30th Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers - C&EN

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DECEMBER 10, 1937


30th Meeting of American Institute of Chemical Engineers HE American Institute of Chemical T Engineers held its 30th meeting, Chase Hotel, St. Louis, Mo., Novem­

ber 17 to 19, preceded by a student meeting on November 15 and 16. The registration showed 310 men and 74 ladies in attendance, while 174 students came from 22 schools to participate in their special program. The area repre­ sented establishes a record, for it is bor­ dered on the north by North Dakota, on the east by Syracuse, Ν. Υ., on the south by Georgia, and on the west by Boulder, Colo.

Photo by Wm. Sheu-ell Ellis Studio· F . C . ZEIEBERG

Schools Accredited in Chemical En· gineering by A. I. Ch. E. and E. C. P. D. (With year accredited) Armour Institute of Technology, 1925 California Institute of Technology, 1926 Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1925 Case School of Applied Science, 1925 Columbia University, 1925 Cornell University, 1936 Drexel Institute. 1936 Iowa State College, 1925 WEBSTER N. JONES Lehigh University, 1932 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1925 The program of the technical session was New York University, 1935 carried out as published, with the excep­ Ohio State University, 1925 tion of the paper on phosphorus and Pennsylvania State College, 1936 some of its compounds which was with­ Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1925 drawn by the authors. Likewise the Princeton University, 1934 plant inspection trips were made under Purdue University, 1933 competent management, although the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1925 one to the Union Starch and Refining Co. State University of Iowa, 1926 had to be canceled on account of a sea­ University of Cincinnati, 1925 sonal shutdown and that to the Cupples University of Illinois, 1933 Match Co. was impossible because of a University of Louisville, 1935 University of Michigan, 1925 strike. At the business session it was reported University of Minnesota, 1925 that the total membership of the insti­ University of Pennsylvania, 1936 tute as of November 1,1936, was 1054 ac­ University of Pittsburgh, 1931 tive members, 114 associate, and 269 University of Washington, 1926 junior members. Corresponding figures University of Wisconsin, 1925 for 1937 are 1140, 112. and 385. There Yale University, 1925 are now 53 student chapters, with the It is planned to re inspect the accredited following having been added during the current year: Louisiana State University. schools in 1938, in which some assistance Rose Polytechnic Institute, Bucknell may be derived from a questionnaire, University, University of Delaware, Cor­ thus reducing the cost of personal inspec­ nell University, University of West Vir­ tions. The newly elected officers are: presi­ ginia, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Marquette University. dent, F. C. Zeisberg; vice president, Two newlocalsections of the institute have Webster N. Jones ; secretary and executive been established—one in central Ohio secretary, Stephen L. Tyler; treasurer, with Columbus as headquarters and with C. R. De Long; and directors, Lawrence 38 members; the other, with western W. Bass, Harry A. Curtis, Francis C. New York as the territory, Buffalo the Frary, and Ellery L. Wilson. It is expected that the 31st meeting of center, and 31 members. The committee on publications has the institute will be held late in May, 1938, recommended that the publication of the at White Sulphur Springs. institute, which has been quarterly, be issued six times a year, bimonthly, be­ ginning in February. Thefinalaction is HERBERT W. ANDREWS, formerly of the Barrett Co., has recently joined the yet to be taken. DeFlorez Engineering Co., New York, Abstracts of papers now appearing in N. Y., as a chemical engineer. the program of meetings have been found a satisfactory substitute for preprints and HENRY L. DOHERTY, president of the Cities Service Co., has been awarded the plan saves the institute between a the Anthony F. Lucas gold medal by thousand and twelve hundred dollars the American Institute of Mining and annually. Metallurgical Engineers for "distin­ Cooperating with the Engineering Coun­ guished achievement in improving the cil for Professional Development, the technic and practice of finding and pro­ following institutions now constitute the ducing petroleum." accredited list of schools:

525 Plastics Awards


N THE second modern plastics competi· tion conducted by Modern Plastics, twenty-nine winners were announced for products or redesigns developed during 1937. Awards and honorable mention were given in five groups: science, in­ dustry, household, style, and decorative. Trophies were officially awarded at a din­ ner at the Hotel New Yorker, New York, Ν. Υ., on November 17. Awards in the industries group were for airplane windshield of Plexiglas to Rôhm & Haas Co.: teleprinter of Tex» tolite to the General Electric Co.; spoke gear to the Continental Diamond Fibre Co.; honorable mention to the Richardson Co., Norton Laboratories, Inc., and the General Electric Co. Awards in the scientific group were for messenger bag of Durez to the Remler Co.; electric clock thermostat of Plaskon to the Chicago Molded Products Co.; dental operating light of Bakélite to the Chicago Molded Products Co. ; honorable mention to General Industries, the Chicago Molded Products Co., and the Rôhm & Haas Co. C r a n e Co. E s t a b l i s h e s D i v i s i o n of Engineering and Research HE Crane Co., Chicago, 111., has formed T a Division of Engineering and Research, which will comprise the existing Division of Research and Development and the Product Engineering Department of the company. The new division has been formed to coordinate all engineering activities of the company, and further its progress in its diversified fields. The importance and growth of this technical work have demonstrated the advisability of maintaining a complete and well-staffed engineering division, free from all responsibilities except those relating to engineering, research, design, and experimental work. L. W. Wallace, for the past three years director of engineering and researches of the Association of American Railroads» has been appointed director of the Division of Engineering and Research, effective December 1. 1937. E x a m i n a t i o n for A s s o c i a t e Biochemist HE United States Civil Service Commission has announced an examination for associate biochemist (syphilis research) at $3200 a year to fill a vacancy in the Syphilis Research Center. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Competitiors will be rated on the extent and quality of their education and experience which are relevant to the duties of the position. Applications must be on file with the U.S. Civil Service Commission. Washington, D. C , not later than December 28, 1937 (December 31 from certain western states).


HANS FISCHER has been awarded the Davy Medal of the Royal Society in recognition of his work on the chemistry of the porphyrins, particularly his determination of their detailed structure by degradation and his syntheses of porphyrins of biological importance. NEVIL VINCENT SIDGWICK, F. R. S., of

Lincoln College. Oxford, has been awarded a Royal Medal of the Royal Society in recognition of his distinguished, stimulating, and continuous work on valency and on molecular structure.