+ HC1. SKC10, + 24HC1 - 8KC1 + 12Hs0 +. 9C1. + 6C10,. Materials: KC103, dil. HC1, Mp box with stopper bearing a 13 X 100 mm test tube; dry ice, aceton...
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Tested Overhead Projection Series Compiled by HUBERT N. ALYEA Princeton University


20. 1.

permit gas to escape.) Also fasten a small cone of wax on the lower t,ip of the test t,ube, as shown. KNnO4, conc. HC1 (DANGER: do not use HzSO,).


Procedure: Omit vial A . Place 5 g 1iMnO4in vial B and into it run 5 ml of conc. HC1. Stopper at once with the tube-bearing stopper.


a. Preparation of Chlorine (Continued) Dem. 602-Chlorine

from KCIO,

Obseivafzons: CL gas is generated (Dem. 601), solidihes on the test tube, melts and drips off the wax cone The cycle repeats


Experiment developed by Raymond P. Garman.


To show: The preparation of chlorine gas from KC1Oa HC1. SKC10, 24HC1 8KC1 12Hs0 9C1. 6C10,.


Materials: KC103, dil. HC1, Mp box with stopper bearing a 13 X 100 mm test tube; dry ice, acetone.

To show: The photochemical combination of chlorine with hydrogen

Procedure: Project Mp box with valve open. Put 5 g KC103 in box, then 10 ml dil. HC1. Insert stopper with test tube holding acetone-dry ice mush.

Materzals: Plastic vial about 4-111 long, 1-m diam; tray about ,5' X l l j s X 2-in.; X g ribbon, forcepi-i,GIsga-i, Hs-gas.

Observations: Cl, gas is generated; it liquefies on, and drips off of, the cold test tube in the Mp box.

Procedure: Protect the projector stage by placing a 6 X 6 X l/s-irl. sheet of Plexiglas over it. Fill the vial wit,h water, inverted in water in the t,ray. Pass pure Clz to displace half of the water in the vial, and pure Ha to displace the remainder. Project, with the lamp off. Turn on the lamp. If necessary, bring burning AIg ribbon (CARE) up to the inverted vial containing t,he Cis Hz.






b. Physical Properties of Chlorine Dem. 603-Density

of Chlorine

Dem. 605-Phatochemical:


+ CI;


Experiment developed bg Carl J Mancuso. To show:

Reactions of Chlorine

Chlorine g'iihis heavier than air

Materzals: A 4-02 narrow neck clear-glass square bottle of Cia gas with a 1-hole stopper bearing 1-in. length of 7 mm tubing; SD4 hlmstrip~; KI-aq, starch-aq Procedure: Project bottle of Cl? to show yellow gas. Now project C-2. Dip film strip into KI-aq, then hang in cell 1. Dip a second strip into a mixture of KI-aq starch-aq, then hang in cell 2. Project C-1 with strips hanging in it Now tilt Cls-bottle so the 6 mm tubing can be seen at the mouth of cell 2.


Observations: POP! The combination may be violent (CARE).


+ +


Reactions: (a) Cl; light -+ CI Cl. (6) Cl H i - + HC1 H. (c) H Clz+ HC1 Cl. This is a chain reaetion, described in more detail in the next demonstration.


Dem. 606-Domino


Model of Chain Reaction


To show: The model of the reaction Cl

+ H;



+ H, If + Cl;


+ Cl; etc

Observations: The chlorine gas is heavier than air (71 vs 29) and sinks into the cells. I t reacts with KI to liberate brown Is, and with KI-starch to give blue color. The progress of the Cis gas as it descends into the cells is clearly followed. Reference: THOMPSON, T. G., ,J. CHEM.EUUC.,20, 377 (1943). Dem. 604-Liquefaction

of Chlorine

To show: The formation, liquefaction, and vaporization of chlorine. Materials: Special Device SD-566, see Figure eonsisting of a 2-02 wide mouth bottle bearing a one-hole stopper holding a test tube containing dry ice-acetone mush. (File a groove along t,he side of the stopper to Volume 46, Number 4, April 1969



Materials: Special Devices SD-606, see Figures. Either the horizontal stage or vertical stage model can be used.

Observations: Cell 1 clouds up from the formation of AgCl precipitate. Cells 2 and 3 remain clear; there is no CI- present in them.

Procedure: (a) Show rows of dominoes (chemical chains) started by various means, e.g., push one down, knock one down with a pencil, blow over, corresponding to various initiation mechanisms (light, heat, catalyst). (b) Insert pins in holes, blocking the falling of dominoes: corresponds to inhibitors breaking chains. (c) Add increasing numbers of pins. Show a point reached where every "chain" is broken by an inhibitor molecule, and that beyond this point the number of chains broken is independent of inhibitor concentration. If in breaking a chain the inhibitor molecule reacts (e.g., is oxidized) then an inhibitor concentration is reached (where all chains are broken by inhibitor) where the amount of inhibitor oxidized (by breaking chains) becomes independent of inhibitor concentration. This is in contradiction to Guldberg and Waage's Law of Mass Action, and is peculiar to certain chain reactions

Dem. 6 10ÑPhotogrophi Processes

Dem. 607-Copper

Wire Burned in Chlorine

Experiment developed by Raymond P. Garman. To show:

Copper burning in chlorine gas.

