146th National ACS Meeting - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - Denver, Colo., Jan. 19-24,1964. This preliminary program of the 146th National ACS Meeting, to be held in Denver, Jan. 19-24, contains g...
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146th National ACS Meeting Denver, Colo., Jan. 19-24,1964 This preliminary program of the 146th National ACS Meeting, to be held in Denver, Jan. 19-24, contains general information and specific dates thus far arranged for the meeting. Those planning to attend the meeting will find here useful information. A general schedule of events appears on the facing page. The form for advance registration, Employment Clearing House details, and hotel reservation data are on the pages that follow. Advanced Meeting Registration Persons planning to attend the Denver meeting may register in advance. To do so, fill out the advance registration form on page 158 and return it together with the appropriate remittance no later than Jan. 2—no forms can be processed or refunds made after this date. A meeting identification badge, mixer ticket, and registration receipt will be mailed to advance registrants prior to the meeting. Booklet programs and group event tickets will be available during the regular hours announced for meeting registration. Advance registrants' cards will be posted in the visible file at the opening of the meeting. No check-in prior to attendance at technical sessions will be required. Group Events Requests for group events should be sent at once to: A. T. Winstead American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 All requests must be received by Nov. 10 if they are to be included in the final program of the meeting. Please state the nature of the event 156


NOV. 4, 196 3

desired, a first and second choice of dates, the probable attendance, and the name of a representative who will handle the late sale of tickets. All events must be arranged through the Washington office of the ACS if tickets are to be sold in the registration area and the event listed in the official program of the meeting. Hotels in Denver have agreed to arrange social hours only if sponsors guarantee payment of a $35 service charge; no service charge is levied if a social hour exceeds $100 in receipts. For information to help in determining the type of function to schedule, hotels have submitted -the following minimum menu prices for meal functions in private rooms: Breakfast, $3.00; Luncheon, $4.00; Dinner, $6.00. These prices include taxes and gratuities.

Hotel Reservations A housing bureau has been organized for the 146th National Meeting. Since all requests for rooms are handled in chronological order, it is recommended that applications be sent to the bureau as promptly as possible. In making hotel reservations, please use the coupon found on page 161, indicating choice of hotel (see hotel listing on page 160). Hotels will confirm each reservation directly to the individual concerned, indicating the price of the room reserved. Please allow the housing bureau reasonable time for processing your request before inquiring about it. Ladies' Program An attractive program of entertainment will be available for the ladies

registered in attendance under the chairmanship of Mrs. Norman Witt. Details of this program will be published in the Dec. 16 issue of C&EN.

GENERAL SCHEDULE OF EVENTS All events will be on Mountain Standard Time

Colorado Section Committees Mrs. Norman Witt, Ladies' Entertainment J. T. Byrne and Douglas Heberlein, Plant Trips William Fischer, Public Relations Eugene Lutz and Frank Ozog, Student Personnel Plant Trips A committee of the Colorado Section is arranging a number of interesting plant and laboratory trips for the benefit of registrants. Details will be published in the final program.

REGISTRATION FACILITIES. Tickets for ladies' events, group meals, and plant tours will be available in the Convention Lobby of the Denver Hilton during the times indicated below: Sunday, Jan. 19 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. Monday, Jan. 20 through Wednesday, Jan. 22 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Thursday, Jan. 23 8 A.M. to 12 Noon

Press Room The ACS News Service will maintain complete press room facilities in the Denver Hilton during the hours announced for registration. Registration Fees and Regulations The registration fee, required by the Bylaws to help defray expenses, has been fixed by the Board of Directors for this meeting at S15 for individual members of the Society and foreign chemists or chemical engineers visiting in the United States; $22 for nonmember chemists or chemical engineers residing in the United States. Persons who are not chemists or chemical engineers must pay a $15 registration fee except that nonchemist or nonchemical engineer members of the family of a registrant may register by payment ot $5.00. A registration fee of $5.00 has been established for students who are not members or student affiliates of the Society; a fee of $2.00 has been established for members of the Society eligible for reduced membership dues and student affiliates. Fees of $5.00 have been set for persons who wish to attend only a single technical session and for persons in the Armed Forces (noncommissioned personnel) who are members or were members of the ACS or regularly matriculated undergraduate or graduate students just prior to induction or enlistment. All members, students, visitors, and nonmembers must register in order to participate in any event of the meeting.

