May 14, 2001 - NORM 2001 is cosponsored by the Washington College Chemistry Teachers Association (WCCTA). SPECIAL EVENTS. The theme for NORM 2001 is "...
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gional Meeting (NORM 2001), hosted by the Puget Sound Section, will be held at Seattle University's Pigott Hall from Thursday, June 14, through Sunday, June 17. N O R M 2001 is cosponsored by the Washington College Chemistry Teachers Association (WCCTA).


The theme for N O R M 2 0 0 1 is "The Future of Chemistry Is Here." Several plenary sessions and interdisciplinary public lectures will address this theme, including "Technology for the 21st Century," presented by Lura J. Powell, director, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; "DNA and Molecular Recognition," presented by Jacqueline Barton, California Institute of Technology; "Bioengineering Tissues," presented by Buddy Ratner, University of Washington; "History and Chemistry of Plutonium Extraction at Hanford," presented by Earl Wheelwright, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; "Life in the Universe," presented by Donald Brownlee, University ofWashington; "Climate Change: How Will It Affect the Pacific Northwest?" presented by Jae Edmonds, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; and "The Future of Science Education," presented by Glenn A. Crosby, Washington State University. The lecture series will culminate on Sunday with lectures called "The Human Genome: W h a t It Is, W h a t We Know about It, and How We Know It," presented by Alan Weiner, University ofWashington; and "Public Policy Implications of Knowing the Human Genome," presented by Paul Billings, Gene Sage & Co. Many of the 17 invited symposia will focus on the future implications of developments in chemistry Others will cover a broad range of chemistry topics, as will sessions of contributed papers. Full programs are offered for K-12 teachers, and for undergraduate students and young chemists. Scholarships are available for high school teachers, and travel funds are available for undergraduate students. 66




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Meeting and registration information are available online at http://www.acs. org/meetings/regional/calendar.html. For more detailed information about the technical program and housing, call the ACS Office of Regional Meetings at (800) 227-5558 ext. 6129.

attendance, will be held at 7:30 on Friday morning in Campion Ballroom. All registered attendees are urged to attend to hear about recent ACS Board of Directors actions and to discuss ACS membership ideas and concerns. Other meeting activities will include "Chemagination 2025," a poster and essay competition for local high school students; a "Careers in Biological Chemistry" panel; a dramatic presentation on the life of Marie Curie; and a demonstration show called 'An Incredible Evening of Chemistry" WORKSHOPS

The N O R M 2001 meeting event will be a boat excursion to Blake Island for a banquet at Tillicum Village and the Northwest Native American Cultural Show. Buses to the boat leave at 5:45 PM from Campion Dormitory and will return at approximately 11 PM. The boat leaves from Pier 66 in downtown Seattle. A Women Chemists and Teacher Award luncheon will be held on Saturday, June 16, from noon to 1:30 PM, in Campion Ballroom. The ACS Northwest Regional Award in High School Chemistry Teaching will be presented by ACS President Attila E. Pavlath and will be followed by presentations and a panel discussion featuring women from chemistry-related careers. A complimentary District Directors' Breakfast, hosted by District VI Director Crosby and other ACS board members in

Workshops will include "Teaching Chemical Information: Tips & Tricks," coordinated by Patricia O'Neill, Pacific Lutheran University; "Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Curriculum," presented by Alan Shusterman, Reed College; "Prediction of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties with Computer-Aided Chemistry," presented by David A. Gallagher, Fujitsu; "Enrich Your Students with Indigenous/Cross-Cultural Examples in Chemistry: A Project Inclusion Workshop," presented by Janan M. Hayes, Merced College, and Patricia L. Perez, Mount San Antonio College; "Tie Up Your Curriculum with Tie Dye," presented by emerita high school teacher Elnore Grow; and "Lab Safety Institute One-Day Workshop for Teachers," presented by Jack Breazeale, Laboratory Safety Institute. CAREER SERVICES

