1908 STUDIES IN ESTERIFICATION, 11. Sec. I. Introductory. The

Jones and Allen.-Jones and 911en' have published a well known lecture demonstration of the “dissociating action of water,” Ivhich is rcpeatetl b~7...
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PROM THE CHE]rfIG\L ~ , A U O R A T O R I E S O F C L A R K r N I V E R S I T Y .


STUDIES IN ESTERIFICATION, 11. 11Y \v. I,. 1 ’ K A O F . H . Keceivcd October 7 > 1908.

Sec. I. Introductory. The preceding comn:unication ~)lacc.sthe phenomena of I’ictor Mcyer‘s Esterification I,aw on a qttantitati\-e linsis, and does away with the steric hindrance hypothesis which is gciicrally supposed to explain its workings. The present paper gives ai1 account of further experimental investigation along these lines, undertakeii a t the request of I’rofessor &I. A. Rosanoff, but deals with the assumption of steric hindrance i n esterification somewhat niore generally. ’The verdict of my new experiments is identical with the conclusion arrived at in the first paper: the hypothesis that the sloi\- rate of esterification observed in the case of many acids is due to the n ~ c c h m i c o /interference of groups or atoms situated near the carboxyl group in the molecule, is untenable. The acids investigated include the nionoeth!.l ester of tr-nitro-phthalic acid, acetic, propionic, isobutyric and trimethyl-acetic acids. The study of the monoethyl ester of a-nitro-phthalic acid corroborated entirely the view of the Esterification Law expressed in the first communication. The derived acetic acids Tvere studied with a view to testing the current idea that “similar influences eliiect the esterification of both fatty and aromatic acids” and that “the rate of esterification is retarded in proportion t o the number and size of the atoms or groups introduced into the acetic acid molecule.”’ The experimental results given below might be interpreted as s h o w ing that a relationship exists between the velocity of esterification constants and the electrolytic dissociation constants of organic acids, rather than between the esterification yelocities and the number of methyl groups in the molecule. These results are strengthened b p some older observations made b y I,icht!.? on the chlorinated acetic acids. I have calculated the esterification velocity coiistmts of these acids from Lichty’s experimental data, and the combined results appear to (lemonstrate clearly the untenability of the steric hindrance hypothesis as applietl to the esterification of aliphatic acids. The experimental method employed \vas identical with that described in t h e preceding conimuriicatioii. Sec. 2 . The Monoethyl Ester of a-Nitro-phthalic Acid. This acid \vas prepared according to ttic method of lliller.3 One part of See Cohen, Orgaizir Chemistry (London, 190j),chapter on “ T h e Esterification Law dpplied to P a t t y Acids,” 11. 234. Am. Chem. J , , 18, j90 (1896). Ann., 2 0 8 ,




ordinary phthalic acid is heated for two hourson the waterbath with I .5parts of concentrated nitric acid and the same amount of concentrated sulphuric acid. After allowing the mixture to cool, i t is filtered and the precipitate dried, dissolved in absolute alcohol and esterified by the Fisher method. In 6



this way the a-nitro-phthalic acid is changed to C,H,NO,.CO,H.CO,C,H,, whereas the ,G-nitro-phthalic and any unchanged phthalic acid are transformed into their respective di-ethyl esters. The alcohol is now evaporated, the residue taken up with ether and extracted with aqueous sodium carbonate, from which the acid is set free by hydrochloric acid. The solution is then extracted several times with ether, the ether evaporated, and the residue crystallized from water. My acid melted a t I IO'. Miller found 110.5'. The results of the esterification are given in Table I. TABLEI. 1 (days).

0.669 0.833 0,9896

v (liters)


0.001738 0.001496 o.oor3zo




0.002036 0.001766 0.001583 I. 25 0.001381 I. 646 . .. 0.001897 1.792 .... 0.002198 0.002391 2.669 .... Averages: K = 1.58; k = 0.20.

