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70% of the world's largest bromine plant will never be seen. You can't appreciate how big our new Magnolia, Ark. bromine plant is—until you know the visible p a r t is only 30% of the total! T h e rest we p u t beneath the Arkansas countryside, in brine wells down to 8,000 feet below the ground. It's the largest such facility in the world. Add it to our other bromine chemical facilities, and you can see why we can handle big orders reliably for " E t h y l " bromine, ethylene dibromide and vinyl bromide. Or, if you wish, small quantities of sophisticated specialty bromine chemicals a t our Orangeburg plant. Our new plant is the culmination of over four decades of experience with bromine chemicals. So next time, call us in to see what we can offer in the way of availability, delivery and technical service. >
Ethyl Corporation w m / j Industrial Chemicals Division ETHYL TOWER. 451 FLORIDA. BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA 70801