72nd ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium - C&EN Global

Surface Science Symposium from Sunday, June 21, to Wednesday, June 24. ... The first, "Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Organic and Metal Oxide Molecule...
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72nd ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium


ennsylvania State University, State Col­ lege, will host the 72nd American Chemical Society Colloid & Surface Sci­ ence Symposium from Sunday, June 21, to Wednesday, June 24. The technical program in­ cludes 540 papers. The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel will be the venue for all events.

Plenary Lectures Two plenary lecaires will be presented during the symposium. The first, "Layer-by-Layer As­ sembly of Organic and Metal Oxide Molecules by Alternate Adsorption and Surface Sol-Gel Process," will be presented by Toyoki Kunitake, Kyushu University, Japan. The second, "From Perforated Vesicles to Dispersed Reverse Phases—A Random Walk among Self-Assem­ bled Lipid Structures," will be presented by Mats Almgren, University of Uppsala, Sweden. The 1998 recipient of the ACS Division of Col­ loid & Surface Chemistry's Victor K. LaMer Award will also present a plenary lecture.

Technical Sessions Twelve symposia have been organized for the conference: "Self-Assembled Monolayers and Multilayers," "Surfactant Self-Assembly and Applications," "Adsorption at Solid Surfaces," "Solutions of Bile Salts and Biliary Colloids," "Production and Application of Metal Nanoparticle Arrays," "Surface Chemistry and Tribology," "Colloids in Separations and Environ­ mental Technologies," "Colloids in Materials Processing," "Nucleation," "Fundamental Re­ search in Surface Science," and "Colloids in Food Technology, Pharmaceutical Technolo­ gy, and Biotechnology." A special symposium, "Emulsions, Foams, and Thin Films: Honoring Darsh T. Wasan" will also be held.

Poster Session and Exhibition There will be a poster session on Monday evening relating to all the symposia themes as well as general topics in colloid and surface science. Also on Monday evening, an exhibi­ tion of colloid and surface science instrumen­ tation and books will be presented by compa­ nies serving the colloid and surface science community.

Special Events There will be a welcoming reception on Sun­ day evening, a Monday evening reception dur­ ing the poster session and exhibition, and a symposium banquet on Tuesday evening.

Registration The registration fee includes session atten­ dance, conference materials, a book of ab­ stracts, all special events, lunches, and morning and afternoon refreshments. The registration fee is $350 for ACS members, $400 for nonmembers, and $200 for students. There is no reg­ istration fee for guests, but guest tickets for the banquet are $40, and a three-day guest lunch package is also $40. Refunds will be made for written cancellations received by June 1.

Housing Housing for conference participants will be available in the university residence halls, two on-campus hotels, and three off-campus hotels in the State College area. To make reservations for housing, contact the housing offices or ho­ tels directly. When making reservations, indi­ cate that you will be attending the ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium. On-campus residence halls: Accommoda­ tions must be reserved by 4 PM EST on June 6. A

nonrefundable deposit equivalent to one night's lodging is required. Room rates are per night/per person and include a continental breakfast each day of residence. Regular residence halls are the only accommodations that do not have air-condi­ tioning. Regular residence halls are $32.75, sin­ gle; $23.50, double. Nittany Apartments are $49.50, single; $31.00, double; $25.00, triple; $21.75, quad. Nittany Suites are $37.75, single; $28.50, double. Reservation requests should be sent to Conference Services, Housing & Food Ser­ vices, Penn State University, 125 Johnston Com­ mons, University Park, Pa. 16802-2006; phone (800) 7783006, fax (814) 865-0081. On-campus hotels: Rates do not include a 6% occupancy tax. Reservations must be made by May 20. The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel, 215 Innovation Blvd., State College, Pa. 16803-6603; phone (814) 863-5050, or (800) 893-4602, fax (814) 863-5002. Room rates are $85 single, $95 double, $105 triple, $115 quad. The Nittany Lion Inn, 200 West Park Ave., State College, Pa. 16803; phone (814) 8653550 or (800) 233-7505, fax (814) 865-8501. Room rates are $88 single, $98 double, $108 triple, $118 quad. Other hotels: Reservations must be made by May 20. Rooms are $90 single or double at the Courtyard Marriott, 1730 University Dr., State College, Pa. 16801; phone (814) 2381881, fax (814) 238-3108. Rooms are $69 single or double at the Hampton Inn, 1101 East Col­ lege Ave., State College, Pa. 16801; phone (814) 231-1590 or (800) 426-7866, fax (814) 238-7320. Room rates are $68, single; $78, dou­ ble at Days Inn Penn State, 240 South Pugh St., State College, Pa. 16801; phone (814) 23&S454 or (800) 258-3297, fax (814) 237-1607.

Information For more information, contact R. Nagarajan, Department of Chemical Engineering, Penn­ sylvania State University, University Park, Pa. 16802; phone (814) 863-1973, fax (814) 8657846, e-mail: [email protected]. Information about the meeting is also on the Internet at http://gibbs.che.psu.edu/acs.


SPECIAL EVENTS SUNDAY 3:00-10:00 PM—Symposium Registration. Registration Desk 3:00-10:00 PM—Posters and Exhibits Set Up. Dean's Hall 1-2 7:00-10:00 PM—Welcoming Reception. President's Hall 1-2

MONDAY 8:30-9:30 AM—Plenary Lecture I: Layer-byLayer Assembly of Organic and Metal Ox­ ide Molecules by Alternate Adsorption and Surface Sol-Gel Process. T. Kunitake. President's Hall 3-4 Noon-2:00 PM—Buffet Lunch. Conference Center 5:00-7:00 PM—Poster Session, Exhibition, and Reception. Dean's Hall 1-2

8:30-9:30 AM—Plenary Lecture II: From Perforated Vesicles to Dispersed Reverse Phases—A Random Walk among Self-As­ sembled Lipid Structures. M. Almgren. President's Hall 3-4 Noon-2:00 PM—Buffet Lunch. Conference Center 7:00 PM—Symposium Banquet. President's Hall



9:40—1. Interaction of Water with Oligo(ethylene glycol)-Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayers. M. Grunze, P. Harder, M. Zolk, M. Buck, A. Pertsin, H. J. Kreuzer. 10:20—2. Equilibrium Structures of Water near Model Organic Surfaces. T. Boland, G. R. Deardorff, R. J. Halter, D. L. Allara. 10:40—3. Mechanism of Self-Assembly of Hybrid Bilayer Membranes. A. L Plant, J. B. Hubbard, V. Silin 11:20—4. Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for the Characterization of Phospholipid-Alkanethiol Hybrid Bilayer Membranes. C. W. Meuse 11:40—5. Imaging Hydration Forces of Liq­ uid and Solid Phases of Hydroxyl-Terminated SAMs. T. Boland, D. L. Allara, G. U. Lee

8:30-9:30 AM—Plenary Lecture III. Victor K. LaMer Award Winner. President's Hall 3-4 Noon-2:00 PM—Buffet Lunch. Conference Center

Surfactant Self-Assembly and Applications I: Novel Surfactants

Room Ε R. Nagarajan, Presiding

Self-Assembled Monolayers and Multilayers I: Structure and Recognition Properties I Room D P. Laibinis,


9:40—6. New Synthetic Glycolipids Having Biological Applications: Correlation be­ tween Their Structures and Their Proper­ ties. A. Lattes 10:00—7. Active Control of the Amphiphilicity of Surfactants: Dynamic Interfacial Properties of Aqueous Solutions. N. L. Abbott, L. I. Jong, N. Aydogan, J. Shin 10:20—8. Temperature-Induced Critical Phe­ nomenon of Hybrid Surfactant as Re­ vealed by Viscosity Measurements. M. Abe, K. Tobita, H. Sakai, K. Kamogawa, N. Momozawa 10:40—9. Molecular Recognition in Supramolecular Structures Formed by Phosphatidylnucleoside-Based Amphiphiles. P. Baglioni, D. Berti, P. L. Luisi 11:00—10. Structural Effects on Micelle For­ mation in Gemini Surfactants Having Two A/,A/-Dialkylamide Groups Connected by a Hydrophobic Spacer. K. Tsubone, M. J. Rosen

MAY 11, 1998 C&EN 3 7

meetings 11:20—11. Properties and Fusion of Vesi­ cles with Partially Oligomerized Bilayers. J. B. F. N. Engberts 11:40—12. Micelle Properties in Hydrogels. S. Nolan, S. R. Dungan

Surface Chemistry and Tribology I: Materials and Coatings

Adsorption at Solid Surfaces I

9:40—31. New Materials and Processes for Wear-Resistant Surfaces. M. F. Amateau 10:20—32. Development of Fatigue-Resistant Thermal-Barrier Coatings. M. B. Beardsley, P. G. Happoldt, L Wheat 11:00—33. Tribological Properties of Ad­ vanced Materials for Application in Diesel Engine Fuel Systems. M. G. S. Naylor 11:20—34. Tribology and Dynamics of Ce­ ramic Valves for Heavy-Duty Engines. Y. Kalish, N. S. Hakim, D. A. Dobson 11:40—Discussion.

