1963 Gordon Research Conference Program - Analytical Chemistry

May 18, 2012 - 1963 Gordon Research Conference Program. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (6), pp 47A–55A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60199a743. Publication Date: May ...
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1963 Gordon Research Conference Program





will consist of 48 full week sessions at four different locations in N e w H a m p s h i r e this summer. Among the subjects on t h e p r o g r a m t h a t were not covered at the 1962 conferences are Chemistry and Physics of Liquids, Proteins, Microbiological D e terioration, High Pressure Research, Physical M e t a l l u r g y , I o n Exchange, Molten Salts, Air Quality Criteria, M a g n e t i c Resonance, Chemistry a n d M e t a l l u r g y of Semiconductors, E n e r g y Coupling Mechanisms, Photonuclear Reactions, Fluorine Chemistry, Geochemistry—Origin of Petroleum, a n d Glass. Following the usual custom, meetings will be held in t h e morning and evening, M o n d a y through Friday, with t h e exception of F r i d a y evening. T h e afternoons are available for recreation, reading, or participation in discussion groups. Conference; of special interest to

analytical chemists are I n s t r u m e n t a tion, Aug. 12 to 16; Separation a n d Purification, Aug. 19 to 2 3 ; Analytical Chemistry, Aug. 26 to 3 0 ; I o n E x change, Aug. 19 to 2 3 ; and Magnetic Resonance, J u n e 24 to 28. A t t e n d a n c e is b y advance registration using t h e s t a n d a r d application form. E a c h conference is limited t o 100 individuals. T h e complete p r o g r a m a n d applications for attendance a r e available from D r . W . George P a r k s , Director, Gordon Research Conferences, University of R h o d e Island, Kingston, R . I . T h e Analytical Chemistry Conference will be held Aug. 26 to 30 a t t h e N e w H a m p t o n School, N e w H a m p t o n , N . H . Stephen D a l Nogare is Chairm a n , while R a l p h N . A d a m s , is Vice C h a i r m a n . T h e p r o g r a m is as follows:

Practical Aspects of Gas Chromatography. R. S. Juvet.

August 27 Polarography in Non-Aqueous Solvents. W. B. Schaap. Polarography of Organic Compounds. Stanley Wawzonek. Organic Functional Group Analysis. J. S. Fritz.

August 28 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. E . G. Brame, Jr. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. L. H. Pictte. Attenuated Total Reflectance. D . R. Johnson.

August 29 Complexes. H. T. Flaschka. Open Session

August 30

August 26 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Robinson.


Reaction Kinetics in Analysis. Blaedel.

W. J.

Gordon Research Conferences 1963 Schedule

June 10-14

Colby Junior College New London New Hampshire Hydrocarbon Chemistry

June 17-21

Nuclear Chemistry

New Hampton School New Hampton New Hampshire Chemistry and Physics of Liquids Nucleic Acids

June 24-28 July 1-5

Polymers Catalysis

Proteins Coal Science

July 8 - 1 2


Scientific Information Problems in Research

July 1 5 - 1 9 July 2 2 - 2 6

Elastomers Corrosion

Adhesion Radiation Chemistry

July 29-Aug. 2

Medicinal Chemistry

August 5-9

Food and Nutrition

Steroids and Other Natural Products Inorganic Chemistry

August 12-16


August 1 9 - 2 3

Separation and Purification Cancer

August 2 6 - 3 0

Statistics in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Microbiological Deterioration Analytical Chemistry

Kimball Union Academy Meriden New Hampshire Lipid Metabolism Cell Structure and Metabolism High Pressure Research Coenzymes and Metabolic Pathways Chemistry, Physiology and Structure of Bones and Teeth Physical Metallurgy Chemistry at Interfaces Toxicology and Safety Evaluations Solid State Studies in Ceramics Chemistry and Physics of Solids Ion Exchange Molten Salts

