2012 Midwest Regional Meeting - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

The meeting, which has a theme of “Chemistry: A Bridge to Discovery,” will be held at the Ramada Plaza Omaha Hotel & Convention Center in Omaha...
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exposition will be held in the Ballroom Foyer. Industrial and academic booths will be intermixed with poster boards for daily poster sessions. This area will also serve as “Coffee Break Central.” Interested potential exhibitors and sponsors are encouraged to visit the meeting website to view the floor plan, review the list of existing exhibitors and sponsors, and access the exhibitor and sponsorship registration forms. For additional information, contact Larry J. Westrum at [email protected]. LODGING. A block of rooms has been

reserved for meeting attendees at the Westin Westminster hotel. The RMRM 2012 guaranteed rate is $159 per night plus taxes. Please make reservations by Oct. 1 via the meeting website to qualify for this rate. REGISTRATION. Meeting registration is

available online at rmrm2012.sites.acs.org/ registration.htm. Early-bird registration closes on Wednesday, Sept. 26; online registration will remain open at the on-site registration rates through Monday, Oct. 15. After Oct. 15, participants must register on-site. On-site registration will take place from 5 to 9 PM on Wednesday, Oct. 17; 7 AM to 5 PM on Thursday, Oct. 18, and Friday, Oct. 19; and 8 to 11 AM on Saturday, Oct. 20. ◾


Chemical Society will host the 2012 Midwest Regional Meeting (MWRM 2012) during National Chemistry Week, from Wednesday, Oct. 24, through Friday, Oct. 26. The meeting, which has a theme of “Chemistry: A Bridge to Discovery,” will be held at the Ramada Plaza Omaha Hotel & Convention Center in Omaha. The general chair of the meeting is James Carroll of the University of Nebraska, Omaha. The program chair is James Fletcher of Creighton University. Please visit the MWRM 2012 website, www.unomaha.edu/mwrm2012, for evolving program details as well as registration and hotel information. TECHNICAL PROGRAM. Special symposia

will include “Advances in Drug Delivery,” “Biophysics of Proteins & Nucleic Acids,” “Chemical Education Research,” “Drug Development & Discovery,” “Inorganic Solid-State Chemistry,” “New Frontiers in Bioanalysis,” “Organic Solid-State Chemistry,” and “Synthetic Methods & Bioactive Molecules.” In addition, the meeting will include general sessions in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry; biochemistry; and chemical education. Multiple poster sessions will feature presentations in these and other chemical disciplines. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM. In ad-

dition to the general sessions and special symposia, MWRM 2012 will feature special events for undergraduates. These activities will provide students with opportunities to discover new research, plan their careers, and network with peers. On Thursday, students can learn how chemistry has been depicted in classic and popular movies from Mark A. Griep of the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, who is the coauthor of “ReAction! Chemistry in the Movies.” Undergraduate lunch tickets to this event are $5.00 and can be purchased during registration or on-site. Thursday evening, undergraduates are invited to attend a complimentary pizza dinner reception at the CoCo Key Water Resort, where students can swim if they wish.



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On Friday, students can enjoy a complimentary box lunch with representatives of ACS governance. Prizes for the best undergraduate posters in each discipline will be presented at the event. Winners will receive a framed commemorative certificate, an iTunes gift card, and other prizes. WORKSHOPS. On Thursday, the ACS

Department of Career Management & Development will offer three workshops designed to help chemical professionals and students at all levels understand the workplace and take advantage of employment opportunities. “Planning Your Job Search” will address employment trends and profesCOURTESY OF THE OMAHA CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU

A women chemists breakfast with ACS Immediate Past-President Nancy B. Jackson will take place on Friday morning. Tickets are $20. The lunchtime plenary lecture of UMass’ Rotello will also take place on Friday. There is no charge for lunch, but attendees must register in advance and have a ticket. That evening, attendees are invited to a Brats ’n Brew Oktoberfest with ACS governance. The event will offer a bratwurst buffet and a chance to hear about the state of the ACS from District V Director Peter K. Dorhout, District VI Director Bonnie A. Charpentier, and other ACS Board members. Local brews will be provided for sampling courtesy of a variety of local brewers, most of whom will be featured in Friday afternoon’s “Chemistry of Brewing” symposium. Tickets are $20. Attendees can end the evening with a performance by Susan Marie Frontczak as the Nobel Prize-winning, pioneering woman chemist Marie Curie. Tickets are $10. Saturday morning will feature a tour of the MillerCoors brewery. Tickets are $25.


sional values (self-assessment). It will also explore the process of networking as well as strategies such as informational interviewing. “Preparing a Résumé” will help attendees learn which personal data format is right for their “marketing plan” and how to construct a winning résumé. “Effective Interviewing” will examine the interview process, types of interviews, frequently asked questions, and how to evaluate an offer. An ACS career consultant will be available to provide individual résumé reviews and career assistance on Thursday afternoon. Attendees must bring a copy of their résumé. Sign-up will be available through meeting registration and during the workshops.

