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DOCTORATES IN CHEMISTRY AND RELATED FIELDS CONFERRED BY AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES, 192P-1930 COMPILED BY CLARENCE J. WESTAND CALLIE HULL, RESEARCH INPOBMAnON SERVICE. NATIONAL RESEARCH Cowcn, WASHINGTON, D. C. The Research Information Service of the National Research Council again offersthe following statistics concerning the doctorates in chemistry and related fields conferred by American Universities during the academic year 1929-1930. This is the sixth year in which this compilation has been OF CHEMICAL made; previous lists have been published in the JOURNAL EDUCATION 3,77-99 (Jan., 1926); 4,99-109 (Jan., 1927); 4,1303-13 (Oct., 1927); 5, 1450-63 (Nov.. 1928); 6, 2209-23 (Dec.. 1929). In this compilation the doctorates granted by the universities in agricultural chemistry, biochemistry, engineering, and metallurgy have been listed under the separate headings but are included in the totals by university in the statistical tables. In selecting the titles to be included, those doctorates have been used, which, if published, would probably be abstracted in Chemical Abstracts. Attention is again called to the fact that the compilers have only the title of the thesis and, in most instances, the department in which the doctorate was granted, to aid them in the subject classification. It is not always possible to classify correctly from this information, which may account for the inclusion or the omission of a given thesis. Corrections and suggestions its to this publication are always appreciated. There are fifteen universities who report ten or more doctorates in chemistry and related subjects during the past academic year. Chicago assumes first place this year with 37 doctorates; Wisconsin, first in the past two compilations, assumes second place; Yale and Illinois tie for third place. Information concerning all the doctorates granted in the sciences (1055 for the year 1929-1930) will appear in a forthcoming number of the Reprint and Circular Series of the National Research Council, copies of which may be obtained from the Publication Office. TABLE I

Distribution of Doctorates in Chemistry by University, by Year lnrliluliol

'21-'22 '22-'23 '23224 '24225 2 - ' 2 6 '26'27 '27-'28 '2&'29 '29-'30

American. ................. Boston .................... Brown. ................... Bryn Mawr.. ............ 1 California................ 8 Calif. Inst. Tech .......... 2 Catholic................... Chicago................. 14 Cincinnati............... 3 Clark ................... 2 Colorado................ 1

.. 1


.. 11


1 12 1 3 1

.. .. .. . . . . . .


6 3 2 19 2 3



1 1 5




.. 2

2 1 16

8 4 2 14 4

7 7 1 26 4

3 21 3





. . . . . .

.. 4 .. 9 6 1 19



.. 4 1 13 4 2 24

3 1 6



15 4 1 37 4



. . . . . . 3

VOL . 7. NO . 12



TABLE I (Concluded) Inrlilulion

'21-'22 '22-'23 '23-'24 '24-'25 '25-'26 '26-'27 '27-'28 '28-'29 '29-30

Columbia ............... 13 Cornell ................... 9 Duke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fordham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geo.Washington . . . . . . . . . . . Harvard ................. 3 Illinois.................. 16 1 Indiana ................. Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iowa State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JohnsHopkins ........... 13 Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mass Agr Coll . . . . . . . . . . . . Mass. Inst . Tech .......... 5 Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Mich State Coll . . . . . . . . . . . Minnesota ............... 5 Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nebraska ................ 1 NewYork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 N Y State Coll. For . . . . . . . North Carolina . . . . . . . . . . 1 Northwestern . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Notre Dame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OhioState . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Penna . State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Pittsburgh ............... Princeton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Purdue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radcliffe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rensselaer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rochester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rutgers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Louis Univ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Stanford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syracuse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Wash U.. St. Louis. . . . . . . . . Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Westem Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Yale .................... 13




. .



TOTAL ..............


28 8

35 19

30 14

34 12

28 16

3 18 19 1 3 4 12 1

2 1 13 18 2 6 7 10 3

.. ..

2 2 10 18 2 10 8 19 1 4

1 2 11 11 2 9 7 15 5 2

8 16 2 16 13 17 3 3







11 11


8 13 1

6 8


7 8

11 13



17 2




9 1 3 1

8 1 3 3

.. ..

8 1 1 3

19 2

.. ..

8 1 1 2

15 1 1 4

12 15 1 16 1 2 7

4 2 14 4


.. 2 6 5 19 2 4

.. 12

.. ..

1 6 2

.. 1 6

.. 1

.. 1 13

.. .. 6 2

.. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. 3


.. .. 1 1

.. .. 14 17 194

.. ..







5 1

2 3

23 21

.. 2 1

.. 6 1 4 5





23 1

15 7



11 7

5 8

7 4

3 4

10 4

13 3 4 9 8

.. ..


.. ..

.. ..


.. ..


1 1


.. ..





. . . . ..

.. 5

2 3 2






.. 1'



1 2


.. .. ..



.. ..








1 3 2 1

25 15 4 8 3 7 16 3 13 13 21 5 2


2 3 1 19 3 3 7 7



1 3

1 1 1

1 3 1 1 3 1


.. 2

.. 1

.. 3 1 9

.. ..

18 15 ' 2 4

.. 8 24 3 12 12 21 5 2


1 7 3 22 7 3 11 5 2


1 2 2 5 1 8 2 1



3 2 4

4 1 2







21 8

26 16 265

24 18 287

16 12 270

25 19 300

31 19

3 27 24




- -



DECE~ER 1930 .

TABLE II Universities Granting 10 or More Doctorates in Chemistry, 1929-1930 InxiiluSan

'21-32 '22-'23 ' 2 W 2 4 '24-'25 '25-'26 '26-'27 '27-'28'28-'29

Chicago .................. 14 Wisconsin ................ 13 Illinois................... 16 Yale ..................... 13 OhioState ................ 4 JohnsHopk'ms ............ 13 Columhia ................ 13 5 Minnesota................ California ................ 8 9 Cornell ................... 5 Michigan ................. Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iowa State.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mass. Inst. Tech .......... 5 5 Pittsburgh ................

