206th ACS National Meeting - American Chemical Society

sponsored by the Division of Physical. Chemistry. ..... Since 1921 the Chicago Theatre has been a source for live entertainment and movies. Section B...
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ACS National Meeting Chicago August 22-27 Chemistry in industry is the theme of the 206th national meeting of the American Chemical Society, which will be held in Chicago Aug. 2 2 - 2 7 . This t h e m e will be c a r r i e d out in several special programs. The presidential outreach event (Sunday, Aug. 22) is a free evening at the Chicago Museum of Science & Industry and will emphasize the contributions the chemical industry makes to the quality of life. The Division of Polymer Chemistry will sponsor a minisymposium on converting science to dollars (Tuesday, Aug. 24). "How to H a n g Loose in a Chemical World," sponsored by the Society Committee on E d u c a t i o n ( T u e s d a y , Aug. 24), will focus on some timely chemistryversus-society topics. The Division of Analytical Chemistry will sponsor or cosponsor 160

technical presentations. Other meeting highlights include career workshops, ACS short courses, and a national employment clearing house. Social events include the ACS SciMix (Monday, Aug. 23) and the Division of Analytical Chemistry's poster session (Sunday, Aug. 22) and dinner (Monday, Aug. 23). On-site registration facilities will be located on the mezzanine level of McCormick Place North and in the Wacker Exhibition Hall at the Hyatt Regency. Registration hours will be Saturday, Aug. 21, from 3:00 to 6:00 P.M.; S u n d a y , Aug. 22, from 7:30 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.; and Monday, Aug. 23, through Thursday, Aug. 26, from 7:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Registration on Friday, Aug. 27, from 7:30 to 10:00 A.M. will be a t t h e H y a t t Regency only. T h e e x p o s i t i o n , l o c a t e d on t h e l o w e r l e v e l of M c C o r m i c k P l a c e North, will consist of approximately 390 booths representing 225 compa-


nies and organizations. Exposition hours will be Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 23 a n d 24, from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., and Wednesday, Aug. 25, from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. I n s t r u m e n t s , books, c o m p u t e r h a r d w a r e and software, lab and safety equipment, and furniture are among the items t h a t will be displayed. Admission to the exposition is complimentary for all meeting registrants. The technical p r o g r a m will be highlighted by t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n of several a w a r d s a t symposia sponsored by the Division of Analytical C h e m i s t r y . On M o n d a y , Aug. 2 3 , Richard A. Keller will receive the Div i s i o n of A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y Award in Spectrochemical Analysis and will deliver a talk entitled "Applications of Single-Molecule Detection to DNA Sequencing and Sizing." John P. Walters, this year's recipient of the Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Excellence in Teaching, will present his talk, "See One,

Do One, Teach O n e , " on T u e s d a y , Aug. 24. The Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Electrochemistry will be presented to Keith B. Oldh a m on Wednesday, Aug. 25, when he will deliver his award address, "A Statistical Study of the Potential Dependence of a Transfer Coefficient S u p p o r t s t h e M a r c u s Theory." F i nally, on Thursday, Aug. 26, Robert S. Houk, the recipient of the Division of A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y Award in Chemical I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n , will present a talk entitled "Future Prospects for ICPMS." A special symposium on Monday, Aug. 23, will pay tribute to the life and work of Lockhart B. Rogers. It will f e a t u r e a b r o a d s p e c t r u m of talks by Fred W. McLafferty, Earl L. Wehry, James L. Anderson, Lloyd A. Carreira, Owen B. Mathre, Richard E. P a u l s , Ronald E. Majors, J a m e s A. de Haseth, Brian A. Bidlingmeyer, and Matthew S. Klee. Other sessions of interest include a symposium on Tuesday, Aug. 24, on

spectroscopic databases (sponsored by the Division of Chemical Information), which will provide overviews of the databases, algorithms for searching t h e m , a n d m e d i a for delivery. Also of of interest are the following symposia: " 1 9 F NMR: Solids, Liquids, and Imaging Applications," sponsored by t h e Division of F l u o r i n e Chemistry; "Residue Analytical M e t h o d s a n d E m e r g i n g Technologies," sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals; "Advances in E n v i r o n m e n t a l Analytical C h e m i s t r y , " sponsored by the Division of E n v i ronmental Chemistry; "Countercurrent Chromatography," sponsored by the Division of Agricultural & Food C h e m i s t r y ; "Vibrational Spectroscopy a t S u r f a c e s " a n d "Colloid & Surface Chemistry of Advanced Materials," both sponsored by the Division of Colloid & Surface Chemistry; and "Atomic and Molecular Views of the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface," sponsored by the Division of Physical Chemistry.

The Division of Analytical Chemi s t r y d i n n e r is scheduled for 7:00 P.M. on M o n d a y , A u g . 2 3 , a t t h e Swissotel Chicago, 323 E. Wacker Dr. Tickets, which are $35, are available from the ACS Meetings Dept. or from J a n e t Osteryoung, North Carolina State University, Department of Chemistry, Box 8204, Raleigh, NC 27695-8204 (919-515-4563; fax 919515-5079). Attendees are encouraged to purchase their tickets before the meeting. General information about the meeting can be found in the J u n e 21 issue of Chemical & Engineering News; the complete technical program and a list of exposition exhibitors appear in the July 19 issue of C&EN. The ACS Department of Continuing Education will offer a series of short courses in conjunction with the meeting. For additional information, see p. 691 A or call 202-872-4508. The program t h a t follows includes all s e s s i o n s s p o n s o r e d or cosponsored by the Division.




