2006 ACS NATIONAL AWARD WINNERS - C&EN Global Enterprise

Feb 6, 2006 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... Following is the sixth set of vignettes of recipients of awards administered by the American Chemi...
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2006 ACS NATIONAL AWARD WINNERS Recipients are honored for contributions of major significance to chemistry


ollowing is the sixth set ofvigpettes of recipients of awards administeredby the American Chemical Society for 2006. CéEN will publish the vignettes of the remaining recipients in successive February issues. An article on Paul S. Anderson, 2006 Priestley Medalist, is scheduled to appear in the March 27 issue of CéEN, along with his award address. Most of the award recipients will be honored at an awards ceremony, which will be held on Tuesday, March 28, in conjunction with the 231st ACS national meeting in Atlanta. The Arthur C. Cope Scholar awardees will be honored at the 232nd ACS national meeting in San Francisco, Sept. 10-14.

ACS Award in Theoretical Chemistry Sponsored by IBM T h e description of the behavior of large collections of atoms and molecules requires a combination of efforts: computer simulation methods and clever applications of statistical mechanics theory. N o t many chemists master both. D u r i n g t h e past t w o decades, however, work by Hans C. A n d e r s e n , David Mulvane Ehrsam & Edward Curtis Franklin Professor of Chemistry at Stanford University, has made it possible for t h e a r e a of c h e m i s t r y known as molecular dynamics to explode. O n the found a t i o n laid b y A n d e r s e n ' s work, scientists have b e e n able to examine the properties and interactions of gases, Andersen liquids, and solids. T h e early molecular dynamics strategies, based on Newton's equations of m o tion and statistical mechanical principles, were developed in the 1950s and '60s. But these simulations didn't realistically mimic experimental conditions. I n the methodology available at the time, the energy, volume, and number of particles in a molecular dynamics simulation were kept constant. But 34




that's not usually representative of experimental conditions, where systems are typically maintained at constant temperature and pressure. For example, the nucleation of liquid materials into the solid phase can involve large volume changes. I n 1980, Andersen published a paper in the Journal'of'Chemical'Physics t h a t offered a solution to that problem. By altering and making additions to the equations of m o tion, A n d e r s e n showed h o w t o p e r f o r m molecular dynamics simulations for systems based on constant pressure and temperature. T h e work allowed molecular dynamics to explode as a discipline. "It is rare t h a t a single paper has such a profound and lasting impact," says Michèle Parrinello, chemistry professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, and a pioneer in molecular dynamics. Andersen's peers note that his contributions to theoretical chemistry extend b e yond this earlier work, including his modeling studies of liquids, amorphous materials, crystal nucleation, and phase transitions. " T h e breadth of H a n s Andersen's contributions to theoretical chemistry is truly remarkable," says David Chandler, chemistry professor at t h e University £ of California, Berkeley. § Andersen was b o r n in 5 1941 in Brooklyn, N.Y. H e 1 received a bachelor's degree ° in chemistry in 1962 and a | P h . D . in 1966, b o t h from I Massachusetts Institute of Technology. H e spent three years at Harvard University as a junior fellow, then went t o Stanford, w h e r e h e has been ever since. At Stanford, Andersen has served in various directorial roles at t h e university's Center for M a terials Research. H e was chair of the chemistry department from 2 0 0 2 to 2 0 0 5 . His numerous awards include a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1976 and the ACS Joel H e n r y Hildebrand Award in the Theoretical & Experimental Chemistry of Liquids in 1988. H e has been a fellow of the American Physical Society since 1984, the American Association for the Advancement of Science

since 1991, and the American Academy of A r t s 8c Sciences since 1992. H e has also been a m e m b e r of the National Academy of Sciences since 1992. Andersen has served as chair of the ACS Division of Physical Chemistry and on the editorial boards of several journals, including the Journal of Chemical Physics. T h e award address will b e p r e s e n t e d before t h e Division of Physical C h e m i s try—ELIZABETH WILSON

