1963 Detroit Anachem Conference - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 25, 2012 - 1963 Detroit Anachem Conference. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (3), pp 53A–53A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60196a756. Publication Date: March 1963...
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NEWS June 10 to 14—Symposium on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Contact: H. H. Nielsen, Dept. of Physics and Astron­ omy, Ohio State University, 174 West 18th Ave., Columbus 10, Ohio. Page 98 A, Feb. June 18 to 21—4th Biennial ISA International Gas Chromatography Symposium. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich. Contact: Dr. W. C. Hamilton, Continental Oil Co., Ponca City, Okla. Page 53 A, March. June 19 to 21—Division of Analytical Chemistry(ACS) Summer Symposium, Univer­ sity of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Subject: Metal Complexes in Analytical Chemistry. Contact: Henry Freiser, Chemistry Dept., University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. June 19 to 26—Sixth World Petroleum Congress, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. In­ cludes sessions on composition, analysis, and testing. Contact: 6. Welt-ErdolKongress, Generalsekretariat, Frankfurt (Main) 7, Postfach, Germanv. Page 99 A, Feb. June 23 to 28—ASTM National Meeting, Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N . J. Includes symposium on x-ray and electron probe analysis. Contact: ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. Page 97 A, Feb.

CARBON-14 4th Biennial ISA International Gas Chromatography Symposium T h e 4 t h Biennial ISA I n t e r n a t i o n a l Gas C h r o m a t o g r a p h y Symposium will be held at Michigan State University, E a s t Lansing, Mich., J u n e 18 to 2 1 . D r . A. J. P . M a r t i n , Nobel prize winner and co-inventor of gas c h r o m a t o g r a p h y , will be t h e keynote speaker. Dr. W a r r e n B r a n d t , K a n s a s State Univer­ sity, will be p r o g r a m chairman. T h e meeting will be a combination of in­ vited and s u b m i t t e d papers covering theory, practice, and instrumentation. Several outstanding E u r o p e a n and American c h r o m a t o g r a p h e r s will p r e ­ sent invited papers. All queries should be sent to D r . W . C. Hamilton, Con­ tinental Oil Co., Ponca City, Okla.

Polytechnic International Symposium on Optical Masers T h e symposium, cosponsored b y t h e U. S. Air Force Office of Scientific R e ­ search, T h e Office of N a v a l Research, and t h e A r m y Research Office, will be held in N e w Y o r k City, April 16 to 18, a n d will a t t e m p t to integrate t h e physics and technology bearing directly on t h e discovery, theory, and applica­ tion of maser phenomena. Specific topics a r e : q u a n t u m electrodynamics and related topics in physics; m a ­ terials, including solid, liquid, and gaseous systems, spectroscopy, optical properties, etc.; optical maser con­ figuration; and system considerations, such as communication and instru­ mentation. T h e p r o g r a m will be comprised of both invited and contributed p a p e r s and will conclude in a round-table dis­ cussion. F o r further information, write

to Professors L. Bergstein, W . K a h n , or G. Oster, Co-Chairmen of t h e Sym­ posium Committee, Polytechnic I n s t i ­ t u t e of Brooklyn, 55 Johnson St., Brooklyn Ι , Ν . Υ ' .

EIGHT NEW CARBON-14 LABELLED C O M P O U N D S Radiochemical purities 97% to 100%. Specific activity ranges shown in italics. L-Asparagine-C-14 (U) 4-20 mc/mM $840/500 μο $115/50 μο

Gulf Coast Spectroscopic Meeting T h e spring meeting of t h e Gulf Coast Spectroscopic G r o u p will be held on April 5, B a t o n Rouge, La., a t t h e Bellem o n t M o t o r Hotel, 7370 Airline High­ way. All interested persons are invited to a t t e n d . P a p e r s are being solicitated for this meeting and, while there is m u c h in­ terest in c h r o m a t o g r a p h y , to achieve a balanced program, papers covering other fields are particularly desired. Those interested in contributing should write D . J. Rachel, Cities Service R e ­ fining Corp., Lake Charles, La.

1963 Detroit Anachem Conference T h e Eleventh Detroit Anachem Con­ ference will be held October 21 to 23, 1963, a t t h e M c G r e g o r Memorial Con­ ference Center, W a y n e State Univer­ sity, Detroit, M i c h . T h e Conference will be sponsored b y t h e Association of Analytical Chemists and will feature symposia in m a n y fields of analytical interest. T h e D e t r o i t Section of t h e Optical Society of America is participating b y sponsoring symposia on optical and x-ray spectros­ copy. As in previous years presenta­ tion of t h e Anachem Award will be a feature of t h e Conference. C o n t r i b u t e d papers are welcomed. A b s t r a c t s of papers should be sub­ m i t t e d to M r . C. M . Gambrill or D r . A. G. Gassmann, E t h y l Corporation, 1600 West 8 Mile R o a d , D e t r o i t 20, Mich. T h e deadline for a b s t r a c t s is J u n e 1.

D-Biotin-(carbonyl-C-14) 2-10 mc/mM $840/500 juc $115/50 μο D-Galactose-1-C-14 $315/500 yuc

20-30 mc/mM $45/50 μα

Glyceryl trioleate-1-C-14 2-20 mc/mM [benzene solution] $380/500 /xc $55/50 /xc Hydrocortisone-4-C-14 15-25 mc/mM [Cortisol-4-C-14] [benzene solution] $2835/500 MC $380/50 μο L-Malic acid-C-14 (U) $525/500 juc Oleic acid-1-C-14 [benzene solution] $210/500 p c Sucrose-C-14 (U) $255/500 juc

4-20 mc/mM $70/50 μο 5-30


$30/50 μο 150-200 mc/mM $40/50 μο

These new compounds do not appear in our recently published C-14 schedule. Ask for Radiochemical Bulletins listing these and many other newly available C-14, Tritium, P-32, S-35, and CI-36 labelled compounds. I n d i v i d u a l prod­ uct schedules are also available. All prices F.O.B. destination. All ship­ ments sent via prepaid Air Express. Requests for custom preparations are invited. mc:s.2.2.s

nuclear-chicago 351 E. Howard Ave., Des Plaines, Illinois

Telephone: 312 827-4456 Circle No. 153 on Readers' Service Card VOL.

35, NO. 3, MARCH 1963


53 A