J. Osteryoung, Program


SUNDAY EVENING Sheraton Ballroom VII, Level 4



Poster Session


7:00-10:00 1. Gradient RP-HPLC assay for quantitation of minor process impurities in U-90.152S bulk drug. T. R. Alcumbrack, J. D. Stodola, T. L. Smith 2. Diphenylbutadiene isomerization in mixed supercritical fluids. R. M. Anderton, R. D. Schulte, J. F. Kauffman 3. Chemically modified electrodes in CE detection. R. P. Baldwin, J. Ye 4. A structure-correlation approach to predicting LSER coefficients. D. S. Ballantlne Jr. 5. Identification of amino acids by modified ninhydrin reagent. B. Basak, A. Sinhababu, S. Lasker 6. Single-molecule electrophoresis. A. Castro, B. Shera 7. Pulsed ultrafiltration analysis of ligandmacromolecule interactions. S. Chen, C. J. Chen, C. P. Woodbury, D. L. Venton 8. Stereochemistry of substituted dibenzo-14-crown-4 ethers and their complexes of Li* and Na*: A 1D and 2D NMR investigation. Z. Chen, R. A. Sachleben 9. Near- IR spectroscopic method for monitoring the acid thinning of starch. H. Chung, M. A. Arnold 10. Synergistic effects in the solvent extraction of platinum(IV) and palladium(ll). M. Lee, S. Lee, K. Chung 11. A simple, novel algorithm for generalized simulated annealing optimization with continuously variable step size. M. A. Curtis


17. 18.


20. 21. 22.



Molecular modeling of inclusion complexes of per-pentyl-p-cyclodextrin. M. J. Cwik, J. L. Fitzloff Determination of thin-metal film thickness by X-ray diffractometry, atomic absorption analysis, and transmission/ reflection visible spectroscopy. A. T. D'Agostino Measurement of amino acid content of preimplantation conceptuses by HPLC. H. R. Dickinson, L. J. Van Winkle Polypyrrole-clay composite electrodes. W. Ma, J. A. Lowe, P. W. Faguy Thermally induced polymer swelling: Frequency versus amplitude responses and the implications for SAW sensor applications. J. Forbes, D. S. Ballantine Jr. A study of flavonoids in soybean. H. L. Grady, J. Imsande, R. G. Palmer Selective elimination of low molecular weight ions in MALDI-TOFMS using a pulsed electrostatic particle guide. C. D. Hanson, C. L. Just Polymer-coated alumina particles: Correlation of structure and chromatographic performance. J. R. Garbow, J. Asrar, C. J. Hardiman Near-IR spectrometric analysis of glucose in whole blood. K. H. Hazen, M. A. Arnold, G. W. Small Gas - phase ion chemistry of singly-ligated organoiron species. Y. Huang, B. S. Fraiser Applications of regiospecific and stereospecific dehydrogenation of transition-metal ions in the determination of isotopomer structures. Y. Hung, B. S. Freiser Retention behavior of high molecular weight polymethylmethacrylate^ and polyiethylene glycol)s in RPLC. C. H. Lochmuller, C. Jiang Recent advances in the pulsed electrochemical detection of polar aliphatic compounds separated by LC. D. C. Johnson, P. J. Vandenberg, D. A. Dobberpuhl, R. Roberts. A. J. Tudos


27. 28. 29.

30. 31. 32.

33. 34.


36. 37.


Polarographic adsorptive complex wave for determination of trace phosphorus. Y. S. Kai, L. Z. Qing, W. L. Li Stability-indicating method for the determination of levodopa, levodopacarbidopa, and related impurities. J. B. Kafll, B. S. Dhingra Fitting Langmuir models. P. S. Katti, P. K. Betne, S. K. Katti Defect chemistry of rare-earth-doped strontium titanate. L. Knott, J. C. Wright Nonaqueous reversed-phase HPLC of oxidized buckminsterfullerene. S. Kumar, R. N. Brown, S. T. Cosentino, R. Malhotra Molecular thermometers, barometers, and viscometers. F. LaPlant, A. Williams, K. Frederick, D. Ben-Amotz Fabric stain analysis and cleaner efficacy by near-IR spectroscopy. K. A. B. Lee, J. A. O'Brien [Tetrakis(3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl) porphyrinato] platinum(ll) as sensor for the optical measurement of oxygen concentrations. W. W. S. Lee, K. Y. Wong Structural characterization of molecular ions by using FT-ICR. D. T. Leeck, K. M. Stirk, R. L. Smith, H. I. Kenttamaa Characterization of water-soluble organics in heavy oil retort by GC/MS selective ion chromatograms. T. M. Lewis, D. H. Russell Measurement of synaptic glutamate with a microscopic photon-counting detection system. L. Li, M. A. Arnold, J. S. Dordick, D. Liao, R. Malinow ESIMS interface effects on noncovalent biochemical complexes. K. J. Light-Wahl, B. L. Schwartz, R. D. Smith Thermogravimetry with on-line IR spectroscopy and MS for characterization of an EPDM-based polymer composite. W. H. McClennen, E. Soltys, A. Gustaveson, G. S. Metcalf Characterization of polymers by inverse GLC using a new solution equation. R. A. McGill, M. H. Abraham, J. Andovian-Haftvan, C. M. Du, V. Diart, G. S. Whiting, J. W. Grate

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 65, NO. 15, AUGUST 1 , 1993 · 685 A

MEETINGS 71. 72. 73.