The ACS Career Resource Center (Pigott 106-108) will feature the Regional Employment Clearing House (RECH) Thursday, from 1 to 5 PM, and Friday and Saturday, from 8:30 AM to5PM.ACS members and national and student affiliates interested in signing up as job candidates and employers interested in recruiting on-site or posting positions in absentia may obtain information from the ACS fax-on-demand service, (877) 2270505; the Career Services home page, http://www.acs.org/careers; or Career Services, phone (800) 227-5558. Résumés will be accepted from candidates who are unable to attend the meeting. The deadline for returning all sign-up forms to the Career Services Department is May 31. Résumé reviews will be offered from 8:30 AM to 5 PM on Friday and from 8:30 AM to noon on Saturday Bring a copy ofyour résumé. HTTP://PUBS.AC5.ORG/CEN

Advance Registration Form

56th ACS Northwest Regional Meeting JUNE U-17, PIGOTT HALL, SEATTLE UNIVERSITY Please print or type.

• Dr. QMr. QMs. • Mrs. Name for badge (Last)


Affiliation. (MI)

Local section E-mail address _ Address City ZIP .State Fax_ Phone (w). (h). • Check here if you require special accommodations to fully participate. Attach a description. Wé will contact you prior to the meeting. • Check here if you do not wish to have your name and address included on a list provided to exhibitors.


• Industry

• Government

REGISTRATION FEES Advance • ACS or WCCTA member $75 • Nonmember 95 • K-12 teacher 25 • Undergraduate student 25 • Graduate student 25 • Retired/emeritus/unemployed ACS member (no charge) • Guest of registrant 10 • 50-year ACS member (no charge)

• Student

• Other

On-site $90 • ACS or WCCTA member • Nonmember 110 • K-12 teacher 35 • Undergraduate student 35 • Graduate student 35 • Retired/emeritus/unemployed ACS member (no charge) • Guest of registrant 15 (no charge) • 50-year ACS member



Please specify number of participants/tickets.

• • • • • • • • •

(no charge) Dinner and Buffet Reception* Thurs., 5:00 P.M. District Directors' Breakfast* Fri., 7:30 P.M. (no charge) Exhibitor Sponsored Box Lunch* Fri., 12:30 P.M. (no charge) Tillicum Village Boat Trip, Show and Banquet* Fri., 5:45 P.M. $55 Women Chemists and Teacher Award Luncheon* Sat., noon $15 Hors d'Oeuvres and Wine Tasting* Sat., 7:00 P.M. (no charge) Experience Music Project Thurs., after 5:00 RM. (ticket and transportatioi\) $25 Immunex and Brewery Tour Fri., 2:00 P.M. (transportation) $10 King County Environmental Laboratory Tour $ÎÔ Thurs., 1:00 P.M. (transportation)

WORKSHOPS AND EVENTS • Teaching Chemical Information: Tips & Techniques* Thurs. $25 • Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Curriculum Thurs. (no charge) • Prediction of Properties with Computer-Aided Chemistry Thurs. (no charge) • Marie Curie Dramatic Presentation Thurs. (no charge) • Indigenous/Cross-Cultural Examples in Chemistry* Fri. $10 • Project SEED Workshop Sat. (no charge) • Targeting the Job Market Fri. (no charge) • Interviewing Techniques Fri. (no charge) • Resume Preparation Fri. (no charge) • Strategies for Career Transitioning Sat. (no charge) • Safety in the Science Classroom Sat. (no charge) • Careers in Biological Chemistry Sat. (no charge) • An Incredible Evening of Chemistry (demo show) Sat. (no charge) • Tie-Dye Workshop for Teachers Sun. (no charge) • Lab Safety Institute One-Day Workshop Sun. $199 * ticket required even if no charge for a l l registered attendees

Campion Dormitory on the Seattle University campus: $36.50forsingle occupancy, $24 per personfordouble occupancy • Single room

• Double room

Room Nights Requested: • Wed. • Thurs. aFri. QSat. QSun. Roommate (if any) IF REQUESTING A DOUBLE ROOM, YOU MUST INDICATE A ROOMMATE. WE DO NOT ASSIGN ROOMMATES.


