2 | OF THE MORE THAN 3 5 0
sII Manganese t r a p . . . 2,3-Bufanec/ione Oxhne Thiosemicarbazoue (Eastman 6632) can detect 0.03 microgram of Mn at a dilution of 1:1,000,000, it says in a paper in Coll. Czechoslovak Chem. Communications where we first heard about it. îSïbw it's an Eastman Organic-Chemical, made by replacing one of the oxime groups.ih ; dimethylglyoxime with thiosemicarbazide. Dimethylglyoxime is a well known chelating agent for Ni, and thiosemicarbazide is an equally well known reagent for ketones. We hope their offspring proves useful to microanalysis hunting for manganese.
[CH 3 (CH,)30] 4 Ti
C 6 H5OP0 3 Na 2
Australian organo-tifanic...
Phosphatase activity tester..^
Tetra-n-b/styl Titanate (Eastman P6484) is a high-boiling, clear,viscous liquid consisting of 14% Ti, or, from the paint chemist's viewpoint, 2 3.5% T i 0 2 . Even though its present cost as a research chemical makes : it an unlikely ingredient of thi^ season's wares at your neighborhood apaint store, the Australian Department of Munitions reports some bright prospects for it in various paint and surface-finishing preparations which: 1) fireproof wood and cardboard; 2) withstand prolonged exposure to 600° C. followed by a sudden plunge into cold water; 3) successfully resist flue gases containing both SOo and H 2 0 ; 4) resist acid and alkali when coated on glass; 5) show no discoloration after partial i m m e r s i o n in w a t e r for 10 months. Ester interchange, say the Australians, produces gelatinous, sticky Ti derivatives of linseed oil mono- and diglycerides which improve durability of organic coatings.
Phenyl Di hydro gen Phosphate E>isodiurrz Salt (Eastman £ 4 7 3 , formerly called Oisodhtrr^. Phemyl Phosphate) liberates phenol in a solution containing phosphatase. The phenol can b e determined [colorimetrically, with 2,6-Dibroino^i/ino^2echloro'irrzicle (Eastman 2 304) ] to gi^ve a measure of phosphatase. We can send you. an abstract of the details. We used no supply disodium ρ-nitro phenyl p>hospiiate for the job, b u t we dropped thie nitroform becaixse: 1) its scrong tendency to hydrolyze in storage results in "high blank- 2) difficulty in purifying it makes it t o o expensive, especially with a good reagent available. Over 350O otfai er orrganics a r e stocked for yoixxr corrvenience by Oistill&tion Prod^^ts Industries, East man O r g a n i c C h e m i c a l s Depart ment, 741 Ridge Moad West. Roch ester 3 , Ν. Υ . (E>£vision of Eastman Kodalc Company).
Eosfnnari O r g a n i c Chemicals for science and industry Also...vitamins A and E...distilled monofjiycerides...high v a c u u m equipment
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