d t ~ rise i above 5. The product, isolated by continuous rstmction rsith ethyl acetate, x a s S7 mg. of 6-meth.r.lthiopurine. :hniiiiirii

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