2011: A Good Year For Chemistry - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

In that report, I have captured a sampling of accomplishments in 2011, among them: ◾ For the eighth consecutive year, ACS had a positive net contrib...
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bers, the highest number in the society’s completed another highly successful year. history. The successful recruiting and reI invite you to read my report, “2011 Hightention are testimonials from our continulights of ACS Achievements,” now available ing and new members that ACS provides on www.acs.org (click on “About Us”). In value and is their professional home for life. that report, I have captured a sampling of ◾ Chemical Abstracts Service indexed accomplishments in 2011, among them: publications at an all-time record high; reac◾ For the eighth consecutions were collected at an tive year, ACS had a positive all-time record level; reacnet contribution from operation procedures in SciFindtions. Preliminary unaudited er grew to more than 3 milresults show that the society lion; and new registrations generated a net of $20.9 milin the CAS Registry grew by lion, which is $7.7 million more than 9.3 million. At more than the budget that the end of the year, the CAS had been approved for 2011. Registry contained nearly ◾ The International Year 65 million small molecules. of Chemistry (IYC) 2011 CAS doubled its search caprovided ACS local sections, pacity, enabling academic technical divisions, commit“unlimited use” agreements tees, individual members, for SciFinder, the gold stanand staff with new and fruitdard for chemical research ful opportunities to increase ACS is doing around the world. the public understanding ◾ ACS Publications everything in its and appreciation of chemlaunched two new journals, power to help its istry. The capstone for ACS ACS Medicinal Chemistry members thrive was a $1 million award from Letters and ACS Catalysis. in the global the National Science FounOther accomplishments dation to the ACS Education workforce, whether include a new C&EN OnDivision to prepare and dis- they are students line website and a C&EN tribute 8,000 kits for middle or seasoned career mobile app. In 2011, ACS school teachers and to ateditors-in-chief handled professionals. tend four science and enginearly 100,000 manuscript neering festivals in 2011–12. submissions through the ◾ The Office of Public Afeditorial peer review profairs successfully achieved extensive media cess, and ACS Publications published more coverage during IYC; produced “Spellthan 36,000 articles. ACS publications saw bound,” an eight-part IYC-themed video some 77 million downloads. series featuring a diverse group of notable ◾ The ACS Board of Directors, members, chemists; and raised the profile of ACS in and staff collaborated on a new ACS Strafederal agencies. tegic Plan for 2012 & Beyond. The plan has ◾ Dow Chemical provided a $2.5 milfour highly focused priority goals for the lion grant to be the sole sponsor of the society. ACS Board Chair William F. Carroll 2012 International Chemistry Olympiad, Jr. will provide more information about which will be held in July at the University the plan in a forthcoming ACS Comment. of Maryland, with ACS serving as the host. Please visit www.acs.org/strategicplan. This is the first time since 1992 that IChO ◾ The Office of Research Grants awardhas been held in the U.S. ed 184 Petroleum Research Fund grants for ◾ The ACS Development Office raised a total of $16.4 million, up from 131 grants more than $5 million to support vital and $11.4 million in 2010. programs such as Project SEED, the ACS With this list of accomplishments as a Scholars Program, and the ACS Green backdrop, ACS staff is energized about the Chemistry Institute. challenges and opportunities that await ◾ ACS ended the year with 164,215 memus in 2012. On the challenges side of the WWW.CEN-ONLIN E .ORG


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ledger, ACS members are facing the most difficult employment situation since the society began keeping statistics about four decades ago. It is clear that, despite some promising signs in hiring, the world is still recovering from the Great Recession. In addition, there are troubling macro trends. A new study from the Census Bureau’s Population Reference Bureau reported that the share of American workers in science and engineering professions fell slightly in the past decade, ending a steady upward trend in the proportion of workers in fields associated with technological innovation and economic growth. Technological and scientific innovation is one of the U.S.’s core strengths, providing the nation with a competitive edge. We cannot allow this core strength to decline. ON THE OPPORTUNITIES SIDE: ACS

members are talented, and they are resilient. They are ready to tackle the global challenges facing the nation and the world—ensuring adequate supplies of energy, protecting the environment, providing sufficient clean water and food for a growing world population, tackling intractable diseases, and protecting national security. ACS is doing everything in its power to help its members thrive in the global workforce, whether they are students or seasoned career professionals. In 2012, ACS is offering a new publications benefit for all members and upgraded career offerings through a new comprehensive, modular, and interactive series of “Career Pathways” workshops to guide members at all stages of their careers and transitions. We are also launching a training program for budding chemical entrepreneurs on the basics of creating or growing a start-up as well as a resource center to support entrepreneurs by providing access to information, expertise, and services. Please visit the ACS website to learn how ACS can help you advance your career. And while you are there, please read more about 2011 accomplishments and the ACS Strategic Plan for 2012 & Beyond. Thank you for being an ACS member. You are truly part of an enterprise aimed at “Improving people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry.” ◾