Registration _ Special Events. Housing _ Total Enclosed $_ Form of payment: • Check payable to ACS • VISA • MasterCard • American Express Credit Card No. Expiration date_ Cardholder Signature

Mail or fax completed form to Evangelos Koutalas, American Chemical Society, Office of Regional Meetings, 1155 — 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036; fax (202) 776-8299. Please submit a separate form for each registrant. Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to Evangelos Koutalas. Full refund until May 25. From May 26 to June 14, a S20 processing fee will be charged. No refunds after June 14.


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MEETINGS Appointments will be made at the RECH registration desk. ACS Career Services will offer minisessions covering the components of managing an effective job search on Friday and Saturday There is no cost and no preregistration is required. The minisessions include "Targeting the Job Market," "Résumé Preparation," "Interviewing Skills," and "Strategies for Career Transitioning." LODGING A block of 350 rooms has been reserved in Campion Dormitory on the Seattle University Campus. The rate is $36.50 per night for single occupancy and $24 per person for double occupancy. Make reserva-


tions and payment through the N O R M 2001 registration form. In addition, a block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Renaissance Madison Hotel, which is located at 515 Madison St., a short drive or bus ride from the campus. The rate is $169 plus tax per night for a double room. To make reservations, attendees should call (206) 583-0300 and request the N O R M 2001 meeting rate by Friday, May 25. TRAVEL Centrally located in the heart of the city, Seattle University is only minutes away from Interstate 5 and is easily accessible by air, train, and bus. Seattle-Tacoma

2:00-4:00 PM—Immunex Corp. and Brewery Tour (ticket required) 2:00-5:00 P M - W o r k s h o p : Enrich Your


Students with Indigenous Cross-Cultural

4:30-8:30 P M - H o u s i n g Check-In. Campion Lobby

2:00-5:00 P M - W o r k s h o p : Project SEED.

Examples in Chemistry. Pigott 305 Pigott 306 3:40-5:00 P M - U n d e r g r a d and YCC Event:


Community Outreach Fair. Bannan Atrium

8:00 A M - 5 : 0 0 P M - H o u s i n g Check-In.

5:00-5:30 PM—Drawing for Prizes at the

Campion Lobby

Vendor Exposition. Paccar Atrium

8:00 A M - 5 : 0 0 P M - R e g i s t r a t i o n . Pigott 205

5:45-11:00 P M - B o a t Excursion to Blake

9:00 AM-noon—Workshop: Teaching

Island, Tillicum Village, for the Banquet and

Chemical Information: Tips and Tricks (tick-

Northwest Native American Cultural Show

eted event). Pigott 101

(ticket required)

International Airport is approximately 15 miles from campus; both taxi and shuttle service to campus are available. Detailed driving directions are posted on the meeting website. The ACS Meetings Department has an agreement with Association Travel Concepts (ATC) to help facilitate travel arrangements for attendees to ACS meetings. In addition to providing reservation assistance on ACS's official air carriers, ATC will fare shop all airlines to find the lowest fare. To book reservations through ATC, call (800) 458-9383. American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, and US Airways are the official airlines for the ACS 2001 meeting travel pro-

Sunday 7:30-8:30 A M - N O R M Board Breakfast Meeting. Casey Atrium 8:00-10:00 A M - R e g i s t r a t i o n . Pigott 205 9:40 A M - 5 : 0 0 P M - W o r k s h o p : Lab Safety Institute One-Day Workshop (ticket required). Pigott 304 9:40 A M - 1 2 : 4 0 P M - K - 1 2 Teacher Program Events: • ACS Resources for Elementary School Science. Pigott 306 • Workshop: Tie Up your Curriculum

Pigott 208

Saturday 7:30 A M - 3 : 0 0 P M - R e g i s t r a t i o n . Pigott 205

1:00-2:30 P M - K i n g County Environmental

8:00 A M - 5 : 0 0 P M - R E C H . Pigott 106. 107.

Laboratory tour (ticketed event)


2 : 0 0 - 4 : 0 0 P M - W o r k s h o p : Prediction of

8:00-9:00 A M - U n d e r g r a d u a t e and YCC

Chemical. Physical, and Biological

Event: 5AAC5 Group Chapter Meeting.

Properties with Computer-Aided Chemistry.

Pigott 304

Pigott 100


the Life of Marie Curie. Shafer Auditorium 5:00-7:00 P M - S o c i a l and Buffet

• ACS Resources for High School Science. Pigott 306

Reception. Campion Ballroom

• Assessment in Science Education.

