May 5, 2008 - THE 37TH Northeast Regional Meeting (NERM2008), hosted by the ACS Green Mountain Section, will be held at the Sheraton Conference Center...
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NERM Historic

AIDS pharmaceuticals in Africa and on the contributions of chemistry in combating diabetes. Rounding out the program will be presentations by Wikipedia editorial team member Martin Walker of the State University of New York, Potsdam, on the impact of the Internet on chemistry, and by John C. Warner of the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry, who is also one of the pioneers of green chemistry. Church Street Marketplace in the heart of downtown Burlington, Vt.

37TH NORTHEAST REGIONAL MEETING THE 37TH Northeast Regional Meeting (NERM2008), hosted by the ACS Green Mountain Section, will be held at the Sheraton Conference Center in Burlington, Vt., from Sunday, June 29 through Wednesday, July 2. This meeting aims to have something for everyone, from cutting-edge technical symposia to an inspiring and fun-filled chemistry enthusiasts program, informative workshops, and stimulating discussions of chemistry and policy. Visit nerm2008.org, the meeting website, for details and up-to-date information on the technical program, special events, and sponsors. Information on travel, lodging, and local attractions can also be found on the website. ABSTRACTS. The deadline for all abstract submissions has been extended to May 18. Details are on the website. TECHNICAL PROGRAM. NERM2008 will

feature technical symposia in research areas including medicinal chemistry, environmental chemistry, 21st-century energy, responsive polymers and self-assembly, particles and composites, green chemistry and C–H bond activation, the organometallic chemistry of the group 15 elements, chemical biology, scanning probe microscopy in modern nanotechnology, synthetic organic methods for enantioselective and

catalytic transformations, layered materials, industrial chemistry and innovation, analytical interfacial science, physical chemistry, the chemistry of foods and beverages, history of chemistry, computers in chemistry, analytical chemistry, chemistry education, and peptides as tools to study protein function. NERM2008 aims to enhance networking and cross-fertilization between different areas of research. Most symposia will include an introductory or overview presentation, lowering the barrier for those new to these fields. Collaboration is the theme of the program called Synthetic Organic Methods Across the Border 2008 (SOMAB), which will be held in conjunction with NERM2008. The program is designed to highlight and enhance interactions among U.S. and Canadian chemists and will feature invited speakers from Canadian companies and universities. For more information please contact Martin Case, NERM2008 technical program chair, at [email protected]. ENTHUSIASTS PROGRAM. NERM2008

will feature programs for chemistry enthusiasts, including a light-hearted look at colonial chemistry; a nanocomposites magic show; a discussion of cheese chemistry; and revelations about love, pain, and chocolate. In addition, there will be presentations on W W W.C E N - O N L I N E .O RG


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SPECIAL EVENTS. NERM2008 will offer many opportunities to socialize and network. The opening reception on Sunday evening will feature live music and a green and environmental chemistry theme. The poster session on Monday afternoon will provide an ideal opportunity for networking. On Monday evening, attendees will enjoy an evening of stand-up comedy with Pete Ludovice and Rusty DeWees. All registered attendees are invited to a complimentary box lunch on Tuesday from noon to 1 PM hosted by ACS District I Director Anne T. O’Brien. Attendees are also encouraged to see the sights on one of the NERM2008 tours available on Tuesday afternoon. “Taste of Vermont” will take visitors up into the mountains near Stowe to tour Ben & Jerry’s ice cream factory and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. An IBM plant tour provides an opportunity to learn about the chemistry behind computer chip fabrication. Tickets for the ice cream factory and coffee tour are $20, and the plant tour tickets are $10. On Wednesday evening, NERM2008 will conclude with an awards banquet and cruise aboard the Spirit of Ethan Allen III. The ceremony will recognize award winners as well as 50- and 60-year ACS members. Tickets for the cruise are $35 and may be purchased when registering for the meeting. WORKSHOPS. NERM2008 will be preced-

ed on Saturday, June 28, by a free full-day

NERM2008 AT A GLANCE Dates: June 29–July 2 Location: Sheraton Conference Center, Burlington, Vt. Information Contacts: www. nerm2008.org/contact.html Website: nerm2008.org


workshop on the philosophy and methodology of “Process Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning.” To register, visit nerm2008.org/ pogil.html. A workshop titled “Chemical Reactivity Hazards, Laboratory Scale, Recognition & Control” will be offered from 9 AM to 4 PM on Wednesday. The objective of the workshop is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to screen processes for potential hazards, recognize when reactive hazards are present, and implement appropriate controls to reduce the risk of an incident associated with hazards. There is a $50 fee to attend this workshop, and tickets can be purchased when registering. The ACS Committee on Ethics is sponsoring an interactive chemistry ethics workshop on Tuesday from 7 to 9 PM to explore ethics issues related to the laboratory and classroom. There is no charge for this workshop, but preregistration is recommended. On Tuesday from 9:30 to 11:30 AM, “Polymers: An Interactive Hands-On Workshop” will explore polymer properties and the impact of polymers on everyday life. On Wednesday from 10 AM to noon, “Adventures in Chemistry & Physics: An Interactive Hands-On Forensics Workshop” will explore several analytical techniques that can easily be duplicated in a classroom setting. Space is limited for both workshops, and priority will be given to teachers and homeschool parents. Interested attendees may sign up on the meeting registration form.