Gas-sensing internal enzyme fiber-optic biosensor. X. Zhou, M. A. Arnold Mass spectrometric thin-film analyzer. Z. Zhou, R. P. Burns HPLC separation of a basic pharmaceutical compound and potential impurities on a reversed-phase alumina column. J. B. Zimmerman, J. E. Shuster

MONDAY MORNING Section A McCormick Place North Room L-5, Lower Level Symposium in Honor of Lockhart B. Rogers J. L. Glajch, Organizer, 9:00 9:15 9:45

The State of Illinois Center was built in 1980 to house state agencies 10:30 39. 40.

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

47. 48. 49.

50. 51. 52. 53.

54. 55. 56.

Styrène and 4-phenylcyclohexene in latex-backed carpet. Ν. Ε. Takenaka, D. W. Miller, M. E. Lee, F. A. Beland Analysis of trace metals in cane juice samples and sugar byproducts by a dc plasma atomic emission spectrometer. M. M. Ram, R. S. Bapu, P. P. K. Sai CE with on-line sample pretreatment for the direct-injection analysis of biological fluids. I. Morita, T. Yamazaki, J. Sawada MALDI of aerosols for LC/TOFMS. Κ. Κ. Murray, T. M. Lewis, M. D. Beeson, D. H. Russell Coupled SFE/SFC/GC system for the trace analysis of pesticide residues in fatty food samples. K-S. Nam, J. W. King Amperometric internal enzyme gas-sensing probe for lactate and cholesterol. S. Pan, M. A. Arnold Withdrawn. Measurement of hydrogen by cold neutron capture prompt gamma-ray activation analysis. R. L. Paul, R. M. Lindstrom Raman spectroscopy of RPLC stationary phase materials on silica. J. E. Pemberton, W. R. Thompson Synthesis of immobilized artificial membrane surfaces. C. Pidgeon, D. Rhee, X. Qiu, S. Ong, C. Bernai Comparison of agitation, sonication, and Soxhlet methods for the extraction of selected PAHs and pentachlorophenol. J. L. Prewitt, H. Borazjani Permeation of polymer-tailed ferrocenes into thin films. R. Pyati, R. W. Murray Cyclodextrin-based enantiomeric separations of drugs via CZE. Y. Y. Rawjee, G. Vigh Electrical FFF. J. K. Lewis, M. E. Schlmpf, D. Russel Fluorescence spectra and decays of bis(4-aminophenyl)sulfone as a probe of solvent-solute interactions in supercritical fluid. R. D. Schulte, R. M. Anderson, J. F. Kauffman Withdrawn. Studies on novel distonic radical cations by using tandem MS. R. L. Smith, Κ. Μ. Stirk, H. I. Kenttamaa Characterization of the surfactant tyloxapol using HPLC, LC, and CZE. J. L. Snider, J. A. Bullock, J. Eshraghi, S. Chowdhury







63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.

69. 70.

Use of short columns and reduced resolution for rapid, low-pressure chromatographic separation and data analysis of multiple samples. T. J. Bahowick, R E . Synovec Effect of ventilation on concentrations of indoor radon and thoron progeny: Experimental verification of a simple model. R. W. Sheets, C. C. Thompson Rotated ring-disk electrode study of organic sulfur compounds at gold using PED at the ring. P. J. Vandeberg, D. C. Johnson Thermal modulation concepts used to characterize clays according to their water vapor absorption characteristics and for the technique of high-speed chromatography. J. R. Valentin, M. D. Dao, D. D. Q. Le, J. B. Phillips, J. B. Orenberg Electrochemistry of redox-active polyethylene glycol-based liquids and molten salts. C. S. Velazquez, J. Hutchison, R. W. Murray Practical considerations for on-line microseparations using FT-ICRMS. J. H. Wahl, S. A. Hofstadler, D. C. Gale, J. E. Bruce, R. D. Smith Hemoglobin analysis by ESIMS. E. L. White, M. S. Uhrig, E. A. Reed Low-ppm-level HPLC determination of ardacin in animal feeds. L. S. Wigman, H. Abdel-Kader, G. K. Menon A rapid and sensitive fiber-optic immunoassay for microorganisms. D. Wijesuriya, F. Ligler Time-resolved optogalvanic spectroscopy of discharge neon plasma. V. Wisehart, M-C. Su, X. Han A stochastic model of chromatography. C. P. Woodbury Jr. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of chemisorbed compounds and polymers on gold and silver colloids. H. Xu, C-H. Tseng, T. J. Vickers, C. K. Mann, J. B. Schlenoff Wall-jet-like end-column amperometric detection of peptides and nucleosides in CE. J. Ye, R. P. Baldwin Detection of PSL particles down to 20 nm in diameter by differential electrical mobility particle sizer. F. Zarrin, P. B. Keady, C. Wood


