179th ACS National Meeting Houston, Texas March 23-28, 1980

Mar 23, 1980 - 179th ACS National Meeting Houston, Texas March 23-28, 1980. Anal. Chem. , 1980, 52 (3), pp 369A–380A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50053a739...
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179th ACS National Meeting Houston, Texas March 23-28, 1980 T h e 179th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society is to be held in Houston, Tex., industrial and cultural capital of the Sun Belt, on March 23-28, 1980. Twenty-five of the Society's divisions will participate in technical sessions covering a wide range of topics. In conjunction with the program there will be a National ACS Chemical Exposition of chemical products and services, and a National Employment Clearing House will be in operation. T h e ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry is sponsoring symposia and general sessions comprising around 140 technical presentations. Symposium topics include: ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry; ACS Award in Chromatography—The Electron Capture Detector in Environmental and Biological Studies; Industrial Problem Solving—A Multitechnique Approach; Garvan Medal Symposium—Innovative Approaches to Clinical Analytical Chemistry; Ultrahigh Sensitivity Analytical Chemistry; and Analytical Division Chemical Instrumentation Award. General session topics are: atomic absorption, chromatography, electrochemistry, and spectroscopy.

T h e Division program will be highlighted by the presentation of two ACS awards and the Division's Instrumentation Award. T h e ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry, sponsored by Fisher Scientific Co., is going to J. Calvin Giddings, who will present a talk on "Field Flow Fractionation: A Versatile Approach to the Macromolecular-Supramolecular Separation Problem." T h e ACS Award in Chromatography, sponsored by Supelco, Inc., will be presented to James E. Lovelock, who will speak on " T h e Electron Capture Detector: An Odyssey." Donald E. Smith is 1980 recipient of the Chemical Instrumentation Award, cosponsored by the Hamilton Co. of Reno, Nev., and the Division of Analytical Chemistry. Dr. Smith's award address is on "Two Decades of Progress in Electroanalytical Instrumentation." In addition to these programs, sponsored primarily by the Division of Analytical Chemistry, the Division will cosponsor two other symposia: Computer Networks in the Analytical Laboratory, sponsored jointly with the Division of Computers in Chemistry; and Advanced Instrumentation for Analy-

sis of Combustion Products, sponsored jointly with the Division of Petroleum Chemistry. All sessions sponsored or cosponsored by the Division will take place in the Albert Thomas Convention & Exhibit Center, except for the Symposium on Advanced Instrumentation for Analysis of Combustion Products, sponsored jointly with the Division of Petroleum Chemistry, which will be located at the Sheraton Houston. T h e Divisions of Analytical Chemistry and Computers in Chemistry are jointly sponsoring a social hour and dinner to be held on Tuesday, March 25. T h e social hour will begin at 6:30 P.M. and dinner at 7:30 P.M. at the San Jacinto Inn. Tickets including bus transportation are $15.50 if purchased in advance—see the Feb. 18 issue of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN). T h e ACS Awards Dinner will be held in the Hyatt Regency on Monday, March 24, and the ACS Mixer will be held in the Albert T h o m a s Convention & Exhibit Center on March 25. T h e ACS Department of Educational Activities is sponsoring 12 Short Courses in conjunction with the Hous-


News ton meeting. See the Feb. 18 C&EN for further information and registra­ tion instructions. These courses are also listed in the J a n u a r y and March "Short Courses" columns of ANALYT­ ICAL C H E M I S T R Y .

Preregistration forms and further information about the Houston meet­ ing can be found in the Jan. 14 and Feb. 18 issues of C&EN, the latter containing the complete technical pro­ gram. T h e detailed program below in­ cludes all sessions sponsored and cosponsored by the Division of Analyti­ cal Chemistry.


10:10 A Geochemical Laboratory for Analysis of Large Numbers of Samples Using a Multitechnique Approach. R. W. Morrow, G. F. Lar­ son, L. E. White, T. L. Futrell 10:40 Spectral Investigations in Support of Coal Liquefaction T e c h ­ nologies H. L. Retcofsky, F. R. Brown, R. G. L e t t 11:10 Characterization of Mixed Metal Cobalt Spinels. H. L. Spell, C. P . Christenson, R. E. Guerra, W. W. Henslee 11:40 Multitechnique Approach in R e s e a r c h and Development. A. Davis, S. Sojka SECTION c

General: Atomic Absorption T. M. Vickrey,

F r a n k A. Guthrie, Chairman Roland F. Hirsch, Secretary MONDAY SECTION A

ACS A w a r d in Chromatography Symposium: The Electron Capture Detector in Environmental and Bio­ logical Studies A. Zlatkis, Presiding 9:00 Introductory Remarks 9:05 Award Address.