Materials: 10 in. of No. 20 Cu wire; 4-02 narrow neck, clear-glass, square hottle of chlorine gas; Bunsen burner.

To show: Development of the silver image, and solution of unchanged AgCl in photographer's fixer (hypo, NiteSzOa 5HzO).


Materials: AgNOg-aq, dil. HC1, Ka;S;Og-aq, cell C-4, stirrer. Procedure: Precipitate AgCl by mixing 30 ml water with 2 drops each of AgNOi-aq and dil. HC1, and distribute in the four cells of C-4. It should project light brown; if it is darker, dilute with water. Expose cells 3 and 4 to the light of the projector, shielding cells 1 and 2. Then pour 5 ml Na&Og-aq into cells 2 and 3. Stir. Compare the four cells. Observations Tube 1 is brown with AgCl. Tube 2 is clear since the AgCl has been dissolved by hypo. Tube 3 is slightly dark since the Ag formed by photodecomposition of AgCl is not dissolved by hypo. Tube 4 is darkest since it contains both Ag and AgCl.




Reactions: (a) Ag+ Cl- -+ AgCl. (b) 2AgCl light -+ 2Ag Clz. (c) AgCl 2 NiteSsOa NaAg(Si0a)z NaCl.



Dem. 6 1 1-Analysis


for Silver Group (1) Cations

Procedure: Coil half of the copper wire around a pencil. Project the bottle of chlorine gas. Heat the copper coil momentarily in the Bunsen flame (macro), then immediately lower the red hot coil into the bottle of chlorine

To show: The steps in routine analysis for Ag, Pb, and Hg (ous).

Observations: The copper glows as it burns in the chlorine, and a cloud of C u d z forms.

Procedures: (a) Precipitation of group. Project H-3 with the three culture tubes half-full of water. To them add 5 drops of AgNOg-aq, of Pb(NO&aq, and of HgNOg-aq respectively. Now add 2 drops of dil. HC1 to each tube. (b) Removal of P b and of Ag. Boil each solution; set aside tube 2. To tube 1 add 5 ml of NHg-aq. (c) Confirmation of cations. To tube 1 add 5 ml dil. HNO,. To hot tube 2 add 2 drops KiCrzOr-aq. To tube 3 add NH3-aq.

Dem. 608-Turpentine

To show:

Burned in Chlorine

Interaction of chlorine and turpentine.

Materials: 2-oz wide mouth square clear-glass bottle of Cl2 gas, stoppered; turpentine, cotton-tipped swab, 13 X 100 mm test tube, beaker of very hot water. Procedure: Warm 5 ml turpentine for 5 min in a test tube immersed in hot water. Project bottle of Clz, immerse swab in warm turpentine, thrust swab into bottle of Cl,. Observations: Turpentine smokes, then catches fire; black soot forms.

+ 8Ck

Reaction: CiOHu



+ 16HC1.

2. CHLORIDES Dem. 609-Chloride

Content of Water

Experiment developed by Raymond P. Garman. To show: sources.

Chlorine content of water from different

Materials: Tapwater, distilled water, de-ionized water; C-3, stirrer, AgN03-aq. Procedure: Project C-3 with cells three-quarters full of tap, distilled, and deionized water, respectively. Add 3 drops of AgN03-aq to each. Stir. A310


Journal of Chemical Education

Materials: AgNOi-aq, Ph(NO&aq, HgN03-aq; cell H-3; dil. HCI, NHi-aq, dil. HNOa, KzCr2O7-aq.

Observatzons: (a) Precipitation of group. White AgCl, PhCL, and H ~ z C Iprecipitate; Z also show macro, (b) Removal of P b and Ag. Only the PbClz in tube 2 dissolves when the solutions are heated. The AgCl dissolves in NHi-aq t o form Ag(NH&+ ion. (c) Confirmation of catzons. The Ag(NHg) +Cl- solution reprecipitates white AgCl when HN0i is added. The P b + + precipitates yellow PbCQ. The HgzCIz,when NHg-aq is added, forms black Hg and white HgNHaCI precipitates Exhibit the precipitates macro. Dem. 6 12-Hydrolysis of SbCI, To show: Reversible hydrolysis, Procedure: Project C-3 quarter-full of SbC13-aq. Add 2 ml water to cells 2 and 3; stir. Add 2 ml conc. HC1 to cell 3; stir. Observations: SbClg

+ HiO