May 22, 2012 - Analytical Chemistry .... FORMULA INDEX TO CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS (1920-46) ... Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first p...
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Intermolecular Energy Transfer as a M e a n s o f Chemical Analysis. Sensitization o f R a r e Earth Emission i n D i ­ lute Solution b y Aromatic Carbonyl Compounds W . J . M c C a r t h y a n d J . D. W i n e f o r d n e r

Listed below Chemistry

are papers

io appear

in forthcoming

issues of

Analytical Quantitative


of Mercury-Thallium


R. G . Dosch Polarographic Study of t h eIodine-Iodide Rotating Platinum Electrode

Couple a t t h e Optical a n d Electron Microscope Cell Electrode Structures

E. C . Toren, J r . , a n d C . P. D n s c o l l


o f Thin


W . R. Lasko a n d G . P. M c C a r t h y Rapid Determination of Primary Hydroxyl Content of Poly(oxyalkylene) Glycols a n d Poly(oxyalkylene) Sor­ bitols

T h e D e p l e t i o n Effect i n P u l s e P o l a r o g r a p h y w i t h S t a t i o n ­ a r y Electrodes

Friso W i l l e b o o r d s e a n d R. L Meeker K. B. O l d h a m a n d E. P. Parry Comprehensive Microanalysis



f o r Electron

Probe Determination of Diphenhydramine a n d Certain Re­ lated Compounds b y Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry

J . D. Brown

J . E. W a l l a c e , J . D. Biggs, a n d E. V . Dahl Determination of Dissolved Polonium-210 in W a t e r b y Coprecipitation with Tellurium b y Stannous Chloride D. E. Rushing Kinetics

of Bromination

of Certain



Determination of Calcium-48 in Natural Calcium b y Neutron Activation Analysis. A n Application of Neu­ tron Activation Analysis t o t h e Detection o f Isotopic Abundance Variations

olinols J . T. Corless G e o r g e O ' D o m and Quintus


Characterization o f Position Isomers of Secondary Straight-Chain Alcohols a n d Their 3,5-Dinitrobenzoate Derivatives b y Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Application of Lithium-Drifted Germanium Detectors t o Neutron Activation Analysis. tive Analysis of a Sulfide O r e

C . E. G o d s e y

J . F. Lamb, S. G . Prussin, J . A . H a r r i s , a n d J . M . H o l l a n d e r

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