SAFETY 3 Firms Get Safety Awards M C A gives Lammot duPont prizes to Tennessee C o r p . , Royce, a n d U. S . Rubber f o r most improvement in s a f e t y HEX
Tennessee Corp. shows a 100% decrease in accident frequency rate and wins o n e of the safety awards. W. F. Kefïer (left) of Tennessee Copper, division of t h e corporation, receives plaque from Erriest Hart, president of Food Machinery
U. S. Rubber's Naugatuck Division dropped its accident rate by 59%, and Hart, MCA chairman at award time, hands award to U. S. Rubber representative George R. Vila, as MCA president John E . Hull watches. MCA administers the awards
chemical industry can take its bows proudly, It's one of t h e safest in t h e country. According to the National Safety Council, CPI n o w averages 3.38 injuries for every million man-hours. T h e rate for all industry stands a t 6.38. On top of this, man-hours lost in C P I fall 377c below the national industrial average. Three companies—U. S. Rubber, Roy ce Chemical, and Tennessee Corp. —had a h a n d in building this over-all record. Today, all h a v e Lammot du Pont safety awards to prove it. T h e three firms received their awards at t h e annual meeting of Manufacturing Chemists' Association at White Sulphur Springs, W . Va. U. S. Rubber's Naugatuck Division is winner among firms whose employees worked more than 2 million man-hours a year. Royce a n d Tennessee finished in a dead heat in the category for firms with an exposure of 2 million man-hours or fewer. Each shows a 100% drop in its accident frequency rate in t h e past two years from t h e previous three. Naugatuck's fell 597*, a n d in this cate gory (more than 2 million man-hours), American Potash & Chemical finished in the runner-up spot. T h e award is so n a m e d to honor L a m m o t duPont, former chairman of the board and president of the D u Pont company. T h e firm established t h e award in 1951, and M C A administers it. It is presented annually, based on improvement of the recipients' safety records over a five-year period. All MCA member companies receive consideration at award time. •
Royce Chemical tied with Tennessee for one of the awards. C. J. Monks of Royce gets from Hart the plaque he will take back to his company. The D u Pont company sponsors the awards an nually. All MCA member firms are eligible for consideration each year 74
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