Room F M. Jaroniec, Presiding 9:40—13. Comparison of the Experimental Isosteric Heat of Adsorption of Oxygen on Nonporous Carbon with Density-Function­ al Theory Calculations. J. P. Olivier 10:00—14. Effect of Surface Chemistry on Sorption of Water on Activated Carbons at Low Relative Pressure. I. Salame, T. J. Bandosz 10:20—15. On the Modeling of ActivatedCarbon Adsorption of Aromatics from Aqueous Solutions. L. R. Radovic 10:40—16. Predictive Theory for Adsorption Equilibria of Nonpolar Hydrocarbons on Activated Carbon. D. D. Do 11:00—17. Thermodesorption Studies of Sur­ face Energetic Heterogeneity of Adsorbents and Catalysts Surfaces: A New Analysis of TPD Spectra Based on Applying the Statis­ tical Rate Theory of Interfacial Transport. W. Rudzinski, T. Borowiecki, A. Dominko, T. Panczyk 11:20—18. Comparison of the Surface Ener­ getics of Inorganic Paper Fillers by Se­ quential Isothermal Inverse Gas Chroma­ tography. W. M. Burry, D. S. Keller 11:40—19. New Insight into Gas-Solid Ad­ sorption Isotherms. F. Ehrburger-Dolle Solutions of Bile Salts and Biliary Colloids I

Room H J. P. Kratohvil, Presiding 9:40—20. Sublytic Concentrations of Sodium Cholate and Phospholipase C Hydrolysis of Phospholipid Bilayers. M. B. RuizArguello, A. Alonso, F. M. Go Zi 10:00—21. Laser-Light-Scattering Evidence for "Wormlike" Mixed Micelles in Cholanoyl and Acyl Detergent/Long-Chain Phos­ phatidylcholine Aqueous Systems. D. E. Cohen, G. M. Thurston, R. A. Chamberlin, G. B. Benedek, M. C. Carey 10:20—22. Vesicle Stability in Bile Salt/ Phosphatidylcholine Mixed Colloids: Pres­ sure and Temperature Probes. J. T. Mang, R. P. Hjelm 10:40—23. Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of the Interactions of Conjugated and Uncon­ jugated Bile Salts with Model Membrane Assemblies. K. A. Parthum, Κ. Μ. Charles, S. A. Tomellini, I. W. Levin 11:00—24. Mono- and Dihydroxy-Bile Acid (BA)/Phosphatidylcholine(PC)/Cholesterol Mixed Monolayers: A Novel Approach to Determining Bile Salt Orientation within Membranes. J. M. Donovan, M. R. Leo­ nard, D. Fahey, M. C. Carey 11:20—25. Disruption of Phosphatidylcholine/Cholesterol Bilayers by Mixed Solu­ tions of Bile Salts. D. M. Heuman, M. Pyati, P. K. Narain 11:40—Discussion. Production and Application of Metal Nanoparticle Arrays I

Room Κ M. J. Natan, Presiding 9:40—26. Dendrimer-Confined Nanoscopic Metal Clusters. R. M. Crooks, M. Zhao, L. Sun 10:00—27. Plasmon Resonance Band Damping in Nanoscopic Gold Composite Films: Evidence for Particle-Host Electron Transfer? C. A. Foss Jr. 10:20—28. Organization of Nanoparticle Multilayer Arrays on Surfaces for Electron­ ic, Optical, and Sensor Applications. E. Katz, I. Willner, L. Sheeny, R. Blonder 11:00—29. Surface Plasmon Resonance Studies of Nanostructured Metal Films. L. A. Lyon, M. D. Musick, B. D. Reiss, D. J. Pena, M. J. Natan 11:20—30. One-Pot Colorimetric Differentia­ tion of Polynucleotides with Single-Base Im­ perfections Using Au Nanoparticle Network Materials. C. A. Mirkin, J. J. Storhoff, R. Elghanian, R. C. Mucic, R. L. Letsinger


MAY 11, 1998 C&EN

Room Ν G. Singh, R. Johnson, Presiding

Colloids in Separations and Environmental Technologies I: Adsorption I

Room Ο Η. A. Elliott, D. W. Fuerstenau, Presiding 9:40—35. Adsorption and Coprecipitation of Copper with the Hydrous Oxides of Iron and Aluminum: Explanations Using Sur­ face Precipitation Hypothesis. K. G. Karthikeyan, H. A. Elliott, J. D. Chorover 10:00—36. Aqueous Mobile-Ion Activities at Charged Interfaces. N. T. Loux 10:20—37. Transformation of 1-Naphthol at Mineral Surfaces. J. D. Chorover, K. G. Karthikeyan, J. M. Bortiatynski, P. G. Hatcher 10:40—38. Adsorption of Fluoride on Activat­ ed Alumina: Experimental Considerations, Modeling, and Applications. B. A. Dempsey, A. U. Khan 11:00—39. Kinetics of Mercury Adsorption from Wastewater Using Activated Carbon Derived from Fertilizer Waste. D. Mohan, S. K. Srivastava, V. K. Gupta, S. Chander 11:20—40. Competitive Adsorption of Heavy-Metal Ions on Activated Carbons. S. Chander, D. Mohan 11:40—41. Langmuir-Derived Model for Dif­ fusion- and Reaction-Limited Adsorption of Organic Compounds on Fractal Aggre­ gates. J. Dachs Colloids in Materials Processing I: Aggregation Control in Materials Processing

Room Ρ R. Hogg, Presiding 9:40—42. Chemistry of Metal Oxides in Wa­ ter and Surface Forces. J. H. Adair 10:00—43. Colloidal Interactions and Proper­ ties of Alumina Dispersions in the Pres­ ence of Block Copolymers. S. Chander, M. Chang 10:20—44. Adsorption of Water-Soluble Polymers on Metal Oxides. R. M. Davis, F. W. Gibson, D. Qin, R. Yin 10:40—45. Rheology and Consolidation of Boehmite-Coated SiC Suspensions. C-Y. Yang, W-Y. Shih, W-H. Shih 11:00—46. Aggregation Effects on Rheological, Sedimentation, and Drying Behavior of Colloidal Silica Suspensions. J. A. Lewis 11:20—47. Effects of Diffusion on Aggrega­ tion of Colloidal Particles during Electrophoretic Deposition. S. A. Guelcher, Y. E. Solomentsev, J. L. Anderson 11:40—48. Solvent Effects on Titania Syn­ thesis: Kinetic and Colloidal Stability As­ pects. D. Vorkapic, T. Matsoukas Nucleation I

Room Q J. L. Katz, Presiding 9:40—49. Nucleation of Crystals from Melt and from Solution. D. W. Oxtoby, V. Talanquer, Y-C. Shen 10:20—50. Theory of Time-Dependent Nu­ cleation and Experiments on Crystal Nu­ cleation in Glasses. V. A. Shneidman 10:40—51. Diffuse Interface Theory of Nu­ cleation: Comparison with Experiment and Density-Functional Calculations. L. Granâsy

11:00—52. Molecular Dynamics Studies of Nucleation in the Freezing of Salts and Molecular Compounds. L. S. Bartell, J. Huang, P. Santikary 11:20—53. X-ray Diffraction and Optical Microscopy Studies of Monodisperse, Emulsified Alkane Liquids. A. B. Herhold, H. E. King Jr. 11:40—54. Kinetics and Modeling of Dissolution of Condensed Monolayers Adsorbed at the Electrochemical Interface. M. Poelman, J. P. Badiali, C. Buess-Herman Emulsions, Foams, and Thin Films: Honoring Darsh T. Wasan I

Room R K. L. Mittal, Presiding 9:40—55. Interfacial Rheology, Thin Liquid Films, Emulsions, Foams, and Antifoams. D. T. Wasan 10:20—56. Application of the Theory of Fluids to Thin Films. D. Henderson 10:40—57. Formation and Stability of Amphiphile Bilayers: A New Approach. D. Exerowa 11:00—58. Structure and Interactions in Black Films. J. J. Benattar, F. Millet, D. Sentenac 11:20—59. Rupture of Common Black Films: Experimental Studies. A. N. Nikolova, D. T. Exerowa 11:40—60. Attachment of Gas Bubbles to Solid Surfaces from Impinging Jet. T. Dabros, H. A. Hamza, Q. Dai, J. Czarnecki Fundamental Research in Surface Science I

Room U K. A. Fichthorn, Presiding 9:40—61. Simulations of Collision-Induced Subsurface Absorption: Hydrogen on Ni(lll). J. T. Kindt, J. C. Tully 10:00—62. Effects of Surface and Cluster Reactivity on the Collision of Molecular Clusters with Solid Surfaces. L. Qi, S. B. Sinnott 10:20—63. Computer Simulation Study of Acoustic Desorption of Organic Molecules. L. V. Zhigilei, B. J. Garrison 10:40—64. Computational Study of the Generation of Hydrocarbon Thin Films through Molecular Cluster-Surface Collisions. L. Qi, S. B. Sinnott 11:00—65. Theory of Low-Frequency Adsorbate Vibrational Dynamics. S. P. Lewis, A. M. Rappe 11:20—66. Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubule Proximal Probe Tips. A. Garg, J. Han, S. B. Sinnott 11:40—67. Adsorption Chemistry of Oxygen on Rhodium(lll). E. J. Walter, S. P. Lewis, A. M. Rappe Colloids in Food Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology, and Biotechnology I