E. V. Murphree Award in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Sponsored by ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Co. and ExxonMobil Chemical Co. Liang-Shih Fan, Distinguished University Professor a n d C . J o h n E a s t o n Professor of Engineering at O h i o State University's department of chemical and biomolecular engineering, has devoted his career to t h e theory and application of fluidization, multiphase flow, powder reaction engineering, and p o w d e r technology. T h e s e areas are of relevance to energy and environmental systems and of direct interest t o c h e m i cal, petrochemical, mineral, and material industries. Specifically, the 58-year-old chemical engineer is being honored for his pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of fluidized-bed technologies, including his invention and commercialization of t w o clean-coal processes: O S C A R (Ohio State Carbonation Ash Reactivation) and C A R B O N O X (carbon-based N O x r e d u c t i o n technology), which have been described as good choices for power plants that burn the high-sulfur coals of the eastern U.S. So far, t h e strategic fluidization operations developed by F a n have b e e n incorporated into a number of commercial fluidized-bed systems, including multisolid fluidized-bed coal combustors as well as fluidized-bed reactors for p r o d u c t i o n of acrylonitrile and maleic anhydride. Fan's research career has b e e n distinguished b y m a n y "firsts." A m o n g t h e s e , he pioneered the development of the first three-dimensional electrical capacitance volume tomography for instantaneous and simultaneous flow-field visualization and quantification for gas-liquid, gas-solid, and gas-liquid-solid fluidization systems. H i s study led to his discovery of a coherent 3-D flow structure and identification of a new three-phase fluidization regime k n o w n as the "helical-vortical regime." WWW. C E N - O N L I N E . O R G

H e also developed a novel t r a n s p a r e n t high-pressure and high-temperature flow rig for multiphase flow re­ search. T h e rig has been used to derive widely recognized h i g h - P a n d h i g h - T bubble dynamic theories and to develop experimental tech­ niques for in situ physical property measurements for industrial reactor systems. His contributions in pow­ der reaction engineering are Fa η immense and include one of t h e most i m p o r t a n t discoveries in recent years in sorbent reaction chemistry. Specifi­ cally, his marker and isotope experiments led to t h e discovery of t h e outward ionic diffusion mechanism underlying the reac­ tion of S 0 2 with C a O powder. Fan earned a B.S. degree from National Taiwan University and M.S. and P h . D . degrees from W e s t Virginia University, all in chemical engineering. H e did t h r e e years of postdoctoral research and earned a n M . S . in statistics from K a n s a s State University before joining t h e O h i o State faculty in 1978. At Ohio State, Fan has risen through the ranks and served as department chair from 1994 t o 2 0 0 3 . I n 2 0 0 5 , h e was awarded the Joseph Sullivant Medal, which is given only once every five years and is the high­ est honor that Ohio State can bestow upon one of its a l u m n i or faculty for e m i n e n t achievement. H e was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2 0 0 1 . A m o n g his other recognitions, Fan received the Malcolm E. Pruitt Award of the Council for Chemical Research in 2 0 0 0 , t h e A m e r i c a n Society for Engineering Education Chemical En­ gineering Division U n i o n C a r b i d e L e c ­ tureship Award in 1999, and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Alpha Chi Sigma Award for C h e m i c a l Engineering Research in 1996. Fan has authored or coauthored t h r e e books, 2 0 b o o k chapters, 14 patents, 2 9 0 refereed papers, and 250 conference papers. T h e award address will be presented before t h e Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry—LINDA RABER

ACS Award in Colloid & Surface Chemistry Sponsored by Procter & Gamble T h e physical and chemical processes gov­ erning the behavior of complex fluids such W W W . C E N - O N L I N E . ORG

