1956 summer institutes for high-school teachers of science - Journal of

Lists information regarding summer institutes for high-school teachers of science offered at a variety of universities and colleges...
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Editors of THIS JOURNAL are indebted to Professor Robert L. Weber of the Department of Physics, Pennsylvania State University, for the following compilation, They regret its tardy appearance and its possiMe lack of completeness. They feel, nevertheless, that the appearance of such a list serves the purpose of focusing 811 readers' attention an the increasing number of such opportunities and the wide scope of this important activity. The information listed below was supplied by the institutions listed; same of it is tentative. Teachers interested should a p ply to the university as soon as possible for full information on its program and on soholarship aid. Under Expenses, T means tuition, R room, B board, X other. Under Dormitory, M means facilities available for men, W far women, MC for married couples, and FC for families with children. Under Credit is mentioned whether academic (graduate) credit is optional or required in the Institute program. If graduate credit is offered, the kind of master's degree to which it is applicable at that university is mentioned; the transfer of this credit to another university would, of course, have to meet the requirements of the university granting the degree. The A m k a n Univemity. (June-August). Apply: Dr. Leo Schubert, Chairman, Chemistry Department, The American Uniersity, Washington 16, D. C. Expenses: T $90. Dormitory: M, W, MC. Scholarships: $300 plus $75 for a dependent. Credit: optional, applicable to master's degree in a science field. Sponsor: National Science Foundation. Fields: physics, chemistry. Work in near-by research organizations. Canegie Institute of Technology. (June 25-August 4). Apply: Dr. John M. Daniels, Direotor of Admissions, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh 13, Pennsylvania. Expense: T $50, R $60, B $125. Dormitory: M, W. Scholarships: $20&600. About 40 avdahle. Qualifications: no restrictions other than that applicant must be a teacher of science, mathematics, physics, or chemistry. Credit: none. Sponsor: Westinghouse Educational Foundahion. Fields: mathematics, physics, chemistry. ComeU University. (July 2-August 10). Apply: Dr. Philip G. Johnson, Professor of Science Teaching, 3 Stone Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Expenses: T $145, R $90, B 8 0 0 , X $50. Dormitory: M, W, MC (FC not encouraged). Scholarships: $1000. Applications close when 30 have been selected, probably January or early February. Qualifications: residence east of Mississippi River, A.B. degree, 5-years experience in teaching chemistry, mathematics, or physics in secondary schoolb, cmtaT;rudin~leadership, prrparstion lor intmaive work. Credit: required, applicable to hl.l