theoryof statistical mechanics is developed on a postulational basis although brief mention is made of ergodic theory. In these chapters the author in...
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theoryof statistical mechanics is developed on a postulational basis although brief mention is made of ergodic theory. I n these chapters the author introduces a hierarchy of ensembles including generalized, grand canonical, isothermal-isobaric, canonical and microcanonical ensembles, and discusses the applications of each. These chapters are quite brief but serve t o bring together the relations, notation and terminology which the author uses in later chapters. Following the introductory chapters and a chapter devoted to fluctuation theory, there is a sequence of chapters on various aspects of the problem of the equation of state of gases, liquids and solids. Some of the material in these chapters is new and a great deal more has been available previously only in the original papers. The discussions of the particular applications of statistical mechanics chosen by the author are quite complete and very readable. This book is certain to be highly useful as a ready source of information in these fields. OF CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT UXIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN CHARLES F. CURTIS MADISON5 , WISCONSIN

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Electrochemical techniques, as a facile solution to synthetic problems, also, probably receive less consideration than they deserve. Professor Swann adequately covers the subject for the person who is willing to survey and take advantage of the opportunities in this area, but who may not wish to become a n expert. For this purpose the covcrage of theory and practice is all t h a t is intended. X wide variety of procedures and type reactions are described and illustrated with suitable examples. Although this section seems to have undergone the least revision from the first edition, there has been added a n impressive compilation of electrolytic organic reactions arid the pertiilent literature references. There are few typographical errors and the book is easily redd. The reviewer was somewhat frustrated by his inability to uncover the original source, either in the book or in Chemical Abstracts, of a n intriguing mention of the photooxidation of dihydropyran, hut this is intended in no way to detract from the suggestion that this book has much to offer the organic chemist. SHELL DEVELOPMENT COXPANY FREDERICK F. R U S T EMERYVILLE, CALIFORNIA

Technique of Organic Chemistry. Volume 11. Second Edition. Editor: ARKOLD WEISSBERGER,Research Laboratories, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, h’ew York. Catalytic Reactions. By V. I. KOMAREWSKY, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, C. H. RIESZ, BOOKS RECEIVED Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of November 10, 1956-December 10, 1956 Technology, Chicago, Illinois, F. L. MORRITZ,Sinclair Research Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, Illinois. Photo- MELVINJ. ASTLE. “ T h e Chemistry of Petrochemicals.” chemical Reactions. By C. R. MASSON,Atlantic ReReinhold Publishing Corporation, 430 Park Avenue, gional Laboratory, National Research Council of Canada New York 22, S.Y. 1956. 267 pp. $6.50. Halifax, Nova Scotia, V. BOEKELHEIDE, and &’. ALBERT c. H. BAMFORD, A. ELLIOTT,A S D W. E. HANBY. “SynNOYES, JR., University of Rochester, Rochester, New thetic Polypeptides. Preparation, Structure, and ProperYork. Electrolytic Reactions. By SHERLOCK SWANN ties.” Volume V. Physical Chemistry. A Series of JR., University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. Interscihlonographs. Edited by Eric Hutchsinson. Academic ence Publishers, Inc., 250 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, Press, Inc., Publishers, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York 3, N.Y. 1956. ix f 543pp. 16 X 23.5cm. Price, $11.50. N. Y . 1956. 445 pp. $10.00. “Modern InstruThis second edition of “Technique of Organic Chemistry’’ FRANK M. BIFFENAND WILLIAMSEAMAN. Vol. I1 is so greatly expanded from the first edition t h a t it ments in Chemical Analysis.” First Edition. McGravvcould almost be called a new book. The increase in subHill Book Company, Inc., 330 LVest 42nd Street, Kew ject matter extends to all three sections of the volume, viz., York 36, N. Y. 1956. 