AWARD DINNER, GENERAL MEETING, AND MIXER. An Award Dinner has been scheduled for Monday evening, Jan. 20, at the Brown Palace. The General Meeting will follow the dinner at 9 P.M. at which time presentation of the following awards administered by the ACS to recipients will be made: Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity Award in Pure Chemistry, The Borden Company Foundation Award in the Chemistry of Milk, Eli Lilly and Company Award in Biological Chemistry, Garvan Medal, Humble Oil & Refining Company Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry, Lab-Line Instruments Award in Chromatography and Electrophoresis, Nuclear-Chicago Corporation Award for Nuclear Applications in Chemistry, and The Pfizer Paul-Lewis Award in Enzyme Chemistry. Following the General Meeting, a mixer will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Denver Hilton. Admittance to this get-together will be restricted to those wearing their registration badge and presenting an admittance ticket. For the convenience of late arrivals, a registration desk will be in operation during the first hour of this mixer. COMMITTEE MEETINGS. For the convenience of members, the following standing committees of the Council have scheduled open sessions or will have representatives available at the Denver Meeting: Committee on Constitution and Bylaws will have a member available on Tuesday, Jan. 2 1 , 2 P.M. to 4 P.M., Denver Hilton, Assembly #3 (Main Floor). Committee on Local Section Activities, Tuesday, Jan. 2 1 , 10 A.M. to 11 A.M., Denver Hilton, Gold Room (Mezzanine). Committee on Professional Relations and Status, Monday, Jan. 20, 10 A.M. to 12 Noon, Denver Hilton, Gold Room (Mezzanine). Other groups planning committee sessions in conjunction with the meeting are urged to submit their room requests no later than Nov. 15. Please indicate the day the space will be needed, the hours, equipment desired, and expected attendance. DIVISIONAL MEETINGS. See page 160 of this program. LADIES' PROGRAM. Tickets for ladies' events will be available only in the Ladies' Hospitality Center in the Denver Hilton. For the convenience of women registrants, the Hospitality Center will be open during the hours announced for registration.

NOV. 4, 196 3 C & E N


Society Bylaw Governing Registration Bylaw VI, Sec. 4, governs registration at meetings of the Society. The following pertinent rules shall apply to registration at this meeting: ( a ) Attendance at any national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting of the Society shall be limited to registered persons. ( b ) Each person registering at a meeting of the Society shall classify himself as one of the following: (1) Member of the Society; ( 2 ) nonmember chemist or chemical engineer residing in

the United States; ( 3 ) regularly matriculated student majoring in chemistry or chemical engineering at an American college or university; ( 4 ) foreign visitor; ( 5 ) nonchemist visitor. ( c ) Each registrant at a -national meeting of the Society shall pay a registration fee to be fixed by the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs ( e ) and (f) of this section. ( e ) The registration fee at a national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting for a chemist or a chemical engineer residing in the United States, who is not

ADVANCE MEETING REGISTRATION FORM Fill in and return with remittance to Meetings Department, American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. To determine the appropriate remittance that must accompany the completed form, see schedule below. Check or money order should be made payable to the American Chemical Society. REGISTRATION FEE, $15.00 (a) Members of the American Chemical Society. (b) Foreign chemists and chemical engineers visiting in the United States. (c) Persons not chemists or chemical engineers (see below).

REGISTRATION FEE, $22.00 (d) Chemists or chemical engineers residing in the United States who are not members of the American Chemical Society. Affiliates of divisions and local sections of the Society are not members of the national organization.

REGISTRATION FEE, $5.00 (e) Students not members or affiliates of the American Chemical Society. (f) Members of a registrant's family who are not chemists or chemical engineers. (g) Noncommissioned persons in the Armed Forces who are members or were either members of the ACS or regularly enrolled undergraduate or graduate students prior to induction or enlistment.

REGISTRATION FEE, $2.00 (h) Student affiliates of the American Chemical Society with 1964 dues paid ($3.50 initially or $3.00 renewal), (i) Members enrolled for at least 6 credit hours in an American college or university. PRINT NAME

DR. MR. MRS. MISS (Last)




(City and State)

LOCAL ADDRESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Please check days you will be at meeting
