Room V G. Narsimhan, Presiding 9:40—68. Interactions of Antisense Nucleotides and DNA with Double-Chained Cationic Surfactants. H. H. Paradies, S. F. Clancy 10:00—69. Assessment of Acid-Base Contributions to Adhesion: A Comparison of Techniques. F. M. Etzler, J. Simmons, V. Thomas, N. Ladyzhynsky 10:20—70. Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of Bacterial Adhesion. M. M. Sharma, Y. L. Ong, A. P. Razatos, G. Georgiou 10:40—71. Analysis of the Distance between Motile E. coli and a Surface Using TIRAF Microscopy. M. A. Vigeant, R. M. Ford 11:00—72. Electrostatic Interactions of Nonisotropic Colloids. R. B. McClurg, C. F. Zukoski 11:20—73. Quantifying Cell-Surface Interactions with TIRM Using Model Cells. S. K. Robertson, S. G. Bike 11:40—74. Chiral Surfaces of Enantiomeric O- or /V-Palmitoyl (Arachidonoyl) Serine NPyridinium Micelles as Potent Inhibitors of Influenza Viruses. H. H. Paradies, F. Habben, M. Thies

MONDAY AFTERNOON Self-Assembled Monolayers and Multilayers II: Structure and Recognition Properties II

Room D M. Grunze, Presiding 2:00—75. In Situ Neutron Reflectivity Studies of Serum Albumin and γ-Globulin Protein Adsorption onto Self-Assembled Monolay­ ers. S. Petrash, M. D. Foster, B. Zhao, W. B. Brittain, C. F. Majkrzak 2:20—76. Self-Assembled Dendrimer Mono­ layers. R. M. Crooks, H. Tokuhisa, M. Zhao, L. A. Baker, V. T. Phan, D. L. Dermody, M. E. Garcia, R. F. Peez, T. M. Mayer 3:00—77. Counterion Complexation of Calixarene Ligands in Monolayers and Micellar Solutions. P. Baglioni, G. Capuzzi, L. Dei, A. Casnati, P. Lo Nostro 3:40—78. Calixarene Monolayers as Molecu­ lar Recognition Elements for Chemical Sensing in Aqueous Solution. M. T. Cygan, T. D. Dunbar, D. L. Allara, C. D. Gutsche, G. E. Colins 4:00—79. Optical Biosensor Triggered by Protein-Ligand Recognition. B. I. Swanson, X. Song, J. Nolan 4:40—80. Layer-by-Layer Alternate Protein/ Polyion Films with Electrochemical Activi­ ty. J. F. Rusling, Y. M. Lvov, Z. Lu, J. B. Schenkman Surfactant Self-Assembly and Applications II: Polymeric Amphiphiles

Room Ε R. Nagarajan, Presiding 2:00—81. Formation of a Crystal-like Hexagonally Packed Hollow Hoop Structure by Self-Assembly of Asymmetric Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers in Solution. A. Eisenberg, L. Zhang 2:20—82. Unimolecular Micelles Formed by Intrapolymer Self-Assembly of Hydrophobically Modified Polyelectrolytes. Y. Morishima, H. Yamamoto, M. Mizusaki, K. Yoda, A. Hashidzume 2:40—83. Block Copolyoxyalkylene/Water/ Oil-Phase Behavior: A New Paradigm in Self-Assembly. P. Alexandridis 3:00—84. Self-Assembly of Block Copolymer of 2-Perfluorooctylethyl Methacrylate and Methyl Methacrylate. T. Imae, H. Tabuchi, T. Nakamura, N. Amaya 3:20—85. Synthesis and Aqueous Solution Characterization of Catalytically Active Block Copolymers Containing Imidazole. C. S. Patrickios, M. R. Simmons 3:40—86. Study of a Polymeric Network by Dynamic Fluorescence Quenching Using a Blob Model. V. Vangani, J. Duhamel 4:00—87. Interaction of Inhalation Anesthet­ ics (Halothane and Isoflurane) with POE/ POP/POE Triblock Copolymers. X. Wen, R. E. Verrall 4:20—88. Modeling of the Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers in Selective Solvent. P. Linse 4:40—89. Predicting Micelle Characteristics Accounting for the Preparation Technique: Example of Polystyrene/Poly(ethylene ox­ ide) Diblock Copolymer Micelles Prepared by Solvent Dialysis. R. Nagarajan Adsorption at Solid Surfaces II

Room F L. Radovic, Presiding 2:00—90. Neutron-Scattering Investigations of Adsorption Processes in Porous Silica Gels. J. D. F. Ramsay, E. Hoinkis 2:20—91. Nanohydrate-Mediated Adsorption of CH4 in Carbon Micropores. J. Miyawaki, T. Kanda, T. Okui, Y. Maeda, K. Kaneko 2:40—92. Adsorption Potentials and Simula­ tions in Carbon Nanotubes. T. J. Mays, Y. F.Yin 3:00—93. Reversible Capillary Condensation in Some Porous Adsorbents. W. D. Machin 3:20—94. Characterization and Selective Ad­ sorption Studies of MCM-41 Material. C. A. Koh, R. I. Nooney, S. F. Tahir

3:40—95. Neutron-Scattering Study on Dy­ namics of Water Molecules in MCM-41. S. Kittaka, S. Takahara, Y. Kuroda, T. Mori, H. Hamano. T. Yamaguchi, T. Kajitani 4:00—96. Heats of Adsorption of Gases on Microporous Carbons. A. J. Groszek, J. E. Koresh 4:20—97. Pore-Size Distribution Parameters Influencing Sorption Isotherms. A. A. Vidales, R. Lopez, G. Zgrablich 4:40—98. Application of Comparative Analy­ sis of Adsorption Isotherms To Study Sur­ face Heterogeneity of Unmodified and Chemically Modified Mesoporous Inorgan­ ic Oxides. M. Jaroniec, M. Kruk Solutions of Bile Salts and Biliary Colloids II

Room H D. M. Heuman, Presiding 2:00—99. Influence of Bile Salt/Cholesterol Ratio on Self-Assembly of Bile Salt, Phos­ pholipid, and Cholesterol Mixed Micelles. G. J. Somjen, E. Wachtel, H. M. J. Koch, T. Gilat 2:20—100. Cholesterol Effect on Structures of Lecithin-Bile Salt-Water Phases: An NMR Study. P. W. Westerman, N. Phonphok, R. Jacquet, M. Maimer, P. Rinaldi, Y. Sun. S. Garg, D. Demay 2:40—101. Quantitative Determination of Cholesterol Nucleation in Bile. S. P. Wrenn, E. W. Kaler, S. P. Lee 3:00—102. Phase Behavior and Aggregation in Aqueous Mixtures of Sodium Cholate and Glyceryl Monooleate. H. LjusbergWahren, M. Almgren, J. Gustafsson, T. Nylander 3:20—103. Wetting of Pharmaceutical Sur­ faces by Bile Salt and Bile Salt/Lipid Solu­ tions. P. E. Luner, E. Oh 3:40—104. Thermodynamic Study on the Adsorption Behavior of Free and Conju­ gated Bile Salt Species onto Graphite Powder Surfaces in Water. G. Sugihara, Y. K. Fujii, D-S. Shigematsu, S. Nagadome. S. Lee, Y. Sasaki 4:00—105. Interactions of Bile Acids with Amphiphilic Block Copolymers. N. S. Cameron, A. Eisenberg, G. R. Brown 4:20—106. Enzyme Solubilization in AOT/ NaTC Reversed Micelles. L. B. McGown, K. S. Freeman, T. Tang, D. J. Kiserow, S. F. Trevino. N. Becktan 4:40—Discussion. Production and Application of Metal Nanoparticle Arrays II

Room Κ M. J. Natan, Presiding 2:00—107. Quantum Gold Nanocrystals in Molecular and Biomolecular Form. R. L. Whetten, M. M. Alvarez, T. Bigioni, J. T. Khoury, Β. Ε. Salisbury, T. G. Schaaff. M. N. Shafigullin, I. Vezmar 2:20—108. New Strategies and Electronic Device Applications for Self-Assembling Metal Nanoparticle Arrays. D. L. Felheim, J. P. Novak, B. McCrum, S. Marinakos. L. C. Brousseau 2:40—109. Chemically Synthesized Nanostructures Based on Deposition in Tem­ plates: Toward Device Fabrication. M. Moskovits, D. Davydov, A. Osika, T. Haslett 3:00—110. High-Speed Multilayer Assembly by Alternate Adsorption of Inorganic Nanoparticles and Linear Polyions. Y. M. Lvov, J. F. Rusling, D. L. Thomsen, F. Papadimitrakopoulos, T. Kunitake 3:40—111. Photoelectrochemical Properties of Silver Nanostructures. T. M. Cotton, G. Chumanov, J. Zheng 4:00—112. Characterization and Application of Chemically Modified Gold Nanoparticles Electrodeposited on Glass Carbon. M. T. McDermott, Μ Ο. Finot 4:20—113. Metal Nanocrystal Ensembles as Precursors for the Size-Selective Synthe­ sis of Semiconductor Nanocrystals. R. M. Penner, S. A. Gorer, G. S. Hsiao, G. Erley, R. Nyffenegger