11:00 11:30


Introductory Remarks. The "Rogers Renaissance" of analytical chemistry. F. W. McLafferty Sorption and chemical transformation of polycyclic aromatic compounds on coal stack ash particles. P. S. Holder, J. D. Jenkins, G. M. Woody, G. Mamantov, E. L. Wehry Electrochemical investigations of environmental redox chemistry. J. L. Anderson, K. Novo-Gradac, T. Sullins, C. Todd, M. C. Delgado, N. L Wolfe Using SPARC to calculate chemical properties. L. A. Carreira, S. H. Hilal, C. M. Melton, S. W. Karickhoff L B. Rogers: Consultant, mentor, and leader. Ο. Β. Mathre Section Β

McCormick Place North Room L-6, Lower Level Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Spectrochemical Analysis J. M. Harris, Organizer N. J. Dovichi, Presiding 9:00 9:05 9:45 10:30 11:00


Award Presentation. Award Address. Applications of single-molecule detection to DNA sequencing and sizing. R. A. Keller Absolute photon flux via accurate quantum efficiency prediction. E. F. Zalewski Detection of laser-produced ions in atmospheric plasmas. J. C. Travis, G. C. Turk Dynamic trapping of laser-generated ions in an ion trap mass spectrometer. G. C. Eiden, M. E. Cisper, M. L. Alexander, P. H. Hemberger, N. S. Nogar Atomic MS: The next generation. G. M. Hieftje Section C

McCormick Place North Room L-9, Lower Level Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization SEC/LC Coupled Chromatographic Methods with Multiple Detectors for Compositional Heterogeneity Studies Cosponsored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering T. Provder, M. W. Urban, H. Barth, Organizers T. Provder, Presiding

9:00 9:05

9:45 10:10 10:35

11:00 11:25 11:45

Introductory Remarks. Compositional heterogeneity of copolymers by coupled techniques with chromatographic columns and multidetectors. J. V. Dawkins Limiting conditions in GPC: Measurement of polymer blends. D. J. Hunkeler, M. Janco, T. Macko, D. Berek, T. Prudskova Deformulation of copolymers by two-dimensional chromatography. P. Kilz, R-P. Kruger, H. Much, G. Schulz Multiangle-multiwavelength detection fo r polymer characterization. L. H. Garcfa-Rubio Multicomponent analysis using GPC. P. Wright, M. Beevers Use of a GPC/FT-IR interface for polymer analysis. J. N. Willis, L. Wheeler SEC/FT- IR utilizing a solvent evaporation interface. P. Cheung, S. T. Balke, T. C. Schunk

Section B

MONDAY AFTERNOON Section A McCormick Place North Room L-5, Lower Level

McCormick Place North Room L-6, Lower Level Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Spectrochemical Analysis

Symposium in Honor of Lockhart B. Rogers

J. C. Travis,

J. L. Glajch, Organizer,


1:30 2:00 2:30 3:15 3:45


Field environmental analyses. R. E. Pauls, P. A. David Integration of automated sample preparation with GC. R. E. Majors Enantioselective interactions in chiral HPLC separations. J. A. de Haseth Applications of inert HPLC columns based upon bonded zirconia microspheres. B. A. Bidlingmeyer Retention behavior in SFC. M. S. Klee

2:15 2:45 3:30 4:00



Trace analysis by two-photon fluorescence. F. E. Lytle Nonlinear IR four-wave mixing interferometry. J. C. Wright, A. Zilian, M. J. LaBuda, J. P. Hamilton, P. C. Chen Time-resolved spectrochemical monitoring of photoinitiated processes. J. M. Harris, R. T. Cambron, J. C. Fister Ultratrace and ultramicro spectrochemical analysis based on lasers. E. S. Yeung The 100-molecule problem: High-sensitivity fluorescence assay of biological systems. N. J. Dovichi, D. Y. Chen, J. Y. Zhao, O. Hindsgaul, M. Palcic Luminescence spectroscopy with resolution exceeding diffraction limits. T. D. Harris, R. D. Grober, J. K. Trautman, E. Betzig Section C

McCormick Place North Room M-1B, Mezzanine Level Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization Coupled Thermal and IR Methods for Materials Characterization Cosponsored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering M. W. Urban, Presiding 2:00 2:40 3:05

3:30 3:55

4:20 4:45

TGA/IR: An important technique for the study of polymer degradation. C. A. Wilkie, M. L. Mittloman Characterizing complex polymer decompositions using TG/GC/FT-IR. S. E. White, B. J. McGrattan Utilization of DSC/FT-IR and TGA/FT-IR for differentiating between very similar polymer materials. D. J. Johnson, P. J. Stout, S. L. Hill, K. Krishnan Applications of TG/FT-IR in the characterization of weathered sealants. R. M. Paroli, A. H. Delgado Spatial characterization of mechanical and morphological properties of commercial polymer systems by IR microscopy. S. L. Hill, P. J. Stout, D. J. Johnson, K. Krishnan Depth profiling and surface/substrate discrimination by FT-IR/PAS. P. J. Stout, D. J. Johnson, S. L. Hill, K. Krishnan Polymer characterization by simultaneous thermal analysis techniques. J. P. Redfern, P. H. Newbatt, P. Larcey