a Member of the American Chemical Society, shall be greater than the fee charged a Member. . . . Such a nonmember shall be furnished with a special badge to differentiate him from other registrants. (f) The registration fee at national, regional, divisional, or other major meetings of the Society for all classes of registrants described in Sec. 4 ( b ) other than those specified in Sec. 4 ( e ) of this Bylaw, shall be the same as for a Member of the Society, except that reduced registration fees may be set by the Board of Directors for a national meeting and by the committee in charge for other meetings for students entitled to the discount in dues provided in the Bylaws, nonchemist or nonchemical engineer members of the family of a registrant, persons wanting to attend a single session, or other special cases approved by the Board of Directors for a national meeting or by the committee in charge for any other meeting. ( h ) The President shall have authority to close any session at any meeting of the Society to nonmembers. Notes. Affiliates of local sections and of divisions are not members of the Society and have no Society privileges; if chemists or chemical engineers, their registration fee is $22. Student affiliates are not members of the Society, but are granted certain concessions. They, as well as student members entitled to discount in ACS dues, may be registered at a fee of $2.00, under the provisions of Sec. 4 (f) quoted above. Persons registered at a meeting may purchase tickets for a banquet or group meal for use by husbands, wives, or children, without said husbands, wives, or children being registered. All women visitors who participate in any event of the ladies' program or any activity of the meeting program, except as provided above, must register and pay the appropriate registration fee. Minor children may accompany a parent, without being registered, to any program event for which a ticket has been obtained, provided children are admitted, and further provided that the parent is registered for the meeting. Tickets distributed without charge for which the sponsor is charged on the basis of attendance will not be supplied to unregistered persons.


196 3


Papers for Publication A C S m e e t i n g p a p e r s to b e considered for p u b l i c a t i o n m u s t b e s u b m i t t e d b y t h e a u t h o r s to t h e a p p r o p r i a t e editor. Submission of a m a n u script to t h e divisional secretary does not c o n s t i t u t e p r o p e r submission for consideration for p u b l i c a t i o n unless specific r e q u e s t is m a d e to t h e secretary or p r o g r a m c h a i r m a n .


Society Bylaw Governing Papers


Bylaw VI, Sec. 5, governs presentation of papers at Society meetings. The following rules shall apply to the presentation of papers at this meeting.

1. The term "paper" shall include any presentation for which the title and authors are listed on the program and which may be reduced to writing either prior to, during, or subsequent to the meeting at which presented. 2. No paper shall be presented at a national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting unless its title appears on the program for the meeting. 3. No paper by a chemist or chemical engineer residing in the United States who is not a Member of the Society shall appear on the program of a national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting of the Society unless it be a joint paper with one or more Society Members, or unless for a national meeting or a national-divisional symposium, it be a paper whose author has been invited to present it at a symposium organized by a Division of the Society and the chairman of such Division has certified to the Executive Secretary of the Society prior to publication of the program that presentation by the author of such paper is important to the success of the symposium. 4. The Society shall have first right to publish papers presented at national, regional, divisional, or other major meetings of the Society. However, after a paper has been accepted for a meeting program, the author may request its release either before or after its oral presentation. Under no circumstances shall release, if granted, permit publication before the oral presentation. Within fewer than 60 days after receiving a request for release (and the complete manuscript, if an Editor requests i t ) , the Society shall give the author a decision to release the paper or to accept it for publication subject to the usual editorial revision. Note. Requests' for release should be addressed to Miss Stella Anderson, Secretary, Committee of Editors, ACS Publications, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 6. The Society assumes no responsibility for statements or opinions expressed by individuals in papers or discussions thereof. 7. The President shall have authority to exclude any paper from a program at any time prior to its presentation at a meeting of the Society.

EMPLOYMENT CLEARING HOUSE The Employment Clearing House will be located in the Exhibit Area (floor below street level) of The Denver Hilton. An interview area will be available and the ECH staff will assume responsibility for assisting employers on Monday, Jan. 20, at 8 A.M. Users must be registered and in attendance at the meeting. Facilities for meeting registration will be available in the Convention Lobby of The Denver Hilton from 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. on Sunday, Jan. 19; 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday through Wednesday, Jan. 20-22; 8 A.M. to 12 Noon on Thursday, Jan. 23. The following ECH hours will be observed: Sunday (registration of applicants only) Monday through Wednesday Thursday

3 P.M. to 7 P.M. 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. 8 A.M. to 12 Noon

CANDIDATES FOR EMPLOYMENT All candidates for employment are required: (1) To be members or paid student affiliates of the ACS (2) To be registered and in attendance at the meeting (3) To consult a special bulletin board twice daily: (starting Monday, Jan. 20) sometime between 12:30 P.M. and 1:30 P.M. and 4:45 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. or 8 A.M. and 8:30 A.M. the following morning Candidates desiring to register for the Clearing House in advance may secure application blanks by writing to the American Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036; requests should mention the Denver Meeting. Candidates may also wish to register for the meeting in advance; see details on page 156 under "Avanced Meeting Registration." Completed forms must be returned to Washington not later than Jan. 2 if they are to be reviewed in advance. This is advantageous because the time required to complete registration after the meeting opens will be reduced if applications are processed partially in Washington. It is important to note, however, that no records will be made available for review until the registrant has completed his "check-in" with the ECH. EMPLOYERS All employers' representatives are required: (1) To be registered and in attendance at the meeting (2) To register for the meeting before reviewing Clearing House applications (3) To agree that no placement charges will be made and that registrants will be advised at the time of first contact of geographic location, name of employer, and nature of position Registrants' records will be available for reviewing beginning Monday, Jan. 20, at 8 A.M.