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as colloidal a n d p o l y m e r solutions result from a delicate balance of weak forces. Although they are subtle in detail, the properties of such "macromolecular" liquids are i m p o r t a n t in w e t t i n g , self-assembly, microfluidic control, and m a n y biologi­ cal processes. Alice P. Gast has made seminal contribu­ tions in understanding these processes and their influence on bulk properties through a c o m b i n a t i o n of colloid science, p o l y m e r physics, a n d statistical mechanics. Gast, 47, is the Robert Τ Haslam Profes­ sor of Chemical Engineering and vice presi­ dent for research and associate provost at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. H e r research focuses on a wide range of topics, including macromolecules at interfaces, dis­ order-order transitions and wetting in colloidal suspen­ sions, magneto-rheological fluids, and microfluidics. W i l l i a m B. Russel, dean of t h e g r a d u a t e s c h o o l at P r i n c e t o n University, says of Gast: "Her research pro­ g r a m is c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y h e r p e r c e p t i v e c h o i c e of exciting, b u t n o t obvious, p r o b l e m s ; exploitation of sophisticated optical micros­ copy plus light, neutron, and X-ray s c a t t e r i n g t o p r o b e Gast and visualize structure; effective use of statistical mechanics to model the phenomena of interest; and timely and appealing publication in journals of t h e highest quality." " M y i n t e r e s t is in systems w h e r e t h e i n t e r m o l e c u l a r forces a n d i n t e r p a r t i c l e forces are sufficient to cause macroscopic property changes," Gast says. " W i t h submicron-sized particles—nanoparticles, they are called nowadays—there is a lot of sur­ face area, and surface-surface interactions between particles determine macroscopic properties." G a s t says t h a t she has "migrated" dur­ ing her career from colloidal particles t o polymers to lipids and biological molecules that associate into membranes. "Cell mem­ branes and cells are of t h e same size scale as colloidal particles, and similar forces de­ termine h o w they will interact," she says. Gast's group is investigating, for example, t h e u n i q u e crystallization p r o p e r t i e s of proteins tethered to lipid monolayers. I n these studies, fluorescence microscopy re­

veals ordering phenomena of great interest for b o t h biological applications and funda­ mental physics. Point mutations allow the researchers to alter the protein-protein in­ teractions in a systematic and detailed way and to investigate the molecular basis for the ordering behavior. "It is a tremendously exciting time in col­ loid and surface chemistry," Gast says. " W e have measurement techniques to measure forces d o w n to piconewtons and smaller, tremendous visualization techniques like atomic force microscopy and fluorescence microscopy, and computational techniques powerful enough to tackle many-body p r o b l e m s . Systems t h a t y o u s t u d y o n a computer, you can now actually see in t h e laboratory. I a m tremendously optimistic about the field." G a s t is also deeply involved in policy issues. She is currently cochairing the N a ­ tional Academies C o m m i t t e e o n a N e w Government-University Partnership _ for Science & Security and 5 serves on t h e D e p a r t m e n t | of H o m e l a n d Security SciS ence& Technology Advisory | Committee. | Gast received a bachelor 5 of science degree in chemical °- engineering from t h e U n i ­ versity of Southern Califor­ nia in 1980 and master's and Ph.D. degrees from Prince­ t o n University in 1981 and 1984, respectively. She began her career at Stanford Uni­ versity in 1985, becoming a full professor in 1995. She as­ sumed her current position at M I T in 2001. She has received numerous honors during her career, including election to the National Academy of Engineering in 2 0 0 1 . T h e award address will b e p r e s e n t e d before t h e Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry.—RUDY BAUM

Frances P. GarvanJohn M. Olin Medal Sponsored by the Francis P. Garvan-John Olin Medal Endowment


Although Lila M. Gierasch was encouraged by her parents from an early age to ask 'Svhy" and to use mathematical logic, it was really her high school science teachers w h o made the difference, she says. "They fostered m y interest in m a t h and science. I particularly enjoyed chemistry, but I was also attracted to biology and physics. It pleases m e t h a t m y career has embraced the intersection of C&EN / FEBRUARY