12 14 19 17 13 12 28 3 11 8 2 4


6 6

19 21 19 8 14 12 35 9 6 19 11 3 4 11 5

14 26 18 16 23 10 30 8 8 14 2 6 7 17 7

26 24 18 18 11 19 34 8 7 12 13 10

8 8 3

21 16 11 12 15 15 28 8 16 16 8 9 7 6 10

19 25 16 19 11 17 23 15 9 21 X

16 13

7 9

24 31 16 19 19 21 25 15 13 15 13 13 13 11 7


37 27 24 24 22 21 18 16 15 15 15 12 12 12 11

CHEMISTRY American University GEORGE R~cgnnnGREENBANK, "The Oxidation of Fats and Oils." JAMES IRVIN H o a m N , "Fluorine and Its Determination." GEORGE PATRICK SANDERS, ''Cdciwn. Phosphorus, and Magnesium in Milk." Boston University W n ~ CLOIISER m BOYD,"A New Series of Halogenated Sulphonephthaleins." Brown University EDWAPD ALISONFLOOD, "Some ~thylgerrnaniumDerivatives." WILLIAMWISNER HAWES."The Properties of Certain Amide Ions as a Function of Their Constitution." , Electrical Conductivity of Solutions of Sodium WnLurm HARLOWK A ~ E R"The Triphenylstannide and A d a g o u s Salts in Liquid Ammonia." WALTERKENNETH NELSON, "Studies Relating to Organo-Silimn Derivatives. I. Triethyl Silicon Derivatives. 11. Triphenyl Silicon Derivatives." HORACEBoss PRAY. "Mutual Solubility Effects of Salts in Ethyl Alcohol." California, University of GEORGE HAMILTON CADY,"Some Properties of Fluorine and Hydrofluoric Acid." "Transition Probabilities from the 3P State of Sodium CARLJOSEPH CHBISTENSEN, When Excited by 3303 A Resonance Radiation." U JOHN KORPI,"The Kinetics of the Decomposition of Some Quaternary Ammonium Bases." R O B E ~ WILBVR T LAWRENCE, "I. The Magnetic Susceptibility of the Ions of Uranium in Aqueous Solution. 11. The Hydrolysis Constant of Iodine." HERUN ALFREDLIEBHAPSKY, "The Reduction of Iodate Ion by Hydrogen Peroxide." METONJOSEPHPOLISSAR, "The Kinetics, Statics, and Energetics of the Thermal Reaction CHJ.CH.1 = CH2:CHz I, in CClr Solutions." E D W ~JOHN D SALSTROM, "The Free Energies of Some "The Water Molten Metal Bromides and Their Solutions." JOHN PETERSERMATTEI, Gas Equilibrium." CARLVINCENTS ~ T H E "Studies , on the Combination of Iron with Certain Proteins, Amino Acids. and Related Compounds." HAROLDROBERT


VOL. 7. No. 12



STEWART, "Positive Ray Analysis of the Saturated Hydrocarbons." AARONW A C ~ E R , "Thermodynamic Properties of Solutions of Molten Lead Chloride and Zinc Chloride." California Institute of Technology LEE REEDBRANTLEY, "High-tem~eratweEauilibria." DANIELBRENTMCRAE. "Investigations on the Retlection and Transmission Characteristics of Photographic "The Structures of the Ionic Crystals Brookite Plates." JAMES HOLMESSTURDIVANT, and Columbite." HOMERBIGELOWWELLMAN, "The Equilibrium between Bivalent and Quadrivalent Palladium and Chlorine in Hydrochloric Acid Solution." Catholic University , of Reduction of Some Aromatic Nitro CamHUGHTHOMASO ' N E ~ L"Rates pounds." Chicago, University of

ART^ EDWARD BROOKS, "The Dissociation Constant of Dibasic Stereoisomeric Acids." HOUGHTON GEORGE CLAPP,"I. A Study of Organic Oxides. 11. Stability of Organo Lead Derivatives." Mamrcg LEONCOHN."Rearrancements of Dimethvlphenylmethyldichloroamine, Dimethylphenylmethylmonochloroamine,and B-dimethylphenylmethylhydroxy~mine." RUSSEL BLAUCHCOOPER,"The Pinacol-pinacolone Molecular Rearrangement." M o m s H m DASKAIS, "I. A Study of Free Radicals. 11. A Method for Determining the Structure of Organic Stannomic Acids and a New Method of Preparation of 0 r g L o - ~ e r c u r i~ompouids." MELVINOR- FOREMAN, "Eledromers of 2-Peutene." "I. An Apparatus far CALVIN S O U T ~FULLER, R Measuring Strong Magnetic Fields. 11. The Magnetic Susceptibility of Nitric Oxide. 111. The Glaser Effect." D o n o r m RUTH GASTON,"I. The Biuret Reaction of Barbituric Acid and Glycine Anhydride. 11. A Summary of Methods of Synthesis of Amino Acids and Peptides." EVELYNGERTRUDE HALLIDAY,"Vegetable Pigments: "I. Further Their Chemistry and Their Preservation in Cooking." DONALD HUTTON, Studies on 2.2'-Dihydroxyisobutyric Acid and on 2.3-Dihydroxybutyric Acid. 11. The Action of Bromine and Nitric Acid on Some Aliphatic Diamines. 111. Attempted Reduction of Erythronic Lactone." HUBERT FAIRLESS JORDAN, "I. The Ring Method for the Determination of the Surface Tension of Liquids. 11. The Entropy Principle and the Entropies of Surface Formation of Liquids." CHARLESW n ~ u l a LENTH, "Molecular Rearrangement of B,B-Diphenyl-0-hydroxyethylamine." EDMW WARXNG LOWE. "Salts of a-Pheuylbutyronitrile." CARL M h m z M ~ E R G , "Sodium Salts of Primary and Secondam Awl-acetonitriles." FREDERICK MADISON NEIGS,"Action of Organic Halides on ~ l k a lMetal i Salts of Alcohols." JOHN GEORGE MEnER. "The Decomoosition of Potassium Chlorate." ALBERTW n w MEYER, "Some Physical and ~hermodynamic~ro*ertiesof Solutions of the Alkali Metals and of Sodium Bromide in Liquid Ammonia.'' M m DOROTHEA NEWMAN,"Mer-. curation in the Triphenylmethane Series of Dyes. The Mercuration of Aurin." ISABEL TILTONNOBLE,"New Methods for the Study of Physical and Chemical Properties of the Batter and Dough Series." HUGHALLENSHADDUCK, "The Synthesis and Disintegration of Atoms as Revealed by the Photography of Wilson Cloud Tracks." FREDERICK CHARLESMAXTEDSMITHSON,"Reactions of Hypochlorous Acid on Substituted Aromatic Amiues, on Cinnamic and Crotonic Adds." WILLIAMELIAS ST^GEON. "I. A Studv of the Product of the Action of Phenvl Maenesium Bromide on Prapiophenone Oxime: 1.1-Diphenyl-l-hydroxy-2-ambopropane,(Cd&C(OH)CH(NHJCHI. . . -. . 11. A Further Studv of the Product of the Action of Phenvl Maanesium Bromide on Acetophenone Oxime: 1.1-Diphenyl-l-hydroxy-2-aminoethane,(CaHah C(OH)CHDH,." HAROLD HE-ERT TUCKER, "2-Chloro3'-bromoindophenol.'' ~





