70% of the world's largest bromine plant will never be seen

Nov 7, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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70% of the world's largest bromine plant will never be seen. You can't appreciate how big our new Magnolia, Ark. bromine plant is—until you know t h e visible p a r t is only 30% of t h e total! T h e rest we p u t beneath t h e Arkansas countryside, in brine wells down to 8,000 feet below t h e ground. It's t h e largest such facility in t h e world. Add it to our other bromine chemical facilities, and you can see why we can handle big orders reliably for " E t h y l " bromine, ethylene dibromide a n d vinyl bromide. Or, if you wish, small quantities of sophisticated specialty bromine chemicals a t our Orangeburg plant. Our new p l a n t is t h e culmination of over four decades of experience with bromine chemicals. So next time, call us in to see w h a t we can offer in t h e way of availability, — delivery and technical service.

Ethyl Corporation(\ETjm/j I n d u s t r i a l Chemicals Division THYL TOWER. 451 FLORIDA. BATON ROUGE. LOUISIANA 70801

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