TUESDAY MORNING Section A McCormick Place North Room L-5, Lower Level

Molecular Basis of Liquid Chromatography Κ. Β. Sentell, Organizer, Presiding Since 1921 the Chicago Theatre has been a source for live entertainment and movies. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 65, NO. 15, AUGUST 1, 1993 · 687 A


9:45 10:35


Introductory Remarks. Retention, localization, and selectivity in normal, bonded-phase LC. W. T. Cooper, L. Hsu Insulated surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for the study of molecular structure at dielectric surfaces. S. E. Roark, K. L. Rowlen Self-assembled monolayers as chromatographic stationary phases. M. J. Wirth, H. O. Fatunmbi NMR spectroscopy: A versatile tool for studying molecular interactions in LC. D. M. Bliesner, S. T. Shearer, Κ. Β. Sentell Surface binding, heterogeneity, and migration of siloxane ligands on silica. H. Wang, W. B. Lacy, J. M. Harris Section Β

McCormick Place North Room L-5, Lower Level

1:30 2:05



Student Empowerment through Team Role-Playing and Cooperative Learning

8:45 8:50 9:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:30



McCormick Place North Room M-1B, Mezzanine Level

Solvatochromic studies of solvated stationary phases. R. S. Helburn, H. Lu, Ζ. Li, J. M. Pompano, S. C. Rutan Understanding the chain-solute interaction in reversed-phase HPLC through computer simulation. M. R. Schure Studies of the retention mechanism in RPLC by head-space GC: Are solutes embedded in the bonded phase? P. W. Carr, L. C. Tan, J. J. Li, A. Dallas Thermodynamic studies of solute retention in RPLC. V. L. McGuffin, S-H. Chen Temperature dependence of retention in RPLC. J. G. Dorsey

Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization SEC: Multiple Detectors, Applications Cosponsored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering P. Kilz, Presiding 2:00 2:40 3:05

Section Β McCormick Place North Room L-6, Lower Level 3:30

Award Presentation. Introductory remarks: Student empowerment through team role-playing and cooperative learning. A. Scheeline Award Address. See one, do one, teach one. J. P. Walters Why role-playing works. R. E. Schedtler Thinking together: Group learning in the sciences. D. L. Goroff Teaching introductory physics without lectures. P. Laws Cooperative learning from a 35-year perspective. S. W. Brewer Section C

McCormick Place North Room M-1B, Mezzanine Level

Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Excellence in Teaching


Student Empowerment through Team Role-Playing and Cooperative Learning 4:20 J. Wright, 1:30 2:00 2:30

Role-playing for the development of technical and interpersonal skills. D. Ekimoff Cooperative lectures. R. J. Eierman, Y. Okabe Computer-aided cooperative learning experiments in analytical chemistry. J. C. Wright Section C

Κ. Β. Sentell, Organizer S. C. Rutan, Presiding


J. Wright, A. Scheeline, A. Scheeline, Presiding


Molecular Basis of Liquid Chromatography

McCormick Place North Room L-6, Lower Level Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Excellence in Teaching


Section A


Empowerment of teams in industry. M. V. Koch Forensic science: A case-oriented approach to science education. L. J. Kaplan The UCLA science challenge: New ideas, new tools, and new assessment. O. L. Chapman


Integrated intelligent instruments for the materials sciences. S. A. Liebman, C. Phillips, W. Fitzgerald, E. J. Levy Star-branched polymers in multidetection GPC. J. LeSec, M. Millequant Novel method of data interpretation in SEC-viscometry analysis. R. A. Sanayei, K. G. Suddaby, A. Rudin, K. F. O'Driscoll Characterization of block copolymers using SEC with multiple detectors. E. Meehan, S. O. Donohue SEC mobile-phase optimization for nylons using on-line light-scattering and viscometry detectors. C. Jackson, M. C. Han, H. G. Barth Characterization by SEC with refractive index and viscometry: Complex carbohydrates—cellulose, starch, and plant-cell-wall polymers. J. D. Timpa SEC of dextrans and pullulans with light-scattering, viscosity, and Rl detection. W. S. Bahary, M. Hogan, M. Jilani, M. Aronson

Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization SEC: Multiple Detectors, Technology, Data Interpretation Cosponsored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering H. G. Barth, Presiding 9:00 9:40 10:05



11:20 11:45

Size exclusion/nonexclusion LC for characterization of styrene copolymers. S. Mori Concerns regarding the practice of multiple-detector SEC. C. Jackson, H. G. Barth Advantages of using both light-scattering and viscosity detectors with SEC. W. W. Yau Computer simulation study of SEC with simultaneous viscometry and light-scattering measurements. C. Jackson, W. Yau Novel approach in multidetector SEC analysis: The independent calibration of each detector. K. G. Suddaby, R. A. Sanayei, K. F. O'Driscoll, A. Rudin SEC with light-scattering detectors at two angles. T. H. Mourey, H. Coll Molecular characterization using a unified Rl/light-scattering intensity detector. R. Frank, L. Frank, N. Ford

Lincoln Park Conservatory includes outdoor gardens, ponds, and fountains.