Surface Chemistry and Tribology II: Surface Films and Friction Chemistry

Room Ν R. S. Gates, A. J. Gellman, Presiding 2:00—114. Ultralow-Friction Carbon (UFC) Coatings. G. R. Fenske, A. Erdemir 2:40—115. Tribological Aspects of Langmuir Monolayers. V. N. Matveenko, V. A. Levchenko 3:00—116. Perfluoropolyether Lubricant In­ teractions with Nitrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films. K. R. Paserba, N. Shukla, A. J. Gellman 3:40—117. Friction between Crystalline Sur­ faces. J. S. Ko, A. G. Gellman, C. J. Jenks, P. A. Thiel 4:00—118. Direct Measurement of Frictional and Normal Forces between Cellulose Surfaces with Colloidal Probe Microscopy. S. Zausher, D. J. Klingenberg 4:20—119. Stribeck Curves and Stick-Slip Phenomena in the Friction of Fibers. T. Fort, C-F. Tu 4:40—Discussion. Colloids in Separations and Environmental Technologies II: Colloidal Interactions and Stability

Room Ο J. D. Chorover, S. Powers, Presiding 2:00—120. Stability of Colloidal Particles during Metal-Ion Uptake from Aqueous Solutions. S. Yiacoumi, K. Subramaniam, C. Tsouris 2:20—121. NAPL Acid and Base Concentra­ tions and Their Influence on the Wettabili­ ty of Sand Particles. S. Powers, J. Zheng, D. P. Hugaboom 2:40—122. Correlation between Quartz Wetta­ bility and Its Water Film Stability: A Case Study of DLVO Theory. J. Zheng, S. Powers 3:00—123. Particle Settling and Initial Aggre­ gation in a Quiescent, Aqueous System: Experimental Results and Modeling. W. P. Ela, J. G. Perigault, J. O. Leckie 3:20—124. Aggregate Size Distributions in Flocculation. R. Hogg, C. Rattanakawin 3:40—125. Effect of Metal-Ion Adsorption on the Interfacial Behavior of Silicate Miner­ als. D. W. Fuerstenau, Ρ Huang 4:00—126. Adsorption and Coagulation of Quartz by Cu(ll) Species in Aqueous Solu­ tion. R. J. Pugh, I. Larson 4:20—127. Effect of Humic Acid on the Poly­ mer-Induced Coagulation of Colloidal Par­ ticles. M. Bob, H. W. Walker 4:40—128. Micromechanics of Attachment and Detachment of Asymmetric Particles. T. Mahmood, A. Amirtharajah, T. W. Sturm, Κ. Ε. Dennett Colloids in Materials Processing II: Materials Assembled from Nanoscale Colloids

Room Q

Colloids in Food Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology, and Biotechnology II

J. L. Schmitt, Presiding

Room V

2:00—137. Ion-Induced Nucleation and Mo­ bility of Prenucleation Clusters in Super­ saturated Vapors. D. Kane, S. Fisenko, M. S. El-Shall 2:20—138. Condensation of Lithium Vapor. F. T. Ferguson, J. A. Nuth III 2:40—139. Homogeneous Nucleation of Cesi­ um Vapor. M. M. Rudek, J. L. Katz, H. Uchtmann 3:00—140. Wave Tube Experiments and Modeling of High-Pressure Nucleation and Droplet Growth. C. C. M. Luijten, M. E. H. van Dongen 3:40—141. Homogeneous and Oscillatory Nucleation of Higher Alkanes: Dodecane, Hexadecane, and Octadecane. M. Rusyniak, J. Campbell, M. S. El-Shall 4:00—142. Additional Important Consider­ ations for the Stability of Diffusion Cloud Chamber Operation: Nucleation of 1-Pentanol. R. H. Heist, A. Bertelsmann 4:20—143. Results on the Nucleation Rate of 1-Pentanol from Pex-Tube Experi­ ments. F. Peters 4:40—144. Homogeneous Nucleation Rates of 1-Pentanol Measured in a Thermal Dif­ fusion Cloud Chamber. M. M. Rudek, J. L. Katz. V. Zdimal, J. Smolik

A. Kilara, Presiding

Nucleation II

Emulsions, Foams, and Thin Films: Honoring Darsh T. Wasan II

Room R P. Kumar, Presiding 2:00—145. Thinning and Rupture of Aque­ ous Surfactant Films on Silica. P. Somasundaran 2:20—146. Interaction Forces in Concentrat­ ed Colloids. R. Rajagopalan 2:40—147. Structure and Dynamics of the Film-Meniscus Transition Region. A. D. Nikolov, D. T. Wasan 3:00—148. Dispersion of Concentrated Sus­ pensions. B. M. Moudgil, J. Adler, Y. Rabinovich 3:40—149. Effect of a Nonadsorbing Polyelectrolyte on Colloidal Stability: An Over­ view. J. Y. Walz 4:00—150. Diffuse-Interface Model of TwoPhase Flow in Porous Media. V. Ganesan, H. Brenner 4:20—151. Thinning of Liquid Films. A. Espert, R. Klitzing, A. Colin, D. Langevin 4:40—152. Imaging a Surfactant Concentra­ tion Gradient Downstream of a Reynolds Ridge. E. V. Wagenen, G. M. Korenowski, H. S. Jin. A. Hirsa Fundamental Research in Surface Science II

Room U

Room Ρ

K. A. Fichthorn, Presiding

W-H. Shih, Presiding

2:00—153. Methane/Hydrogen Plasma Inter­ actions with Si(100). H. L. Duan, F. Laine, S. F. Bent 2:20—154. Chemical Reactions between Si-Η Surfaces and Organometallic Re­ agents. P. E. Laibinis, N. Y. Kim 2:40—155. Surface Reactions of Benzene on Si(100)-2x1. M. J. Kong, A. V. Teplyakov. J. G. Lyubovitsky, S. F. Bent 3:00—156. Interaction of Cyclobutane with the Ru(001) Surface: A Study of Low-Tempera­ ture Molecular Adsorption and Dissociative Chemisorption at Elevated Surface Tem­ peratures. C. J. Hagedorn, M. J. Weiss, C-H. Chung, P. J. Mikesell, R. D. Little, W. H. Weinberg 3:20—157. [2+2] and [4+2] Cycloaddition Reactions of Hydrocarbons with the Ge(100)-2x1 Surface: Thermal Studies and Vibrational Spectroscopy. P. Lai, Y. Noah, A. V. Teplyakov. S. F. Bent 3:40—158. Interaction of C6 Cyclic Hydrocar­ bons with a Si(100)-2x1 Surface: Adsorp­ tion and Hydrogénation by Atomic Hydrogen. A. V. Teplyakov, M. J. Kong, J. Jagmohan, S. F. Bent 4:00—159. Fluorination Effects in Dechlorination of CFCs on Palladium(lll). G. Zhou, C. Chan. A. J. Gellman 4:20—160. Anomalous Surface Reactivities of Ni/Pt(lll) Model Catalysts. J. Eng Jr., B. Fruhberger, J. G. Chen 4:40—161. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of the Oxidation of Pd(lll). G. Zheng, E. Altman

2:00—129. Two-Dimensional Sol-Gel Syn­ theses of Ti0 2 . Zr0 2 , and Heterolayered Ti0 2 /Zr0 2 Ultrathin Films. I. Moriguchi, Y. Tsujigo, Y. Teraoka, S. Kagawa 2:20—130. Surface Entrapment of CdS Fluo­ rescing Size-Quantized Nanoparticles on Porous Silicon Wafers. Y. Tian, B. Sweryda-Krawiec, O. Brandt, J. H. Fendler 2:40—131. Structural Design of Mesoporous Materials Using Organic Additives and Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica Thin Films at a Liquid/Liquid Interface. Y. S. Lee, Y. Angsani, J. F. Rathman 3:00—132. Photoinitiated Reversible Forma­ tion of Nanometer-Sized Metal Crystallites in Polymer Gels. K. Malone, S. Weaver, G. C. Mills 3:40—133. Derivatization of Si Nanocrystallites upon Reaction with Long-Chain Alco­ hols and Their Potential Application in Op­ toelectronic Devices. B. Sweryda-Krawiec, J. H. Fendler 4:00—134. Rechargeable Lithium Batteries Self-Assembled from Graphite Oxide Nanoplatelets and Polyelectrolytes. T. Cassagneau, J. H. Fendler 4:20—135. Simulation of the Filtration of Nanometric Particle Dispersions. Κ. Τ. Miller 4:40—136. Assessment of Nanosized Dis­ persions by Particle Size Measurement and Colloidal Stability Calculations. M. Staiger, R. Flatt, P. Bowen, H. Hofmann

