(2) 7.) Cs + LiI

Tc = (AG0/5.5R) + (Xu + A24 + Xi3 + Xa4)/11& (1). Here To is the consolute temperature, AG” is the stan- dard molar Gibbs free energy change for the...
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held in the decantation capsule4 for several hours a t 940°, during which time the liquids were mixed by shaking. The liquid metal phase, of much lower density, was then decanted, and after cooling analyzed for LiF. Only 0.8 mol % LiF was found, confirming the very wide miscibility gap indicated by the thermal analysis experiments. These observations indicate the need for a more general correlation, beyond the simple theory above, while at the same time retaining the notion of an “ionic” metal structure. Blander and TOPOPhave derived an approximate relation from conformal ionic solution theory to predict immiscibility gaps in simple reciprocal (ternary) systems of salts containing the monovalent cations A + and B+ and anions C- and D-.



+ ( X u + + + Xa4)/11&





Here To is the consolute temperature, AG” is the standard molar Gibbs free energy change for the metathetical reaction AC(1)

and LiI-Li systems is much smaller than in NaI-Na, and much smaller in KF-K than in the CsI-Cs system in which a miscibility gap does not occur at all. Similarly, miscibility in the binary metal systems Li-K and Li-Cs is smaller than in Na-Cs. Thus both the Xlz and A24 terms are larger for eq 6 than for 5 while hlz, X24, and XI3 are larger for eq 4 than for 5. The second term in eq 1 and, therefore, the consolute temperature, T,, should then be highest for the LiF-K system and lowest for the CsI-Na system, in essential agreement with the experimental results. It should be noted that the X terms for the salt-metal systems include the energy of converting the electronic structure of a real metal into an ionic structure. Use of the conformal ionic solution theory is then an extension of our earlier approach in that it considers the energies involved in all four binary systems rather than the conversion energy of just one metal per system. (7) M.Blander and L. E. Topol, Inorg. Chem., 5,1641 (1966).

+ BD(1) = AD(1) + BC(1)

(2) and X is an energy of mixing parameter depending solely on the properties of the four binary systems. X is further defined as Xi2


= AG~z~/XAXB





where AGijE is the excess free energy of mixing in the binary mixture of the salts i and j where AD is salt 1, BD is 2 , AC is 3, and BC is 4 and the X’s are Temkin ion fractions. (The same symbols are used here as in ref 7.) I n our cases, for instance LiF



+ KF


we have two binary salt-metal systems, LiF-Li and KF-K, one binary salt system, LiF-KF, and one binary metal system, Li-IC Here, Li is 1, K is 2, LiF is 3, and K F is 4,and the same numbering system is used for eq 5 and 6 below. All the X values for the binary systems necessary for a quantitative treatment are not available at present. However, we may attempt an explanation of the high T, found in the ternary LiF-K system from a qualitative consideration of the terms in eq 1 even though this equation was derived for the somewhat different systems of molten salt mixtures. We find that AGO is similar for all three systems, 12 to 13 kcal/mol, the lower value applying to Csl

+ Na


+ NaI

Reactivity of the Cyclohexane Ionla

by L. W. Sieck, S. K. Searles,lb R. E. Rebbert, and P. Auslooslc Radiation Chemistry Section, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C . 80884 (Received May 18, 1970)

In a number of gas phase and liquid phase radiolysis and photoionization studies, the identity and yields of ions which were not known to undergo any fast reactions in the pure parent compound were determined by adding to the system some foreign compound with which the ion in question could undergo reaction to give a distinctive product.2 For example, it has been shown3 that the cyclohexane parent ion will react with added i-C4Ds to form isobutane-ds. c-CaHiz+



+ CaHlo+


However, in the case of cyclohexane, it has recently been suggested4 that reaction between the parent ion and the cyclohexane molecule c-CeHl2+

+ c-CeHlz-+


(2) which has generally been assumed to be very slow, may effectively compete with fast reactions between the






CsI Li Cs LiI (6) However, the X terms for the binary systems involved should differ greatly, since X is more positive the greater the positive deviation from ideality and the tendency to demixing. We know2 that miscibility in the LiF-Li