0.01909 0.01706 0.01498 0.01708 0.01j1z 0.01785 0.01915

0.001746 0.001530 o.oo14jo o.oo141j 0.001751 o.oozo37

K. (0.36) (0.30) (0.45) (0.76) 1.57

k. 0.24

0.18 0.18


.. ..





Sec. 3. Acetic Acid. Kahlbaum's best acid was further purified by fractional freezing. The equilibrium constant of acetic acid has been carefully determined a t both low and high temperatures (the heat of esterification or saponification in this case is zero). All that had to be done in this case, therefore, was to study the progress of the reaction in time. One mol of acetic acid was mixed with something over five mols of absolute ethyl alcohol, small quantities sealed up in small tubes, and accurately weighed. The reaction was allowed to proceed a t the temperature of boiling aniline, the first stage of the reaction being neglected as in all my other work. The electrolytic dissociation constant of this acid a t 2 5 ' is 0.00180.' TABLE11. 1.



0.0833 0.003565 0.0014 0.002698 0.0972 0.0011 0.1042 0.003075 0.0012 0.003203 0.1458 0.00155 Averages: ( K = 4.0); k = 1.48.


0.01804 0.01365 0.01556 0.01620


0.002688 O.OOZIZZ

0.002451 0.002645


1.51 1.51 1.48 1.44

Sec. 4. Propionic Acid. Kahlbaum's pure acid was further carefully purified by fractional distill

Ostwald, 2.phyysik. Chem., 3, I74 (1889).


W. I,.


lation. One mol of this acid was mixed with nearly five rnols of ahsolute ethyl alcohol and the I clocit) of csterificatiori studied at 1x3'. The electrolytic dissociation constant at 25 ' is o.oor34..' TABLE 111. 1.



0.003jjo 0.002910

0.01781 0.01297 0.OIgOZ 0.01362


0.0847 0.0972



0.001034 0.001296


O . O O I O ~ ~ 0.002867

0.666 ... 0.8j4 .... Averages: K



0.004272 0.02030 0.004jIg 0.02168 2.24, k = 0.9j.


0.002616 0.001906 0.00293j 0.00203j 0.003S65 0.004089


.. .. ..


k. I.OI 0.92

0.96 0.r)2

2.2j 2.22


Sec. 5. Isobutyric Acid. Again one mol of acid was mixed with nearly 5 mols of absolute 'l'he elcctrolvtic ethyl alcohol and the esterification studied at 183 '. dissociation constant of this acid at 2 s 3 is 0.00 144. ' TABLE t.


0.0833 0.0972

0.001347 0.001276

IV. A.


0.003339 0.0031j8 0.111 0.001188 0.003102 0.12j 0 . ~ 1 6 3 9 0.0040j2 0.666 .... 0,004034 I. 000 .... 0.003880 Averages: K = 2.10; k = 1.07.

0.01609 O.OIj22

o.014gj 0.019j2 0,01944 0.01870


0.001975 0.001972 0.002042

j9 0,003646 0.003487 0.0028

K. (0.20)

(0.25) (0.30)



1.09 1.05 1.0j






Sec. 6 . Trimethyl-acetic Acid. Kahlbaum's excellent preparation was purified by pressing between folds of filter paper and carefully dried. The esterification \vas studied as in the cases described above. The electrolytic dissociation constant of this acid a t 25' is 0.000978.' 1.

0.633 0.794

0.00164j 0.001732



I.2 jo


0.001645 o.oo166j 0.0013jo






Averages: I


Ostwald, Lor. cit., 1'. I jj.

* Cohen, Urganzc Clzemzstry

(London, Igoj), p. 234.



paper' there is no mention of a determination of the volumes of the reacting mixtures. Accordingly, I have carefully determined the volumes occupied by equimolecular mixtures of the acids with absolute alcohol at the ordinary temperatures and corrected for the expansion to 80'-the temperature a t which Lichty conducted his experiments. Following are the results for monochloracetic acid, the first and last stages of the reaction being neglected, as in all my other work. For this acid I obtained v = 0.13liter. The electrolytic dissociation constant is 0.155.~ Putting a = 11 = I in the general expression for k given in the first paper, and

the following equation is obtained :




0.0139 0.0174 0.0208


0.0416 0.0833 Average, k = 2.50.

