353 arising, for example, from a somewhat abnormal osmotic pressure

arising, for example, from a somewhat abnormal osmotic pressure, or a change in the migration velocities of the ions, as has been assumed by most auth...
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arising, for example, from a somewhat abnormal osmotic pressure, or a change in the migration velocities of the ions, as has been assumed by most authors. In conclusion, I desire t o express t o the authorities of the Carnegie Institution my great indebtedness for the assistance rendered me in the prosecution of these researches; for without such aid little progress could have been made up t o the present time. BOSTON,December 1907.







Received January 15, 1908.

To Leach and Lythgoe belong the credit of having first determined, by means of the Zeiss immersion refractometer, the refractive powers of aqueous solutions of methyl and ethyl alcohols and of publishing the results2 in tabular form for the entire range from zero per cent. t o one hundred per cent. for the temperature of 20'. An earler table3 by R. Wagner camprises the range for ethyl alcohol only from zero t o three hundred and thirty, expressed in grams per liter. The method used by the first-named authors for fixing the concentration of the solutions of which they observed the refraction, is not mentioned in their publication, but the inference is that they deduced the concentrations from density determinations b y means of Hehner's tables. Since, in case of nearly absolute and of very strong alcohol, the refractometer and density constants bear such a relation t o one another t h a t the concentration may be much more accurately inferred from the former than from the latter, it follows, t h a t the refraction constants should be fixed independently of observations of specific gravity. For this and other reasons, I decided t o prepare absolute alcohol, and from this t o make, by dilution with known weights' of water, the solutions needed for the refractometric work. Preparation of the Absolute Alcohol. Three methods came into consideration for the preparation of the absolute alcohol required, viz., the usual quick-lime process; the method of Winkler5 with metallic calcium, and the Evans and Fetscha and Konek' Read before the American Chemical Society, January This Journal, 27, 964 (1905). Dissertation, Jena (1903). ' The weighings were not reduced to vacuum. Ber., 38, 3612 (1905). This Journal, 26, 1158(1904). Ber., 39, 2263 (1906).





proccss with magnesium amalgam. I t was decided to operate by all thrce methods and t o compare the rcfractive indices of the products. The plan contemplated the continuance or repetition of each process until no further change occurred in the constants, and was carried out in t h a t way. Two criteria of coriiplctc hydration were made use of, first. the constancy of tlic refractivc index. which falls rapidly as the last portions of the watcr arc cxtractcd, second, thc constaiicy of t h r critical temperature of solutiori. The lattcr iiicthod, devised by Cris-mer,' cannot be too highly reconiniended. I t consists, ;is is well knowii, in cooling a mixturc of equal \-olumr.s of the alcohol and of kerosene until the mixture becomes tur1)id. :i sign of thc. critical tcmperaturc hairing hecn reached, and obseri-ation of thc tcmperzture, I t was found ad--\-isable t o free the kcroscne froill its iiiore volatile constituents b y 1)assiii;a current of steam through it for soiiic tirnc, after which it was dried. This treatment obviated the appearance of :I preliminary haze beforc, the critical temperaturc WAS rraached, a phenorrienon that slightly diiiiiiiished the sharpness of t h e obser~~itioiis.'I'he followiiig table s h o w the relati6n betwet~nthe C. '1'. S. (critical tenipemturc. of solution j and the perccntagc of alcohol. ;LS found for the kcroscni. used 1)y 11ic. I t may be seen that if thc tcniperaturc: be read t o o. I ', a difference oi o.ocj,j per cent. in thc arnoi.int of water present may be easily detcct.ed, a fact previous1)- deiiionstrated by Crisnicr. \\lith proper precautions, a much closer tcniperaturc determination inay 1)c securcd. b u t is hardly n e c w sary.

TABLEI. Per c t n t . of water.

Per c e n t . of alcohol.

C. T. S. keroseue.

niff. per c e n t . for i o c .



4.0" 8.0"





0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2

0.4 0.6

0.8 2.0 0.2

0.4 0.6 0.8 3 .0

99.8 99.6 99.4 99.2 99.0 98,s 98.6 98.4 98.2 98.0 97.8 97.6 97.4 97.2 9i,O

15. I O

18.4' 21.7'


54 59 60 0.061 64



,TI. 'I


34.0' 36.8' 39.4O

42.0' 44.4O

46.6' 48.6"



77 83

91 0 . IO0

The raw material cmployed for the preparation W ~ St h a t coiniiicrciall\- known as ' ' doiiblc. Cologne spirit." 'This was digested for thrcc 1

" h s temperatures critiques de dissolution," nruxelles (1904).