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AWARDS these three, which is essentially biophysical chemistry." A s a n u n d e r g r a d at M o u n t H o l y o k e , she didn't really k n o w what field would ap­ proach t h e questions of biology w i t h t h e tools of physics and c h e m i s t r y u n t i l she took a biophysics course and realized that she wanted to go farther in this area. Understanding the basic underpinnings of biological p h e n o m e n a has always been Gierasch's motivation. "It is increasingly evident t h a t biology requires proteins to fold in a challenging e n v i r o n m e n t w i t h fidelity, or devastating consequences will ensue. Misfolding and aggregation are be­ h i n d m a n y neurodegenerative and o t h e r diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, spongiform encephalopathies, and cystic fibrosis." Gierasch, 57, has made many important fundamental contributions to understand­ ing t h e relationship b e t w e e n a m i n o acid sequence and the preferred conformations of peptides and proteins. H e r work helped establish t h e n o w - c o m m o n a p p r o a c h of using peptide fragments to examine func­ tionally important interactions of proteins. She has explored t h e m e c h a n i s m of rec­ ognition of a b r o a d s p e c t r u m of p r o t e i n substrates by using molecular chaperones. She has described the energy landscape for t h e folding of a β-barrel protein, C R A B P , and determined t h a t small changes in its sequence can lead to aggregation b o t h in vitro and in cells. H e r find­ ings suggest that a misfolded monomeric state nucleates aggregation. H e r colleagues say t h a t she "epitomizes distin­ guished service to chemis­ try" because she is a gifted teacher w h o is comfortable at every student level, she is a superbly effective organizer, and she is devoted to the adGierasch vancement of women in the sciences. She is internationally recognized as an outstanding scientist. Gierasch received an A.B. in chemistry from M o u n t Holyoke College, South H a d ley, Mass., in 1970 and a Ph.D. in biophys­ ics from H a r v a r d University in 1975. She began her career at Amherst College as an assistant professor of c h e m i s t r y in 1974. She moved t h r o u g h t h e ranks at t h e Uni­ versity of Delaware, the University of Texas Southwestern Medical C e n t e r at Dallas, and finally the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where she was head of the chem­ istry d e p a r t m e n t from 1994 to 1999, and of the biochemistry and molecular biology 36




d e p a r t m e n t from 1999 t o 2 0 0 5 , and is n o w professor in b o t h departments. Among the many hon­ ors and awards she has re­ ceived are t h e A. P. Sloan Fellowship, a Guggenheim Fellowship, t h e Vincent du Vigneaud Award for Young I n v e s t i g a t o r s in P e p t i d e Research, t h e Chancellor's M e d a l from the Univer­ sity of Massachusetts, and a D.Sc. honoris causa from Heck M o u n t Holyoke College. She is t h e author of nearly 2 0 0 papers and has been the editor or adviser for sev­ eral important chemistry and biochemistry journals. T h e award address will b e p r e s e n t e d before the Division of Biological Chemis­ try—JANET DODD

Herbert C. Brown Award for Creative Research in Synthetic Methods Sponsored by the Purdue Borane Research Fund and the Herbert C. Brown Award Endowment ω | s ï Ζ I I < t g *

Richard F. Heck, W i l l i s F. H a r r i n g t o n P r o f e s s o r Emeritus at t h e University of Delaware, is best k n o w n for the palladium-mediated coupling ofanarylhalide or vinylichalidewithanalkene, t h e reaction t h a t bears his n a m e . T h e i m p o r t a n c e of this reaction cannot be over­ stated. For example, in 1982, Heck's chapter in "Organic Reactions" covered all t h e k n o w n uses of this reaction in 45 pages, but by 2 0 0 2 , applications had g r o w n such t h a t 377 pages were w r i t t e n about t h e intramolecular H e c k reactions alone. H e c k , 74, received a B.S. degree at t h e University of California, Los Angeles, in 1952. H e remained at U C L A and did gradu­ ate research with Saul Winstein in the area of neighboring-group participation in the solvolysis of arylsulfonates. After receiving his Ph.D., H e c k studied at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, with Vladi­ mir Prelog. There, he carried out research on the solvolysis of medium-sized cycloalkyl arylsulfonates. H e then returned to U C L A