5:00-7:00 P M - U n d e r g r a d u a t e and YCC

Pigott 305

reception. Campion Ballroom

• ACS Resources for Middle School

5:00-9:00 P M - E x p e r i e n c e Music Project

Science. Pigott 306

(ticketed event). Seattle Center

• Safety in Science Classrooms. Pigott 304


Policy Implications of Knowing the Human Genome," Paul Billings, Gene Sage & Co. Pigott Auditorium


• Local Resources for Middle School Science. Pigott 305

Thursday Morning


Materials I: Conducting Materials and

Thursday 1:00-1:50 PM—Opening Plenary Session: "Technology for the 21st Century." Lura J. Powell. Pacific Northwest National

Conjugated Pi Systems Natia Frank and Robin Hicks,


Laboratory. Pigott Auditorium Molecular Recognition," Jacqueline Barton. California Institute of Technology. Pigott Auditorium "Bioengineering Tissues." Buddy Ratner, University of Washington. Pigott Auditorium

Breakfast. Campion Ballroom

Job Market. Pigott 108

8:00 A M - 5 : 0 0 P M - R E C H . Pigott 106. 107. 108

9:00 A M - 3 : 0 0 PM—Vendor Exposition.

9:00-10:00 A M - W o r k s h o p : Strategies for

9:40-10:00 AM—Vendor-Sponsored Coffee

Northwest National Laboratory. Pigott

Career Transitioning. Pigott 108

Break. Paccar Atrium and Balconies


9:20-10:40 A M - U n d e r g r a d u a t e and YCC

Noon-1:45 PM—Women Chemists and

Event: Project Focus 2001-lt's Graduation

High School Teacher Award Luncheon (tick-

Time. What's Your Next Step? Pigott 304

et required). Campion Ballroom

Molecule Spectroscopy Andrew Marcus, Organizer. Pigott 103

Thursday Afternoon Affordable Chemical Information Resources Patricia O'Neill, Organizer. Pigott 201

8:00-9:00 P M - P u b l i c Lecture:

7:30-8:30 A M - D i s t r i c t Directors'

Paccar Atrium and Balconies

Spectroscopy I: Biological and Single-

7:00-8:00 P M - P u b l i c Lecture: " D N A a n d

• Local Resources for High School Science. Pigott 305 9:00-10:00 AM—Workshop: Targeting the

7:30-AM 5:30 P M - R e g i s t r a t i o n . Pigott 205

University of Washington. Pigott Auditorium 3:00-4:00 P M - P u b l i c Lecture: "Public

Pigott 102

8:00 A M - n o o n - K - 1 2 Teacher Program

3:40-5:00 P M - D r a m a t i c Presentation on

Genome: What It Is. What We Know about It. and How We Know It," Alan Weiner,

with Tie-Dye. Bannan 605

9:00 AM-noon—Workshop: Molecular Modeling in the Undergraduate Curriculum.

2:00-3:00 P M - P u b l i c Lecture: "The Human

Analytical Instrumentation for the New Millennium Jean Futrell, Organizer. Pigott 101

Friday 8:40-9:20 AM—Plenary Session: "History and Chemistry of Plutonium Extraction at Hanford," Earl Wheelwright. Pacific

Saturday 3:00-4:00 P M - P u b l i c Lecture: "Life in the

Chemistry and Physics of Biological Membranes Sarah Keller, Organizer. Pigott 103 Materials II: Nanotechnology Natia Frank and Robin Hicks,


Pigott 102 Organometallic Chemistry I: Invited and

9:30 A M - 5 : 3 0 P M - V e n d o r Exposition.