weeks, being frequently stirred, with good quicklime, and then distilled, the first and last tenths being rejected. To the intermediate fraction, which contained about gg per cent. of alcohol, silver nitrate was added' in the proportion of about five grams t o each liter and the solution boiled for about eight hours, under reflux condensation and exclusion of moist air. Then, after standing cold for two or three days, it was distilled. The distillate contained about 0.3 per cent. of water. No reaction for aldehydes could be obtained from it. Various portions of this intermediate product were used for the further dehydration with, first, fresh lime from marble, second, turnings of metallic calcium, third, magnesium amalgam. I t soon appeared t h a t a too prolonged treatment with either of the lastnamed reagents gave an alcohol which, on distillation, was less dry (judged by t h e C. T. S.) than t h a t secured by a briefer treatment. The true explanation of this deportment is uncertain, although it would bc not difficult t o suggest an hypothetical one. The proper period of digestion is shown by the appearance of a pale yellowish tint throughout the liquid. When this point is distinctly reached, no matter which of the drying agents be used, if the alcohol is distilled with the usual precautions,Z the following phenomena were observed. The first portion of the distillate contained a little water and had a C. T. S. (with the standard kerosene referred t o above) of about 6'. After approximately ten per cent. had distilled off, in each case the C. T. S. rose t o 4' or 4.15' and remained a t t h a t point till nearly all had come over. I n some instances, especially when magnesium amalgam was present in the distilling vessel, the C. T. S. fell again toward the close of the distillation. Hence, the middle portion alone was used for the determinations. It may be remarked, however, t h a t the first fraction (tenth) was not distinguishable in density from the middle one. I n several instances, the intermediate fraction was subjected a second and a third time t o the action of the same desiccating agent a s before, but in no case was it possible t o reduce the C. T. S. below 4 ' or t o obtain a product of which the density or refractive ind 'x pointed t o greater dehydration than t h a t of the 4' material. I t was repeatedly observed t h a t the alcohc lehydrated by prolonged Winkler, Ber., 38, 3612 (1905). * T h e remark of Winkler (Loc. cit.), t h a t the hygroscop,. racter of absolute alcohol "has been exaggerated" should not be interpreted in the k n s e that any precautions to exclude moist air may safely be neglected. This author must have been favored with exceptionally dry atmospheric conditions, or the remark quoted would never have been made, I can fully confirm the observations of Crismer (Loc. cit., p. 7) on the rapid absorption of water by dry alcohol on exposure to humid air and have not been able under the conditions of my experiments t o confirm the divergent observations of Winkler.



contact with either calciuiii or with inagnesiuni aiiialgani possessed :L peculiar foreign odor, wliieh persisted even after dilution with a little water. The nature of the substance giving this odor is entirely unknown: but its presencc does iiot appreciably influence either of the constants determined. Its amount is, therefore, probably, extremely minute. The desiccation with calciuiii or with magnesium ainalgaiii ma!' be effected by contact a t the ordinary temperature for sei-cral days or a t the boiling point of alcohol in half an hour or two hours. The ainalgaiii was prepared by agitating magnesium powder with its own weight of mercury under the surfacta of 08 per cent. alcohol, acidified witli ;t little hydrochloric acid. \ i l ( ~ ir , t c h r d iii t h i s ~ ~ ~ i ~ i the ~ i n mercury er, soon flows over the surface of thc riiagnesiuiii particles. I'he alcoholic acid is p o u r 4 off and thc niagtna washed with absolute alcohol. (it1ii.r ii:rthods of preparation were experiiiiented with, but this was fouiid iiiost eiiiciciit and has thc. advantag? of rendering :i greater amount of iiiagnesiuni available in proportion to the mercury.

Apparatus. Thc refractorneter usrd was a Zeiss instrument of the iriiiiiersion type. I t s scale was subject t o a siiiall correction (-0.24') which was d~terinined b y a series of observations on pure water a t 2 5 ' . A11 the readings presented in this paper have been so corrected. ?'he thermostat used in the work was kept a t 2 j o -1- 0.6'. I t s teinperaturc ne\-cr 1-aried more than 0.05' during an observation and very rarely by so much. Phch saiiiplc oi alcohol was observed at least five times after the temperature of the thermostat was attained, and the mean of the concordant readings taken. 'l'his mean was correctcd for 2j' by the temperature coefficient given in Table 11. Two thermonictcrs were used. One was divided in I : j" and had divisions wide enough to enable 0.01' t o Le estimated with considerable accuracy. This thernioiiieter was iiinde hy Gcissler Nachfolger in 1880, of unknown glass. The sc~oiidtherinometcr was made of Jena nornial glass, divided into 1/10' and read to 0.01'. In order t o insure taking the readings on :i rising nieniscus, in cast of a11 definitive observations, thc tlicrmoiiicter was removed from the thermostat, waved in the air :I iiioinent t o cool it about I ' and then replaced. Fixed points were deteririiiicd for both instruments a t o o and a t the transition point of sodium sulphate (after Richards). The interniediate scale was calibrated by two iiiercur!. threads and the reading corrected accordingly am1 rcduccd t o t Iic. international or hydrogen scale by the table of Xarck.' LVitIi tliescs corrections applied, the two instruments agreed, 011 direct comparison, for temperatures hetwccn 20' and 30' within the liiiiits of Landolt nnd Bernstein Tabellen, 44.