HORACE BULLEVAN VALKENBURGH, "I. F ~ T ~ ONitroso US Compounds. 11. The Structure of Ferric Thiocyanate and the Thiocyanate Test for Iron." WILLIAMEuGENE VAUGHAN, "The Quantum Efficiency of Ozone Formation in the Fluorite Region." OLrvsn GEORGE VOGEL,"The Relative Partial Mold Heat Contents of the Constituents of Aqueous Sodium Chloride Solutions." ADDISONCAMPBELLWHEATLEY,"The Preparation and Some Properties of the Sulfides of Germanium." Cincinnati, University of ALFREDJOSEFHBERGER,"The Electrical Conductance of Aqueous Solutioos of Cobalt Sulfate." ELMER GEORGEGERWE,"The Autoxidizability of Pure Cysteine and the Adion of Cyanides." HOKESMITHGREENE,"Quantitative Determinations with the Centrifuge and Factors Affecting Them." JOHN HOWARD PAYNE, "The Mechanism of the Action of Hydrogen Peroxide upon Simple Carbon Compounds." Columbia University MABELE. BALDWIN,"On a 'Phosphorus-free' Arnylose from Potato Starch." CHARLES 0 . BECKMANN, "Studies on the Corn Amyloses. V." D o R o r n ~ aROBERTA BLOCK,"A New Method for the Determination of Titanium and Its Separation from Aluminum and Certain Other Elements." ANNE BOURQUIN, "Experiments on the Quantitative Determination of Vitamin G." EMMAVICTORIA CARLSSON, "Quantitative Experiments upon the Occurrence of Vitamin G in the Body, Induding the Influence of the Food." WILLIAMFRANCISFAIR, JR., "A New Treatment of Ferric "A Systematic Study of the Solubility of Oxide Hydrosols." K m W. HAESELER, Benzoic Acid in Salt Solutions." NELLIE HALLIDAY, "Quantitative Comparative Studies of the Adsorption of Vitamins B and G from Protein-free Milk by Lloyd's Reagent." JAMES JOSEPEMCBRIDE,"A Chemical Study of Glycogen and Its Preparation." BYRONJ. OAKES,"A Study of the Effect of Freezing Certain Inorganic Sols and Gels as A~plied to Analytical Chemistry." Pnnrppos E. PAPADAXIS, "The In.. activation of Sucrase and Raffinase by Heat." DONALDPRICE,"A Study of Certain Aminobenzal-Cournaranonesand Structurally Related Aminochalcone Derivatives, with Special Reference to the Relation b e t w e e Color and Chemical Constitution in These Compounds." EVELYN B. TILDEN,"The Response of the Monkey (Macacus rhesw) to Withdrawal of Vitamin A from the Diet." ROBERTP. WALTON. "Separation and Characterization of Starch Amylases." THOMASHILLYER WHITEHEAD, "Ion Interchanges in Aluminum Oxychloride Hydrosols." MAYLEE WHITSITT,"A Study of the Effect of Nitrous Acid on Vitamins B and G." Cornell University Pam. ROLLAND AUSTIN, "The E5ect of Ortho-substituents on Some Reactions of Benzyl Mamesium Chloride." RAYMOND HERBERTFLECKENSTEIN, "Zinc Diethyl: Its ~urification,Properties, and Manipulation. The Action of Zinc Diethyl on the Chloroforms of Carbon. Silicon, and Germanium." WILLIAM HENRYGAUGER, ''Pressure-Temperature-Concentration Relations in Certain Binary Systems Containing Ammonia." L E ~ A EDWARD N HOAO,"Quantitative Separation of Germanium from Silicon." EVERETT CLARKHUGHES."The Optical Properties of Furan and I t s Derivatives." ROBERTE ~ w mH a m "The Preparation and Properties of Germanium Monoxide and Monosulfide." WALTER JOHNJEBENS,"Studies in the Plasticity of KURN,"Inhibitors in the Action of Acid on Steel." ROY Paints." WAYNEEDWARD OL-R McDuaaIE, "A Study of the Binary System Silver-Germanium." CHARLES B~acgMsnRUTENBER, "The Interaction between Solutions of Arsenious Oxide and the Hydroxides of Certain Metals." NORMAN ALEXANDER SKOW,"Extractim of Ger-