ο and Winstein's group to do | more research on neighbor| ing-group effects. % I n 1956, H e c k j o i n e d S t h e staff of Hercules Pow| der Co., in W i l m i n g t o n , Del. H e started working to form crystalline polymers from polar monomers (vinyl ethers). H i s study of hydroformylation led to t h e first proposed m e c h a n i s m for a transition-metal-catalyzed reaction. I n 1971, he joined the fac­ ulty at the University of Delaware, where he continued to study organopalladium chemis­ try. Of the several reactions that Heck devel­ oped there, the coupling of an alkyne with an aryl halide has had a profound impact on science. Its use to couple fluorescent dyes to D N A bases has allowed the automation of D N A sequencing and the elucidation of the h u m a n genome. This coupling is called the Sonogashira reaction, a modification of the alkyne-coupling procedure reported by H e c k a year earlier. K. Sonogashira's modi­ fication was to add a Cu(I) cocatalyst. Heck's w o r k set t h e stage for a variety of o t h e r Pd-catalyzed couplings, includ­ ing t h o s e w i t h b o r o n i c acid derivatives (Suzuki), organotins (Stille), organonickel c o m p o u n d s (Kumada), silanes (Hiyama), and organozincs (Negishi), as well as w i t h alcohols and amines. Heck's contributions are not limited to the activation of halides by the oxidative ad­ dition of Pd(0). H e c k was the first to fully characterize a π-allyl metal complex and also t h e first to elucidate t h e m e c h a n i s m of alkene hydroformylation, a reaction that currently is used to produce 15 billion lb of alcohols and aldehydes per year. H e c k retired to Florida in 1989. In 2 0 0 4 , the department of chemistry and biochem­ istry at t h e University of Delaware estab­ lished the Richard F. H e c k Lectureship in his honor, and he presented t h e inaugural lecture. H e c k will present his address before the Division of O r g a n i c Chemistry.—LINDA RABER

James Flack Norris Award in Physical Organic Chemistry Sponsored by the ACS Northeastern Section Electron-transfer mechanisms are funda­ mental and ubiquitous in chemistry. T h e y WWW.CEN-0N


are a lot better understood because of t h e I work of Michael R. Wasielewski, chem­ istry professor at Northwestern University H i s combination of synthetic modeling, ultrafast laser spectroscopy and time-resolved magnetic resonance studies has provided insights into t h e fundamental relationship b e t w e e n molecular structure and t h e dy­ namics of electron transfer between organic I molecules. Energy has b e e n t h e fo­ cus of W a s i e l e w s k i ' s r e ­ search since the mid-1970s, w h e n he first became con­ cerned about Earth's energy capacity and storage. W h i l e m a n y of us were sitting in gasoline lines, Wasielewski was g a t h e r i n g knowledge and beginning to make con­ nections between intriguing new techniques that would enable h i m t o see into t h e heart of photosynthesis. Wasielewski At the photosynthetic r e a c t i o n center, e l e c t r o n - t r a n s f e r reac- I tions occur in picoseconds, m u c h too fast to be investigated with any of the standard techniques that were in use at that time. A n additional complication is t h e extremely complex environment in which these reac­ tions occur; m a n y factors are in play, and separating t h e various effects was just not possible then. Wasielewski, 56, recalls that in the mid7 0 s fast laser technology provided the first o p p o r t u n i t y t o m e a s u r e t h e rates of t h e primary photosynthetic reactions. A t the same time, t h e field of biomimetics—the use of systems found in n a t u r e t o s t u d y and design other systems—was also taking off. H e combined these approaches in his investigations. Cofactors of proteins involved in photo­ synthesis are fixed in space, so to mimic this setup, Wasielewski and his group created rigid structures similar to those involved in nature and used fast laser spectroscopy to measure the rate of electron transfer. By modifying t h e structures, they were able to study t h e effect of changes in molecu­ lar structure on t h e dynamics of electron transfer. It took nearly 2 0 years, he says, to mimic t h e major aspects of these biological reac­ tions. I n the photosynthetic system, transfer takes place one electron at a time, but the nature of the electron spin dynamics com­ plicates the ability to get at the core of how photosynthesis occurs. Wasielewski pains­ takingly peeled away the layers, and he's still awed that his group succeeded in getting to t h a t core. " T h e properties are very subtle," I www.CEN-ONLINE.ORG