1:00-2:00 PM—Workshop: Interviewing

Universe." Donald Brownlee. University of

Paccar Atrium and Balconies

Techniques. Pigott 108

Washington. Pigott Auditorium

Pamela Shapiro and Karen Goldberg,

11:00 AM-noon—Workshop: Résumé Preparation. Pigott 108

1:45-2:30 PM—Second Drawing for Prizes

4:00-5:00 P M - P u b l i c Lecture: "Climate


at the Vendor Exposition. Paccar Atrium

Change: How Will It Affect the Pacific

11:00 A M - 1 2 : 2 0 P M - U n d e r g r a d u a t e and

5:30-7:00 P M - U n d e r g r a d u a t e and YCC

Northwest?" Jae Edmonds. Pacific

YCC Event: Views from the Front Line:

Event: Careers in Biological Chemistry

Northwest National Laboratory. Pigott

Celebrity Chemist Career Discussions.

Panel. Shafer Auditorium


Pigott 203

Pigott 304

7:00-8:30 P M - M e e t i n g Social: Hors

Noon-1:30 PM—Vendor-Sponsored Box Lunch. Pigott Atrium

d'Oeuvres and Wine Tasting. Campion


Friday Morning

Noon-1:50 P M - W C C T A Luncheon and Business Meeting. Casey Commons 1:30-4:30 P M - " C h e m a g i n a t i o n 2025" Competition. Casey Atrium 2:00-3:20 P M - U n d e r g r a d u a t e and YCC Event: Working at the Chemistry Interface. Pigott 304

8:30-10:00 PM—An Incredible Evening of

Ballroom Chemistry: Herb Bryce and the Wizard. Pigott Auditorium

Contributed Papers Pigott 202

Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Contributed Papers

8:30-9:20 A M - P l e n a r y Session: "The Future of Science Education." Glenn A. Crosby, Washington State University. Pigott Auditorium

Bioanalytical Chemistry I: Proteomics and Genomics Norman Dovichi, Organizer. Pigott 100 Biological Chemistry I: Nucleic Acids and Biochemistry Craig Beeson, Organizer. Pigott 101





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gram. All offer 5% off any applicable pub­ lished excursion domestic fares, 10% off unrestricted coach fares, and special domestic fares that are less than the unre­ stricted fares and do not require a Sat­ urday night stay. To make reservations or for more information, call American, phone (800) 433-1790 (refer to Star File No. 10079); Delta, phone (800) 2416760 (refer to File No. 157113A); or US Airways, phone (877) 874-7687 (refer to Gold File No. 80191706). Avis and H e r t z are offering dis­ counted rates on car rentals. To make a reservation or for more information, call Avis at (800) 331-1600 (refer to ID C o d e B 9 2 3 0 9 9 ) or H e r t z at ( 8 0 0 )

6 5 4 - 2 2 4 0 (refer to I D C o d e C V 022M0293). REGISTRATION

The ACS Office of Regional Meetings must receive the advance registration form with payment by mail or fax byJune 1. Use the registration form found on page 67 or register online at https://www.acs.org/ cgi-bin/regional_meeting_registration2. pi. On-site registration and distribution of program books and badges will take place in Pigott Hall, Room 205, on Thurs­ day, from 8 AM to 5 PM; on Friday, from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM; on Saturday, from 7:30 AM until 3:00 PM; and on Sunday, from 8 to 10 AM.

Climate Change and the Pacific Northwest Richard Gammon, Organizer. Pigott 201

Organometallic Chemistry III: Invited and Contributed Papers Karen Goldberg and Pamela Shapiro, Organizers. Pigott 202

Wine Symposium: The Wine Industry in the Pacific Northwest. Sara Spayd, Organizer. Pigott 204

Hanford Symposium: Chemical, Health, and Environmental Issues Roy Gephart. Organizer. Pigott 200

Spectroscopy III Phillip Reid, Jeanne McHale, and Steven Colson, Organizers. Pigott 103

Chemical Education and WCCTA Contributed Papers. Pigott 307

Materials III: Optical Materials Natia Frank and Robin Hicks, Organizers. Pigott 102 Organometallic Chemistry II: Invited and Contributed Papers Pamela Shapiro and Karen Goldberg, Organizers. Pigott 202 Spectroscopy II Phillip Reid, Jeanne McHale, and Steven Colson, Organizers. Pigott 103 Industrial Chemistry Contributed Papers Pigott 203 Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Contributed Papers

Theoretical and Simulational Chemistry I: Statistical Mechanics and Biological Systems David Dixon and Oleg Prezhdo, Organizers. Pigott 203 Chemical Education and WCCTA Contributed Papers Pigott 307