VOL. 7. NO. 12



manium and Gallium from Germauite. Preparation and Properties of Germanium Monohydride." G ~ m v r e vSPENCER, ~ "The Formation of Pectin Jellies by Sugar." WILLIAMDWIGHT WARREN,"Equilibrium in Binary Systems with Ammonia as the Volatile Component." WARDBENJAMIN WHITE,"The Simultaneous Determination of Sucrose and Lactose in Dairy Products by Copper Reduction." Duke University SANWRDSWINDELL JENKINS,"The Catalytic Hydrogenation of Alpha-diketones." JOHNHENRYSAYLOR, "A Study of the Solubility of Certain Organic Substances in Aqueous Solutions." Fordham University FREDERICK WEBER, "A Further Investigation of the Reduction of Nitrobenzene with Dextrose in Alkaline Solution." LEO K. YANOWSKI, "C~ntribntiont o the Chemistry of Dibenzalacetone." Harvard University CARLRUPERTADDINALL, ''Cyclic Nitranes." NEWELLMEADEBIGELOW,"A Contribution to the Study of Free Radicals." GILES MALLALIEU BOLLINGER, "The Measurement of the Conductance of Electrolytes." ARTHURRANDALL DAVIS,"ISOXBHAVILAND,"I. The Quantitative Oxidation of zoline Oxides." EDWARDKENNETH Ammonia. 11. The Synthesis of Silver Sulfocyanate. 111. The Conversion of Silver Sulfocyanate into Silver Chloride." EDWIN N E ~ O OHL, N "Heats of Adsorption on Dehydrated Crystalline Substances." Illinois, University of CHESTERWALLACE BENNETT,"Attempts t o Prepare Optically Active Aliphatic DRAKE COPPMAN, "I. The Reaction of and Alicyclic Diazo Compounds." DONALD Alkali Metal Alkyls with Quaternary Phosphouium Salts. 11. The Synthesis of Trinondecinylcarbinol." MARTINELI CUPERY,"I. The Synthesis of Five Amino Acids. 11. A Study of the Stereoisomerism of the Diphenyl Series (the Syntbesis of Tetra-ortho-methoxydiphenylDerivatives)." MARTINEDWINPAUL FRIEDRICH, "The Valence of Arsenic in Arsonium Compounds." HORACEBEAVENGILLESPIE, "A Study of Hexasubstituted Ethanes." ESTHERMERYLG n r m r ~ n "I. , A Study of Hexaphenylethinylethane. 11. The Structure of the Addition Compounds of Mercuric Salts and Olefines." STEWARD CLARKHUSSEY,"The Structure of Azolty Compounds." EDWARD PETERKIND, "Partial Oxidation in the Liquid Phase." OSCAR EDWARD KURT, "The Magnetic Properties of Monatomic Oxygen." HILL HARRY MACKEY,"Specific Heat of Gases a t High Pressures." ROBER.~ WILLIAMMAXWELL. "The Preparation and Optical Activity of Certain Alkyl-aryl Compounds Similar t o Optically Active Diphenyl Compounds." WENDELLWILLIAMMOYER,"Stereoisomerism of Diphenyl Compounds." WILLIAMABNERNICHOLS,JR., "I. The Chemical Properties of Atomic Oxygen. 11. An Attempt t o Measure Nuclear Moments." An LUCYWESTONPICKETT."I. The Effect of X-rays on Chemical Reactions. I X-ray Study of the Structure of Organic Compounds." SWANIESIGUAPDROSSANDER. "Hexa-substituted Ethanes." JOHN ALVANSELLERS,"The Catalytic Oxidation of "A Study of the Nagnetic I'ropcrOaalic Acid by Nitric Acid." EVE RE^ Jrssa SHAW, tits of the Diatumx Sulfur nlolecule." HORACE A W R Y STFARSS, " S t ~ r ~ ~ i s ~ m c of rism Diphenyl Compounds. Synthesis and Resolution of 2,4,6,2',4'-Pentanitro-3-carboxydiphenyl." S H ~ L E MONROE Y TROXEL,"The Heats of Dissociation of Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen." ERNESTGARDINER WALTERS,"The Vapor Pressure and the Vapor Density of Sodium." MORTIMER ALEXANDER YOIIKER, "The Action of Promoters and Suppressors on the Oxidation of Hydrocarbon Fuels."



D ~ c ~ n a s1930 ~a.

