1990 Gordon Research Conferences - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 30, 2012 - 1990 Gordon Research Conferences. Anal. Chem. , 1990, 62 (7), pp 444A–447A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00206a740. Publication Date: April 1990...
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1990 Gordon Research Conferences The aim of the Gordon Research Conferences is to extend the frontiers of science by fostering a free and informal exchange of ideas among those actively involved in research in particular fields. At each conference, meetings are held in the morning and evening, Monday through Friday, with the exception of Friday evening. The afternoons are available for recreation, reading, or participation in discussion groups. To promote discussion and to protect individual rights, it is the established requirement of each conference that no information be used without specific authorization of the individual making the contribution. Recording of lectures and photographing of slides are also prohibited. The unique concept of the conferences was established by Neil Gordon of Johns Hopkins University in 1931. Gordon foresaw the importance of establishing direct communication between scientists while removing the distractions at larger meetings. This year, eight conferences are of particular interest to analytical chemists: analytical chemistry, electron spectroscopy, lasers in medicine and biology, physical electrochemistry, separation and purification, statistics in chemistry and chemical engineering, vibrational spectroscopy, and magnetic resonance in biology and medicine. Technical programs for these conferences follow. Other conferences of interest include synthetic membranes; organic geochemistry; diffraction methods in molecular biology; fuel science; fractals; environmental sciences—water; computational chemistry; zeolitic and layered materials; solid-state chemistry; origin of life; nuclear proteins, chromatin structure, and gene regulation; chemistry at interfaces; corrosion; solid-state studies in ceramics; catecholamines; biomolecular recognition and immobilization; bioelectrochemistry; biopolymers; and atomic and molecular interactions. Conferences will be held both in New Hampshire and Rhode Island. For the

New Hampshire conferences, the fixed fee for resident participants is $360, which covers registration, room (double occupancy), and meals. The $320 fee for nonresident conferees covers registration and meals. The $270 guest fee includes room and meals only. For conferences held in Rhode Island, fees are $375 for resident participants, $320 for nonresident conferees, and $285 for guests. If registration cards with advance payment are postmarked at least three weeks prior to the conference, fees are $50 less than those quoted above. Additional information can be obtained from Alexander Cruickshank, Gordon Research Conferences, Gordon Research Center, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881-0801 (401783-4011 or 3372). From June 11 to August 24, Cruickshank can be reached at Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH 03257 (603-526-2870).

Analytical Chemistry New Hampton School New Hampton, NH E. Yeung, Chairperson J. Glajch, Vice Chairperson AUGUST 6-10 I. Warner, discussion leader Role of Modern Array Detectors In Spectrochemlcal Analysis. M. B. Denton


Micro and Trace Analysis of Solids: Applications In Materials Science and Industry. R. Gijbels L. McGown, discussion leader Electroklnetlc Chromatography for the Thermodynamic Study of Molecular Complexatlon. S. Terabe Photophyslcs of Mlcellar Systems and Cyclodextrln Complexes. L. J. Cline Love R. Keller, discussion leader Recent Advances In NMR. A. Pines Analytical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation. J. Taylor M. Arnold, discussion leader Flber-Optlc Chemical Sensors and EnzymeBased Biosensors. O. Wolfbeis D. Desiderio, discussion leader Electrospray Ionization In MS. J. Fenn R. Smith, discussion leader Analytical Chemistry In Biotechnology. W. Hancock Automated DNA Sequencing and the Analysis of the Human Genome. L. Smith T. Cotton, discussion leader Molecular Assemblies at Electrodes—Dynamics of Communication Channels In Organized Monolayer and Bllayer Systems. M. Majda Ultra Low Temperature Electrochemistry and Electrodes of High Tc Superconducting Ceramics. R. Murray J. Robinson, discussion leader Analytical Chemistry and the Stradivarius. J. Nagyvary S. Brown, discussion leader Electrical and Chemical Dynamics In Learning, Recognition, and Memory of Self-Organizing Neural Networks. S. Gross berg Optical Processing of Analytical Data. S. Bialkowski