Tilton School Tilton New Hampshire Biochemistry and Agriculture Air Quality Criteria Magnetic Resonance Chemistry and Physics of Space Chemistry and Metallurgy of Semiconductors Organic Coatings Organic Reactions and Processes Energy Coupling Mechanisms Photonuclear Reactions Fluorine Chemistry Geochemistry—Origin of Petroleum Glass

VOL. 35, NO. 6, MAY 1963 •

47 A

NOW... from



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Tenth O t t a w a Symposium on Applied Spectroscopy The Tenth Ottawa Symposium on Applied Spectroscopy will be held in Ottawa, Canada, from Sept. 16 to 18. This symposium is sponsored by the Canadian Association for Applied Spectroscopy. Papers are invited in all fields of applied spectroscopy, including emission, x-ray fluorescence and diffraction, flame emission and absorption, ultraviolet, visible, and infrared absorption, NMR, and mass spectroscopy. Titles and brief abstracts should be submitted before June 3 to John Kelly, The Steel Company of Canada, Ltd., Wilcox St., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

German Chemists Meet

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The Society of German Chemists will hold their annual meeting Sept. 9 to 14, at Heidelberg, Germany. The divisional programs scheduled include, among others, analytical chemistry with the theme, "Analytical Methods in Medical-Biological Investigations and Practice," and nuclear and radiation chemistry. Detailed programs of the meeting can be obtained from Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Geschaftstelle, Postfach 9075, 60,000 Frankfurt (Main) 9, Germany.

Training in Radioisotope Techniques The Western New York Nuclear Research Center, Inc., will conduct its third annual summer institute on radioisotope techniques at the State University of New York at Buffalo. The intensive training program consists of 160 hours of lectures and laboratory experience during the period, June 3 through 28. Enrollment is limited to 16 participants so that ample opportunity is provided for each participant to become familiar with such techniques as activation analysis, tracers, and gauging. For further information write to Dr. R. F. Lumb, WNY Nuclear Research Center, Inc., Power Drive, Buffalo, N. Y.

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Industrial Spectrograph^ Course

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Boston College will again conduct a special two-weeks intensive course in modern industrial spectrograph^' from July 15 through 26. The course is designed particularly for chemists and physicists from industry who are interested in learning the techniques of emission spectroscopy for analytical work.

NEWS More information is available from Rev. J. J. Devlin, S. J., Dept. of Physics, Boston College, Chestnut Hill 67, Mass.

G C Analysis of Steroids A laboratory course in the gas chromatographic analysis of steroids in biological materials given at Boston University Medical Center by Dr. H. H. Wotiz in January proved so successful that a repeat program will be given June 24 to 28. Practical instruction will be provided in the preparation of samples for analysis, and in the use of gas chromatographic equipment. The course is limited to 20 registrants and the fee is $175. Interested persons should write to Dr. H. H. Wotiz, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Boston University Medical Center, 80 East Concord St., Boston 18, Mass.

International Spectroscopy Conference The Union of the Chemical Societies of the F. P. P . of Yugoslavia invites participation in the XI International Conference on Spectroscopy, which is to be held in Beograd from Sept. 30 to Oct. 4. In addition to the scientific program, an exhibition of spectroscopic instruments, equipment, and auxiliary appliances will be held. The scientific program will cover the following areas: theory of spectra; spectroscopy of plasma; spectroscopy in astrophysics; spectrochemical analysis, both emission and absorption in the visible and ultraviolet; infrared and Raman spectroscopy; and other methods including microwave spectroscopy, EPR and N M R ; x-ray fluorescence; mass spectroscopy and gamma spectroscopy. Those interested in attending the conference may write: Colloquium Spcctroscopieum Internationale, Sekretari.jat, Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Fizickohemijski zavod, Beograd, Studentski trg 16, Blok C, Jugoslavia.

ASTM Committee E-19 on G C A General Meeting on the Practice of Gas Chromatography will be held Sept, 16 to 18 at the Hotel Dennis, Atlantic City, N. J. The meeting will be divided into sessions devoted to major topics including automated data handling, selection of detectors for particular applications, the use of capillary columns in standard laboratory practice, and the combination of gas chro-

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Circle No. 124 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 35, NO. 6, MAY 1963

49 A

NEWS matographic with mass spectrometric instrumentation. F u r t h e r information is available from Louis Mikkelsen, F & M Scientific Corp., Avondale, P a .

Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Lehigh University will present t h e second annual Summer Symposium in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry from July 15 t o 20. This program is

McCrone Research Institute Courses

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The courses offered by the McCrone Research Institute during 1963 are listed below: The first course on t h e use of t h e polarizing microscope is designed for professional chemists and is a prerequisite t o t h e other courses with t h e exception of t h e course on criminalistics. Title Industrial Use of the Polarizing Microscope Industrial Use of the Polarizing Microscope Industrial Use of the Polarizing Microscope The Microscope in Criminalistics Advanced Crystallography Microscopic Fusion Methods Photomicrography

planned t o provide t h e practicing analytical chemist with a background in the theory and techniques of modern instrumental analysis. General areas to be given special attention will include recent applications of instruments readily available t o analytical chemists. The symposium is open to holders of t h e bachelor's degree in chemistry or a n allied field, or with equivalent industrial experience. Topics t o be

The tuition for each of t h e courses is $300 except t h e London course is £30. A limited number of tuition-free scholarships are available for full-time college students entering t h e Senior year or in graduate school. The Chicago courses are held a t t h e Institute at 451 E . 31st St. More information m a y be obtained b y writing the McCrone Research Institute a t t h e above address in Chicago. Date June 10-21

Location Chicago

July 8-19


July 8-19


July 24-Aug. 9 Aug. 19-30 Sept. 9-20 Sept. 23-Oct. 5

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Dr. William F. Meggers (left) is shown receiving the 1963 Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award from Bruce M. LaRue at the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, March 7. Dr. Meggers officially retired from the National Bureau of Standards in 1958 after 44 years of service. He is still active, however, in the field of spectroscopy and precision measurements

discussed include atomic absorption spectrometry, color evaluation, isotope dilution analysis, near infrared and infrared spectrophotometry, neutron activation analysis, and x-ray diffraction and fluorescence. Inquiries should be sent to Professor A. J. Diefenderfer, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.

Conference on Vibrational Spectra of High Polymers A Conference on the Vibrational Spectra of High Polymers will be held in Milan, Italy, July 18 to 20. The principal topics to be discussed are "Recent Developments of the Vibrational Spectroscopy of High Polymers" and "Theoretical Problems and Techniques for Interpretation of the Vibrational Spectra of Polymers." General lectures will be given by invited speakers from several countries. Contributed papers will aso be included. The general lectures will be in English and contributors are being encouraged to use English. Only papers describing new experiments or new research work are being solicited. Those wishing to present papers should submit titles and abstracts not later than May 31. All correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Giuseppe Zerbi, Istituto di Chimica Industriale del Politecnico, Piazza L. Da Vinci 32, Milano, Italy.



Course on Spectrophotofluorimetric Techniques in Biology The Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri" a new Italian nonprofit Research Foundation, has organized within the program of the N.A.T.O. "Advanced Study Institute" a course on the use of spectrophotofluorimetric techniques in biology. The course will be held in Milan, Italy, from Sept. 9 to 21. One week will cover lectures and discussion, and one week will be devoted to practical demIS, THERE ARE TEN SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEonstrations and handling of the various MENTS IN THIS OVEN. TWO GRAVITY-CONVECtypes of equipment. The course is open to participants from all countries. TION MODELS, TWO FORCED-DRAFT MODELS. One hundred post-graduates will be acALL DETAILS IN FREE BULLETIN FS-230. GET IT cepted for the first week, and about 30 will be selected for the second week. BY WRITING TO FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY, The teaching staff will be composed 7 0 0 FISHER BUILDING, PITTSBURGH 19, PA. j-sis of scientists from Europe and the U. S. The demonstration material will include the latest equipment from American and European firms. For further information write to Prof. Silvio Garattini, Istituto di Ricerche FarmaWorld's Largest Manufacturer-Distributor of Laboratory Appliances & Reagent Chemicals cologiche, "Mario Negri," Via Eritrea, Atlanta • Boston • Chicago • Fort Worth • Houston • New York • Philadelphia 60, Milano, Italy.


