2) + C3H8 Reaction Dynamics in Real Time

The ion−molecule reaction occurs in field-free space in the extraction region of a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. After a variable time delay tex...
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J. Phys. Chem. A 1998, 102, 386-394

Bimolecular Ni+(2D5/2) + C3H8 Reaction Dynamics in Real Time Robert J. Noll, Sung Soo Yi, and James C. Weisshaar* Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of WisconsinsMadison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1396 ReceiVed: August 13, 1997; In Final Form: October 21, 1997X

A beam of Ni+(2D5/2) is formed at a sharp zero of time by resonant two-photon ionization with a nanosecond dye laser pulse and crossed with a beam of propane gas under single-collision conditions at collision energies of 0.01 and 0.21 eV. The ion-molecule reaction occurs in field-free space in the extraction region of a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. After a variable time delay text ) 1-8 µs, a fast high-voltage pulse extracts product ions and residual reactant ions into a field-free flight tube for mass analysis. In contrast with many earlier studies of this reaction under more energetic conditions, at 0.01 eV collision energy we find that Ni+(2D5/2) reacts with C3H8 to form long-lived NiC3H8+ complexes almost exclusively (g96%) on the time scale 0-25 µs after initiation of the collision. Retarding field analysis of the decay of the long-lived NiC3H8+ complexes reveals that on a 6-24 µs time scale 28% revert to Ni+ + C3H8 and 6% form NiC2H4+ + CH4 elimination products; the remaining complexes have not yet decayed at t ) 25 µs. At 0.21 eV collision energy, both CH4 and H2 elimination products are formed promptly (in less than 1 µs) and also over the entire range of time scales studied, 0.5-25 µs. Even at this higher collision energy, about 25% of the longlived complexes survive beyond t ) 25 µs. The apparent energetic threshold observed here for the first time provides new evidence of a potential energy barrier to elimination products comparable to the energy of ground-state reactants. In addition, direct measurement of the time scale of the reaction under carefully controlled conditions provides new dynamical information that serves as a benchmark for the theoretical treatment presented in the accompanying paper.

I. Introduction Reactions of gas-phase transition-metal atoms can serve as useful model systems for the purpose of calibrating theoretical methods for the treatment of complex organometallic reactions. The rich gas-phase chemistry of atomic metal cations (M+)1 and of neutral metal atoms (M)2 has been studied extensively over the past 15 years. From a theoretical viewpoint,3 these reactions provide a relevant degree of electronic complexity (due to the presence of open d-subshells and many low-lying electronic states) without the additional burden of ligands and solvent present in condensed-phase chemistry. By careful control of initial M+ electronic state and of collision energy, increasingly sophisticated experiments are providing ever more stringent tests of the ability of approximate electronic structure theories to produce accurate potential energy surfaces along key reaction paths. Theory in turn is providing a new level of mechanistic detail, sometimes corroborating and sometimes disputing earlier speculation about the detailed nature of reaction intermediates and transition states. A particularly well-studied set of reactions involves the dehydrogenation and demethanation of propane in collisions with the late 3d-series cations Fe+, Co+, and Ni+.4-17 The early observations of exothermic H2 and CH4 elimination products indicative of CH and CC bond activation at low collision energy were quite surprising in view of the difficulty of carrying out analogous bond activation steps in solution phase. A long series of studies employing ion beams,4-7,11,13,16,17 fast flow reactors,10 * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail addresses [email protected]. X Abstract published in AdVance ACS Abstracts, December 15, 1997.

ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometers,8,9 and tandem mass spectrometers12,14-16 have been aimed at determining the energetics of different reaction steps, the nature of important pathways to H2 and CH4 elimination, and the effects of kinetic energy, initial M+ electron configuration and spin, and isotopic substitution on reaction probability and product branching. Most recently, new electronic structure theories18 have been brought to bear on these same reactions, providing a new level of mechanistic detail. The emerging picture is complicated. It is likely that initial insertion of M+ into a CH bond leads to H2 elimination, but we still are not certain whether CH4 elimination occurs via initial CH or CC bond insertion.14,16,17 In addition, theory strongly suggests18 that earlier postulated stepwise mechanisms14,16 should be replaced by more concerted motions involving fewer potential minima, as we will discuss in detail in the accompanying paper 2.19 In the present experimental work, we study the reaction of ground-state Ni+ (2D5/2) with propane at collision energies of 0.01 eV (0.2 kcal/mol) and 0.21 eV (4.8 kcal/mol) under carefully controlled, single-collision, crossed-beam conditions.20-22 The state-specific Ni+ beam is formed at a sharp zero of time by resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI) using a nanosecond dye laser. The subsequent formation of long-lived NiC3H8+ complexes (1a) and their evolution back to Ni+ reactants and forward to CH4 and H2 elimination products (1b, 1c) is monitored in real time with roughly 0.5 µs resolution using pulsed time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS). Long-lived complexes that survive extraction may fragment in the fieldfree flight tube; we can further analyze the dynamics by using retarding fields23 to separate these fragments.