2:00—162. Rheological Characterization of κ-Carrageenan and β-Lactoglobulin Mixed Gels. M. M. Ould Eleya, S. L. Turgeon, P. Paquin 2:20—163. Effect of Autoclaving on the Con­ formation and Interfacial Properties of Pro­ teins at Air/Water Interfaces. D. A. Kim, M. Cornec, G. Narsimhan 2:40—164. Self-Assembling and Antioxidant Activity of Some Vitamin C Derivatives. P. Lo Nostro, G. Capuzzi, P. Baglioni, N. Mulinacci, A. Romani, F. F. Vincieri 3:00—165. Study of Calcitonin Loading on Liposomes. S. L. Law, C. L. Shih 3:40—166. Circular Dichroism Spectral Anal­ ysis of Reversed-Micelle-Solubilized Pro­ teins. J. A. Weiss, S. R. Dungan 4:00—167. Novel Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Assay of Adsorbed Enzyme Activity. E. F. Tsung, R. D. Tilton 4:20—168. Effect of pH, Electrolyte, and Ion­ ic Surfactants on the Interactions and Crystallization of Lysozyme. O. D. Velev, E. W. Kaler, A. M. Lenhoff 4:40—169. Protein Adsorption on Cation-Ex­ change Materials: Influence of Solvent Structure. D. Asthagiri, S. Garde, M. R. Schure, A. M. Lenhoff


Dean's Hall 1-2 T. Matsoukas, Organizer 5:00-7:00 Self-Assembled Monolayers and Multilayers 170. Structure of Nonionic Surfactant Layers Adsorbed at the Solid/Liquid Interface on Chemically Modified Self-Assembled Monolayers: A Neutron Reflectivity Study. P. N. Thirtle, R. K. Thomas, Z. X. Li, A. R. Rennie, S. K. Satija, L. P. Sung 171. Study of the Adsorption of Organosulfur Compounds from Solution onto Gold. R. Tsay, K. M. Liu, Y. C. Lee, Y. T. Tao, S. S. Cheng 172. Self-Assembled Monolayers of Synthet­ ic Flavins on Gold. D. M. Andrauskas, A. R. Khan, V. T. D'Souza, K. J. Stine, R. M. Friedman, J. Liu 173. Preparation, Characterization, and Electrochromic Properties of Poly(diallyldimethylammonium) Decatungstate Self-Assembly Films. I. Moriguchi, J. H. Fendler 174. SAMs with Thicknesses Greater Than 50 A. P. E. Laibinis, G. K. Jennings, T-H. Yong, J. C. Munro Topics in Surface Science 175. New Spin-Density Equation for Chemisorbed Cation Radicals on Pretreated HZeolites. S. Shih 176. Surface Energy of Carbamazepine Polymorphs. F. Blatter, P. Borchardt, A. Burg, A. Burkhard, A. Geoffroy, A. Hormann, U. Hofmeier, E. Marti 177. Contact-Angle Measurements for Fluorochemical-Treated Cellulose Films. L. Yang, R. Pelton 178. Surface Characterization of a Zwitterionic Polystyrene Latex by Electrophoretic and Hydrodynamic Fingerprinting. L. Yezek, R. L. Rowell 179. Visual Studies on the Neutralization of Sulfuric Acid in Lubricating Oil. R. Wu, C. Campbell, K. D. Papadopoulos Colloids in Separations and Environmental Technologies 180. Arsenic Removal by Molybdate-lmpregnated Chitosan Beads. L. Dambies, S. Yia­ coumi, E. Guibal

MAY 11, 1998 C&EN 3 9

meetings 181. Mechanisms of Metal Ion Sorption on Chitosan-Based Sorbents: FTIR and XPS Anal­ yses. L. Dambies. S. Yiacoumi. E. Guibal. C. Guimon 182. Electrochemical Method for Magnetic Seeding of Wastewaters C. Tsouris. D. W. DePaoli. J. T. Shor. M. Z-C. Hu 183. Electric-Field Effects on Gas Liquid and Liquid/Liquid Systems. C. Tsouris, K. D. Blankenship. D. W. DePaoli. X. Zhang 184. Expression System for Periplasms Lo­ calization of Direct Repeated Polypep­ tides. M. Pazirandeh. J. M. Mauro 185. Mechanisms of Colloid Detachment in Environmental Systems. J. Bergendahl, D. Grasso 186. Substrate Effect on Permeability of Mem­ brane-Supported Polyacrylamide Gels. K. L. Buehler, J. L. Anderson 187. Quantum Mechanical Investigation of Polishing. A. T. Al-Hinai. C. S. Parry. K. Osseo-Asare Colloids in Materials Processing 188. Synthesis of Metal Oxides by Sol-Gel Process. Q. Y. Liu. K. Osseo-Asare 189. Colloidal Solution Used as Templates To Control the Growth of Long-Rod Cop­ per Metal Particles. J. Tanori, M. P. Pileni 190. Formation and Structure of Calcium Alkyl Phosphate. H. Tanaka. T. Watanabe. M. Chikazawa 191. Microstructured Porous Silica via Colloi­ dal Crystallization. O. D. Velev. T. A. Jede. R. F. Lobo. A. M. Lenhoff 192. Self-Organized Aggregation of Copper Oxalate Nanocrystallites: Influence of Cel­ lulose Derivatives. N. Jongen. P. Bowen. J. LemaUmtre. J-C. Valmalette. R. Houriet. H. Hofmann Solutions of Bile Salts and Biliary Colloids 193. Aggregation Behavior of Positive-Charged Derivatives of Bile Salts. E. A. Parnlla. M. M. Martinez. F. Meijide. P. Ramos. E. Ro­ driguez Nunez. J. Vasquez Tato 194. Bile Salt/Cyclodextrin Inclusion Com­ pounds. E. A. Parnlla. F. Meijide. P. Ramos. E. R. Nunez. J. Vasquez Tato 195. Interaction between an Optical Probe and Micellar Aggregates of Bile Acid Salts: An XAS and CD Study. M. Bietti. P. D'Angelo. A. A. D'Archivio. N. V. Pavel 196. Transport Behavior of Cholesterol and Plant Sterols Mediated by Bile Salt Mi­ celles across Porous Membrane. S. Nagadome, T. Shimizu. A. Yamauchi. H. Igimi. G. Sugihara 197. Mixed Micelles of Cationic Surfactants and Bile Acid Salts in Aqueous Media. A. George. S. Vora. P. Bahadur 198. Interactions between Tauroconjugated Bile Salts and Model Membranes: A 31P NMR Study. A. Ben Mouaz. M Lindheimer. J. C. Montet. A. M. Montet. J. Zajac Adsorption at Solid Surfaces 199. Macroscopic and Microscopic Analysis of the Surface of High-Energy Solids. J. M. Douillard. J. C. Giuntini. S Partyka. V. Medout-Marere. J. Zajac 200. Adsorption of Surfactant onto Diesel En­ gine Soot. A. El Ghzaoui. S. Partyka. J. Zajac 201. Adsorption of Nonionic Surfactants (Tri­ ton X-35 and X-100) from η-Heptane onto Dried or Prehydrated Silica Gel. S. Lagerge. J. Zajac. S. Partyka 202. Flow Microcalonmetry Study of the Ad­ sorption of C 60 Fullerene from Toluene onto Porous Solids: Carbonaceous Materi­ als and MCM-41 Oxides. J. Zajac. I. Piwonski. D. J. Jones. J. Roziere 203. Small-Angle Neutron-Scattering Study of the Adsorption and Condensation of Ni­ trogen at 78 K m the Porous Si0 2 Glass CPG-10-75. E. Hoinkis. B. Rohl-Kuhn 204. Formation of Silanetnol Groups on Sili­ ca Surface by Chemical Reaction and Their Properties. M. Chikazawa. T. Takei. A. Meguro. K. Kato 205. Neutron Reflection from Mixtures of Sodi­ um Dodecyl Sulfate and Dodecylbetame at the Hydrophilic Solid Aqueous Interface. T. I. Rhodes, R. K. Thomas. J. D. Hines


