2 New Modes of Continuing Education - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 7, 2010 - 2 New Modes of Continuing Education. Chem. Eng. News , 1974, 52 (10), p 28. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v052n010.p028. Publication Date: March 11, ...
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Ζ New Modes of Continuing Education


at the ACS Los Angeles National Meeting ACS Media Workshop for COLLEGE FACULTY TV/Film Production with liquid chromatog­ raphy orientation. A special two-day hands-on session for college chemistry teachers has been scheduled at the Los Angeles meeting to teach do-it-yourself techniques for producing TV or film for more effective teaching. While learning to use new liquid chromatography techniques and apparatus, participants concurrently will design, plan, and produce a videotape or other media unit that can be used in their institutions for student instruction in LC. The workshop will be directed by Dr. W. Robert Barnard (Evergreen State College) and associates. Facilities have been provided by the University of California, Los Angeles, and equipment by Eastman Kodak Co., Varian, and International Video Corp. To permit adequate handson experience, enrollment will be limited. Date: March 31 and April 1 (8 A.M. to 8:30 P.M., both days) Site: Department of Chemistry, University of California, Los Angeles Fee: $65


ACS Audio Seminar on INTERPRETATION OF INFRARED SPECTRA The premier ACS Audio Seminar has been scheduled for the Los Angeles meeting. The topic, "Interpretation of Infrared Spectra," is designed both for beginners as well as persons with some IR experience. Norman B. Colthup, the author-lecturer of the ACS Audio Course used in the Seminar, will personally direct all the sessions. An ACS Audio Seminar consists of three components: Lectures: The subject matter is presented on the tapes of an ACS Audio Course. Reference material: Each participant is provided with a copy of the course manual, which includes all the questions, spectra, problems, etc., discussed on the tapes. Discussion: The course director stops the tapes at regular intervals to lead discussions and problem-solving sessions. Site: Hyatt Regency Los Angeles, Broadway Room Schedule: Sunday, March 31, 7-10:30 P.M. Monday, April 1, 7-10:30 P.M. Tuesday, April 2, 1:30-5 P.M. and 7-10:30 P.M. Fee (includes one copy of the course manual): Regular registration (through March 28) $25 Regular registration (after March 28) 30 Full-time students 15 Unemployed ACS members Free

Registrations and requests for additional information should be addressed to: Department of Educational Activités, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: Workshop (202) 872-4593, Seminar (202) 872-4588



INFORMATION/REGISTRATION FORM Department of Educational Activities, American Chemical Society 1155-16th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Please send complete information on the

D Workshop

Please enroll me in the

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Π Seminar D Payment enclosed.

D Send invoice.

If you require employer authorization, do not let that deter you from registering early. You may register immediately without authorization or payment. If your request is subsequently denied, be sure to cancel before March 28,1974. Name V V 28

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C&EN March 11, 1974

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