43rd Annual Summer Symposium on Analytical ... - ACS Publications

mass spectrometry and cash awards for winning oral and ... D Please reserve a room at the conference hotel from to. ($52/night; do not ... $24.50 one-...
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Annual Summer Symposium on Analytical Chemistry

"Analytical Mass Spectrometry" is the subject of the 1990 Summer Symposium of the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry. The symposium, to be held July 24-27 in Oak Ridge, TN, will be hosted by the Analytical Chemistry Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The general chairman is David Donohue of ORNL, and the program chairman is R. Graham Cooks of Purdue University. The symposium is sponsored by the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry and ANALYTICAL

and is cosponsored by the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. Unique to this year's symposium is a Graduate Student Competition featuring a special session on the future of mass spectrometry and cash awards for winning oral and poster presentations. CHEMISTRY

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Nestled in the wooded ridges of eastern Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory was built during 1942-45 as part of the Manhattan project. It quickly grew into a multidisciplinary laboratory dealing with all aspects of nuclear research, including reactor design, isotope production, actinide chemistry, and biological effects of radiation. Today ORNL is an energy research and development laboratory with a staff of more than 5000 scientists, engineers, and support personnel.

Inn (615-483-3555), and the Ridge Inn Plaza (615-482-9968). Registration and special activities

Symposium registration will begin on Tuesday, July 24, at 7:00 P.M. in the lobby of the Garden Plaza Hotel. A welcoming reception will be held from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M., during which instrument manufacturers will exhibit poster displays oftheir products. Registration will continue in the lobby of the Pollard Auditorium from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, July 25, and Thursday,

July 26, and from 8:00 A.M. to noon on Friday, July 27. A barbecue and outdoor activities are planned for Thursday beginning at 5:00 P.M. at Melton Hill Lake, a few miles outside of Oak Ridge. Transportation will be provided from the Garden Plaza and other hotels. A free period on Thursday afternoon has been designated for sightseeing, shopping, or tours of the mass spectrometry facilities at ORNL. Conferees should indicate their interest in these tours on the registration form.

ANALYTICAL Mass Spectrometry


The symposium will be held in the Pollard Auditorium of the Oak Ridge Associated Universities. The official hotel for the symposium is the Garden Plaza (615-481-2468), which is a short walk from the auditorium. A special group rate of $52 per night has been arranged. Conferees should indicate on the registration form if they would like reservations at the Garden Plaza and, if so, if they wish to share a double room with a colleague. The deadline for reservations at the group rate is May 18. Other hotels in Oak Ridge include the Diplomat (615-483-5615), the Holiday Inn (615-483-4371), the Alexander

Oak Ridge National Laboratory ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 7, APRIL 1, 1990 · 439 A

MEETINGS The $150 registration fee includes admission to all technical sessions, coffee breaks, the reception and poster session on Tuesday evening, and the Thursday barbecue. The $50 student registration fee includes all of the above except the barbecue. Students and guests may order barbecue tickets on the registration form. Travel

David Donohue General Chairman

R. Graham Cooks Program Chairman

Registration Form

43rd Annual Summer Symposium on Analytical Chemistry July 24-27,1990 Oak Ridge, TN Name (Print) Title Institution Address City Phone ( )


Family activities


Registration Fees Registration, $150 Student registration, $50 Barbecue tickets, $10 (Guests and students) TOTAL ENCLOSED

The nearest airport to Oak Ridge is Knoxville's McGhee-Tyson Airport, which is served by a number of national airlines. A 40% discount on domestic round-trip day or night coach fares is available on Delta Airlines. For information or reservations, contact Delta at 1-800-221-1212; be sure to give the meeting name, "Annual Summer Symposium," and the file number J18044. Limousine service is available to the Garden Plaza and other hotels; cost is $24.50 one-way and $39.75 round trip. Several car rental companies are also located at the Knoxville airport.

$ $

Housing D I will arrange my own housing; send hotel list. D Please reserve a room at the conference hotel from to ($52/night; do not send payment with this form) D I will share a room with D Assign me a roommate.

Laboratory Tours D Analytical Mass Spectrometry Laboratory D FT-MS Laboratory Return this form by May 18 with a check payable to "1990 Summer Symposium on Analytical Chemistry" to D. L. Donohue, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Mail Stop 6142, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6142.