he says, "and the range of possibilities to 'get it right' is very narrow." Wasielewski has applied his systematic, what he calls "fine-grid " approach to study electron transfer in organic materials as well. Current work in his lab is focused on using organic molecules in solar cells and electron­ ics for information processing. W i t h an eye to using photo-driven materials to replace existing materials t h a t r e | quire electricity to function, jjj Wasielewski is staying true i to his original muse. < Wasielewski received his | education at the University £ of Chicago, e a r n i n g t h r e e £ c h e m i s t r y degrees: B.S. in I 1971,M.S.inl972,andPh.D. in 1975. After completing a postdoc at Columbia Univer­ sity, Wasielewski returned to the Chicago area for a second postdoc, this one at Argonne National Laboratory. I n 1977, he was hired as a chemist by Argonne and he moved through the ranks to become the molecular photon­ ics group leader in 1993, a position he held until 1999, when he left the lab. Starting in 1994, Wasielewski also was a professor in Northwestern's department of chemistry; he chaired t h a t department from 2 0 0 1 to 2004. H e has served his scientif1 ic c o m m u n i t y as a m e m b e r of several advisory commit­ tees at N o r t h w e s t e r n a n d Argonne; as the organizer of several conferences, includ­ ing a 1994 G o r d o n Confer­ ence on Electron Donor-Ac­ ceptor Interactions; and as a m e m b e r of t h e editorial board for the Journal of Pho­ tochemistry ifPhotobiology A: Chemistry. A m o n g h i s a w a r d s are Yates the Inter-American P h o t o chemical Society Research Award (2004) and t h e University of Chicago Award for D i s t i n g u i s h e d P e r f o r m a n c e at A r g o n n e (1989). Wasielewski received R&D Maga­ zine's R & D 100 Award in 1993 for work in molecular switches and in 1999 for work in photorefractivity. He's a fellow of t h e American Associa­ tion for t h e Advancement of Science, and he's also b e e n a n a m e d lecturer at m a n y universities and companies. Wasielewski is closing in on 3 0 0 published articles. T h e award address will b e p r e s e n t e d before t h e Division of Organic C h e m i s ­ try—ROBIN GIR0UX

