The ACS Board of Directors and the ACS Corporation Associates recently announced that they will support a ... Chairman, Division of Chemical Education...
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~~ 4 CHEMICAL EDUCATION RfH.WkwWS* In Appreciation of An ACS Grant to Expand the Secondary School Chemistry Section The ACS Board of Directors and the ACS Corporation Associates recently announced that they will support a proposal from the Division of Chemical Education for expanding thesecondary school chemistry section of the Journal. This rather substantial grant will providefunds aver aperiod of three years: (a) to approximately double the number of pages planned primarily far high school teachers; (b) to support an editor for the secondary school chemistry section; and (c) to mount a promotional and evaluation program for this activity. A search for the section editor is already underway. The expanded and reorganized editions are scheduled to begin in January, 1980. This grant will provide invaluable assistance in assembling and publishing the kinds of materials high school chemistry teachers need to keep abreast of developments and to enliven their teaching. It also will offer these teachers new opportunities for sharing their best ideas and experiences with others. We are certain we speak for many readers of the Journal, many high school chemistry teachers, and members ofthe Division of Chemical Education in expressing appreciation to the ACS Board and to Corporation Associates for making these funds available to the Journal.

W. B. Cook Chairman, Board of Publications D. A. Davenport Chairman, Division of Chemical Education

Volume 56, Number 4, April 1979 1 261