MEETINGS Electron Spectroscopy Brewster Academy Wolfeboro, NH V. McKoy, Chairperson W. Eberhardt, Vice Chairperson JULY 16-20 D. Menzel, discussion leader Vibrational Lineshapes In Core Level Photoemisslon. N. Martensson High-Resolution Core Electron Spectroscopy. C-T. Chen Photoemisslon Studies of GaAs/CaF2 Interface. T. Tiedje Some Recent Developments In Molecular Auger Spectroscopy. F. P. Lark ins L. Sanche, discussion leader Electron Impact Spectroscopy of Molecules at Low Energies: Experiment. M. Allan Electron Impact Spectroscopy of Molecules at Low Energies: Theory. M.A.P. Lima J. Dehmer, discussion leader Laser-Based Methods for Novel Photoelectron Spectroscopy. M. G. White Memory Effects in Molecular Fragmentation upon Stte-Speclflc Is Excitation Observed by Coincidence Measurements. K. MullerDethlefs Multlphoton, Multielectron Ionization of Simple Molecules via Covariant Mapping Techniques. K. Codling H. C. Siegmann, discussion leader Spin-Polarized Electron Scattering from Thin Magnetic Films. 0. Pescia Spin-Polarized Inverse Photoemisslon. M. Donath Spin-Polarized Core Level Photoemisslon. W. Gudat Coupling of Phonons and Low-Energy Electronic Excitations. S. Kevan Theory of Phonon Modes at Surfaces. T. Rahman Theory of Nonlinear Processes at Surfaces. A. Liebsch Normal Modes at the Surface of Metals. E. W. Plummer Photoemisslon Studies of Semiconductor Surfaces. R. Haight Time-Resolved Photoemisslon Using Lasers. F. Meier

B. Wilson, discussion leader In Vivo Fluorescence. S. Svanberg In Vivo Optical Dosimetry. W. Star Laser Doppler. R. Steiner

W. O'Grady, Chairman Speakers: F. Wagner, E. Stuve, R. Corn, B. Schardt

Bloelectrochemlstry Effects of Light on Tissue R. Birngruber, discussion leader Photothermal Effects. L. Svaasand Nonlinear Photochemical Effects. I. Kochevar Photoacoustlc/Mechanlcal Effects. R. Birngruber J. Boggan, discussion leader Tissue Optics. S. Jacques Laser-Based Spectral Diagnosis. M. Feld Optical Trapping M. Berns, discussion leader Optical Trapping: Principles and History. A. Ashkin Models and Biological Systems. W. Wright Biomechanics of Intracellular Activity. S. Block Cell Sorting by Optical Trapping. T. Buican Time-Resolved Spectroscopy S. Jacques, discussion leader Speakers: B. Chance, J. Lakowitz, M. Patterson

Photochemistry S. Bown, discussion leader Photosensltlzers in Medicine. J. Van Lier Potential Photophyslcal and Photochemical Reactions In Medical Therapy. D. Phillips What Are We To Achieve with PDT? B. Henderson Tissue Ablation: Mechanism and Clinical Strategies C. Puliafito, discussion leader High-Speed Imaging of UV Laser Ablation of Tissue. R. Srinivasan IR Laser Tissue Ablation. J. Walsh Control of Laser Ablation. L. Deckelbaum Blomodulation with Lasers J. Basford, discussion leader Speakers: A. Meister. D. Harris J. Boggan, discussion leader Optical Mapping of Brain. A. Grinvald Photo-Ion Microscopy. V S . Letokhov

A. Heller, Chairman Speakers: H.A.O. Hill, I. Karube, J. J. Kulys

Separation and Purification Colby-Sawyer College (N) New London, NH T. A. Hatton, Chairperson J. Sherman, Wee Chairperson AUGUST 13-17 New Developments In Affinity Separations. C. Lowe Protein Separations Using Affinity Surfactants. R. Carbonell Organized Molecular Assemblies in Chemical Separation. W. Hinze Reverse Micelles and Mlcroemulslons in NearCritical and Supercritical Fluids. J. Fulton Principles of Reactive Distillation. M. Doherty High-Purity Methyl Acetate via Reactive Distillation. V. Agreda Centrifugal Distillation. G. Hubred High-Purity Gases for Electronics Applications. J. Solomon Predictive Elutlon Strategies for HPLC. V. McGuffin Strategies for High-Speed GC. R. Sachs Linear Solvation Energy Relationships: Solvatochrolsm and Chromatography. P. Carr Computational Analysis of Chiral Recognition in Chromatography. K. Lipkowitz Studies in Molecular Recognition. J. Rebek Vortex Flow Filtration. P. Rolceggio Hollow Fiber Contained Liquid Membranes for Environmental Pollution Control. K. Slrkar

Physical Electrochemistry

Statistics in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Colby-Sawyer College (S) New London, NH J. O'M. Bockris, Chairperson H. C. Abruna, Vice Chairperson

New Hampton School New Hampton, NH J. F. MacGregor, Chairman W. Q. Meeker, Wee Chairman

A. M. Bradshaw, discussion leader SEXAFS Studies of Chemisorbed Oxygen. K. Baberschke Diffuse LEED Investigation of Oxygen on NI and Other Systems. K. Heinz



Structure of the Interfacial Region

Lasers in Medicine and Biology

Experimental Approach to Quantum Aspects of the Double Layer

Kimball Union Academy Meriden, NH J. E. Boggan, Chairperson C. Puliafito, Vice Chairperson

