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F E B . 17. I 9 5 8
1957 Sweepstakes Local section apportionments and councilor representation are based on ••he official membership count made each December first. Over the years the figures that result from this count have been used as comparative records to reflect Society growth and strength. For those individuals who have followed faithfully the course of their Society via these statistics, we present the 1957 sweepstakes. On Dec. 1, 1957, there were 73,702 members in good standing in 151 local sections. In the previous year there were 71,193 members in 150 local sections. This reflects a local section growth of 2509 or 3.5% which is essentially the same as in the previous year. T h e Savannah River Section, previously a subsection of the South Carolina Section, was formed during the year. Membership increased in 109 sections; in four it remained unchanged. As in 1956, there were 3 8 sections that ended the year with fewer members. Most of these, however, did not show a decrease in 1956. Relocation of operations employing ACS members appears to be the governing factor in these local decreases. Only the South Carolina Section lost heavily d u e to donation of some of its territory for the formation of the n e w Savannah River Section. Ten bcctions recorded gains of 7 5 or more members as follows: Increase Section Number %> North Jersey 209 4.0 Philadelphia 170 5.3 New York 170 3.0 Chicago 124 2.9 Southern California 122 5.1 Southeastern Texas 106 9.1 Northeastern 98 4.4 Delaware 94 4.0 California 87 4.7 Santa Clara Valley 78 16.3 Fifty-two sections increased 595? or more in membership. The highest increase, 34.2%, w a s recorded by the Idaho Section. Tt also was the winner of the ACS Local Section Public Relations Award for sections of its size. We believe there is a significant relationship between these facts. Leaders percentagewise were:
Increase Section Number