Indiana University Tnoy COOKDANIELS,"Concerning the Physical Properties of Solutions of Certain Phenyl Substituted Acids in Relation to Their Bactericidal Power." EUGENRDODD SCmDEE. "Synthesis of Telluroketones." ROBERTLAVERESRELLEY,"Expansion as the Controlling Factor in Positive Paste Compositions for Lead Storage Batteries." Iowa, University of J o n ~BENNETT ENTRIEIN,"Effect of Substitueuts in the Rearrangement of HYdrazones to Pyrazo:ines." MILDRED M. HICKS,"Apparatus and Methods Used in the Seuaration and Identification of Some of the Chemical Constituents from Petroleum." E n w ~ n oLLBWELLYX IIRL, "Influence of Constitution on t h e Rcarrangernent of H y druoues to Pvrarolinrs." GLHNSRUSSELL MILLER. "On t h e Ijehavior of hlixcd llalogenated Phenols toward Nitrating Agents." MAURICEBUBLLP A L ~ R"Effect , of a Third Substance on the Critical Solution Temperature of a Binary System." JOHN ALLEN RIDDLICR,"The Oxidation-Reduction PotentialsSS' JOHN MARKSCOTT,"A Study of the .Electrometric Titration of d-Glucose, Using Fehlmg's Solution." WnLuM FLETCHER HENRY TALBOT,"Effect of Substituents on the Condensation of Benzaldehyde." JOSEPHWING,"A Study of the Catalytic Decomposition of Esters by Nickel." Iowa State College "Studies on the Capture of Free Organic Radicals. ROBERTENOSFOTAERGILL, B. New Reactions of Oxalic Acid and Some of Its Derivatives." WALTER BERN^ KING, "The Reaction of Liquid Hydrogen Sulfide and Hydrogen Persulfide on Organic Compounds." OM= EDWIN LOWMAN,"Effect of Salts an Alkali Disinfection." "Organa Lead Compounds." EMERY M. ROLLER,"The Effects of JACKD. ROBINSON. Organic Stimulants on Plants." JOHNB. SHUIIIA~ER, "A Study of Caramel Color." Johns Hopkios University OWENGLENDOWEN BENNETT,"Studies on Metallic Oxides as Catalysts for theLowtemperature Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide." RONALDBWLKLEY,"The Viscosity of Liquids as Measured in Fine Capillaries." JAWS R o m m CURRY,"The Desorption of Gases from Molecula~lyPlane Glass Surfaces." TSE GUNGDJANG, "Reactions of "The Osmotic Mercuric Chloride with Oxalates." WILLIAM CUSTEREICBELBERGER, K "The Pressure of Dilute Benzene Solutions by the Porous Disk Method." C ~ I Kno, Thermal Decomposition of Nitrogen Pentoxide a t Low Pressures." LAURAEMILY Kmjcr. "Studies on Solid Adsorption." JOBNMCGRAW,JR., "The Heat Capacity of L EMILIE ~ MILLER. "The EfNitrogen Pentoxide between 90DKand 250°K." C ''Silica Gel as a Catalyst fect of Mercuric Iodide an Glass." JAMESALBERTMITCHELL, in Organic Reactions." RICHARDHOLLADAY SMITH,"The Specific Heats of the Phenyl SOUTKARD, Derivatives of Ethane and Some Pelated Compounds." JOHNCAMPBELL "An Adiabatic Calorimeter for Heat Capacities a t Low Temperatures." HERBERT COLLIERTIDWELL,"Studies in Esteri6cation." DEE TOURTELWTTE, "A Critical Study of the Spectrographic Technic and I t s Application in the Determination of ERNESTVOLLRATK, "Thermal DecomposiAluminum in Biological Matter." RICHARD tion of Acetone in the Gaseous State." JOSEPH F-LL WEILER,"The Mechanism of the Thermal Decornpositiou of Acetone in the Gaseous State." Kmsaq University of WALTERSTERRITTLONG."On the Constitution of Disubstituted Isothiohydantoins." Hhnom ELI MESSMORE, "The I d u e n c e of Gelatin upon Eledro-Deposited DANIELRUSSELL,"A Study of a Zine:Silver Chloride Standard Copper." HAROLD

VoL. 7, No. 12


Cell with Double Salt Electrolyte." Heterogeneous Catalysis."


WAYNEE. WRITE,"A Study of the Mechanism of

Maryland, University of 0 . REINMUTH, "A Contribution to the Study of the Nature of the Interaction between Hydrous Oxides and Mordant Dyes." Massachusetts Institute of Teehnologg JAMESHARRINGTON B o m , JR.. "The Viscosity of Compressed Gases." H m o YUANCHANG,"Studies of the Rate of Reaction in the Contact Sulfuric Acid Process." DONALDSTEVENSCRYDER."Mechanism of Synthesis of Higher Odygensted Organic Compounds from Water Gas." ROBERTCOOLEY ELDERPIELD, "Aky-guanidiues and Alky-nitmguauidines." PAULTHERON JONES,"An Apparatus far the Measurement of the Freezing-point Depression of Dilute Solutious." GEORGEWAYNERIOBY, "A Study of Some Mixed Tertiary Aliphatic Ethers." REGINALD LESLIEWAKEMAN, "A New Pracedure for the Identification of Hydrocarbons.'' Michigan, University of ALEXANDER WULIMI BOLDYREPP, "The Theory and Application of Di5erential Extrapolation Methods in Potentiometric Titratians." GRAHAM MIEN CHEN, "A Study of Over-voltage, Transfer Resistance, Anode and Cathode Charge and Discharge Curves t h r o u ~ hthe Use of Both the Potentiometer and Oseilloma~h." ROBERT . . Crt.mrrms Glnnos, "Prrchloric Acid as a n Oxidirinfi Agent." GEORGE H n - n v SCWPPLKK. "A Comparison of Silica and Cnrhon as Adsorhcnts When TJscd in Non-aqueous Binary Solutions." RODNEYVEEDERSHANKLAND, "I. The Reducing Action of Compounds Containing the Group CH.OMgI. 11. The Reduction of Aldehydes by theBinary System, Magnesium Iodide Magnesium." NINGKANCTANG,"Precipitation of Aluminum Hydroxide by Means of Urea." FRANKHARTMAN WILRY,"The Action of Nitrous Acid on Casein."