MAY 11. 1998 C&I:\

206. Adsorption of Serum Albumin to Biodegradable Poly(lactide-co-glycohde) Films Using Optical Reflectometry and A F M . S. M. Butler. R. D. Tilton 207. Shear Rheoiogy Studies of Biopolymer Adsorption Layers at Liquid Interfaces. J. Kràgel. A. V. Makievski. D. O. Gngoriev. R. Miller 208. C o a d s o r p t i o n of Anionic S u r f a c t a n t s a n d N e u t r a l P o l y m e r s to N e g a t i v e l y Charged Silica. A. D. B r a e m , R. D. Tilton. D. C. Pneve 209. Interactions of Blood-Clotting Proteins with Phospholipid Monolayers at the Air Water Interlace. A. B. Serfis, K. Williams. R. Katzenberger 210. C o a d s o r p t i o n of Strongly Interacting Proteins and Surfactants. M. L. Lourette, R. D. Tilton 2 1 1 . Selective Dehydration of Amino Acids Adsorbed on Silica Gel. H. O g a w a 212. In Situ Nonlinear Optical Studies of Polymer Conformation and Adsorption Processes at the Solid Liquid Interlace. Y. J . Yang. R. L. Pizzolatto. M. C. Messmer Surfactant Self-Assembly and Applications 213. 1-D and 2-D NMR Investigation of Micellar Properties of T w o - H e a d e d Surfactant Systems. D. G. Marangoni. G. D. Boucher. A. C. MacDonald. Β. Ε. Hawrylak 214. Study of the Micellization and Thermo­ dynamic Properties of a Series of Cyclohexyl Salt Solutions. D. G. M a r a n g o n i . J. A. Maclnnis. R. Palepu 215. Nonionic Surfactant Vesicle-Formation Kinetics. P. A. Aikens. S. E. Fnberg. S. E. Campbell. R. Patel. Y. Yang 216. Solubilization of Inhalation Anesthetics (Halothane and Isoflurane) in Surfactant Systems. X. W e n . R. E. Verrall 217. Small-Angle Neutron Scattering of Micellanoic Acids. P. Baglioni. F. Ριηι. P. Lo Nostro. G. N e w k o m e 218. Comparison of Dynamic Surface Ten­ sion and Foaming Behavior for a Homolo­ gous Series of Alcohol Ethoxylates. K. W. Penfield 219. Measurement of CMC of Nonionic Sur­ factant Solutions Using a C o n d u c t a n c e Technique. S. Y. Lin. B. J. Hwang. L. J. Chen 220. Solubilization Properties of Amphiphilic ^-Substituted Acrylamido Copolymers. A. K o b a y a s h i , F. Matsuzaki. T. Yanaki. Y. Monshima 2 2 1 . pH Effects on the Phase Behavior of D o d e c y l t n m e t h y l a m m o n i u m Bromide and Polyvinylamine Solutions. S. V. Maggio, R. Y. Lochhead 222. Association of Polyelectrolytes To Form Micelles Sensitive to Solution pH. A. S. Lee. S. P. Armes. A. P. Gast 223. Synthetic Bolaamphiphilic Analogs of G a l a c t o s y l c e r a m i d e (Galcer) Potentially Binding to the V3 Domain HIV-1 gp120: Key Role of Their Hydrophobicity. I. RicoLattes, M-F. Gouzy. C. Andre-Barres. B. Guidetti. A. Lattes 224. Lipophihcity of the Models as a Funda­ mental Criterion in the Understanding of the Chemical Decontamination in Orga­ nized Medium. F. Gonzaga. E. Perez. I. Rico-Lattes. A Lattes 225. C O : . Water, and Surfactant Mixtures To Simulate Phase S e p a r a t i o n in a Microgravity Environment. V. O. Archibald, M. L e s e m a n n . J. H. van Zanten. M. E. Paulaitis 226. Estimating the Concentrations of Con­ densed Countenons around a Polyelectrolyte by Chemical Trapping. B. A. McKernan. L. S. Romsted 227. Studies on Photolysis A n t h r o q u i n o n e Radicals Using the TR-ESR Spectrometer. G-Z. Li. Y-Z. Li. T. Lu. F. Li 228. Use of Block Copolymers for De-Inking Office Waste Paper. T. L. M o o n , R. Nagarajan Production and Application of Metal Nanoparticle Arrays 229. Kinetic and Thermodynamic Control of N a n o p a r t i c l e C o v e r a g e in G o l d Colloid Monolayers. C. D. Keating, M. D. Musick, R. E. Trumbly. M. J. Natan 230. Optical Properties of Nanoscopic Gold Particle Films in Contact with A q u e o u s Phenol Solutions. M. G l u o d e n i s , C. A. Foss Jr.

231. Influence of Synthesis Atmosphere on Magnetic Properties of Nickel Derivatives Nanoparticles. M. P. Pileni, A. Taleb. C. Petit 232. Optical Properties of CdMnS Nanosize Particles: Influence of Confinement on In­ teractions. L. Levy. N. Feltin. D. Ingert, M. P. Pileni 233. Microcontact Printing of Protein/Colloid Complexes. W. D. Holltway, L. A. Lyon, M. D. Musick. S. R. Nicewarner, M. J. Natan 234. Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) as a Rapid, Ultrasensitive Screen for Drug Permeation Studies. S. P. Mulvaney. L. He. A. P. Fox. M. J. Natan 235. Synthesis and Characterization of Multimetal Nanowires. B. D. Reiss, W. D. Holhway. B. R. Martin. L. A. Lyon. T. E. Mallouk. M. J. Natan 236. Monolayers on Monolayers: Character­ ization of Surfaces Formed by Immobiliza­ tion of Colloidal Au Nanoparticles on Carboxy-Terminated Organothiol Self-Assem­ bled Films. A. P. Fox, A. E. Hooper. D. L. Allara. M. J. Natan 237. Nonresonant-SERS Studies of Ferritin Adsorption at Ag Colloid Aggregates. S. R. Nicewarner. C. D Keating. B. L. Fey, M. J. Natan 238. Surface Studies on Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticulate Monolayers. Β. Ε. Baker, S. M. Melville. M. J. Natan 239. Noble-Metal Nanoparticles Immobilized on Latex Supports. A. B. R. Mayer, J. E. Mark Nucleation 240. Crystal Nucleation in Liquids and Glass­ es: Comparisons of Nonclassical Theories with Experiment. L. Grénésy, P. F. James. F. Igloi 241. Computer Simulation of Vapor-Liquid Nucleation of Confined Fluid. K. Yasuoka, X. C. Zeng 242. Vapor Nucleation of Binary System-Molecular Dynamics Simulation. K. Ohguchi, K. Yasuoka. M. Matsumoto 243. Simple Model of Homogeneous Nucleation in Expanding Jets. I. Ford, C. Clement 244. Uniform Electric Field Effects on Homogeneous Vapor-Liquid Nucleation. K. J. Oh, X. C. Zeng 245. Concepts of Kinetic Critical Nucleus and Kinetic Potential in Nucleation. K. Nishioka, I. L. Maksimov 246. Implication of the Distinction between Kinetic and Thermodynamic Critical Nuclei in Nucleation Kinetics. M. Sanada, K. Nishioka. I. L. Maksimov 247. Steady-State Nucleation-Flux Profile in Binary Systems. J-S. Li, K. Nishioka Topics in Colloid Science 248. Role of Liquid-Crystalline Phases in Emulsion Formation. G. T. Dimitrova, T. F. Tadros. P. F Luckham 249. Evolution and Growth of Metastable Oil Droplets at Surfactant-Free Condition: Their Structure and Interfacial Properties. K. Kamogawa, T. Sakai. T. Kobayashi. M. Matsumoto. H. Sakai. N. Momozawa. M. Abe 250. Structural and Dynamic Properties of Oil-m-Water Emulsions. K. Yonekura, M. Kawaguchi. T. Kato 251. Characterization of Binary Colloidal Suspensions of Silica and Polystyrene. V. Tohver, J. A. Lewis 252. Inorganic Colloids as Mimics for Nonspecific DNA-Protein Interactions. L. A. Gearheart. C. J. Murphy 253. Adhesion of Brownian Particles in the Presence of the Various Shapes of the Total-Interaction Energy Curves of the DLVO Theory. Y-l. Chang, J-J. Whang 254. Incorporation of the Structure Factor into Frequency-Domain Photon Migration for Particle Sizing. S. M. Richter, R. Shinde, G. Balgi. E. M. Sevick-Muraca 255. Monitoring Particulate Suspensions Undergoing Depletion Flocculation Using Frequency-Domain Photon Migration. S. Banerjee, R. Shinde. G. Balgi. Ε. Μ. Sevick-Muraca 256. Photon Migration: A Novel Method of Monitoring Particle Interactions in Concen­ trated Suspensions. R. R. Shinde, S. Ban­ erjee, Ε. Μ. Sevick-Muraca 257. Migration of Negatively Charged Col­ loids through Glass-Packed Column. H. Chinju, S. Nagasaki. S. Tanaka, T. Tana­ ka. S. Muraoka

258. Effect of Geometry and Anisotropy of Hele-Shaw Cell on Viscous Fingering of Polymer Solutions. M. K a w a g u c h i , A. Shibata. K. Shimomoto, T. Kato 259. Influence of T w o Natural Anionic Poly­ electrolytes on the Stability of Colloidal Aggregates. H. W. Walker, M. M. Bob 260. Effect of M o n o v a l e n t Electrolytes o n Polymer Latices: A Fingerprinting Study. R. J . Bishop, R. L. Rowell 2 6 1 . Rheoiogy of Starch-Weak Gels for Emul­ sion Purposes. S. Furcsik, E. DeBoer, A. Xu, F. Tenbarge, R. Friedman, F. Qvyjt 262. Effect of Carbohydrate Casein Extension and Fat Replacement in the Rheoiogy of Imitation Cheeses. F. Qvyjt, S. W a n g 263. Structure and Mesomorphic Properties of New Liquid-Crystalline Compositions with Nonmesomorphic Component. V. A. Levchenko, V. N. Matveenko, A. A. Manko

TUESDAY MORNING Emulsions, Foams, and Thin Films: Honoring Darsh T. Wasan III

Room D S. E. Friberg, Presiding 9:40—264. Origin of the Thermodynamic Stability of Lyotropic Lamellar Liquid Crys­ tals E. Ruckenstein 10:00—265. Self-Emulsification of Hydrocar­ bon. Nonionic Surfactant, and Alcohol Mix­ tures. M. J. Rang, C. A. Miller 10:20—266. Kinetics of Droplet Formation in (Water + Lamellar Liquid Crystal)-in(Water-in-Oil Microemulsion) Using StopFlow Technique. S. E. Friberg 10:40—267. Ketamine in Oil-in-Water Multi­ ple Emulsion for Prolonged Drug Release. S. Zheng, R. L. Bessinger, R. L. Sehgal, D. T. Wasan 11:00—268. Surface Activity and Emulsion Stability of Humic Acid. A. K. Sengupta, K. D. Papadopoulos 11:20—269. Predicting Microstructural Fea­ tures of Droplet and Bicontinuous Microemulsions. R. Nagarajan 11:40—270. Solubilization of Oleic Acid and Its Recovery through SDS Micelles in the Presence of Other Fatty Acids. L. K. Thakur, A. N. Maitra Surfactant Self-Assembly and Applications III: Polymer-Surfactant Interactions