Pittsburgh • St. Louis • Union, N. J. • Washington • Edmonton • Montreal • Toronto Circle No. 53 on Readers' Service Card

NEWS sor: U. S. Public Health Service. Contact: John S. Nader, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept. 9 to 12—18th Annual Instrument-Automation Conference and Exhibit. McCormick Place, Chicago, 111. Sponsor: Instrument Society of America. Contact: T. A. Abbott, Instrument Societv of America, Penn-Sheraton Hotel, 530 W m . Penn PL, Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Sept. 9 to 14—Society of German Chemists Annual Meeting. Heidelberg, Germany. Includes analytical chemistry sessions. Contact: Gesellschaft Deutseher Chemiker, Geschaftstelle, Postfach 9075, 60,000 Frankfurt (Main) 9, Germany. Page 48 A, May. Sept. 16 to 18—Tenth Ottawa Symposium on Applied Spectroscopy. Ottawa, Canada. Contact: John Kelly, The Steel Company of Canada, Ltd., Wilcox St., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Page 48 A, May. Sept. 30 to Oct. 4—XI International Conference on Spectroscopy. Beograd, Yugoslavia. Contact: Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, Sekretarijat, Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Fizickohemijski zavod, Beograd, Studentski trg 16, Blok C, J u g o s l a v i a . Page 49 A, May. Oct. 14 to 18—Second National Meeting of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. San Diego, Calif. Contact: Earl P. Wadsworth, Jr., San Diego State College, San Diego 15, Calif. Page 53 A, Apr. Oct. 16 to 18—Tenth National Vacuum Symposium. Statler Hilton Hotel, Boston, Mass. Sponsor: American Vacuum Society. Contact: G. H. Bancroft, 398 Kilbourn Rd., Rochester 18, N . Y. Page 56 A, Apr. Oct. 21 to 23—Eleventh Detroit Anachem Conference. McGregor Memorial Conference Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. Contact: Mr. C. M. Gambrill, E t h y l Corp., 1600 West 8 Mile Rd., Detroit 20, Mich. Page 53 A, Mar. Nov. 13 to 15—Eastern Analytical Symposium. Statler Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact: James F . Cosgrove, Gen. Telephone & Electronics Labs, Bavside 60, N . Y. Page 52 A, Apr.

Spectroscopy Courses Arizona S t a t e University offers a course in infrared and ultraviolet a b sorption spectroscopy from Aug. 5 t o 9 and one in industrial spectroscopy from Aug. 19 t o 30. E a c h p r o g r a m includes basic theoretical s t u d y and practical i n s t r u m e n t a l training. At least 10 infrared s p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r s a n d five s p e c t r o g r a p h s with auxiliary e q u i p m e n t are available for use. F o r complete information write to D r . J a c o b F u c h s , Director, M o d e r n I n dustrial Spectroscopy, Arizona State University, T e m p e , Ariz.

Summer Courses in X-Ray Diffraction and Polymer Chemistry Advanced professional instruction in x-ray diffraction and t h e fundamentals of polymer chemistry will be offered in two s u m m e r l a b o r a t o r y courses a t t h e Polytechnic I n s t i t u t e of Brooklyn. T h e course on x-ray diffraction will cover t h e equivalent of a six-credit lect u r e and l a b o r a t o r y g r a d u a t e course, during t h e two weeks from J u n e 3 t h r o u g h 14. N o previous experience is assumed, b u t s t u d e n t s with prior experience can u n d e r t a k e advanced work. T h e l a b o r a t o r y is equipped with 10 x-ray units, powder cameras of all types, diffractometers, x-ray m o n o chromators, micro- and small-angle scattering cameras, etc. A t t e n d a n c e is limited to 25 students, a n d t h e fee is $275. T h e course on polymer chemistry

will concentrate on polymerization and properties of polymers with special a t tention of stereoregular polymers. This course will be held during t h e week of J u n e 17 to 2 1 . L a b o r a t o r y evaluations of polymers will center on viscometry, osmometry, light scattering, and ultracentrifuge m e t h o d s . Attendance is limited to 35, and the fee is $200. F u r t h e r information on b o t h s u m m e r courses m a y be obtained b y writing to Mrs. Doris Cattell, Secretary for Special Courses, Polytechnic I n s t i t u t e of Brooklyn, Brooklyn 1, N . Y .