S1089-5639(97)02673-X CCC: $15.00 © 1998 American Chemical Society Published on Web 01/08/1998

Ni+(2D5/2) + C3H8 Reaction Dynamics


NiC3H8+ Ni + C3H8 f NiC2H4+ + CH4 NiC3H6+ + H2 +

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 102, No. 2, 1998 387

(1a) (1b) (1c)

The result is a set of time-resolVed branching fractions measured under carefully controlled reaction conditions. These provide a new benchmark for comparison with theoretical work. In the accompanying paper 2, we present electronic structure calculations on the energetics of potential wells and transition states for the same Ni+ + C3H8 reaction. We will use those results, including moments of inertia and vibrational frequencies, to build a realistic, comprehensive rate model of the reaction. The dynamics are treated using statistical rate theory (RRKM theory) on a single adiabatic potential energy surface.24 We will find that moderate adjustments of the energetic parameters from theory bring the rate calculations into good agreement with our experimental data and many others, including cross sections vs kinetic energy, elimination branching fractions, and H/D isotope effects. The combination of theory and experiment thus elevates our fundamental understanding of this reaction to a new level of sophistication. II. Experimental Section A. Crossed-Beam Measurements. The crossed-beam apparatus (Figure 1) and its usual operating parameters have been described previously.20-22 In the source chamber, gas-phase nickel atoms are produced in a laser ablation source25 and seeded into an argon beam, which is skimmed and collimated. Electric fields strip ions from the beam. In the interaction chamber, the nickel atoms are ionized by a pulsed dye laser, initiating bimolecular ion-molecule collisions. The Ni+ cations react in field-free space with hydrocarbon molecules from a second pulsed valve. After a suitable reaction delay, a high-voltage pulse extracts reactant and product ions into the time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF/MS) for analysis. The frequency-doubled dye laser (10 ns fwhm, 323.384 nm, 99.9% purity) expands from a second 0.5 mm pulsed nozzle; the propane beam is pseudoskimmed (i.e., not differentially pumped) by a set of home-built rectangular knife edges. The propane velocity is (7.6 ( 1.0) × 104 cm/s.22 The typical propane pressure behind the nozzle is 60 Torr. From the work of Fenn and co-workers,29 we estimate that the propane is cooled to a vibrational temperature of about 50 K. Plots of product yield vs hydrocarbon backing pressure are linear from 10 to 120 Torr, indicating that single-collision conditions obtain at 60 Torr. By changing the angle between the Ni+ and propane beams, we can vary the collision energy in coarse steps. We have conducted the experiments at two such geometries, 20° and 145°. The corresponding collision energies are 0.011 ( 0.010 eV (0.25 ( 0.23 kcal/mol) and 0.21 ( 0.09 eV (4.8 ( 2.1 kcal/mol).

Figure 1. Schematic of ion-molecule crossed beam apparatus.

The estimated uncertainties reflect worst-case analyses accounting for uncertainties in the metal and hydrocarbon velocities, small additional velocity imparted to the metal ions by space charge effects, and the range of angles of intersection of the two velocity vectors. The larger collision energy is better defined. We refer to the smaller energy as “nominal 0.01 eV”; we believe it includes a distribution of energies peaked at 0.01 eV and lying below 0.02 eV ) 0.5 kcal/mol. The two energy distributions do not overlap. The 10 ns laser pulse initiates ion-molecule collisions at a sharply defined starting time. After a variable delay time that allows collisions to occur, reactant and product ions are extracted at time text into the TOF-MS for analysis. We can obtain useful signals for extraction times in the range 0.2 µs e text e 8 µs. At text, high-voltage pulses (1-1.5 kV) are applied to the ion extraction plates, sending reactant and product ions toward the detector. The voltage pulses rise to 90% of their plateau values in 20 ns; the analogous rise time of the electric field in the first extraction region is about 13 ns. The mass resolution (m/∆m) is >250 for products near 100 amu. Plots of TOF vs m1/2 are linear to within 3 ns (rms) residuals, sufficient for unambiguous mass assignments. Ions are detected with a microchannel plate (Galileo FTD-2003) operated at 6 × 107 gain. Detector output is 50 Ω coupled to a LeCroy 9400 digital oscilloscope without further amplification. We estimate detector mass discrimination effects at less than 10%.30 Since the detector dynamic range cannot simultaneously accommodate Ni+ and product ion signal, a small set of electrodes mounted in the drift regionslabeled “mass gate” in Figure 1sis pulsed at the appropriate time to deflect Ni+ ions away from the detector.22 Mass spectra are complicated by the presence of five Ni isotopes at 58 amu (68%), 60 amu (26%), 61 amu (1.3%), 62 amu (3.7%), and 64 amu (1.2%). Quantitative product branching ratios are based on the areas under well-resolved peaks, usually of the majority isotope (58Ni) for product peaks. In cases of mass interferences, areas of blended peaks were scaled to the 58Ni basis using published Ni isotope abundances.31 For example, adduct ion abundances were measured by integrating the m ) 102 peak (58NiC3H8+ + 60NiC3H6+) and correcting for the 60NiC3H6+ contribution.