the observation errors. ,4 third thertrometer was used for some of the density determinations. It was fused into one of the pycnometers. It was compared with the others by filling the pycnometer with mercury and immersing the whole in a mercury bath containing the other instruments and placed in the thermostat. Two pycnometers were employed, one of about j o cc. of the Sprengel type, the other of 35 cc. with fused-in thtrxometer. The errors of a density determination of alcohol amounted t o about two units of the fifth place of decimals. It is hardly possible to secure greater accuracy on a liquid of this kind with pycnometers so small a s this. The determination of density was not, however, a main object of this investigation. To obtain a degree of precision in the measurement of this constant commensurate with present means of obtaining pure absolute alcohol, pycnometers or sinkers of not less than 2 j 0 cc. should be used. In all these determinations, except as previously noted, correction t o vacuum was made for weights and substances weighed, and the errors of the weights were corrected.

Experimentd. Absolute alcohol made by the quicklime method gave C. T. S. 3.9'. Density 0.785103, 0.785087, 0.78j107. C. T. S. after each density determination, 4. I ', 4. I ', 4.0'. Refractometer, mean of 7 observations, 85.30'. Another preparation of the same gave : refractometer readings, mean of 5 , 85.33'. C. T. S.4.15'. Density 0.785111. 2. Absolute alcohol made by calcium method, digested a t about 35', gave C. T. S. 4.05'. Density '2: 0.785091, 0.785112, 0.785108. Refractometer, mean of ten readings, 85.29'. A second preparation, made a t the boiling-point of alcohol: C. T. S. 3.9'. Density *$ 0.785105. A third preparation, made with a n alcohol from another source, dried in the same manner: C. T. S. 4.1'; refractometer, mean of j , 85.32'. 3. Absolute alcohol made by cold magnesium amalgam process gave: C. T. S. 4.18'. Density '$ 0.785102, 0.785110, 0.785095; refractometer, mean of six, 85.35'. A second lot of the same, but digested hot: C. T. S. 4.03'. Density z$ 0.785091, 0.785105, 0.785106; refractometer, mean of five observations, 8 5.30'. A third preparation, made like the last: C. T. S. 3.95'. Density z$ 0.78 508j ; refractometer, 85.28'. 4. Total mean of all observations on absolute alcohol: Density, 0.785 IO O.OOOOI, Refractometer (weighted mean) 85.30' 2 0.02 2 , 25'. Index of refraction (pD) against air, 1.359408 I.






Refractive power,

T,. nD-


I =

0.4 5833 ;





0.4 5779.



.j. Froni the absolute alcohol, a series of dilutions with distilled water were made by weighing. a t intervals of about two per cent., except in the neighborhood of absolute alcohol, where the intervals were closer. Each of these dilute alcohols was obsen-cd with the refractoinetcr, a t least five observations being taken a t each dilution. Subsequently further dilutions, about ten in all, were made from different preparations. These observations were reduced by a graphic method and independently by a series of quadratic equations, which were found t o fit the various parts of the curve closely. The plotting served as a check on the mathematical work and t o detect clerical errors in the computations. In this manner the scale readings and thc refractive indices given in the following table were separately computed as they appear in Table 11. When completed, no individual point observed was found t o differ



5 H:O. 0


Zeiss Deg



2. I

85.30' 86.49' 87.60' 88.63' 89.58' 90.45' 91.23' 91.93O 92 55' 93. IO' 93.59' 94.03O 94.42O 94.76' 95.05' 95.29' 95. 49O 95.68' 95.88 96 07' 96.22' 96.24' 96.23' 96.20' 96.16' 96. I O



0.06 0.07







6024061094 + I 25I53---

. ? I

4 5 6 7

43.0 40.0 36.9 33.8 30.7 27.7










239255269280+ 29297 3053123193263311,363,315 3,313 3,302 3,286 3,265 3,239 3, 208




13 I4 I5 I6 17


'9 20



20.7 21


23 24 25 26




15.9 13.8 11.9 9.6 7.5 7.3 7.1 7 .I 6.8 5 ,2 0.5 ... 1.2 I





12 for 52 c


5.55 5.57 5.59
