1997 Membership Application - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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American Chemical Society 1997 Membership Application

1155 Sixteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036

AN INVITATION The American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific organization, invites you to join in membership with more than 151,000 other chemists, chemical engineers, and scientists in allied fields. We hope this application will provide the opportunity for you to take advantage of the many benefits ACS offers to its members. Please type or print. •


Q Mrs.



• Ms. (Ι-ΛΜΙΙ.Υ ΝΛΜΙί)


(I'lKST Ν'ΛΜ Ι!)

Mailing Address _ •

Home _



Tf-'lr-M^honr-'· ï - ï o m f (ΛΚΙ-Λ c o m · : )

Previous Membership:


(ΛΚΙ·:Λ com:)

I have previously been an ACS m e m b e r :

Yes •


I have previously been a s t u d e n t affiliate:

Yes •

NO α

E-mail (ΛΚΙ·:Λ com·:)

If your spouse is a member, please give his/her name and membership number

ACADEMIC TRAINING Name of College or University (Including current enrollment)

ACS Approved School:


Title of Degree(s) Received or Expected B.S., M.S., Ph.D.

Curriculum Major

City and State

Date Degree Received or Expected

• No



Employer City, State, Zip

Jnciusive Dates/Employment (MO./YR.)

Nature of Business:

M an u f;icturer



Other (I'LI-ASIiSI'liCIIT)

Time Spent on Chemical Work .

Work Functions _

DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION The following voluntary information is collected for demographic purposes only. Individual confidentiality will be maintained, although statistical data may be published in the aggregate. Information provided will not be used or considered in connection with any decision regarding membership. Racial-ethnic origin:

White (Caucasian)

African American (Black) Hispanic (including persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish origin or culture, regardless of race) Sex: Q F • M

Date of Birth

L·) Native American (including Alaskan natives) LJ Asian (including Pacific Islanders) • Other


This space for use of ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE

Office U s e O n l y ASD PNI




Local S e c t i o n / D i v i s i o n C o m m i s s i o n Claim

L*±WM.wm w ~ . - > » ^ W J U m^mwmwmmwmw^

NOT REQUIRED of those with a degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, or a closely related science. Please list completed courses (by title) in the chemical sciences. (Attach separate sheet or transcript if more space is needed.) Quarter hour credits should be multiplied by two-thirds. If school did not use a credit hour system, please estimate credits on basis of 15 lecture clock hours or 45 laboratory clock hours as equivalent to one semester hour credit. Course Title

Semester Hours

Semester Hours

Course Title

Semester Hours

Course Title

DUES/SUBSCRIPTIONS/DIVISIONS There are four start dates for membership: 1 January, 1 April, 1 July, and 1 October. We will begin your membership as soon as possi­ ble and will enroll you immediately upon approval of your application by the ACS Admissions Committee. Dues for 1997 are $99 00. Your membership will begin at the nearest quarter and you will be billed accordingly. Those entering 1 October will be billed for the three remaining months of the year plus the full dues for the following year (15 months dues); or, the new member may pay for the final three m o n t h s of the current year only. Former members w h o did not resign will be assessed a $10.00 reinstatement fee. Please send no money now. National Affiliation — National Affiliates pay three-quarters dues (i.e., $74.00) and likewise will receive a prorated bill based on the quarter National Affiliation begins.

Student Discount—A member who is a student, undergraduate or graduate, majoring in a chemical science or a related academic disci­ pline, shall be entitled to a discount of one-half of the membership dues so long as the student certifies registration for at least six credit hours as an undergraduate or is doing full-time graduate work.

H u s b a n d / W i f e D u e s — If you are t h e spouse of a m e m b e r receiving C&EN, a portion of your dues that is allotted for C&EN may be deducted. If you would like to request the deduction, please provide the name of your spouse and his/her membership n u m b e r on page one. This savings will be reflected on your dues bill.

Six Month Dues Waiver for New Graduates — A person graduat­ ing with a bachelor's degree in a chemical science may apply for membership, and receive a half-year waiver of member dues to begin during any quarter up to one year from the date of graduation. •

MOST DIVISIONS OFFER FREE MEMBERSHIP TO NEW MEMBERS. Check here if you wish complete information.

LOW MEMBER SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If you wish to subscribe to any ACS publications, please list them below.


send no money


IUPAC AFFILIATION The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (TUPAC) offers individual affiliation to m e m b e r s of national chemical societies. Recognized by all the sciences and by t h e national level academies of science as the international representative body for chemistry, IUPAC is the authority on chemical nomencla­ ture, terminology, symbols, atomic weights, and related topics. IUPAC Affiliates dues for ACS m e m b e r s residing in the U.S. are $29-00 and include a subscrip­ tion to Chemistry International magazine. . n Ι Τ Τ Ι 1 Α Γ A f f ... f . è o . m m c IN • IUPAC Affiliation $ 2 9 0 0 (U.S. m e m b e r s only)

NOMINATION Nomination by two ACS members is required by ACS Bylaws. If this presents difficulty, please call the Admissions Office at 202/872-4567 for assistance. NOTE: Such nomination is not necessary for former members. Student affiliation does not constitute membership. We

for membership


in the American










ACS Member:

AGREEMENT I attest to the accuracy of information on the application. I agree to restrict for my own personal use all publications to which I subscribe at member rates. I understand that membership dues are payable annually unless my signed resignation is received by the Executive Director before January 1 of the year for which my resignation is to take effect. (DATE)