500 years ago, people thought there was magic in ... - ACS Publications

Nov 7, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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5 0 0 years ago, people thought there was magic in chemicals. In our vinyl monomers, there still is·



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Acrylonitrile H2C = CHCN· Acrylamide CH2=CHC0NH 2 · N-Methylolacrylamide CH2-CHCONHCH2OH - Ν (iso Butoxymelhyl) acrylamide CH2 = CH-C0NH-CH2-0-CH2-C-CH;, Η

Cyanamid's acrylonitrile and aerylonitrilc-bascd vinyl monomers can do wondrous things in the development of n e w and improved products. Π They impart properties like oil resistance, water solubility, sell cross-linking, durability. II In short, endless magic. Opening a variety oi'opportunities in polymer design. All to assist R&D, lower costs, and e n h a n c e performance. [J Why not check out our vinyl monomers? Who knows — magic may be just around the corner. I I American Cyanamid C o m p a n y Industrial Chemicals Division, Chemical Products Department, Wayne, New Jersey 07470. CYJUVAiVrtD