624 The result was rather disappointing. The alcoholic solutiolis

such small size that it was difficult to make out their forms. Those of thc iodide were sliglitl!. larger :tiid less deliquescelit and under the niicr...
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A s’rI-Iis 01:

T h e result was rather disappointing. T h e alcoholic solutiolis remained clear for many hours. From the aqueous solutions crystals of both bromide and iodide were obtained. hut oi such small size that it was difficult to make out their forms. Those of t h c iodide were sliglitl!. larger :tiid less deliquescelit and under the niicroscope showed rhombic needles aiiti prisiii9, somewhat rounded. so as to rekeiiible soim forms o! uric acid. But the!. \\.ere so difficult to separate from the solutioii without adhering liquid. that lveighiiig coulcl only 1)e approximate. and most likely would include some liquid as well as the tlrj’ substance. T h e broiiiitle. 011 titration, yielded 62.3 per cent. uf calciuiii bromide, which n.ould approximate tlie forniula CaBr: f 6H,O. whicli requires 64.92 per ceiit. of calcium bromide, aiitl 35 .OS per cent. of water. ?*lie iodide yielded 69.9 per cent. of calcium iodide ; the forniula CaI, 6H,O u-ould tieinand 7IOST