Mar 14, 2011 - The meeting's theme is “International Year of Chemistry . ” The meeting will feature leaders in the chemical sciences, ... Visit th...
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for Lithium Ion Batteries,” “Chemistry of Graphitic Materials,” and “Advances in Terahertz & IR Spectroscopy.” Afternoon symposia include “Redefining the Kilogram & Avogadro’s Number,” “Metal-Mediated Small Molecule Activation & Functionalization,” and “Chemistry & Materials Composition of Cultural Heritage Materials.” Tuesday morning symposia will include “Ambient Ionization Methods in Biological Mass Spectrometry,” “Nutraceutical & Food Chemistry: An Exciting Career for Chemists,” “Applied Methods for Separation Science,” “Cheminformatics & Bioinformatics: Working Together To Address Systems Chemical Biology,” and the “Chromatography Award Symposium.” Additional symposia will be announced on the website. ■ Contributed Papers: Abstracts for presentation should be submitted to the poster session that best matches the technology. For example, a biochemical presentation could fit in bioorganic, medicinal, or physical sessions; likewise, a theoretical topic could be best suited to inorganic, organic, or physical, depending on the application. Submitted abstracts directly related to a symposium topic will be considered for inclusion as oral presentations by the symposium organizers. Time has been allocated in each of the symposia so that contributed papers can be presented in the same sessions as invited papers.


Testudo, the University of Maryland’s terrapin mascot, welcomes visitors to the College Park campus.


ing (MARM 2011) will be hosted by the ACS Chemical Society of Washington section at the University of Maryland, in College Park, from Saturday, May 21, to Tuesday, May 24. The meeting’s theme is “International Year of Chemistry.” The meeting will feature leaders in the chemical sciences, including keynote speakers Eric E. Wachsman of the university’s Energy Research Center and Clifton E. Barry III of the Laboratory of Clinical Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Several symposia and workshops are planned, as well as events focusing on career development, funding opportunities, and education. Visit the meeting website, marmacs. org/2011, for the latest program details and information about abstract submission, registration, and hotels. The greater Washington, D.C., area— which includes College Park—is home to a large concentration of chemical scientists and a great diversity of government, industrial, and academic laboratories. MARM 2011 provides an advantageous setting for interactions between the diverse segments of the chemistry enterprise, opportunities to make connections, and occasions to explore different career opportunities. TECHNICAL PROGRAM. Emphasis is

placed on life sciences, materials sciences, and chemical education. The technical program will begin Saturday morning, May 21, with symposia on “Supramolecular Chem-

istry & Molecular Recognition,” “Advances in Organic Synthesis,” “Nucleic Acid Chemistry,” “Bioactive Small Molecule Design & Discovery,” and “Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology of Anticancer Drugs.” In the afternoon, symposia in the life sciences continue with “Synthetic Chemistry (Across the Border),” “Damage, Repair & Mutation of DNA,” “Frontiers of Structure & Dynamics Using NMR Spectroscopy,” and “Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs,” and “Nanoparticle Metrology” begins the symposium in materials science. Sunday morning is primarily devoted to career development, grant writing and grant opportunities, and education. Plenary sessions are Sunday afternoon. Monday morning sessions have a materials emphasis with symposia on “New Technologies

MARM 2011 AT A GLANCE Dates: May 21–24 Location: University of Maryland, College Park, Adele H. Stamp Student Union and Chemistry Building Information Contacts: Michael Doyle, general chair, [email protected]; Philip DeShong, program chair, [email protected]; Michelle Stevenson, ACS Department of Meetings & Expositions Services, (800) 227-5558 ext. 4608, [email protected]; general inquiries, [email protected]


MARM 2011 will include a number of symposia and workshops that will aid attendees in career development. On Sunday morning, workshops will be offered on grant writing and career development. A symposium on “Degree Opportunities at Federal Laboratories” will also be featured. Representatives of government funding agencies will be available to answer questions about opportunities and programs. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM. The “Un-

dergraduate Research Symposium” will be held Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Student poster presentations will be held in the meeting area that adjoins vendor booths. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER PROGRAM.

