Nov 6, 2010 - All Publications/Website. facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... 4 MORE TROMBAYS COULD AVERT INDIA'S FAMINE. Chem. Eng. News , 1966 ...
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4 MORE TROMBAYS COULD AVERT INDIA'S FAMINE India s leaders are running a desperate race against famine. Food production must be tripled almost overnight. To meet these goals, India must produce 2.2 million tons of fertilizer a year by 1971. A single new plant, Trombay— designed and built by Chemico—already meets 20% of the need. Trombay's enriching fertilizers will add a million tons of food production this year —a major breakthrough for the farmers of Maharashtra and other Indian states. Four more Trombays—located in key agricultural regions—could help India to avert the threat of widespread famine. The Trombay plant is one of the Divisions of Fertilizer Corporation of India.

Chemico designed it to produce 100,000 tons of urea a year. Urea, with its high nitrogen composition and quick results, is an ideal fertilizer for most crops and soils. The prilled urea is obtained by Chemico's complete recycle process. In addition, the efficient Trombay complex—put on stream by Chemico just last October—is producing daily 350 metric tons of ammonia, 300 metric tons of urea, 320 metric tons of nitric acid and 200 metric tons of sulfuric acid. Byproduct economy was an important design consideration for the Chemico engineering team assigned to Trombay. As a result, Trombay also produces argon —for the first time in India—and carbon dioxide.

This kind of thorough planning is typical of a Chemico project. Regardless of its size. We've been designing and building fertilizer plants for more than 50 years. Reliability? Trombay is one of the 100 Chemico-built plants now producing fertilizer all over the world. Their total output: more than 5 million tons a year. If you need a major fertilizer complex or a small plant, Chemico has the skill, process technology and experience to handle it for you. Trombay proves it. Call us in New York at 212 751-3900. Chemical Construction Corporation, 320 Park Avenue.