MWRM 2012 At A Glance Dates: Oct. 24–26 Location: Ramada Plaza Omaha Hotel & Convention Center, Omaha Information Contacts: James Carroll, general chair, jcarroll@unomaha. edu; James Fletcher, program chair, jamesfletcher@creighton. edu; or John Michael Sophos, ACS Department of Meetings & Exposition Services, [email protected] or (800) 227-5558 ext. 4608 Website: www.unomaha.edu/ mwrm2012 SOCIAL EVENTS. A variety of social

events have been planned. Tickets can be purchased through registration or on-site as available. Wednesday evening events include a kickoff lecture on the science of beer brewing. Zac Triemert of Lucky Bucket Brewing Co. and Sòlas Distillery will discuss the chemistry behind the brewing process and his path from chemist to brewmaster to cofounder and copresident of Lucky Bucket. The Sci-Mix poster session will also be held on Wednesday night. Attendees can enjoy complimentary food and drink and socialize with colleagues while perusing posters. Nebraska’s Griep will present a lunch lecture on Thursday about chemistry in cinema (see Undergraduate Program section for details). Tickets are $15. Friday will feature a complimentary box lunch with representatives of ACS governance. Attendees will hear about the current state of ACS, have a chance to present comments and concerns, and learn who has won the undergraduate poster awards. On Friday evening, all attendees are welcome at an awards reception honoring the recipients of the E. Ann Nalley Midwest Region Award for Volunteer Service to ACS and the ACS Division of Chemical Education Midwest Region Award for Excellence in High School Teaching, in honor of John E. Bauman Jr. The reception will be followed by the MWRM 2012 awards banquet. Tickets for the banquet are $30. Two ACS Leadership Development System courses will be offered during MWRM 2012. Registration and additional informaWWW.CEN-ONLIN E .ORG


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tion can be found at the ACS Center for Professional Development at www.acs.org/ professionaldevelopment. “Engaging & Motivating Volunteers” will be offered on Friday afternoon. The course will teach practical tools to engage volunteers and to make an assignment successful and professionally rewarding, so the volunteers will participate in future assignments. “Collaborating across Boundaries” will be presented on Saturday morning. The course will provide leaders with strategies and tools to make collaboration more productive, including developing common goals, ensuring equity between what parties contribute to and gain from the effort, gaining members’commitment, and establishing trust and resolving conflict. EXHIBITION & SPONSORSHIPS. The ex-

position will be held in the Palace Ballroom Foyer. Industrial and academic booths will be intermixed with poster boards for daily poster sessions. This area will also serve as “Coffee Break Central.” Interested potential exhibitors and sponsors are encouraged to visit the meeting website to view the floor plan, review the list of existing exhibitors and sponsors, and access the exhibitor and sponsorship registration forms. For additional information, contact Megan Wadsworth at [email protected]. LODGING. A block of rooms has been re-

served for MWRM 2012 attendees at the Ramada Plaza Omaha Hotel & Convention Center. The MWRM 2012 guaranteed rate is $104 per night plus applicable taxes. Reservations may be made by calling (877) 550-5680 and referencing the ACS Midwest Regional Meeting. Please do not make your reservation online; there is no way to indicate the meeting code if you make your reservation online. To qualify for the guaranteed block of MWRM 2012 rooms, reservations must be made by Oct. 9. REGISTRATION. Registration is available

through the MWRM 2012 website at www. unomaha.edu/mwrm2012/registration. html. Early-bird registration closes on Oct. 3; however, online registration will remain open at the on-site registration rates through Oct. 22. After Oct. 22, participants must register on-site. On-site registration will take place from 6 to 10 PM on Wednesday, Oct. 24, and from 7 AM to 5 PM on Thursday, Oct. 25, and Friday, Oct. 26. ◾