"57,000 Investors in Democracy" - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - "57,000 Investors in Democracy". Chem. Eng. News , 1954, 32 (14), p 1369. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v032n014.p1369. Publication Date: April 05, 1...
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Investors in Democracy

HENRY FORD II President,

Ford Motor


*'ln the most practical way possible —the regular purchase of U.S. Savings Bonds—millions of Americans are demonstrating cotnplete confidence in our form of government. Investors in democracy, they are freely staking their personal security on a fundamental faith in the future of our nation. I am proud that today more than 57,000 Ford Motor Company employees are participating in the Payroll Savings Plan. Last year they bought bowls worth $25,000,000 at face value, and this year the total of their purchases will be even greater. Through their thrift they are helping to keep America strong." he will show the same degree of personal interest that Mr. Ford takes in the Ford Payroll Savings Plan.

F e w investment groups are as important to America as t h e members of the Ford Payroll Savings Plan. T h e y a r e important i n s i z e —57,000 m e n a n d w o m e n . . . important in buying power —they actually purchase $25,000,000 in Savings Bonds every year . . . and very important to our economic stability—"through their thrift they are helping to k e e p America strong." "Oh," s o m e o n e may say, "Ford is a big company and t h e y do things in a big way. It's easy for Ford to get thousands of p e o p l e to sign u p for the Payroll Savings Plan."

If you w o u l d like to match Mr. Ford's Payroll Savings record —percentage-wise, of course —all you have to do is to see to it that a Payroll Savings Application. Blank is placed in the hands of every man and woman in your company. It will help, of course, if you remind them, over your signature, that the Payroll Savings Plan is a safe and sure road to personal security. T h e Savings B o n d Division, U.S. Treasury Department, Washington* D. C , is ready to provide all the h e l p you need in the way of Application Blanks, literature, and a complete outline of a simple, person-toperson canvass that will put an application blank in the hands of every one of your employees. Your employees will do the rest.

It was relatively easy for Ford, and it is easy for any company, large or small, to b u i l d a good Payroll Savings Plan if—(I) T h e head of the company recognizes the importance of the Payroll Savings Plan to t h e e m p l o y e e s , t h e company, and the country; (2) If

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