American Petroleum Institute Meeting T h e 28th M i d y e a r Meeting of t h e A P I Division of Refining will be held in t h e Benjamin F r a n k l i n Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa., M a y 13 to 16. There will be sessions on p l a n t a n d l a b o r a t o r y analyzers, fundamental research, operating practices, processes, a n d oil storage t a n k s . T h e p r o g r a m for t h e l a b o r a t o r y and p l a n t analyzer sessions is given below. An Approach to the Application of P r o c ess Stream Analyzers. R. F . Nootbaar, The Pure Oil Co., Palatine, 111. Rapid Metals Analysis for P l a n t Control. R. C. Barras and J. D . Helwig, The Atlantic Refining Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A Process Analyzer for Vanadium in Gas Oils. N. D . Goggeshall, O. K. Doolen, Gulf Research and Development Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. and F . A. Nelson, G. A. Baker, Varian Associates, Palo Alto, Calif.

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U. S. STONEWARE AKRON 9 . OHIO Circle H: i n n H i k n ' Service Cart VOL 35, NO. 6, MAY 1963

53 A


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CA's 1961 LIST OF PERIODICALS The new edition of this famous LIST offers up-to-date information on virtually all chemical journals published today. It makes CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS fully useful by answering the important question of where to find the original paper from which an abstract is taken.

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Process Control Using the Continuous Vanadium Analyzer. R. E. Donaldson, J. R. Murphy, Gulf Research and D e velopment Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., W. R. McBride, Gulf Oil Corp., Philadelphia, Pa., and D . O. Story, Gulf Oil Corp., Toledo, Ohio. A Fast Mass Spectrum Digitizer for a Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer Combination. R. F. Klaver and R. L. LeTourneau, California Research Corp., Richmond, Calif. Promethium Source X-Ray Apparatus for Sulfur. R. L. Gilpin and M. C. Franks, T h e British Petroleum Co., Ltd., Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, England. Conductometric Determination of Salt in Crude Oils. W. E . Forney, A. F . Gulbrandsen, and R. E . Borup, Cities Service Research and Development Co., Cranbury, N . J. M o r e information on this meeting is available from t h e American Petroleum I n s t i t u t e , 1271 Ave. of t h e Americas, New York 20, N . Y .

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L O E N C O , I n c . , h a s opened a new office a t Bellaire, H o u s t o n , T e x a s , t o provide service for laboratory a n d process gas c h r o m a t o g r a p h y analyzers.

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G e l m a n I n s t r u m e n t Co., Chelsea, Mich., has signed a 5-year R & D pact with W a l l a c O y , I n c . , of T u r k u , Finland. Gelman m a n u f a c t u r e r s air sampling equipment a n d filters, while t h e Finnish company supplies pocket r a diation meters a n d alarms. Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc., has acquired A d v a n c e d S c i e n tific I n s t r u m e n t s , I n c . , Minneapolis, M i n n . T h e l a t t e r c o m p a n y will continue its strong emphasis on generalpurpose scientific computers. T h e Sadtler R e s e a r c h Laboratories of Philadelphia, Pa., have exp a n d e d their consulting facilities t o include a p p a r a t u s for t h e recover}-, separation, a n d identification of flavor and odor components.

Small & Medium Centrifuges — 5 Rotors — One Motor Base — up to 6,000 RPM — 4,500 x G Hundreds of tube combinations

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I v a n Sorvall, I n c . Circle No. 163 on Readers' Service Card VOL 35, NO. 6, MAY 1963

55 A