388 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 102, No. 2, 1998 Under single-collision conditions, total product signal should rise linearly with Ni+ number density, hydrocarbon number density, and text, which we have experimentally verified. Moreover, the reaction should be insensitive to argon backing pressure. We have run the experiment at twice and half the normal argon backing pressure of 1.7 atm with text ) 8 µs and observe no changes in branching fractions or product yield relative to Ni+. As unreacted Ni+ ions are extracted, they accelerate through the hydrocarbon cloud in the interaction region and can form higher-energy reaction products. By applying the HV extraction pulses before the laser fires, this contribution to the total reaction products can be measured. The background contribution is constant, so it should be more prominent at shorter text. Although unimportant (2-3%) at text ) 8 µs, background products become about 15% of the products at text ) 1.1 µs and about 25-50% of the products at text ) 300 ns. Here “products” include both intact complexes and elimination products (channels 1a, 1b, and 1c). Complexes from such background collisions are formed from a broad distribution of collision energies peaked at low energy but effectively extending up to several electronvolts, beyond which the Langevin cross section rapidly diminishes the collision probability. Thus background products favor higher energy processes. Accordingly, we find about 2/3 elimination products and 1/3 adducts in the background mass spectrum. It is important to distinguish clearly two different time scales that we will refer to frequently. The first, which we have already called text, is the experimental time window during which the Ni+ and C3H8 reactant beams are “in contact” and collisions at a well-defined energy may occur. This is the time between the ionizing laser pulse and the ion extraction pulse. The second time, which we simply call t, refers to the time since a longlived complex was formed in a bimolecular collision. It is the sort of time that will appear naturally in paper 2 in a kinetics model for the unimolecular decay of a population of Ni+(C3H8) complexes which were all present at t ) 0. Because our experiment is firmly in the single-collision limit, to a very good approximation we create collision complexes with a uniform distribution of initiation times over a time window of width text. When we sample the fate of this collection of complexes at a particular real experimental time after the ionizing laser pulse, we sample complexes that have evolved over a corresponding distribution of times t after initiation. In comparing kinetics models with experiment, we will properly average over this distribution. B. Analysis of Metastable Decay by Retarding Potential Method. Under our carefully controlled reaction conditions, the product mass spectra reveal an abundance of long-lived NiC3H8+ collision complexes (1a). These complexes have survived extraction intact, since they arrive at the detector at appropriate times for such adduct ions. The time during which NiC3H8+ is accelerated by the extraction fields is about 2 µs. Under our single-collision conditions, the complexes are metastable. They have sufficient energy to fragment either to Ni+ + C3H8 reactants or to exothermic NiC2H4+ + CH4 (1b) or NiC3H6+ + H2 (1c) elimination products. For text ) 8 µs, complexes that survive t ) 2-25 µs after they are formed will fragment in the field-free drift region of the mass spectrometer. Such metastable decay can be analyzed by applying a retarding potential in the flight tube between the reaction zone and the detector (Figure 1).23 In the retarding potential device (Figure 2), a series of four metal meshes establish a region of variable positive potential with respect to ground (the flight tube

Noll et al.

Figure 2. Bottom: schematic of ion flight path including retarding potential device. Top: schematic of changes in potential energy along flight path. Retarding device separates metastable adduct ions (A+) from fragment ions (B+) and corresponding neutrals (N), all of which are detected.