Room Ε R. Colby, Presiding 9:40—271. Polymer-Surfactant Mixed Mono­ layers. A. Asnacios, A. Espert, R. Klitzing, D. Langevin 10:00—272. Influence of Polymers on Sur­ factant Surface Aggregation. E. J. Wanless, B. D. Fleming 10:20—273. Interactions at Interfaces in Sur­ factant-Polymer Solutions. J. D. Hines, R. K. Thomas 10:40—274. Modeling of the PolyelectrolyteSurfactant Micelle Complexation. P. Linse, T. Wallin 11:00—275. Properties of Mixed Nonionic Surfactant-Polymer System. A. Rangaraj, S Β Sulthana, A. K. Rakshit 11:20—276. Polymer-Alcohol Interactions in Aqueous Solutions. N. Wu, J. Parris 11:40—277. Role of Condensed Counterions in Thermodynamics of Surfactant Micelle Formation with and without Oppositely Charged Surfactant. A. J. Konop, R. H. Colby Adsorption at Solid Surfaces III

Room F J. D. F. Ramsay, Presiding 9:40—278. Computer Simulations of Rare Gases on Alkali-Earth Metals. G. Stan, M. J. Bojan, M. W. Cole, W. A. Steele

10:00—279. New Approach to Monte Carlo Simulation of Adsorption. M. J. Bojan. V. A. Bakaev, W. A. Steele 10:20—280. Adsorption in Henry's Law Re­ gime: An Experimental Artifact and a Method To Correct for It. L. Abrams 10:40—281. Four Information Levels in XPS Analysis of Overlayers. D. W. Dwight. J. L. Thomason, J. E. Fulghum 11:00—282. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Flexible-Chain Molecules on Graphite Surface. V. N. Kabadi 11:20—283. Computer Simulations of Ethyl­ ene Adsorbed on the Basal Plane of Graphite and Amorphous Carbonaceous Materials. E. J. Bottani 11:40—284. Adsorption and Diffusion of Chainlike Adsorbates in Model OneDimensional Nanotubes: Rigorous Re­ sults. J. L. Riccardo. A. Aligia. M. W. Cole, A. J. Ramirez-Pastor

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72nd ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium June 21-24 (Please print or type)

H Ms.


Room Κ M. J. Natan, Presiding 9:40—291. New Class of Colloidal Nanoparticles for Ultrasensitive Detection and Spectroscopy. S. Nie, S. R. Emory 10:00—292. Protein-Metal Nanoparticle Sand­ wiches: A New Approach to Ultrasensitive Vibrational Spectroscopy. C. D. Keating, K. M. Kovaleski, M. J. Natan 10:20—293. Production and Applications of Metal Nanoparticle Arrays. J. H. Fendler 10:40—Intermission. 11:00—294. Collective Phenomena in TwoDimensional Semiregular Arrays of Nanosized Silver Particles. G. Chumanov, K. Sokolov, T. M. Cotton 11:20—295. Nanosphere Lithography: Struc­ tural, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Tunable Periodic Particle Arrays. M. T. Smith, T. R. Jensen. M. Duval. R. P. Van Duyne Surface Chemistry and Tribology III: Surface Chemistry

Room Ν F. Lockwood, S. Gunsel, Presiding 9:40—296. The Effects of Surface Bond Dis­ ruptions on Tribochemistry. S. M. Hsu 10:20—297. Molecular-Level Control of Fric­ tion through Surface Modification. S. Campbell, J. Israelachvili 10:40—Intermission. 11:00—298. Chemical Effects in Diamond Machining: Protection of Diamond Abra­ sion. R. S. Gates, T. N. Ymg. P. S. Wang. Z. Yin. C. I. Chen. Y. Wang. S. M. Hsu 11:20—299. Elastohydrodynamic Frictionand Film-Forming Properties of Lubricant Base Oils. S. Gunsel, S. Korcek. M. Smeeth. H. A. Spikes 11:40—Discussion.

I ] Dr.




Room Η

Production and Application of Metal Nanoparticle Arrays III



Title Address

9:40—285. Sodium Taurodeoxycholate Forms Liquid-Crystalline Phases. H. Edlund. A. Khan, C. La Mesa 10:00—286. Reactions of Bile Salt Aggre­ gates with Metal(ll) Ions: Phase Diagrams. P. Zuman, G. Feroci. A. Fini 10:20—287. Dynamics of Guest Complexation of Bile Salt Aggregates: Evidence for Different Binding Domains. O. Rinco. C. Ju, M. H. Kleinman, C. Bohne 10:40—288. Properties of Mixed Micelles of (/.(o-Ditetraoxyethylene Glycol Dodecyl Ether and Bile Salts. M. Ueno, S. Sakuma. N. Fujimoto. K. Takahashi, T. Murata. W. Shimada 11:00—289. Physicochemical Properties of 5(/.-Cyprmol Sulfate. Biliary Surfactant of Carp. A. F. Hofmann, T. Goto. F. Holzinger, L. R. Hagey. C. D. Schteingart. H. T. Ton-Nu, C. Cerré 11:20—290. Size and Structure of Bile Salts Aggregate and Gel. Y. Murata, J. Gyimesi. Y. Kuroki, T. Yamaguchi. Y. Izurmi. R. Simozawa. T. Inoue. M. Tanaka 11:40—Discussion.



Solutions of Bile Salts and Biliary Colloids III

L. B. McGown, Presiding

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Colloids in Separations and Environmental Technologies III: Adsorption II

Room Ο F. S. Cannon, Presiding 9:40—300. Polytherm Models for Methyl Isobutyl Ketone and m-Xylene Adsorption onto Granular Activated Carbon. P. D. Paulsen, F. S. Cannon 10:00—301. Adsorption of Weak Organic Ac­ ids on Oxides. W. H. Van Riemsdijk, J. D. Filius. D. Lumsdon. J. C. L. Meeussen. T. Hiemstra 10:20—302. Calcium Interactions with Organics in Water Treatment. H. T. Fred­ erick, F. S. Cannon. B. A. Dempsey 10:40—Intermission. 11:00—303. Specific Polymer Sorbents for Removal of Heavy-Metal Ions from Aque­ ous Phase: Procion Red-Derived Poly(EGDMA-HEMA). Z. F. M. Said, A. Denizli, M. A. Aahn 11:20—304. Surface Tension of Organic Compounds in Mineral Acid Solutions. B. O. Dabbousi, A. S. Al-Muhaish. H. A. Nasr-EI-Din 11:40—305. Mechanochemical Degradation of 2,4-D on Synthetic Birnessite. M. A. Cheney, A. Nasser, G. Sposito Colloids in Materials Processing III: Materials Applications of Colloid Chemistry

Room Ρ G. L. Messing, Presiding 9:40—306. Characterization of Magnetic Col­ loids Used To Manufacture Flexible Mag­ netic Media. A. M. Lane, A. A. Potanin, V. T. Piekov, K. S. Jeon 10:00—307. Evolution of the Structure of Pigmented Coatings during Drying: Sur­ face versus Bulk. H. Al-Turaif, P. LePoutre 10:20—308. Polymerized Microemulsions Containing Organic and Inorganic Compo­ nents as Flame-Resistant and FlameRetardant Materials. N. W. Schmuhl, A. Venkatesan. H. M. Cheung

10:40—Intermission. 11:00—309. Mg-Polynaphthalene Sulfonate and Its Role in Cement Processing. R. J. Flatt, Y. F. Houst, P. Bowen, H. Hofmann 11:20—310. Congo Red Incorporation onto Microporous Polymeric Materials. A. Ven­ katesan, N. Schmuhl, H. Cheung 11:40—311. Property of Spherical and Po­ rous Alumina Prepared by Fume Pyrolysis of Sols Consisting of Fibrillar Boehmite. C. Nagura, H. Sato, H. Ohkita, T. Mizushima, N. Kakuta Nucleation III

Room Q H. Reiss, Presiding 9:40—312. Scaling Approach to the Binary Nucleation Formalism. B. N. Hale 10:00—313. Binary Nucleation Kinetics: Some Puzzles and Their Solutions. G. Wilemski 10:20—314. Thermodynamic Properties of Multicomponent Nuclei in Vapor-Liquid Nucleation. R. L. McGraw 10:40—315. Binary Homogeneous Nucle­ ation: Reexamination of Classical Predic­ tions. A. Laaksonen 11:00—316. Ternary Homogeneous Nucle­ ation of Water/Ammonia/Sulfuric Acid Va­ pors. M. Kulmala, P. Korhonen, H. Arstila, A. Laaksonen, J. H. Seinfeld 11:20—317. Binary Particle Formation in Su­ personic Expansions. B. E. Wyslouzil, J. L. Cheung, G. Wilemski 11:40—318. Binary Nucleation: Results of Measurements on Octane Isomers. G. J. Doster, J. L. Schmitt, G. Bertrand Emulsions, Foams, and Thin Films: Honoring Darsh T. Wasan IV