Within walking distance of the conference hotel are the American Museum of Energy and the Oak Ridge Civic Center, which houses a library, swimming pool, and gymnasium. Public tennis courts are less than one mile away. Other points of interest in the Knoxville-Oak Ridge area include several TVA lakes with public picnic and swimming facilities, golf courses, shopping malls, and art galleries. Gatlinburg and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park are located 70 miles from Oak Ridge. Additional information

For further information, contact David Donohue, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Mail Stop 6142, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6142 (615-5748955). Questions concerning the technical program should be directed to R. Graham Cooks, Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (317-494-5263). Symposium format

The symposium is divided into five sessions dealing with fundamentals, lasers and Fourier transform methods, mass spectrometry in the national laboratories, and new ionization and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry methods. A special session on the future of mass spectrometry will involve the finalists in the Graduate Student Competition. Noninvited posters are welcome. Please enclose an abstract with the registration form. The complete program for the symposium follows. continued on p. 443 A



Program 1:30


Fundamentals of Analytical MS H. I. Kenttamaa, Chairperson 8:15 8:30 9:00 9:30


11:00 11:30

Welcoming Remarks. D. L. Donohue, W. D. Shults, R. G. Cooks Determination of "Structure" In GasPhase Ionic Species. D. Russell, Texas A&MU Ionization Methods Using Reaction Chemistry on Clusters. S. Olesik, Ohio State U Fundamentals of Low-Energy vs. HighEnergy Collisions for Analytical Applications. V. Wysocki, Naval Research Laboratory Chemistry and Physics In a Mass Spectrometer: What Makes a Reaction Analytically Useful? S. McLuckey, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Fundamental and Analytical Studies of Blomolecular Ions. J. Adams, Emory U Ion Chemistry In the Trap and In Quadrupoles. J. Brodbelt-Lustig, U of Texas

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON MS In the National Laboratories M. Buchanan, Chairperson 1:00

3:00 3:30

Materials by Thermal Ionization MS. L. Callis, Los Alamos National Laboratory Tlme-of-Flight MS with Various Desorptlon Probes. J. Hunt, Argonne National Laboratory Neutral-Beam SIMS—Basic Principles and Practical Applications. J. Delmore, Idaho Falls National Engineering Laboratory Ion Trap MS as Applied to In-Field Analyses. P. Hemberger, Los Alamos National Laboratory Positron Ionization of Organic Molecules: Is It Worth the Trouble? D. Donohue, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Desorptlon FT-MS. R. Hettich, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

THURSDAY MORNING Future of MS R. Freas, 8:30 12:00


Graduate Student Award Finalists—Oral and Poster Presentation of Graduate Student Competition Awards. W. D. Shults, Oak Ridge National Laboratory



Lasers and Fourier Transform Methods

New Ionization and LC/MS Methods

P. Savickas, Chairperson

R. Browner, Chairperson

7:00 7:30 8:00

9:00 9:30


High-Precision Analyses of Nuclear

Available in Poster size 25 χ 38 in. Binder size 11 χ 16 in. Wall size 67 χ 90 in. Shipping and handling VISA and Master Card accepted. Please call for more information.

Nd:YAG Laser Desorptlon FT-ICR MS. A. Marshall, Ohio State U Argon Ion, Nd:YAG, and C0 2 Laser Studies of Transftion-Metal-Containlng lone Using FT-MS. B. Freiser, Purdue U Laser-Induced Ionization Spectroscopy of Small Biological Molecules In Supersonic Jets. D. Lubman, U of Michigan IR and UV Laser Desorptlon. R. Cotter, Johns Hopkins U Laser Probes of Ion Chemistry. M. Johnston, U of Colorado and U of Delaware Structural Characterization of Modified Nucleic Acid Constituents by Laser

KLT 04 KLT 03 KLT 01

$ 9.95 $ 2.00 $140.00 $ 2.50

8:30 9:00 9:30

10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00

Electrospray Ionization MS. R. Smith, Battelle Northwest Laboratory Electrochemistry and Enzymes On Line with MS. R. Yost, U of Florida Electron Capture and Associated Secondary Processes In Trace Analysis by MS Methods. E. Grimsrud, Montana State U Solution Chemistry: A Boon or a Bane? K. Cook, U of Tennessee Operational Parameters and Their Effect on Liquid SIMS Spectra. P. Todd, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Desorptlon Ionization: Recent Trends. K. Busch, Georgia Institute of Technology Closing Remarks. R. G. Cooks


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