potential). After extraction, an ion approaching from the first field-free region (F1, Figure 2) enters the decelerating field E1 and slows down. It traverses the ion retarding region (R) at constant, but diminished velocity. In the accelerating field E2, it recovers its original velocity. It then passes into a final 13 cm long field-free region (F2) before striking the detector. The retarding device is 11 cm long and lies 85-96 cm above the extraction region, near the end of the ion flight path whose entire length is 109 cm. A 10 cm stainless steel tube floats at the retarding potential Vr; its ends are covered by nickel mesh (70 lines/in., 85% optical transmission, Buckbee-Mears, St. Paul, MN). On either end of the tube, an additional electrically isolated, grounded mesh is mounted 0.54 cm from the end. The rest of the flight tube is shielded from the high voltage of the floating tube by the end meshes and additional grounded metal sheet. The device is described in additional detail elsewhere.22 As compared with the usual time-of-flight mass spectrometer, the retarding potential device alters arrival times in a massdependent fashion. In the examples presented below, we are able to distinguish long-lived NiC3H8+ complexes that survive the entire flight path intact, complexes that fragment in region F1 before entering the retarding field, and complexes that fragment in the retarding device, region R. Neutral fragments formed in F1 also create a distinguishable peak whose arrival time is insensitive to Vr. III. Results A. Simple Time-of-Flight Mass Spectra. In Figure 3, we show product time-of-flight mass spectra recorded at nominal 0.01 eV and at 0.21 eV collision energy with text ) 8 µs. At the lower collision energy, the dominant product (96 ( 1%) is the long-lived complex NiC3H8+ (1a). We also see 3 ( 1% of the CH4 elimination product, NiC2H4+ (1b), and 0.7 ( 0.4% of the H2 elimination product, NiC3H6+ (1c). The latter can be cleanly observed without interference from adduct ions only for the 58Ni isotope. At nominal 0.01 eV collision energy, we estimate that the total reaction cross section (to form all observed products, both adducts and elimination products) is 260 ( 80 Å,2 65 ( 30% of the Langevin cross section32 of 390 Å2 at 0.01 eV. For text ) 8 µs, only a small fraction (e3%) of the total product ions including adducts are due to background

Ni+(2D5/2) + C3H8 Reaction Dynamics

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 102, No. 2, 1998 389 TABLE 1: Branching Fractions Including Complexes, t ) 2-10 µs after Collisiona Et (eV)




0.01 0.21

3(1 23 ( 4

0.7 ( 0.4 4(2

96 ( 1 73 ( 4

a Data for t ext ) 8 µs, Uext ) 1280 eV, which places the time since initiation of Ni+ + C3H8 collisions in the range 2-10 µs.

TABLE 2: Comparison of Elimination Product Branching Fractions

Figure 3. Product region of time-of-flight mass spectra for text ) 8 µs, collision energy Et ) 0.01 eV (nominal, top trace) and 0.21 eV (lower trace). Peak a is 58NiC3H6+ from H2 elimination, peak c is 60NiC H + adduct, and peak b is a blend of 58NiC H + and 60NiC H +. 3 8 3 8 3 6

reaction of fast Ni+ during extraction, as described above. For shorter reaction times between 0.2 and 1 µs (not shown), NiC2H4+ accounts for about 7% and NiC3H6+ for about 2% of total products. This difference in branching at shorter extraction times is probably due to the larger relative importance of highenergy collisions from background reactions, rather than a dramatic time dependence of the product branching at 0.01 eV collision energy. It is possible that the very small fraction of prompt elimination products observed at nominal 0.01 eV collision energy arises entirely from the high-energy range of the distribution (near 0.02 eV) or from the high-energy collisions that occur during ion extraction. The modeling in paper 2 suggests that this is so. At the higher collision energy of 0.21 eV and text ) 8 µs (Figure 3, bottom) we observe the same three product ions but with elimination products in much higher proportion. The branching fractions are 23 ( 4% NiC2H4+ + CH4, 4 ( 2% NiC3H6+ + H2, and 73 ( 4% NiC3H8+, constant within experimental uncertainty for text between 1 and 8 µs. As text decreases below 1 µs, NiC2H4+ accounts for as much as 35%, and NiC3H6+ for as much as 11%, of all products. Again, the increase in elimination products at shorter text is probably due to background reactions of accelerated Ni+ ions during extraction. The absolute reaction efficiency was not measured for this collision energy, but it is comparable to that at the lower energy. The prompt product branching fractions measured for text ) 8 µs, including adducts, are summarized for the two collision energies in Table 1. In Table 2, we compare the branching between the two elimination products under our conditions with that observed in earlier work using a variety of techniques. With two exceptions, the fraction of CH4 elimination products lies in the range 80-85%, indicating that the branching is rather insensitive to differences in collision energy and internal electronic and vibrational energy of Ni+ + C3H8 reactants. The NiC3H8+ adduct peaks in Figure 3 are clearly broadened compared to the prompt elimination product peaks. The

Et (eV)


NiC2H4+ + CH4

NiC3H6+ + H2


0.01 0.21 ∼1 ∼0.5