1in the Chemical Laboratory - ACS Publications - American Chemical

1in the Chemical Laboratory. Edited by NORMAN V. STEERE,. School of Public Health,. University of Minnesota,. Minneapolis, Minn. 55455. XX. The Litera...
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1in the Chemical Laboratory Edited by N O R M A N V. STEERE, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 55455


The Literature of Chemical Safety-Part


HOWARD H. FAWCETT, Notion01 Academy of SciencesNotional Research Council, Woshingfon, D.C.

Editor's Note:


This is t,he second part of the discussion of the literature of laboratory safety begun on page A815 of the October issue. The present installment continues t,he Selected Bibliography. Books were listed in the previous mtiele. Published material in other forms is listed here.

Periodical Publications General Chemical Safety Nst,ional Safety Council, Industrial Department, Monthly Safety Newsletters on chemical, petroleum, rubber, fertilizer, aerospace, occupationd health, and others, National Safety Council, 425 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Jovrnal of the American Society of Safety Engineers, monthly, American Society of Safety Engineers, 5 North Wahash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. National Safety Ncurs, monthly, National Safety Council, 425 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Five Proteclia F i ~ e Journal, bi-monthly, membership publication of National F i e Protection Association, 60 Batterymarch Street, Boston, Msssechusetts. File Research Abstracts and Rarims, periodically, NAS-NRC Committee on Fire Research, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washingt,on, D. C. 20418. Fire Technology, Society of Fire Protection Engineers, 60 Batterymarch Street, Boston, Massachuset,ts. To.ri,::it~l,Occupational Health, and Industrial H7lgimiac Anlerican Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, bi-monthly, American Industrial Hygiene Association, 14125 Prevost, Detroit, Michigan 48227. Atchives of EnvZronmentnl Health, monthly, American Medical Association, 535 North Desrborn St,reet, Chicago, Illinois 50510. Irrdu,sl~ialHygiene Digest (literature abt,ract for members), monthly, Industrial Hygiene Foundation, 4400 Fifth Avenuq Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Industl.ia1 Medicine and Surger~,monthly, Industrial Medicine Publishing Co., 400 S.W. 69th Avenue. .Miami 44, Florida. Jonrnal of Occupatiaal Medicine, monthly, Hoeber Medical Division, Harper & Row, New York, New Yark. Occupation Safely and Health Abstracts, International Occupational Safet,y and Health Information Centre, International Labour Office, Geneva, Swit,zerland.


ZARETAKIS, M. G., "Flamm~bilityChilra. C., 1962. Special T~ehniques I l o h n ~ , F . E., JACKSON, L. C., . s n (Continued on page A8981

Volume 42, Number 1 1 , November 1965




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KURTI, . "Experimental Cryaphysics," Butterworth, Ine., Washingtan, D. C., 1961. International Union of Pure sud Applied Chemistry, "High Temperature Technology," Butterworth, Inc.. Wnshington, U. C., 1964. WHITE, P , A. F., .AND SMITI~, S. E., "Illelt Atmospheres," Butterworth, ha., Washingtan, D. C., 1962. WENTORF,R. H . , "Modern T'ery High Pressure Techniques," Butt,emort,h, Inr., \Tsshirrgtnn, I). C., 1962.

Radiation BARNOTHY, MADELEINE F., "Biologi~al Effects of Magnetic Fields," Plenum Press, New York, 1964. PEYTON, M.IRY FOUSE,"Biologicd Effects of Microwave Radiation,'' Vol. 1, Plenum Press, New York, 1961. IA