(a) This research was supported by the Atomic Energy Commission; (b) NRC-NBS Research Associate 1968-1970; (c) to whom correspondence should be addressed. (2) (a) For a review of radiolysis studies, see “Fundamental Processes in Radiation Chemistry,” P. Ausloos, Ed., Interscience Publishers, New York, N. Y.,1968; (b) P.Ausloos, Progr. React. Kinet., 5, 113 (1970). ( J ) P. Ausloos and 8 . G. Lias, J . Chem. Phys., 43, 127 (1965). (4) S. Wexler and L. G. Pobo, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 91,7233 (1969). The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 74s No. 81, 1970



parent ion and added interceptors. In fact, it was suggested that reaction 2 might account for a major portion of the product formation in irradiated cyclohexane. Because no quantitative information was available on the rate of reaction 2 compared to the rates of the other reactions with which it may be competing, we considered it important to determine the rate of reaction 2 to ascertain the extent to which this reaction may contribute to product formation in the radiolysis of cyclohexane. We here report the results of such a determination. As the reader will see below, the work described here is actually an illustration of the difficulties involved in studying very slow ion-molecule reactions. Two techniques were utilized to determine the rate of reaction 2-0r, more correctly, to determine the upper limit of the rate of reaction 2-kinetic mass spectrometry and an analysis of the yields of products formed in reactions of the parent cyclohexane ion with varying amounts of reactive added compounds. Cyclohexane (I.P. 9.88 eV) was irradiated with 106.7nm (11.6-eV) photons in the mass spectrometer described previ~usly.~The yields of all observed ions are shown as a function of pressure in Figure 1. At this energy, some fragmentation of the parent ion occurs, yielding mainly C5Hg+ and C4H8+.

+ CHI C-C~H~Z+ + C4Hs+ + CzH4 C-C~H~Z' --j C5H9+


(4) The gradual drop in the C6Hg+yield with pressure can probably be attributed to the quenching of fragmentation process 3 ; since no product could be detected which has C5HB+as precursor, it may be assumed that this ion does not react with cyclohexane. The C4Hs+ ion is known6 to react to give C6H10+ as a product ion.


C4&+ C-CsHit ---f C4Hio f CsHio' (5) At pressures below about 80 mTorr, the parent ion yield increases slightly as a function of pressure, due to collisional quenching of the fragmentation processes 3 and 4. Reaction of C6Hl2+ to form C7-Cll ions was detected at higher pressures, resulting in a reduction in the observed yield of C6Hl2+ at 0.4 Torr to 45% of its maximum value. Taking into account the increase in residence time with pressure under diffusive flow conditions, a maximum rate constant for disappearance of C6H12+ of 2 X 10-13 cm3/molecule-sec was derived from these results. This value is necessarily an upper limit for the rate of reaction 2 since a variety of neutral products will be generated during the irradiation of the cyclohexane in the ion source of the mass spectrometer. I t would be very difficult to distinguish between a rapid reaction of the CoH12+ ion with one of these products and a slow reaction of the ion with cyclohexane itself. I n fact, the presence in the ion source of 0.02% of a foreign compound with which the cyclohexane ion reacts with a rate constant of cm3/molecule-sec would The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 74, N o . 81, 1970


26 1.0















-.-.--+'B /






" 0.05











Figure 1. Yields of ions formed in cyclohexane and cyclohexane-isobutene (1:0.00067) mixtures (curves A and B) irradiated at, various pressures with 106.7-nm (11.6 eV) photons.

result in a n identical reduction in the observed yield of CeHiz +. Such an effect of a small amount of reactivity impurity on the parent ion yield is shown by curve A (Figure l), which represents the parent ion yield as a function of pressure when 0.07% isobutene is present. Curve B represents the yield of the CBHlo+ion formed in reaction 1. In the closed systems photolysis of cyclohexaneisobutene (1:O.Ol) mixtures with 10.0 or 11.6-11.8-eV photons, at pressures high enough that fragmentation processes 3 and 4 are completely quenched' (10 Torr), the yield of isobutane formed in reaction 1 is equal to the yield of parent ions. In order to determine the upper limit of reaction 2 as a competing process, experiments were performed in which cyclohexane was irradiated in the presence of very low concentrations of added isobutene. In the y radiolysis of cyclohexane a t a pressure of 50 Torr, the observed yield of isobutane was constant (0.4 molecule of isobutane per positive ion formed in the system) from 3% down to 0.01% added isobutene. At lower concentrations, the yield diminishes as the isobutene concentration is lowered. (At O.O040j, isobutene, 0.3 isobutane molecule is formed per positive ion.) Assuming that the reduction in the yield of isobutane at very low isobutene concentration can be traced entirely to the competition from reaction 2, one can estimate that kz 5 5 X 10-14 cm3/molecule(5) L. W. Sieck, S. K. Searles, and P. Ausloos, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 91, 7627 (1969). (6) F. Abramson and J. Futrell, J . Phys. Chem., 71, 3791 (1967). (7) P. Ausloos, R. E. Rebbert, and S. G. Lias, ibid., 72, 3904 (1968).