Glenn T. Seaborg Award for Nuclear Chemistry Sponsored by the ACS Division of Nuclear Chemistry if Technology Steven W. Yates, professor of chemistry, physics, and astronomy and currently chair of the department of chemistry at the Uni­ versity of Kentucky, has made contributions in all areas of his profession as a researcher and an educator, as an editor and a writer, and as a member of government and privatesector science panels. This award recognizes h i m for his groundbreaking studies of multiphonon excitations in atomic nuclei and for the development of techniques for measur­ ing very short nuclear lifetimes. Yates, 59, received a B.S. degree in chem­ i s t r y f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y of M i s s o u r i , Columbia, in 1968 and a P h . D . in nuclear chemistry from Purdue University in 1973, where he studied w i t h Patrick Daly. Following his dissertation work at Pur­ due, during which he characterized a new class of negative-parity states in transitional nuclei and explained t h e m in terms of t h e semidecoupled model, he accepted a t w o year postdoctoral fellowship at A r g o n n e National Laboratory W h i l e | t h e r e , h e investigated t h e | properties of actinide nuclei, t primarily by light-ion-scatg tering and transfer reactions. ^ T h e s e investigations led to meaningful predictions, based on single-particle en­ ergies, of the ultimate stabil­ ity of superheavy elements. I n 1975, Yates moved to the University of Kentucky, where he initiated a program of nuclear structure studies. H i s early work, w i t h meas u r e m e n t s p e r f o r m e d at O a k Ridge National Laboratory, included t h e first observation of t h e b a c k b e n d i n g p h e n o m e n o n in t h e γ-vibrational b a n d of a deformed nucleus. T h i s discovery was key in describing b a c k b e n d i n g in t e r m s of rotational b a n d interactions a n d b a n d crossings. I n t h e late 1970s, Yates b e g a n t h e ex­ p e r i m e n t s for w h i c h he is best k n o w n at the University of Kentucky's Van de Graaff accelerator. Although the inelastic neutronscattering reaction, first characterized by G l e n n Τ Seaborg and his colleagues, h a d been used by others, Yates can be credited w i t h recognizing and developing the specC&EN / FEBRUARY

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AWARDS troscopic power of this reaction and exploit­ ing its potential. Yates's studies of m u l t i p h o n o n excita­ t i o n s i n spherical a n d d e f o r m e d nuclei are his most enduring contributions. T h e identification of b o t h t h e Κ = 0 and Κ = 4 two-phonon γ-vibrational excitations in a deformed nucleus is a remarkable achieve­ ment; however, Yates's efforts to understand the octupole excitations are even more sig­ nificant. I n nuclei near the 82-neutron shell closure, he found early evidence for complete multiplets of quadrupole-octupole coupled states, and his search for two-phonon octu­ pole states led to the identification of the 0+ m e m b e r of t h e long-sought t w o - p h o n o n quartet in 2 0 8 P b . This result provided a textbook example of collective excitations in nuclei and must b e regarded as confirming t h e existence of t w o - p h o n o n octupole vibrations. H i s group later provided candidates for two ad­ ditional members of this quartet. Because these identifications rely on knowledge of electric dipole transition rates, his group then launched a study to understand these transitions in spherical nuclei. T h i s w o r k led to t h e characterization of perhaps t h e

finest example of weak coupling in nuclei. Yates's m o s t recent w o r k has focused o n d e t e r m i n i n g h o w persistent q u a d r u pole vibrations are i n nuclei. H e a n d his colleagues have characterized complete three-phonon multiplets in several nuclei, and, if four-phonon multiplets still retain their collective character, his group holds promise for identifying these excitations as well. His contributions in other areas are also notable. I n addition t o receiving b o t h uni­

versity- and student-initiated awards for his teaching, h e has b e e n a regular contribu­ tor of educational articles in the Journal of Chemical Education. H e has been involved in ACS's Summer Schools in Nuclear Chemis­ try since their inception. Ten doctoral and seven master's students working under his direction have received degrees, and h e has mentored more t h a n a dozen postdocs. T h e award address will b e presented be­ fore t h e Division of Nuclear Chemistry & Technology.—LINDA RABER

NOMINATIONS FOR SKOLNIK AWARD The ACS Division of Chemical Informa­ tion is seeking nominations for the Her­ man Skolnik Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to and achieve­ ments in the theory and practice of chemi­ cal information science. Examples of such advancement in­ clude, but are not limited to, design of new and unique computerized informa­ tion systems; preparation and dissemi­ nation of chemical information; editorial innovations; design of new indexing, clas­

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sification, and notation systems; chemi­ cal nomenclature; structure-activity rela­ tionships; numerical data correlation and evaluation; and advancement of knowl­ edge in the field. Nominations should describe the nom­ inee's contributions to the field of chem­ ical information and should include sup­ porting materials. Three seconding letters are also required. A l l materials must be sent by e-mail to ggrethe@com cast.net by June 1.

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