NOV. 4, 1963 C & E N


The Board of Directors has voted the following Regulation governing papers to be presented before national, divisional, regional, or other major meetings, supplementing Bylaw VI, Sec. 5. Regulation VII, Sec. 3(a). Authorship of papers shall be accredited only to individuals and not to companies or laboratories. ( b ) If a paper is declined by any Division of the Society, the Secretary of that Division is instructed to notify the Secretary of any other Division to which it is likely to be offered. Notes. Priority is based solely upon the date of receipt of the complete paper deposited for publication with the Secretary of the Division or the appropriate editor. The Council has empowered officers of divisions to request any paper in advance, so that it may be passed upon and an indication made to the author as to

whether he is to read the entire paper or to abstract it in order to allow time for discussion. "By title" should be placed on the announcement of any paper when the author will be absent, so that Members may understand in advance that the paper will not be read. All such papers should be placed at the end of the program. If a paper is contributed by two or more authors, its title and abstract should indicate which author will present it at the meeting. Titles should be accompanied by information concerning desired projection equipment. Divisional Meeting Rooms Divisional meeting rooms will be equipped with standard lantern-slide projectors ( 2 x 2 inches and 3 1 / 4 X 4

inches), screens, blackboards, pointers, chalk, and reading desks with public address attachments. An attempt will be made to furnish motion picture and other special equipment upon the request of divisions or individuals if notice of such special needs is sent to the Washington office by Dec. 15. News Service Authors of papers will perform a great service and increase the efficiency in handling publicity by sending special synopses, abstracts, and other information of public interest to Roy Avery, Managing Editor, ACS News Service, 733 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017.

DIVISIONAL MEETINGS Although some changes may be inevitable, divisional sessions have been assigned to the following locations from 9 A.M. to 12 Noon and 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. Division of Biological Chemistry (Denver Hilton) Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday

General Papers Milk Fat Globulin Membrane General Papers Direct Hydrogen Transfer Applications of Developments in Chromatography to Biochemistry General Papers Proteins Protein Biosynthesis Genes, Enzymes, and Control Mechanisms

Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (Probationary Unit) (Denver Hilton) Tuesday

Production Technology of Neptunium-237 and Plutonium-238

Division of Organic Chemistry (Denver Hilton) Monday Tuesday Wednesday

General Papers General Papers General Papers

Division of Physical Chemistry (Brown Palace) Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday

General Papers General Papers Nuclear Chemistry—Symposium in Honor of I. Perlman (Nuclear Applications Award) Symposium in Honor of Henry Eyring (Peter Debye Award) General Papers Symposium in Honor of Marshall Fixman (Pure Chemistry Award) General Papers Charge Transfer Complexes



Denver Hilton Brown Palace Harris Shirley-Savoy


Single 1 Person

Double Bed 2 Persons

Twin Beds 2 Persons

8.50-17.00 8.50-18.00 4 . 5 0 - 6.00 7.50- 8.50

14.00-21.00 15.00-17.00 6.50- 7.50 10.00-11.00

15.50-21.00 16.00-27.00 7.00- 8.00 10.00-11.50

NOV. 4, 196 3

Connecting Rooms 3 or 4 Persons 29.00-42.00 22.00-24.00 11.00-13.00

Suites Parlor1 Bedroom

Suites Parlor2 Bedrooms

36.00-45.00 26.00-75.00

55.50-80.00 39.00-97.00

M A I L TO" *

ACS Housing Bureau / ° Denver Convention and Visitors Bureau 2 2 5 West Colfax Ave. Denver 2, Colo.


Please reserve the following: First Choice

Second Choice

Note: Single rooms are limited in number.

Third Choice

Please arrange to occupy twin-bedded rooms if possible.

Room(s) with bath for person(s) Combination (2 rooms with 1 bath) for—person(s) Room(s) and Parlor for person(s)

Rate preferred $ Rate preferred $ Rate preferred $

per room. per unit. per suite.

Arrival and Departure Dates Are Essential: Arriving Denver-


A.M. -P.M.


Rooms will be occupied by: Name

Street Address



(Please attach list of additional names, if necessary) Name CompanyStreet Address City



Note: If accommodations at the hotel of my choice are not available, I understand the Housing Bureau will make as good a reservation as possible elsewhere and that I will receive confirmation direct from the hotel.


4, 1963