9:40 10:30

11:05 11:15

Unified approach to voltammetric waveform analysis based on the method of moments. J. L. Anderson Transport-limited cathodic reduction of proton in aqueous solution. J. G. Osteryoung, S. Morris, M. Ciszkawska, Z. Stojek Award Presentation. Award Address. A statistical study of the potential dependence of a transfer coefficient supports the Marcus theory. Κ. Β. Oldham Section C

McCormick Plaza North Room M-3, Mezzanine Level Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization FFF, FIA, and SEC with MS and Light Scattering Cosponsored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering C. Kuo, Presiding 9:00






Isoperichoric focusing FFF and thin-layer isoperichoric focusing based on coupling of gradient generated by primary field with secondary field action: General principles and performance. J. Janca Size, density, charge, and composition of colloidal drug-delivery vehicles from 2D analytical strategies based on FFF. K. D. Caldwell, J. Li, J. Li Determination of molecular weight and chemical composition of copolymers using thermal FFF and viscometry. M. Schimpf Characterization of high-molecular-weight intraocular lens materials using thermal FFF coupled with multiangle laser light scattering. S. Lee, O-S. Kwon Molecular weight determination of polymers by FIA and refractive index gradient detection. V. Murugaiah, L. R. Lima III, R. E. Synovec SEC with electrospray mass spectrometric detection. W. J. Simonsick Jr., L. Prokai

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Section A The Chicago Board of Trade is the world's oldest and largest commodity exchange.

McCormick Place North Room L-5, Lower Level Applications of Biomolecular NMR

WEDNESDAY MORNING Section A McCormick Place North Room L-5, Lower Level


Applications o f Biomolecular NMR S. W. Fesik, Organizer,

Petros, T. M. Logan, L. Yu, R. Xu, Y. Theriault, D. Nettesheim, R. P. Meadows, A. P. Hansen, H. Liang, E. T. Olejniczak Automated assignment and 3D structure determination of proteins by heteronuclear multidimensional NMR. R. P. Meadows, Ε. Τ. Olejniczak, S. W. Fesik

Presiding Section Β




Solution structure of human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein determined by NMR spectroscopy. B. J. Stockman, T. A. Scahill, A. Euvrard, N. A. Strakalaitis, D. P. Brunner, A. W. Yem, M. R. Deibel Jr. Structure and zinc ligation of the catalytic domain of human stromelysin-1. P. R. Gooley, B. A. Johnson, A. I. Marcy, S. P. Salowe, G. C. Cuca NMR studies of biomacromolecules as an aid in drug research. S. W. Fesik, A. M.

S. W. Fesik, Organizer, Presiding 2:00


McCormick Place North Room L-6, Lower Level 3:30 Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Electrochemistry 4:10 R. A. Osteryoung, Organizer, 9:00 9:05


Introductory Remarks. Steady-state currents to conical and spherical segment electrodes. A. J. Bard, M. V. Mirkin, C. G. Zoski

What stabilizes the c/s-lysine-116 proline-117 peptide bond in staphylococcal nuclease? A. P. Hinck, S. N. Loh, K. E. Prehoda, D. Truckses, W. F. Walkenhorst, J. Wang, J. L. Markley Extension of dimensionality in 2D NOESY and 3D homonuclear NMR experiments. E. R. P. Zuiderweg, H. Wang, M. Fischer, A. Kurotchkin Solution structure and dynamics of a protein molten globule: Apocytochrome b562. A. J. Wand, Y. Feng, S. G. Sugar Structural characterization of an unfolded protein using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR methods. T. M. Logan, Y. Theriault, S. W. Fesik



3:40 4:00

4:20 4:40

Development of a relationship for cure monitoring and control using Theological, dielectric, and thermal analysis. J. O. Simpson, S. A. Bidstrup Characterization of the one-step polyimide synthesis. G. Jen, S. J. Huang, C-S. P. Sung Interdiffusion of SAN and PMMA using ATR-IR spectroscopy and spectrum simulation. E. J. Vorenkamp, H. Van Zeijts, R. H. G. Brinkhuis, A. J. Schouten New generation of MS for characterizing polymers and related materials. J. E. Campana, T. Harvard, A. Jarrell Polymer characterization by an advanced STA-MS skimmer coupling system for TA-MS. J. Janoshcek, E. Kaiserberger

McCormick Place North Room L-5, Lower Level Fundamental Studies and Applications of CE and CE/MS E. R. Williams, Organizer R. L. Smith, Presiding 2:00 2:30


THURSDAY MORNING Section A McCormick Place North Room L-5, Lower Level

3:45 4:15

"The Discoverers" depicts French explorers.