J. T. Hupp, Chairman Speakers: A. Nozak, K. Koval, J. T. Hynes, A. J. Heager

Multivariate Design and Analysis. S. Wold, N. Kettaneh-Wold Multivariate Process and Quality Control. R. Swanson Recent Developments in Design: Constrained Designs and Robust Designs. G.E.P. Box, I. Hau, S. Jones Neural Networks and Their Applications. T. J. McAvoy Sensitivity Analysis In Modeling Chemical Plants for Design and Optimization. G. Blau, K. Kuenker Planning Fractional Factorial Experiments To Accommodate Specific Interactions. J. Wu Multivariate and Tensorlal Calibration. B. Kowalski Discrete Bayesian Method for Parameter Estimation. P. M. Reilly Interactive Statistical Graphics. D. Pregibon

Theory of Alkali Adsorption on Metals. H. Ishida D. Shirley, discussion leader Photoelectron Holography. J. Barton



Effects of Tissue on Light

D. Schiffrin, Chairman Speakers: F. Silva, T. Kakiuchi, S.G.A. McLaughlin, A. A. Kornyshev

Nuclear Electrochemistry S. Pons, Chairman Speakers: R. A. Huggins, A. A. Wads worth, R. Oriani, M. MacKubre New Experimental Methods in Electrochemistry


Vibrational Spectroscopy

Orientation Selectivity by Modern Time-Domain and Hlgh-Frequency ESR Methods. J. Freed

Brewster Academy Wolfeboro, NH J. F. Rabolt, Chairperson T. A. Keiderling, Vice Chairperson


AUGUST 6 - 1 0

G. Glover, chairperson Quantitation of Free Radical Formation through Spin Trapping. R. P. Mason Use of Natural Llneshapes In the Analysis of NMR Spectra. B. Balaban Quantitation and Relaxation. M. Henkelman


Flow and Perfusion Molecular Dynamics Solvent/Solute Interactions Probed by Picosecond Transient Raman Spectroscopy. T. Gustafson Surfaces and Interfaces Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Thin Molecular Assemblies. N. Ferris Biological Applications Molecular Reorganizations In Biological Membranes: FT and Dispersive Raman and IR Spectroscopic Studies. I. W. Levin Novel Spectroscopic Techniques Nitrogen Doping of Amorphous Carbon: Laboratory and Interstellar Observation of the Raman Active G and D Bonds In the IR. D. Saperstein Other topics to be Included: vibrational Intensities, high-resolution spectroscopy, and theoretical spectroscopic methods.

Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine Tilton School Tilton, NH R. G. Bryant, Chairperson B. J. Gaffney, Vice Chairperson JULY 16-20 Magnetic Microscopy G. Drobney, chairperson Microscopy by 3D Projection Reconstruction: Problems, Solutions, More Problems. P. Lauterbur Stroboscoplc Micro MRI: Arterial Stiffness and Blood Flow. L. Jelinski MR Microscopy/Histology. A. Johnson

J. Ackerman, chairperson Real-Time Perfusion Imaging. B. R. Rosen Perfusion and Flow. I. R. Young Molecular Diffusion and Microcirculation in Brain. D. LeBihan Relaxation M. Tweedle, chairperson Proton Relaxation in Tissues. J. Gore Electron and Nuclear Relaxation. J. Kowalewski Relaxlvlty Enhancement of Protein-Bound Chelates. R. Lauffer Quadrupole Problems T. Dixon, chairperson Physical State of Intracellular Sodium. C. Springer Sodlum-23 NMR of Biological Systems: Applications to Striated Muscle. J. Ingwall Quadrupole Ion Relaxation in Crowded Protein Environments. T. Schleich

LC Column Choices

Unpacked Glass Biocompatible

New Twists M. Klein, chairperson Solid-State NMR Distance Measurements and High-Field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization In Proteins. B. Griffen Pulsed Electron-Nuclear Resonance in Metalloprotelns. M. Thomann Metabolic Uses of Tritium NMR Spectroscopy. M. Klein Spatial Localization K. Ugurbil, chairperson Gradient Selection of Coherence Transfer: HighResolution and In Vivo Applications. R. Hurd Advances in MRI Spatial Resolution In Humans. J. S. Hyde Spectroscopy J. Glickson, chairperson Carbon Spectroscopy of Tumors. L. Slllerud EPR Imaging Oximetry In Tissues. H. Halpern Proton Spectroscopy of Tumors. J. Saunders

Micropore 2 and 3mm bore, 500psi Standard 6 to 50mm bore, up to SOOpsi. High Pressure 5mm bore, 1500psi. 10mm bore, 1000psL

Spatial Localization B. Gaffney, chairperson Chemical Shift Imaging. T. Brown



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