16. 18 79 I - ACS Publications

Leeds iii tlie cliair. ... 1 di9--Pwse)tt, News. Leeds,. Thr, Treasurer reported a. balance of $984.79. ... Wnller, Casai iiajor, East wick aiid (fold...
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III . - I ’ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ l . : i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s . RPY1I In I’ X(;eti,t Y, E;.6 IC (l,/ ’!/ 16. 187 9 13


T r r E nieetiiig was called co order at S:1 B O‘calock, Vice-President Leeds iii tlie cliair. Tlie iiiiiiutes of tlie last iiieetirig were read and adopted. T h e Board of Directors reported as follows : A t a meeting held .JanuarS l f i , 1di9--Pwse)tt, News. Leeds, Nichols, Citswiajor, Miller, Waller. Endeinanii and Goldscliinidt. Thr, Treasurer reported a. balance of $984.79. Tlie following bills were audited atid ordered to be paid : T. *J. Fay, !$9.T)O; G. E. Stecliert, $19.65. O n niotioii of tlie Treasurer it mas resvlved t,o appoint a coiriitiittee to instiire a plaii of actioii for t,lie collectiorl of tlie i t i i i o ~ i t i tdue tlie Society for s i ~ e a r sof dues, aiid to report tlie iiatiies of ineiiihers to be dropped froiii tlie rolls of tlie Soviety for suc.li lioii-pi~yiiieitt. Tlie cliair iLppoiiited as wiiitiiittee Xes . (lasaiiiajor, Siclioli: aiid (hlilacliitiidt. Bwdw/, Tltat n o orie J i o u l t l he coiisitlercil ii i t i ~ ~ i i i l ~ofe rtlie Societv, o r receive tlie proccee‘liiigs or tlieir piiI)licittioiis, iititil h e sliall have p i t 1 his iliitiiltioli fee a.11t1 dues for tlie ciii’l.eiit yeai.. ~ ~ ~ w / w That / , the LiImri:m 1iere:tfter seiid out tlic I)roceediligys. 1 2 ~ w h e d ,Tllitt tlic Trewiirer be ellipowered to i i i i t k e sucl~arrangeitients i i i regird t u re-eibgatgiiig tlie rooins of the Society ils he may tleeiii pi’oper. i i t a iticetiiig of tlie I3oitrd of Directors, lield k’ehiar? 6, lSi9Z ’ / t . w / , t , Xessrs. Let&, (hldiiiark, Endeiriaiiii, Miller, Niclioltj, Wnller, Casai iiajor, East wick aiid (foldsol i I 11id t.



T h e following bills were audited and ordered to be paid : (2. A, Kundalil, $52.00 ; (+. E. Stechert, $6.60 ; Baker k (bdwin, $67.37 ; S. A. Ooldschmidt, $li.%. The Treasurer reported a balance of $1,100.00. Tlie Conitnittee on Publications were au tliorieed to publish the proceedings fa the coining quarter. They were also directed to publish Vol. I, No. 4,hy March 1, 1879. The Coiiiinittee on delinquents reported 104 inenibers in arrears, of wliorn 42 had never paid one cent, and tliat they liad sent the following circular to tliese gentlemen :

AMERICAN CHEMICAI. SOCIETY, No. 11 East 14th St. NEUT YORK,January 24, 1879. SIR: The Committee on Delinquents, of the American Chemical Society, has directed me to inform you that you owe to this Society the amount specified in the enclosed notice. € 3 decision ~ of this Committee, the names of those who have not paid their dues for the years prior to 1879, shall be dropped from the roll of membership on the first day of May next. W e hope that yon will give this matter your immediate attention, as we would regret the necessity of dropping your name from our rolls. With much respect, I remain Your obedient servant, P. CASAMAJOR, C o r r e q ~ o i ~ ~f ki iwi ~ t n~r y .

Messrs. F. W. Potter, Clias. de Lainotlie, ('lias. Marchand and Herbert IIazard were elected Meiiibers, and Messrs. E. W. Leggett and 0. F. Wingate Associates. Messrs. C . G. W'lieeler, T. l3. Stilliiiitn, August Eiiner, Erhardt, UT.F. IIildelmnd and Jolin E'. I