0.2223 0.2591 0.2863 0.3596 0.4189 0.5733

2.69 2.64 2.52 2.36 2.34 2.44

Sec. 8. Dichloracetic Acid. Putting in the general formula a = b = I, v = 0.15 liter, and K' = 0.1633,we get .


The electrolytic dissociation constant of this acid at 25' is 5.14.~ TABLEVII. t.

0.01042 0.01388 0.02083 0.02777 0.04166 Average, k = 6.38.


0.3553 0.4268 0.4794 0.5179 0.5649


5.16 7.30 6.96 6.21 6.25

Sec. 9. Trichloracetic Acid. Here a = b = I, 'u = 0.16 liter, and K' = 0.1633. The electrolytic dissociation constant at 25Ois 121. We get Am. Chem. J . , 18,ggoff. I 76. Ostwald, Ibid., p. 177.

* Ostwald, LOC.cit., p. a


W. I..



0.4558 log,,

I -0.59 j9X I-




VIII. k.


0.00625 0.00764 0.00903 0.01042 0.01I80 0.01389 Average, k 12.0.




0.3645 0.3970 0.4298 0.4591 0 ' 4903


11.93 11.95 11.9')


Sec. IO. Recapitulation of Results for Aliphatic Acids. The following table reproduces the principal results of experirnen t and calculation in the case of the substituted acetic acids. TABLEIX. Acid.

Acetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Propionic.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isobutyric.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trimethyl-acetic.. . . . . . . . . . . . Monochloro-acetic.. . . . . . . . . . . Dichloro-acetic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trichloro-acetic. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Elec. diss. const.

o.00180 0.00134 0.~0144 0.000978 0.155 5.14 1 2 1 .o



1.45 0.95 I .07

183O 183' 183O 183O



2.46 6.38 12.0


Y oO 80 O

The velocity constants in the case of acetic and the three methylated acetic acids can in no way be considered as corroborating the steric hindrance hypothesis. Dimethyl-acetic (isobutyric) acide sterifies more rapidly than monomethyl-acetic (propionic) acid, while if the steric hindrance hypothesis were true the reverse would be the case. The velocity constants of the chlorinated acetic acids even a t 80' are greater than that of acetic acid at 183'~ and increase with the number of chlorine atoms near the carboxyl group, while, again, the reverse would be the case if the steric hindrance hypothesis were true. On the other hand, in the case of all the acids given in Table IX, increase in the esterification constants runs parallel with an increase in the electrolytic dissociation constants. The two sets of constants are not proportional; but it must be remembered that the electrolytic dissociation constants were determined in aqueous solution and a t low tcmperatures, whereas the esterification constants were obtained a t higher temperatures and in alcoholic solutions containing varying amounts of water . Set. I I. Separation of Mono-ortho-substituted Aromatic from Other Acids. The large differences between the esterification constants of mono-orthosubstituted aromatic acids, on the one hand, and of acids with the two ortho positions free, on the other hand (see the preceding conimunica-



tion), suggested the idea that the process of esterification might in many cases be employed for separating mono-ortho-substituted from other acids, just as diortho-substituted acids have been separated from other acids by Martz' and others. Three solutions were therefore prepared as follows: ( a ) Ten grams of benzoic acid were dissolved in zoo cc. of absolute ethyl alcohol containing 3 per cent. of dry hydrochloric acid. ( b ) Ten grams of anthranilic acid were dissolved in a similar quantity of alcoholic hydrochloric acid. (c) A mixture of IO grams of benzoic acid and IO grams of anthranilic acid was dissolved in 400 cc. of the alcoholic hydrochloric acid. The three solutions were allowed to stand a t the ordinary temperature and the changes going on in solutions (a) and ( b ) determined from time to time by titration with standard alkali. At the end of 23 days, 86.5 per cent. of the benzoic acid had been changed to ester, while the anlhranilic acid had remained practically unchanged. The solution containing both benzoic and anthranilic acids was then carefully neutralized with sodium carbonate, most of the alcohol cautiously distilled off, the residue taken up with ether, and the ether distilled off out of a weighed flask. There were thus obtained about 6 grams of pure ethyl benzoic ester. This yield would have been considerably larger if some of the ester had not been lost in the distillation of the alcohol. Plainly, the method, either in the form in which I have employed it, or in some similar form, ought to prove practically useful in separating organic acids which cannot be readily isolated by other means. Sec. 12. Summary.