MARM 2011 will offer programs for high WWW.CEN-ONLINE.ORG


MARCH 14, 2011

school teachers beginning Saturday morning with a symposium on “Chemical Education” followed by “Chemistry Curriculum in the High School” in the afternoon. The Teacher Award Luncheon will also be held on Saturday. Registered high school teachers are urged to attend the MARM 2011 Awards Banquet on Monday evening. For a complete schedule, visit the website at marmacs.org/2011/precollege.html. The University of Maryland’s department of chemistry and biochemistry holds an annual workshop for Maryland high school and middle school science teachers called REACTS (Reaching Educators for the Advancement of Chemistry Teaching Statewide). This workshop, which includes a hands-on event on Sunday morning, will be held in conjunction with MARM 2011.

to poster sessions and near major symposia. Contact Dolores Jackson at dej@umd. edu or (301) 405-4530 for more details about exhibiting at the meeting. In addition to or in lieu of exhibiting, vendors have the opportunity to sponsor MARM 2011 events and provide financial sponsorship. Printed posters will identify companies that sponsor a specific activity. Contact Michael P. Doyle at mdoyle3@ umd.edu or (301) 405-1788 for details. To reserve exhibit space or for further information, visit marmacs.org/2011. LODGING. Accommodations are avail-

able at several local hotels. Please visit the meeting website at marmacs.org/2011/ housing.html for additional information and to make a reservation. REGISTRATION. Advance online regis-

ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Two symposia will

be presented on Monday. “Enabling Science at Startup Companies” will feature case histories of several of the firms. “Expiration of Patent Protection” will zero in on a major challenge for chemical and pharmaceutical industries in the 21st century. WORKSHOPS. Included in MARM 2011

will be workshops on “Laboratory Waste Management & How To Be a More Effective Chemical Hygiene Officer,” “Building the NSF Grant Proposal,” “Validation of Chromatographic Methods in Pharmaceutical Chemistry,” “Facilitating Improved Lab-Scale Purification,” “Career Development,” and “Career Opportunities at the Federal Laboratories.” SOCIAL EVENTS. Tickets may be pur-

chased during registration or on-site. ■ Saturday: A teacher award luncheon will be held at noon. A welcome reception will be held from 7:30 to 9 PM. ■ Sunday: An ice cream social following the plenary lectures will provide an opportunity to meet ACS governance. ■ Monday: The MARM 2011 Awards Banquet will be held from 7 to 9 PM in conjunction with the May dinner meeting of the Chemical Society of Washington. The banquet will be preceded by a reception from 6 to 7 PM that is open to all. EXHIBITION & SPONSORSHIPS. The

exhibition will run from Saturday morning through Monday afternoon. Exhibitor booths will be in the Grand Ballroom of the Adele H. Stamp Student Union center, next

tration is available at marmacs.org/2011/ register.html. On-site registration will take place from 8 AM to 7 PM on Saturday, May 21, and from 8 AM to 5 PM on Sunday and Monday, May 22 and 23.

ACS HOSTS PUBLIC RELATIONS WORKSHOP The second Sparkle Communications Workshop, organized by the American Chemical Society Office of Public Affairs (OPA), will take place from April 29 to May 1 in Washington, D.C. Sparkle helps local section public relations chairs become comfortable working with the media to communicate their activities. Workshop topics include how to write a press release, how to build a media list, and how to talk to reporters. By doing public relations, “you build community awareness for ACS, for your local section, and for the chemists in your section who are doing the good work,” says Nancy E. Blount, OPA’s assistant director for society communications. “With greater public awareness, you can increase attendance at your events and at your meetings.” “Besides increased attendance at events, the job they do can accomplish a moment of joy for our members at seeing ACS mentioned, which subtly leads to member involvement and retention,” says Lee Latimer, chair of the ACS Committee on Local Section Activities. The Sparkle workshops began in the early 1990s, but budget cuts led to a hiatus WWW.CEN-ONLINE.ORG


MARCH 14, 2011

of the program in the early 2000s. A greater emphasis on society communications has prompted the reintroduction of Sparkle, and the first of the new workshops was held in October 2010 in Washington. The new workshops include tips on leveraging social media tools such as the ACS Network. “Everything that people learn in Sparkle, they can use in their professional life, in their personal life, and in other volunteer work,” Blount says. At the ACS spring national meeting in Anaheim, Calif., OPA will host a Sparkle reunion workshop, called Sparkle Light. ACS Grady-Stack Award winner Ron Seely, who is a science and environment reporter for the Wisconsin State Journal, will offer advice on working with the media. The session will be held on Sunday, March 27, from 3 to 5 PM at the Hilton Anaheim Hotel. One-onone meetings with Seely will be available by appointment on Monday, March 28, from 8:30 AM to 4 PM in Mezzanine Room 13 at the Hilton Anaheim Hotel. For more information, e-mail Nancy McCormick-Pickett at [email protected] or call (202) 872-4381. ■

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