Michigan State College LOOMISM A ~ E E W S "The , Activity of Hydrobromic Acid; and the potential of the Mercury-Mercurous Bromide Electrode." JULIA

Minnesota, University of ALICEDAYDUSCHAK, "The Systematic Analysis of the Anions." REUBENBENELLSTAD,"Compressibility of Argon, Neon, and Helium a t Zero Centigrade, between Zero and One Atmosphere Pressure." RWH ESTELLAELMQUIST,"The Quantitative Determination of Lanthanum and Some Properties of Its Compounds." HENRYBOLIVAR BULL,"On the Significanceof Conditions a t the Interface in Relation to the Zeta Potential." Roscos ELMERJ A C K M A"Experiments N, on 1.3-Diketohydrindene and Certain Derivatives." T o m u KAMEDA, "I. Determination of the Hvdropen-ion Concentration in Unhuffered Solutions. 11. The Hydrolysis of Zinc . . Sulfate, Solubiity, and the Composition of the Latter Oxide ~reci&ated from Zinc Sulfate Solution." BARNARD MITCHELLMARKS."Some Gaseous Reactions under the Influence of Ionizing Agents." MARYLOUISE MORSE,"The Oxidation of 2,4.6-Triiodophenol." ERNESTVERNONSTAKER,''A Comparative Study of the Peptization of the Protein Complex in Various Seeds and Grains." ALAN EDWARDTUELOAR, "A Biometric Study of the Chemical Properties of Wheat and Wheat Flour." LAWRENCE ZELENY, "The Action of Formaldehyde an Amino Acids with Special Reference to the Formation of Amines." JAMIN




Nebraska, University of EDGAR JACOB BOSCAULT, "The Oxidation of Sugars of the Glucose Series in Sodium Carbonate Solution by Means of Air." EDWINLORENZO MATTISON, "The Oxidation of Sugar Acids under Varying Conditions." New York University S. JAMESBRODERICK. "An X-ray Study of the Alloys of Silver with Bismuth, DONOVAN, "A Phase.de Study of Sodium Arsenic, and Antimony," JOHNEDWARD DEWEY Iodate, Sodium Nitrate, and Water as a Three-Component System." GEORGE MARTIN,"The Preparation of Certain Onium Compounds." SAMUELMos~owrrz. "The System Magnesium Nitrate, Magnesium Iodate, Water. A Phase-Rule Study." FRANKOLIN RIITER, "A Study in the Unsymmetrical Diaryl-acyl Hydrazine Series." DONALD STRATTON SEARLE,"The Preparation and Properties of Certain Sulfouium Compounds and Certain Formocholine Thio Ethers and Sulfones." EDWINWILLIAM SHAND,"The Preparation and Properties of Some Simple Heterocyclic Onium Compounds." North Carolina, University of RICHARD ARTHUR LINEBERRY, "The Ceramic Properties of Certain North Carolina Clays." Northwestern University FLOYDLEROYCARNAHAN, "I. The Mercuration of Anthraquinone-dicarhoxylic Acid. 11. The Pyrolysis of Certain Amines." RKHAKDNORMAN MEINERT,"The Pyrolysis of Certain Gaseous Hydrocarbons." LOUISEOTIS. "The Constitution of Mesquite Gum." RALPHPARKER PERKINS,"The Mercuration of Certain Aromatic Polycarboxylic Acids." FRANCIS EDWARD CISLAK."I. A Potentiometric Method of Analysis of Arsenic in Organic Compounds. 11. The Synthesis of Some Arsonophenoxy Compounds. 111. Some Arsonic Acids of the Fluorene Series." ALBERT JOSEPHSOBATZKI. B. SCOTT, JR., "The Arsonation of Aromatic Aldehydes." RAYMOND "I. The Interconvertibility of Aryl Mercuric Halides and Mercury Diaryls. 11. Further Studies on Anhydro-2-hydro~ercu1i-3-nitrobenzoicAcid and Its Reactions." Notre Dame University HENRYDAVID HINTON,"I. A New Method of Preparing Acetals. 11. Acetals of Mono-hydric Alcohols." Ohio State University EARLEDSONBEARD,"I. The Chemistry of the Organic Compounds of Titanium. 11. Titanium Tetrachloride in the Friedel-Crafts Ketone Synthesis." JUSTINLLOYD BusslEs, "A Study of the Preparation and Properties of Crotonaldehyde-Amino Condensation Products; Their Analogies and Derivatives; and Their Value as Accelerators "The Action of Potassium Hyof Rubber Vulcanization." ROLLINFRANCIS CONAWAY, droxide upon i-Arabinose and d-Xylose." AUSTINGLENMORE EDISON,"The Thermal Decomposition of Gaseous Ethylene Oxide a t Low Presmres." RAY LLEWELYN GEDDES."The Thermal Decomoosition of Gaseous Germanium Tetraethyl." ROBERT Cnsrn H u c ~ t i r r"The , Action of Aqorous Potassium Hydroxide upon the Disocchsrklcs Lactose, Melihiuse, nnrl (kntiohiose: A Study Showing .the 13Tcct of the I'ositiun uf the Disaccharide Linking upon the Mechanism of Decomposition." James FRANKLIN LEwrs, "1.4-Pentadiene and Other Unsaturated Compounds." JOSEPH BENJAMIN LITTMAN, "The Preparation and Resolution of Asymmetric Amines: A Study of Knoevenapel's Condensation.'' MARTANPIOTH MATUSZAK, ''Gaseous Reactions." BEn-

VOL.7, NO. 12



HARVEY SHOEMAKER, "A Study of the Synthesis of Certain Beta-olefines and Diolefines." RICHARD STANLEY SRIITT."The Adsorption of Glycerol and Some Glycols hy Cellophane." DANIELEUGENESTRAIN,"A Study of the Amine Thiosulfates." Lours Aucusrus WEINLAND, "Adsorption a t Crystal Solution Interfaces." NARD