Fundamentals and Characterization of Polymers 4:45

Β. Μ. Novak, Organizer, Presiding Section B McCormick Place North Room L-6, Lower Level

8:30 9:15

Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Electrochemistry


C. G. Zoski, Presiding 2:00

2:35 3:10 4:00

Absorption of the cobaltocenium cation and precipitation of unchanged cobaltocene at the platinum microelectrode: Acetonitrile interface in the absence of supporting electrolyte. A. M. Bond, J. B. Cooper Laplace transform inversion methods in electrochemistry. D. K. Cope Fourier analysis of voltammograms: Theory and implementation. S. O. Engblom Composite ion-exchange materials. J. Leddy, S. Amarasinghe, L. Zook

Section C McCormick Place North Room M-3, Mezzanine Level Hyphenated Techniques in Polymer Characterization Combined Spectroscopic Methods Cosponsored with Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering



Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Chemical Instrumentation

8:55 9:00 9:50




Section A Sheraton Superior Room A, Level 2 Mass Spectrometry of Single Microparticles J. M. Ramsey, Organizer, 9:00 9:30

10:00 10:45 11:15

R. S. Houk, Organizer V. A. Fassel, Presiding




Section Β McCormick Place North Room L-6, Lower Level

W. J. Simonsick, Presiding Structure and orientation in chain molecules with vibrational spectroscopy. L. J. Fina Use of Raman spectroscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering in characterizing the phase structure of polyethylene and random ethylene copolymers. R. G. Alamo, L. Mandelkern, H. G. Zachmann, N. Stribek Simultaneous small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering studies on block copolyurethanes. A. J. Ryan, S. N. Naylor, W. Bras, G. E. Derbyshire, G. R. Mant, G. N. Greaves

Measuring polyelectrolyte properties with electrophoretic methods. D. A. Hoagland, E. S. Arvanitidou Laser-assisted analysis of polar and nonpolar polymers by FTMS. C. L. Wilkins, J. A. Castoro, M. S. Kahr Use of in situ ellipsometry to determine mode of charge transport and changes in solvent swelling during electrochemical conversion of electroactive polymer films. L. J. Kepley, A. J. Bard Characterization of rigid backbone polymers: A comparison of GPC with light scattering. T. A. P. Seery, Β. Μ. Novak Use of scattering in investigating the structural features of solid polymers. G. L. Wilkes


Introductory Remarks. Award Address. Future prospects for ICPMS. R. S. Houk, X. Chen, L. Allen, A. R. Warren, L. Alves, S. C. K. Shum Atomic emission and atomic MS: Symbiosis or competition? G. M. Hieftje Plasma MS: Potential for elemental speciation. J. A. Caruso Tandem four-sector MS for structure of biomolecules in complex mixtures. M. L. Gross, R. L. Cerny, J. Wellemans Spatial and temporal distributions of ions in electromagnetic fields: Ion tomography in quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometers. R. G. Cooks, J. D. Williams, C. D. Cleven, P. H. Hemberger, N. S. Nogar, M. E. Cisper, J. E. P. Syka


CE combined with high-resolution and high-sensitivity ESIMS. R. D. Smith, S. A. Hofstadler, J. H. Wahl, J. E. Bruce Micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatographic and MALDI-MS examination of native and degraded IgG antibodies. D. E. Hughes, A. J. Alexander MS of proteins isolated by CE. R. Takigiku, T. Keough, M. P. Lacey, M. Purdon, R. E. Schneider Challenges in protein analysis by CE. F. Foret, E. Szoko, D. Schmalzing, W. Nashabeh, B. L. Karger Capillary HPLC coupled to an electrospray mass spectrometer. R. C. Willoughby, E. Sheehan, C. Stacey Characterization of ionic species in nonaqueous and aqueous-organic fluids by CE: Application in electronics manufacturing. L. J. Anthony, E. Delgado



On-line analysis of single microparticles by rapid single-particle MS. M. V. Johnston, A. S. Wexler Chemical characterization of single aerosol particles via combined electrodynamic balance-ion trap MS techniques. N. S. Arnold, G. Hars, H. L. C. Meuzelaar Characterization of atmospheric aerosols using TOFMS. K. A. Prather Measurements of the composition of single aerosol particles. D. M. Murphy, D. S. Thomson, M. Kalyuzhny Mass spectrometric analysis of isotopic ratios in single particles. J. F. Wacker Optical and mass spectrometry of individual microparticles in electrodynamic traps. M. Yang, J. M. Dale, W. B. Whitten, J. M. Ramsey Section Β

Sheraton Superior Room B, Level 2 Fundamental Studies and Applications of CE and CE/MS R. L. Smith, Presiding 9:00


Fluorescence and radionuclide detection schemes for the trace-level peptide analysis in CE. J. V. Sweedler, A. Timperman, S. Tracht, R. Fuller, L. Cruz, S. Shippy, X. Zhang Rapid immunoassays using CZE with laser-induced fluorescence detection. R. T. Kennedy, N. Schultz

