1932 Illustrierter Apotheker-Kalender (Firchl, Fritz) - Journal of

1932 Illustrierter Apotheker-Kalender (Firchl, Fritz). John C. Krantz. J. Chem. Educ. , 1932, 9 (8), p 1500. DOI: 10.1021/ed009p1500.1. Publication Da...
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is usually met in a text designed to fit the needs of an elementary course given in the average American college. The theoretical dkussions, while not extensive, are accurate and are presented in a straiihtforward way so as t o be easily understood by beginners. The author, of course, presupposes a good foundation in general chemistry such as most colleges give. The methods described and the theoretical treatments are up to date. The book bas the merit of being teachable as well as accurate. The author clearly demonstrates that he has had a cnnsiderable experience in teaching beginners, for he appreciates the value of a simple and direct method of presenting new material to the uninitiated. The reviewer would have been better satisfied if there had been added another chapter dealing with the preparation for analysis of a number of different technical and complex substances. This addition, together with some well-placed specific references to more extensive theoretical discussions, would have made the book adaptable t o the teaching of a more advanced course in volumetric analysis. The book should find a wide field of usefulness. It also deserves a better quality of paper and binding. H.W. BRusAKER KANSASSTAT=COLLBE& MINH*TT*N. K*NS*S

1932 Illnstrierter Apotheker-Kalender. FRITZFEKCEL. Seventh Year. Arthur Nemayer, Mittenwald (Bayern), Germany, 1932. Appr. 100 pp. 16 X 25 cm. Postpaid M4.50. The illustrated calendar of the apothecary is an interesting and perhaps unique volume. I t attempts to depict by means of numerous illustrations and captious the historical development of pharmacy and its allied sdences. The volume is conveniently arranged in the form of a calen-

dar of the current year. The days of the month are so arranged that there are spaces for daily notations. On each page, which includes three or four days, are illustrations of some event of interest in the history of the guild of the apothecary. Among the illustrations which are particularly impressive are Gregor Mendel, the famous iatrochemist Johann Baptiste van Helmont, and a reproduction of the classical painting "Der Alchimist." Throughout the volume there are numerous illustrations of Christ shown as an apothecary. Many of the saints including Joseph and Mary are shown in the rile of the apothecary a s represented in ancient paintings. The illustrations set forth in no uncertain manner the high esteem in which the apothecaries' guild was held in the past and how its history is interwoven with that of chemistry and medicine. JR. JOHNC. KRANTZ,

MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS Educational Directory, 1932. Part 11. ~n'stitutionsof Hizher - Education. Reprint from Bulletin, 1932, No. 1. U.S. Dept. Interior, Office of Education, Washington, D. C. Printed by the U. S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D. C. (For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washinpton, D. C.) 15 X 23 em. Pp. 71108. $0.05. A Wonder Book of Rubber. Published by The B. F. Goodrich Ca.. Akron, Ohio, 1932. 46 pp. 14 X 21 cm. Free upon request. This booklet is not offered as a scientific discussion, but only as a story of rubber and the manufacture and use of rubber products. Extensively illustrated.