Pennsylvania, University of C ~ E GOULD S GROSSCUP, "Studies on Heteropoly Acids of Germanium. I. Germanomolvbdic Acid." FORDRAPHAEL LOWDERMILK. "Vapor Phase Oxidation of Organic Compounds, Using Rare Earth Oxides as Catalysts. I. Methyl and Ethyl Alcohols." Pennsylvania State College WILLTAM EDWARD COUGHLIN, "Reactions of Silk Fibroin with Solutions of Stannic "An X-ray Study of the Chloride and Disodium Phosphate." OSCARLYNNROBERTS, AZPoint of Iron and Some Iron-Nickel Alloys." Pittsburgh, University of LEOARTHUR GOLDBLATT, "The Nitration of Abietic Acid and the Study of Some of Its Nitrogen Derivatives." GEORGELIEREDLANDOLT, "The Relative Floating Powers of the Various Active Constituents of Crude CresylicAcid in the Agitation-Froth Flotation of a Galena-Spbalerite-PyriteOre." RONALD B. MCKINNIS,"The Nature of Vitamin C. A New Transference Apparatus and I t s Use in the Study of Vitamin C." HAMNETT PlTZER MmcER, "The Phase Diagram for the System Sulfur-Naphthalene and Its Relation to Introfaction." GILBERTTHIESSEN."The Extraction of the Humic Acids." Princeton University ELFORD STURTEVANT DIIRGAN,"The Kinetics of the Thermal Dissociation of Propane and the Butanes." WILLIAMHENRYJONES,JR., "The Thermal Decomposition of Metal-alkyls in Hydrogen-ethylene Mixtures." HORACEELTONROGERS, "The Dielectric Polarization of Liquids. I. Halogenated Hydrocarbons. 11. Fatty Acids." CHARLES ALLENSLOAT,"Surface Forces a t Cryrhl Faces. I. Phenomena Due to Forces a t Crystal Faces as Studied by Mutual Orientation. 11. Adsorption and Compatibility of Space Lattice." ARTHURANDREWVERNON,"Photochemical Reactions." Purdue University FREDERICK JOHN ALLEN,"Separation and Purification of Krypton and Xenon from Liquid Air Residues and Studies on the Vapor Pressures, Melting Points and Boiling Points of Krypton and Xenon." CASHBLAIRPOLLARD, "Acyl Derivatives of o-Aminophenol." Rensslaer Polytechnic Institute PETERVANWYCK,'3tudies in the Pyrroline Series." Rice Institute EDWARD JosEpnI DURHAM, "Studies in the Solubilities of theSoluhle Electrolytes." CLYDE ROLAND JOHNSON, "The Atomic Weights of Chlorine and Vanadium." Rutgers University GH, of Derivatives of Glucose, Cholesterol PAULJONESD A U G ~ ~ A U "Synthesis TRVONLIVINGSTON TENBROECK, JR., "Metal and Certain Other Alcohols." WALTER Pyridine Fluosilicates."



D ~ c p n r e ~ 1930 n,

Stanford University HUGHESGRIPPITH."The Kolhe Synthesis in the Ammonia System of ComFRANKCARLYLEHARMON,"The Utilization of Redwood Waste." ELOISE TAMESON. "Phase Rule Relations and Properties of Proteins." HENRYMARSHALL i s r c E s r m , "Aromatic Selenium Salts and the Relative Electronegativity of Organic "I. Reactions of Cyanourea. 11. Radicals." GEORGEEoson PHILLIP S ~ I T HJR., , Reactions of the Ammono Ketones." DANELASTUAUP,"A Study of the Isoelectric Flocculation of Gelatin." SAMUELBENZON TROMAS,"Some Thermal Properties of the Glassy State." Syracuse University JOHN


NEALELLSWORTH ARTZ,"The Oxidation of Inosite with Nitric Acid." LEOPOLD SCHEPLAN, "The Phase Diagram of the System Ammonia-Hydrogen Sulfide." Texas, University of W I I . L ~C ~ T I THOMPSON, S ''Isolation of Nitrogen Bases from California Petroleum Distillates." Virginia, University of RIcmoNn THOMAS BELL,"The Catalytic Combination of Carbon Monoxide and "HeteroOxygen in the Presence of Metallic Silver." GEORGELEWIS CUNNINGHAM, gmeous Reaction Kineti-The Thermal Decomposition of Silver Oaalate." ROBERT FUNCISSELDEN, "The Free Energies and Heats of Formation of the Tetrahydrate and Manohydrate of Cadmium Bromide, and Their Temperature of Transition." CARLISLE MONROE THACKER,"The Catalytic Reduction of Nitrous Oxide with Hydrogen in the Presence of Metallic Silver." Washingtoo, University of VIVIAN RICAARD DAMMERPLL. "The Preparation and Study of Colloidal Aluminum Hvdroride and Evidence of Its Effecton I o n Distribution in Dasic Aluminum Chloride W n L u x EVANS,"A Study of Some Organic Oxidation and Solution." THBODOR~ Addition Reactions." Washington University (St. Louis) AL STEYER-, "Studies in the Anthrone Series; the Preparation of Certain Anthrones of Known Structure." Western Reserve University MENAHEM MERLUB-SOBEL, "Electrodeposition of Metals in Anhydrous Ammonia." LADISLAUS A. PASIUT."I. The Reaction of Ethylene Derivatives with Bromine and Chlorine in the Presence of Certain Alcohols. 11. The Synthesis of Certain Iodo Alkoxy Acids and the Mechanism by Which They Are Formed." Wisconsin, University of GILBERTHAVENAYRES,"A Study of the Influence of Hydmlysis Temperature on Some Properties of Colloidal Ferric Oxide." CHARLESF ~ D E R ~ BAILEY, CK "The Prenaration of New T.y.~ e sof Local Anesthetics Containing Heterocyclic Nuclei." n ' ~ r . r . r ELMPK ~~ C A L D ~ T L"Reduction L, Reactions with Cnleium Hyrlride." I ~ O W A R D I R V I N GCKAMER. "Catalysis by Nickel of the Reduction of Various Organic Compounds W. FnsoN, "A with Hydrogen a t Pressures of from 20 to 400 Atmospheres." GEORGE Study of Autoreduction of Certain Organic and Inorganic Compounds." LBOFRIEDHANSTHEODOI~ GEEHABD~, MAN, "The Structure of Gels from Studies of Di5usian."