• Polymer Coatings. Aug. 20-21. Shelby Thames and James Stoffer • Polymer Synthesis. Aug. 20-21. 10:45 George Odian 11:15 • Practical Capillary Electro­ phoresis. Aug. 20-21. Robert Wein­ 11:45 berger • Principles of Enzymology. Aug. 20-21. Joseph Villafranca • Quality Assurance for Analyti­ cal Chemistry. Aug. 2 0 - 2 1 . An­ thony Rattonetti ACS Short Courses • Spectroscopic Characteriza­ • Analytical Methods for Pro­ tion of Polymers. Aug. 20-21. Jack teins. Aug. 19-21. Robert Copeland Koenig and Bruce Chase • Chemical E n g i n e e r i n g and • Synthetic Organic Chemistry: Process Fundamentals for Chem­ Modern Methods and Strategies. ists. Aug. 19-21. Richard Griskey Aug. 20-21. Paul Helquist • Electronics for Laboratory In­ • Technical Writing Workshop. s t r u m e n t a t i o n . Aug. 1 9 - 2 1 . Aug. 20-21. Anne Eisenberg Howard Malmstadt, Christie Enke, • Organic Chemistry of Enzymeand Stanley Crouch Catalyzed Reactions. Aug. 20-21. • Experimental Design for Pro­ Richard Silverman ductivity and Quality in R&D. • Water and Waste Analysis by Aug. 19-21. Stanley Deming and U.S. EPA Methods. Aug. 20-21. W. Stephen Morgan Marcus Cooke and Marvin Miller • Pharmacology for Chemists. • Emulsion Polymerization. Aug. Aug. 19-21. Joseph Cannon 21. James McGrath • 2D NMR Spectroscopy. Aug. • Multidimensional GC Com­ 19-21. Roy Bible and LeRoy Johnson bined with On-Line FT-IR Spec­ • Air Toxics Analysis by U.S. troscopy and MS. Aug. 21. John Q. EPA Methods. Aug. 20-21. William Walker and Bert Gordon T. Winberry and Reinhold Rasmus• Patent Fundamentals for Sci­ sen entists and Engineers. Aug. 21. • AA, ICP, and ICPMS. Aug. 2 0 Arthur Cookfair 21. Gordon Wallace and Marvin • I n t r o d u c t i o n to Molecular Miller Modeling and C o m p u t a t i o n a l • Building a Winning Scientific Chemistry. Aug. 21. J. Phillip Boand Technical Team. Aug. 20-21. wen and Norman Allinger David Gootnick • Activated Carbon Adsorption: • Cost-Effective Discovery Re­ Principles and Applications. Aug. search through QSAR. Aug. 2 0 2 1 - 2 2 . Milton Manes and Henry 21. Ernest Plummer Nowicki • Creative Problem Solving and • Capillary GC. Aug. 21-22. Stu­ Innovation in R&D. Aug. 20-21. art Cram and Milos Novotny Arthur B. Van Gundy • Chiral Separations by Chro­ matography. Aug. 21-22. Satinder Ahuja and William Pirkle • Essentials of Process Valida­ tion. Aug. 21-22. Robert Nash and Daniel Gallagher • Mechanical Behavior of Poly­ mers. Aug. 21-22. Thomas Ward and Garth Wilkes • Optimizing Quality Control of Pharmaceuticals and Biopharmaceuticals. Aug. 21-22. Maria Bedoya - Munera • Beyond the Basics: Chemical Engineering for Chemists. Aug. 22-23. Richard Griskey • Interpretation of Mass Spec­ tra. Aug. 23-24. Jack Watson and David Sparkman • Practical Environmental Sam­ pling and Analysis. Aug. 23-24. Lawrence Keith • Interpretation of IR Spectra. Buckingham Memorial Fountain is illuminated nightly with a shifting color display. Aug. 24-26. Howard Sloane 10:00

Electrophoresis and sample handling on a glass chip. D. J. Harrison, K. Fluri. Z. Fan, K. Seiler Single-stranded DNA mobility at high electric fields. N. J. Dovichi, N. Best Use of CE for the analysis of a wide range of analytes. M. Merion Evaluation of on-column labeling with intercalating dye for fluorescence detection of DNA fragments separated by CE. M. J. Sepanlak, Β. Κ. Clark

• Dispersion of Fine Particles in Liquids. Aug. 20-21. Sydney Ross and Ian Morrison • E f f e c t i v e M a n a g e m e n t of Chemical Analysis Laboratories. Aug. 20-21. Claude Lucchesi • Effective Supervision of Sci­ entists and the Technical Staff. Aug. 20-21. Margaret M. Gootnick • E m u l s i o n s and Microemulsions. Aug. 20-21. Stig Friberg and Ray MacKay • E n v i r o n m e n t a l Laboratory Data QA/QC. Aug. 2 0 - 2 1 . Henry Nowicki and William Purves • Environmental Law & Regula­ t i o n s . Aug. 2 0 - 2 1 . J. Herbert O'Toole and Jean Hoff • FT-IR Spectroscopy. Aug. 2 0 21. Brian Smith • Fundamentals of HPLC. Aug. 20-21. Harold McNair and Lee Po­ lite • Fundamentals of Microencap­ sulation. Aug. 20-21. Curt Thies • GC/MS. Aug. 2 0 - 2 1 . Jack T. Watson and David Sparkman • Good Laboratory P r a c t i c e s and ISO 9000 S t a n d a r d s for Chemical Laboratories. Aug. 2 0 21. Owen Mathre • Laboratory Waste Manage­ ment. Aug. 20-21. Cynthia Salis­ bury and Russell Phifer • Light Scattering and the Char­ acterization of Polymers. Aug. 2 0 - 2 1 . Philip Wyatt and Patricia Cotts • Molecular Biology and Recom­ binant DNA Technology. Aug. 2021. William Reznikoff • New Product Development. Aug. 20-21. Robert Polacek • New Sample Preparation Methods for Chemical Analysis. Aug. 20-21. Stuart Cram