The present communication may be summarized as follows: I . The velocity of esterification of a-nitro-phthalic acid corroborates the conclusions as to the Esterification Law drawn in the preceding communication. 2 . The results of a cautious kinetic study of a set of aliphatic acids indicate that the steric hindrance hypothesis is untenable. This is contrary to the opinion held by the majority of investigators in the field. But, if the views expressed in the preceding communication are correct, velocity constants obtained, as usually, by studying esterification as a monomolecular reaction and in the presence of foreign catalytic agents, are by no means always comparable among themselves and can hardly be relied upon for safe guidance in theoretical generalization. 3. By way of a practical application of the results of the preceding communication, it is shown that mono-ortho-substituted aromatic acids can be separated from other acids by esterification. See Victor Meyer and Sudborough, Ber.,


3147 (1894).



I n conclusion, I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the Director Rosanoff, under whose guidance of these Laboratories, Professor hI. the above study was carried out. CLARK UNIVERSITY.



NOTE. On the “Color Demonstrat,ion of the Dissociuting Action of Wuter” 0 ) Jones and Allen.-Jones and 911en’ have published a well known lecture demonstration of the “dissociating action of water,” Ivhich is rcpeatetl b ~ 7Jones in his text-book, ‘“l‘he Illemelits of I’hysical Chemistry.”’ ~ I A few drops of an alcoholic solution of phenolphthalein are placed in a glass cylinder, and diluted to, say, jo cc. b y the addition of alcohol. A few drops of a n aqueous solution of ammonia are then added. A red color may appear where the aqueous ammonia first comes in contact with the alcoholic phenolphthalein but this will disappear instantly on shaking the cylinder.. , . .\l.‘ater is then gradually added to the cylinder, when the red color will appear, a t first faint then stronger as the aniount of water increases. LVlieti the red color has becorr;e intense, add :I considerat)le volume of alcohol, and the entire color vi.ill disappear.” This is given as a demonstration of the dissociating action of water, the explanation being that in the alcoholic solution the atiinionia is so little dissociated t h a t there are not enough h!.drosyl ioiis present to color the phenol phthalein. Dilution with water dissociates the ammonia etiougli to give the red color to the indicator. ’l‘lie further addition of alcohol represses the dissociation and the solution again becoines colorless. Recent light on the niechanism of the color change iri indicators, and a comparison of the relative dissociating power of alcohol with its enornioiis decolorizing power on slightl!. alkaline 1)lieiiolphthaleiii solutions made it seen1 highly improbable that the reasoil for thc color change was the one assigned by Jones ;iml A l l l e ~ i .’I‘his property of alcoliol w a s noticed by the bvriter wtiile measuring the t1issociutic.m constant ol ~ ~ l i e n o l ~ ~ h t l i a l e i i i . ~ 1t \vas first remarked by hlenscliutki~i~ arid further ol)servetl quantitatively I)! A I C C ‘ O ~ . ~ ’I‘he effect of the alcohol in this respect is so great as to preclude the possibility of its being due, except in \-er!. sniall proportion, to the smaller dissociating power of the ~~lcohol.Solutiolis o f salts in :~lcoliolsho~v a degree of dissociation about one-tliirtl t l u t i i i Nistures of I




:tnler. Ckctil. J , , 18,377 ( I X C ~ ( I ) . Third edition, 1907, 11. 2‘)s. %. Efekfrociiem., 14,352 (1cp8). 16, 3 1 5 (1883). A m r r . Cliem. J . , 31, 503 (1904). Jones, Z . physik. Chem., 14,jor (1894).