NOTEB sec. The actual rate constant for reaction 2 is probably lower than this, since at these low concentrations of additive, olefinic products formed in the radiolysis or the impurities in the starting material (impurity level = 0.007% i= 0.004%) can compete with the additive for reaction with the parent ion. The results presented here illustrate that irradiation experiments utilizing neutral product analyses are well suited to the determination of upper limits of reaction rates of very slow reactions. This is so because the sample size can be large, and the accumulation of interfering neutral products can be reduced to whatever limit analytical techniques allow by decreasing the irradiation time. It should be pointed out that the results reported here are not essentially in disagreement with those of the earlier study4in which the disappearance of C6Hl2+ via reaction 2 was suggested, even though the mass spectrometric results reported in that investigation show a slightly more drastic reduction of the C6H12+ ion with increasing pressure than do the results given in Figure 1. This difference can probably be accounted for by the longer reaction path length in the instrument used in that investigation. It is highly unlikely that the proton beam used in that instrument leads to the formation of C6Hl2+ ions which are in higher excited states than those formed here by photon absorption, and which, therefore, are more reactive. In the first place, the results indicate that the ions undergo many collisions before reacting, so that an excited ion would, at any rate, be deacivated before undergoing reaction. Secondly, if indeed such excited reactive ions did exist, they would have been detected in the y-radiolytic experiments reported here. According to the results presented here, the rate of reaction 2 is at least lo5 times slower than reactions of cyclohexane ions with lower olefins.8 I n view of this fact, we can conclude that it is extremely unlikely that reaction 2 makes a significant contribution to product formation in the radiolysis of cyclohexane, either in the presence or absence of additives, since even reaction with small amounts of accumulated products would compete effectively with such a reaction. (8) L. W. Sieck and S. K. Searles, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 92, 2937 (1970).

Mechanism of Ethylene Hydrogenation on Tungsten Trioxide

by S. J. Tauster and J. H. Sinfelt Corporate Research Laboratories, Esso Research and Engineering Company, Linden, New Jersey 07036 (Received June 1 , 1070)

An important mechanistic question in the catalytic hydrogenation of ethylene is the form of hydrogen, i.e.,

3831 atomic or molecular, which participates in the reaction. We have carried out some experiments using W03 as a catalyst which suggest that the reaction may occur without involvement of hydrogen atoms on the surface. I n the use of WOSas a catalyst, one has a simple indicator for the presence of hydrogen atoms, since the WOS undergoes a color change from yellow to blue on contact with hydrogen atoms at temperatures where molecular hydrogen has no effect,' Le., lower than about 400". The blue form of WOa produced on reduction of the oxide may be represented by the general formula H,Woe, which is a hydrogen analog of the tungsten bronzes. The failure of molecular hydrogen to reduce W03 a t temperatures lower than about 400" is taken as evidence that hydrogen molecules are not dissociatively chemisorbed to form hydrogen atoms on the surface of the oxide. Since chemisorbed hydrogen atoms are often hypothesized to be intermediates in the catalytic hydrogenation of ethylene, it seemed interesting to determine whether or not WOS catalyzed the reaction under conditions where no color change would be expected on contact of the oxide with molecular hydrogen, i.e., where hydrogen atoms would not be expected to form on the surface. The experiments were conducted in a 3-cm diameter horizontal quartz tube about 50 cm in length. A 30-g charge of WOa was employed. It was located in the central part of the tube, consisting of a section about 6 cm long, and was held in place by quartz wool packed on either side of the WOa. The entire tube was placed in a horizontal muffle furnace which could be opened a t any time to permit visual observation of the WOS. An iron-constantan thermocouple positioned in the center of the bed was employed for temperature measurement. Capillary type flowmeters were used for the measurement of hydrogen and ethylene flow rates. Samples of the reactor effluent were periodically analyzed in a chromatographic unit containing a silica gel column. The WOa employed in this work was obtained from Sylvania Chemical and R4etallurgical Division, Towanda, Pa., and is identified as grade TO-2, Lot No. WO 104B. Purity is claimed to be 99.98% or higher by the supplier. The surface area was 3.0 m2/g, as determined by the BET method. After the WOa was charged to the reactor, it was heated in flowing helium to reaction temperature over a 2-hr period prior to the catalytic studies. I n a run a t 250" and 1 atm total pressure, ethylene and hydrogen flow rates of 5 and 25 l./hr, respectively, were used. Hydrogenation of ethylene to ethane occurred readily a t these conditions. The conversion of ethylene to ethane was 25%, a value which was maintained over a period of 22 hr. This corresponds to a reaction rate of approximately molecules/sec cmz (1) H. W. Melville and J. C. Robb, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) Ser. A , 196,445 (1949). (2) 0. Glemaer and C. Nauman, Z. Anorg. A&. Chem., 265, 288 (1951).

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 74, No. $1, 1970