VOL. 7. No. 12



"The Solubility of Metals in Milk." ROBERTWnao GETCEIELL."Same Factors Influencing the Activity of Certain Peroxidases." L A ~ E N CJOSEPH E HEIDT."Quantum Efficiency Measurements of Reactions Produced by Ultra-Violet Light." MAT~HEW LESLIEHOLT, couple^ in the Titration of Acids and Bases." J o m RAYMOND KEPFER, "A Study of Colloidal Femc Oxide and Various Factors which I n h e n c e Its Ability to Catalyze the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide." WALTERM o m o s Kurz, "The Relation of Structure to the Cleavage of Certain 1.3-Dicarhonyl Compounds." Jhnnss H o w m PETERSON, "Promoter Action in Certain Oxidation Reactions." WESLEY R a m u s PETERSON, "The Oxidation of Methanol with Air Over Oxide Catalysts." CHR~STIAN HENRYSCRWINOEL, "The Variation of Dielectric Constant with Temperatlue." CHESTER R ~ R R L O S E N B A ('New ~, Methods for the Determination of Water in Certain Organic Solvents.'' A R GEORGE ~ WEBER,"Studies on Phosphoric Acid: The Use of Phosphoric Acid in Preparation of Ethylene; the Effect of Heat on Orthophosphoric Acid." Yale Universily G~STAVE BRYANTBACWIAN."A Chemical Study of the Isomeric Heptines." MEC ~ O ~ FERNALD, L L Zd, "The Preparation and Properties of Naphthyl Ethyl Amines." JOSEPH FLEISCBBR, "Two-component Systems Containing Sulfur Dioxide." ROBERTBARNETTFLNT, "The Action of Ozone on Pyrimidines of the Uracil Type." I(~TARYN GROVE, "The Synthesis of Amino Acid Derivatives of Naphthalene." ROBERTM m HERBST, "The Synthesis of Alkylated Ureides of the Hydantoin Type." BINGRAM JOHNSON H ~ P A R E Y "The . Preparation of Tetra-alkylguanidines." GEORGEMOSELEYMURPHY,"Temperature Coefficients of the Dissociation of Acetic Acid in Salt Solutions." BENTON BROOKS OWEN,"The Dissociation af Acetic Acid, Formic Acid and Glycine in Aqueous Salt Solutions." JOSEPHSAMACHSON, "Synthesis and Molecular Rearrangement of Certain Oxindole Derivatives." ORION EDWIN SCHWP. JR., "An Electrochemical Study of Caesium Chloride and Hydroxide Solutions." Wnno CULLINSUMPTER, "Preparation of Some Derivatives of Dioxindole." BURTONE p m a m TIFFANY, "Equilibria between Water and Certain Sodium Salts." AGRICULTURE Iowa State College ARTHUR OTTOALBEN, "Studies in Electrodialysis of Soils." ARTHURDAVID MCKINLEY,"Some Effects of Sorghums on Soils and Crops." RAY ART^ PENDLETON, "The Determination of the Nitrate Assimilating Power of Soils and Some Nitrate Fertilization Studies." Maryland, University of W. W. ALDR~CH. "Effect of Late Summer and Early Fall Application of Sodium Nitrate upon the Color and Keeping Quality of Apples the Same Season and upon the Nitrogen Content of the F ~ i t Leaves, , and Spurs."

Missouri, University of LEONARD DAVIDBAVER,"The Effect of the Amount and Nature of Exchangeable Cations on the Structure of a Colloidal Clay." Ohio State University JosEPn BERNARDP O L I ~"The . IneiTectiveness of Some Insecticides against LB the European Corn Borer, Pyausto nubibis Hubn." Hnnav G R A ~ V ~WALKER. "Studies on Extracts of Pyrethum Flowers as an Insecticide."




Rutgers University ROBERT ADAM DIEAM,"The Nature of the Hemicellulosesand Their Decomposition by Soil Micro8rganisms." J a ~ u FREDERIC~ s MULLER."The Base Exchange Capacity of Organic Materials." Wisconsin, University of JOSEPHANTHONY CHUKA,"The Mineral Constituents of the Callaidal Fraction of Soils." HENRYLOWSMA."Studies on Nitrate Assimilation in Wheat as Related t o Illumination." CHIENPENG,"Studies on the Determination of Potassium and Availability of This Element in Silicates and Soils." BIOCHEMISTRY Brown University JESSE PHILIPGREENSTEIN, ''A Study of the Dissociation of Glycocoll and Certain Peptides." California, University of ALDENSPRINGERCRAPTS,"The Mov6ment of Organic Materials in Plants." OLIVERH~DLESTON E ~ R S O N"The , Metabolism of the Nncleosides of Uracil and Cytosine." HAROLDGOSS, "Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism in Rats during Pregnancy and Ladation and the Effect of the Reaction of the Diet Thereon." AMBADAS SRRIHARI MULAY,"Seasonal Variations in Nitrogenous Compounds in Pear Shoots." Chicago, Unhersity of LESTERGEORGEBARTH,"The Effect of Acids and Alkalies on the Viscosity of Protoplasm." HELENBROWN BURTON, "The Influence of Cereals upon the Retention of Calcium and Phosphorus in Children and Adults." CALLIEMAEWILLIAMSCOONS, "Retention of Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium by Pregnant Women." CHESTERDAVIS, "Studies in the Organic Chlorides of Tissues." FRED WILLIAM GEISE. Phvsical and Chemical Studies in Relation to the Oualitv . "SninachSome . . . of I.ARSOS. "lliud~cmicalSt~ldieson t h e Oxytocic the I