333 pp. 67.50. “Catalytic Reactions,” “Photochemical Reactions” and RICHARD J. BLOCKASD KATHRYN IV. \VEISS. “Amino A4cid “Electrolytic Reactions.” Handbook, Methods and Results of Protein Analysis.” The first section, by V. I. Komarewsky, C. 13. Riesz and Charles C. Thomas, Puhlisher, 301-327 East Lawrence Ti. I,. hlorritz, is introduced by a comprehensive and well Avenue. SDringfield. Illinois. 1956. 386 pp. %10..%. illustrated coverage of the equipment and techniques reFREDERICK R . &RICH (edited by). “Rheology. Theory quired to handle the man>-experimental situations which the and Applications.” Volume I. ilcademic Press, Inc., chemist is likely to encounter. Although the experienced Publishers, 111 Fifth Avenue, Sew York 3, N. Y. 1956. worker in this field may prefer certain pet techniques which 761 pp, 120.00. are not discussed, he should find the text highly rewarding JESSE P. GREENSTEISA X U .\LEXASDER HADDOW (edited as a source of new ideas and as a yardstick against which to by). “Advances in Cancer Research.” Volume I V . measure the effectiveness of his own procedures. For those Academic Press, Inc., Publishers, 111 Fifth Avenue, entering the field of catalJ-sis the hook should be invaluable. Kew York 3 , N. Y. 1956. 416 pp, $10.00. Techniques arid equipment required t o meet most experi- 1%’. HEITLER. “Elementary IVave Mechanics il-ith .Ipplicamental situations will be found. In this section the greatest tions t o Quantum Chemistry.” Second Editioll. Oxford difference between the first and second edition is the serious Gniversity Press, 111 Fifth Avenue, S e w York 11, N. Y . effort made to assemble examples of the catalytic reactions 1956. 193pp. $2.90. most likely to be encoiintered by the organic chemist. The inclusion in the appropriate text of detailed direc- JOHN E. LEFFLER. “The Reactive Internletiiates of Organic Chemistry.” Interscience Publishers, Inc., 250 tions for preparing the catalyst of reference is a feature to be Fifth Avenue, S e w York 1, N. Y . 1950. 275 pp. applauded. $6.00. The second section, “Photocheniical Reactions,” by h’. J. LEONARD,Editor-in-Chief. “Organic Syntheses.” C. R . Masson, V . Boekelheide and IV. X. Noyes, Jr., and Volume 36. John \Viley and Sons, Inc., 440 F o u r t l ~ the third sectioii, “Electrolytic Reactions” by Sherlock Avenue, X e w York 16, X. Y . 1956 120 pp. $3.75. Swam, Jr., are particularly worth the attention of the organic chemist unfamiliar with the potentialities of these H. REMY. “Treatise on Inorganic Chemistry.” Volume I!; “Sub-Groups of the Periodic Table and General Topics. fields. I n the field of photochemistry, especially, the Translated by J. S.Anderson. Edited by J. Kleinberg. reviewer was impressed by the wealth of new research which D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 126 Alexander Street, Princehas been published since the appearance of the first edition ton, New Jersey. 1956. 800 pp. $17.75. of this work and a major plirt of this section is devoted to a S O C I E T Y OF CHEMICAL ISDITSTRY.“Ion Exchalige and its survey of the aspects of these new developments of particuApplications.” Papers Read a t the Conference in the lar interest to the organic chemist. The reader will find William Beveridge Hall, London University, 5th-7th specific directions for carrying out photochemical syntheses April, 1954, with the discussions that followed. The where this approach offers advantages over more convenMacmillan Company, 60 Fifth Avenue, S e w York 11, tional approaches. More often the extensive survey of orN. Y. 1956. 173 pp. $7.50. ganic syntheses by photo processes will suggest situations where the use of light may be seriously considered as the MELVILLEL. WOLFROX,Editor, and R . STUARTTIPSON, procedure of choice. Equally deserving of comment, the Associate Editor. “Advances in Carbohydrate Chemauthors’ obvious interest in photochemical reactions has istry.” Volume 11. Academic Press, Inc., Publishers, not been allowed to cloud their recognition of the limitations 111 Fisher Avenue, New York 3, ?;. Y. 1956. 465 pp. of the technique. $11.00.