Saturday Morning Astrobiology II Donald Brownlee and Arden Forrey, Organizers. Pigott 200 Atmospheric Chemistry in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska II Daniel Jaffe, Organizer. Pigott 201

Pigott 20Λ

Friday Afternoon Atmospheric Chemistry in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Daniel Jaffe, Organizer. Pigott 201 Astrobiology I Donald Brownlee and Arden Forrey, Organizers. Pigott 200 Bioanalytical Chemistry II: New Techniques Norman Dovichi, Organizer. Pigott 100 Biological Chemistry II: Bioactivation and Toxicology Craig Beeson and Jonathan Neidigh, Organizers. Pigott 101 ACS Industrial Innovation Award Symposium Charles Cornman, Organizer. Pigott 20Λ Materials IV: Invited and Submitted Papers Natia Frank and Robin Hicks, Organizers. Pigott 102


Biological Chemistry III: Medicinal Chemistry and Enzymology Craig Beeson and Jonathan Neidigh, Organizers. Pigott 101 Materials V: Molecular Magnets Natia Frank and Robin Hicks, Organizers. Pigott 102 Organometallic Chemistry IV: Invited and Contributed Papers Karen Goldberg and Pamela Shapiro, Organizers. Pigott 202 Spectroscopy IV: Invited and Contributed Papers Phillip Reid, Jeanne McHale, and Steven Colson, Organizers. Pigott 103 Symposium in Honor of Yeshayau PockerI Greg Spyridis, Organizer. Pigott 100 Theoretical and Simulational Chemistry II: Electronic Structure, Excited States David Dixon and Oleg Prezhdo, Organizers. Pigott 203

Sunday Morning Symposium in Honor of Yeshayau Pocker II Greg Spyridis, Organizer. Pigott 100 Theoretical and Simulational Chemistry III: Modeling of Complex Systems David Dixon and Oleg Prezhdo, Organizers. Pigott 101 Analytical Chemistry Contributed Papers Pigott 201 Biological/Biophysical Chemistry Contributed Papers Pigott 102 General Contributed Papers Pigott 203 Organic Chemistry Contributed Papers Pigott 200 Organometallic Chemistry Contributed Papers Pigott 202 Physical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Contributed Papers Pigott 103

Posters Poster Session I. Campion Ballroom. Thursday 5:007:00 PM Chemagination 2025. Casey Atrium. Friday 1:30-4:30 PM Poster Session II. Campion Ballroom. Saturday 7:008:30 PM

Image & Meaning Conference



& Meaning Conference to be held on June 13-16 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology The conference will involve participants from science and engineering, imaging, information architecture, science writing, and pub­ lishing. Participants will discuss and demonstrate the most advanced forms of visual expression from scientific, tech­ nical, and nonscientific visual fields. In addition to lectures, workshops, and panel discussions, the Image & Meaning Conference will showcase out­ standing examples of science communi­ cation through exhibits ranging from straightforward displays of printed materials to computer-based interactive displays. Topics will include ways in which techniques developed for one discipline can be used in another; the role of sci­ ence writers in adding information and meaning to the image; the psychology of perception; the border between image enhancement and falsification; graphical representation of numerical data; and tailoring of various kinds of imagery to suit specific media, from academic jour­ nals and textbooks to newspapers, televi­ sion, and the Internet. Speakers and participants are listed in the conference program, which is on the Web at http://web.mit.edu/i-m. A special evening event will feature presentations by Alan Lightman, Roger Penrose, Susan Sontag, and E. O. Wilson. One session will feature presentations by Hollywood special effects studios Digital Domain, Industrial Light & Magic, and Sony Imageworks. A preconference website, where par­ ticipants will collaborate before, during, and after the conference to create an online community of working groups, has been established. Standard registration fees are $325 by June 1; $395 after June 1. The fee for stu­ dents is $150 by June 1; $175 after June 1. M I T will offer a limited number of stu­ dent scholarships. No application is nec­ essary; the reduced rate of $50 will be reflected on the registration form. The conference is sponsored in part by Eastman Kodak, the National Science Foundation, and the American Chemical Society.

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