throughout the region and Canada. Tabletop exhibit spaces are still available in the Emerald Promenade, which runs around the NERM2008 technical session rooms in the Sheraton Conference Center. Please contact Ralph Stuart, exhibits chair, at [email protected], or visit the NERM2008 website for further information. REGISTRATION. Advance registration closes on Monday, June 9. Online registration is available on the meeting website, nerm2008.org. Forms may also be printed and sent by fax or mail. HOUSING AND TRAVEL. A special room


will offer career workshops, one-on-one résumé reviews, and career assistance sessions. These services are open to ACS members, as well as to national and student affiliates. The following one-hour workshops will be offered on Wednesday morning, beginning at 9 AM: “Job Searching Strategies,” “Résumé Preparation for the Chemical Professional,” and “Interviewing Skills for the Chemical Professional.” There is no charge for these workshops; sign-up is available on the meeting registration form. Individual 30-minute résumé reviews will also be offered. Interested individuals should bring a copy of their current résumé. Sign-up will be available at meeting registration. EXPOSITION. The exposition will be held

on Monday from 10 AM to 6 PM and Tuesday from 10 AM to 1:30 PM. It will provide an opportunity for attendees to learn about chemistry-related products and services

rate of $99 per night is available for reservations made by May 30 at the Sheraton Burlington Hotel & Conference Center for NERM2008 attendees. Reservations can be made online via the NERM2008 website or by telephone at (800) 325-3535. Please mention NERM2008 or ACS when making phone reservations. The rate is available for dates through the July 4 holiday weekend. The Sheraton Burlington Hotel & Conference Center is conveniently located off I-89 at exit 14W, adjacent to the University of Vermont, and is just a few minutes walk or a free bus ride from downtown Burlington. Attendees traveling from New York state can take the Lake Champlain ferry into Burlington. Burlington International Airport is less than 5 miles away from the hotel. The Amtrak Vermonter service arrives in Essex Junction, Vt., every evening from Washington, D.C., via Philadelphia and New York City. ACS has negotiated discount rates for air travel and car rental for the three days before and after each regional meeting. ■ AIR: A discounted rate is available for flights on Delta. Go to www.acs.org, search for “Delta,” and then use the link “Delta. com for Business Travel” (discounts cannot be accessed directly with Delta). Jet Blue, AirTran, Continental, NWA, United, and US Airways also serve Burlington International Airport, but there are no ACS discounts. ■ GROUND: Avis, (800) 331-1600, AWD Code: B120799; and Hertz, (800) 654-2240, CV# 02UZ0007.


Conference, sponsored by the Division W W W.C E N - O N L I N E .O RG


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of Fluorine Chemistry, will be held at the TradeWinds Island Grand Beach Resort in St. Pete Beach, Fla., Jan. 11–16, 2009. The conference, with the theme “Fabulous Future with Fluorine,” will feature invited plenary and oral presentations, as well as contributed papers and posters by fluorine chemists from around the world on different aspects of modern fluorine chemistry, such as fluoroorganic synthetic methods and synthesis, inorganic and theoretical fluorine chemistry, fluorine in biological chemistry, industrial fluorine chemistry, fluorine in polymers, and energy research. In addition, a special symposium titled “Fluorine in Medicines” will feature presentations from pharmaceutical industry research labs on the importance of fluorine in pharmaceuticals. This six-day international interdisciplinary forum will also feature the award address by Dennis P. Curran of the University of Pittsburgh, who is the recipient of the 2008 ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine Chemistry. Abstracts being submitted for presentation at the conference should have a maximum of 250 words. They may be submitted online at www.acs.org/meetings: Click on “Technical Division Meetings” meetings and scroll down to “Fluorine Division.” The deadline for abstracts is Oct. 6. Advance registration will open on Aug. 4. The deadline for advance registration is Dec. 11. Early registration fees have been set—member, $350; nonmember, $400; student, $190; press, $200; guest with tickets, $200; guest without tickets, $55; and exhibitor, $500. Attendees are encouraged to register in advance because on-site fees will be somewhat higher. A block of rooms have been reserved at the TradeWinds Island Grand Beach Resort in St. Pete Beach. Rates range from $99 to $195 plus a room and tax occupancy fee of approximately 11% (subject to change). Housing reservations may be made between Aug. 4 and Dec. 11. A number of travel fellowships will be available to undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students presenting a paper or poster at the conference. Two of the top student posters will each receive a cash award of $500. For additional information on the scientific contents of the conference, please contact the conference chair, P. V. Ramachandran, at [email protected]. For all other information, please contact the conference manager, Vernar Beatty, at [email protected]. ■