Room R P. Somasundaran, Presiding 9:40—319. Surface Films and the Interfacial Structure of Water. G. M. Korenowski, C. D. Judd, J. Kelley

10:00—320. Rheology and Dynamics of Complex Langmuir Films. G. G. Fuller 10:20—321. Role of Hydrophobic and Hydra­ tion Forces in the Stability of Thin Aque­ ous Films on Mineral Surfaces. M. M. Sharma, J. Zhang, A. Sharma 10:40—322. Pattern Formation in Thin Liquid Films: Effect of Short- and Long-Range Forc­ es and Surfactants. A. Sharma, R. Khanna 11:00—323. Cleansing of the Tear Film un­ der Soft Contact Lenses. S. A. Poise, N. A. McNamara, J. L. Creech, C. J. Radke 11:20—324. Direct Measurement of van der Waals Attraction with TIRM. M. A. Bevan, D. C. Prieve 11:40—325. Surface Forces between Solid Surface and Liquid/Liquid Interface Mea­ sured Using the Atomic Force Microscope. P. G. Hartley, F. Grieser, P. Mulvaney, T. W. Healy, G. Stevens, D. Dunstan Fundamental Research in Surface Science III

Room U K. A. Fichthorn, Presiding 9:40—326. Enantiospecific Adsorption of Chiral Hydrocarbons on Chiral SingleCrystal Metal Surfaces. D. S. Sholl 10:00—327. Molecular Simulation of Hydro­ gen Adsorption in Graphitic Slit Pores and Nanotubes. Q. Wang, J. K. Johnson 10:20—328. Cluster Study of the C(100) Sur­ face Dimer Geometry. C. Yang, H. C. Kang 10:40—329. Ab Initio Structure Calculations of the Stability of Thin Metal Layers on Semiconductor Substrates. R. F. Wood, S. B. Sinnott, J-H. Cho, Ζ. Υ. Zhang 11:00—330. Dispersion of Molybdenum(VI) Oxo Species on Silica Surface. Y. V. Plyuto, I. V. Babich, I. V. Plyuto, A. D. van Langeveld, J. A. Moulijn 11:20—331. Surface Phase Behavior of Lysozyme. S. Sundaram, J. Erickson, K. J. Stebe 11:40—332. Simulated Annealing Approach to Modeling the Air-Water Interface. D. L. Silverstein, T. Fort

MAY 11, 1998 C&EN 4 1

meetings Adsorption at Solid Surfaces IV


Room F W. Rudzinski. Presiding

Self-Assembled Monolayers and Multilayers III: Characterization

Room D T. Boland. Presiding 2:00—333. Scanning Probe Microscopy Studies of Protein Adsorption onto Surfac­ es of Self-Assembled Monolayers. Ν. Β. Sheller. S. Petrash. M. D. Foster 2:20—334. Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of the Adsorption of Silane Surfactants on Hydrophihc Surfaces. N. Kumar, C. Stern­ er. C. Maldarelli. A. Couzis 2:40—335. Electron Transport through Or­ ganic Molecules. L. A. Bumm. L. F. Charles. J. J. Arnold. T. D. Dunbar. D. L. Allara. P. S. Weiss 3:00—336. Single- and Double-Electron States of Conjugated Oligomers SelfAssembled on a Gold Surface. T. D. Dun­ bar. T. P. Burgin. W. A. Reinerth. J. M. Tour. D. L. Allara 3:20—337. Imaging of Electrolessly Deposit­ ed Gold and Copper on Silane-Modified Substrates. P. Moberg, R. L. McCarley 3:40—338. Interaction between Vapor-De posited AI Atoms and Functionalized Self· Assembled Monolayers Studied by IR XPS. TOF-SIMS. and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. A. Hooper, G. L. Fisher. D. Jung. H. Nyugen. N. Winograd. R. W. Collins. D. L. Allara. K. Konstadmidis. R. L. Opila 4:00—339. Interaction between Vapo Deposited AI Atoms and W-Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayers Studied by TOF-SIMS. G. L. Fisher. A. Hooper. D. L. Allara. N. Winograd 4:20—340. Structure and Properties of SelfAssembled Monolayers on Gold Surfaces Containing a Metal Interlayer. P. E. Laibinis, G. K. Jennings. I. H. Lee. S. Takami M. V. Baker 4:40—341. Catalytic Properties of Bisphosphonate Films Grown on Silica-Supported Metal Particles. F. B. Abdelrazzaq, A. G Dokoutchaev. V. V. Knshnan. Μ. Ε Thompson Surfactant Self-Assembly and Applications IV: Adsorption and Phase Behavior

Room Ε Ε. Wanless. Presiding 2:00—342. Behavior of the Various Oligomers of Polydispersed Nonionic Surfactants at Solid-Liquid Interfaces and in Bulk Solu­ tions. C. Treiner, P. L. Desbene. F. Portet 2:20—343. Cooperative Adsorption of Ionic and Zwittenomc Surfactants at the SolidWater Interface Studied by Microcalorimetry. J. Zajac. S. Lagerge. S. Partyka 2:40—344. Adsorption and Aggregation of Surfactant Mixtures at the Solid-Liquid In­ terface: Relationship between Solloidal Aggregates and Monomers. L. Huang. P. Somasundaran 3:00—345. Surface-Induced Transformations for Surfactant Aggregates. R. E. Lamont W. A. Ducker 3:20—346. Adsorption Layers of Fluorocarbon and Hydrocarbon Surfactants at Inter­ faces between Their Aqueous Solutions and Various Nonpolar Media. E. D Shchukin, E. A Amelina 3:40—347. Phase Behavior and Phase Struc­ ture for Catanionic Surfactant Mixtures: Do· decyltnmethylammonium Chloride Sodium Nonanoate "Water System. H. Edlund. A. Sadaghiani. A. Khan 4:00—348. Effect of Octylglycopyranoside on Mesophase Behavior of Neutral Lipids: Monoolein and Monotridecenoin. C. Yang. M. Caffrey 4:20—349. Thermal Undulations of Charged Lyotropic Lamellar Phases. G. Salamat, E. W. Kaler. S. Satija. L. Sung 4:40—350. Molecular Dynamics Study of the Hexagonal Mesophase of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate in Water. S. Bandyopadhyay, M. Tarek, M. L. Klein

2:00—351. Accomplishments and Prospects for In Situ Radioactive Labeling Research with Well-Characterized Substrates. A. Wieckowski, A. Kolics 2:20—352. On the Adsorption of Uridine onto Gold and Silver Single-Crystal Electrodes. M. van Krieken, C. Buess-Herman 2:40—353. High-Temperature Streaming Po­ tential Measurements for Studying Aque­ ous Electrolyte Adsorption Processes on Oxide Surfaces. X. Y. Zhou. S. N. Lvov 3:00—354. Effect of Supersaturation on Calcite Growth Inhibition by Copper(ll). K. I. Parsiegla, J L Katz 3:20—Intermission. 3:40—355. Characterization of Adsorption in Concentrated Systems by Means of Acoustic and Electroacoustic Spectrosco­ py. A. S. Dukhin, P. J. Goetz 4:00—356. Adsorption of Metal Ions at the Surface of Glauconite. Z. Sun, L. Wu. W. Forsling 4:20—357. Characterization of Hydrous Alu­ minum and Manganese Oxides and Sorp­ tion Studies with Sr(ll). P. Trivedi, M. Spataro. L. Axe Solutions of Bile Salts and Biliary

Colloids IV Room H A. F. Hofmann. Presiding 2:00—358. Helical Micellar Aggregates of Bile Acid Salts. A. Bonincontro. G. Briganti. A. A. D'Archivio. L. Galantini. E. Giglio, A. Jover 2:20—359. Size and Shape of Micellar Ag­ gregates of Bile Acid Salts. E. Giglio. A. Leonelli. N. V. Pavel 2:40—360. Micelle Formation of Sodium Cholate and Solubilization into the Micelle. Part 1: Micellization. Y. Moroi, H. Sugioka 3:00—361. Micelle Formation of Sodium Cho­ late and Solubilization into the Micelle. Part 2: Solubilization. H. Sugioka. Y. Moroi 3:20—362. Chromatographic Study on the Self-Association Patterns of TaurineConjugated Bile Salts. N. Funasaki, S. Hada. S. Neya 3:40—363. Patterns of Aggregation of Trihydroxy Bile Salts J. P. Kratohvil 4:00—Open Forum: Aggregation Numbers. Size, and Structure of Simple Bile Salt Mi­ celles: Current Status Production and Application of Metal Nanoparticle Arrays IV

Room Κ M. J. Natan. Presiding 2:00—364. Template-Directed Growth of Metal Nanorods and Mesoscopic Assem­ blies. T. E. Mallouk, B. R. Martin. M. Fang. L. A. Lyon. B. D. Reiss. W. D. Holliway. M. J. Natan 2:20—365. Electrostatic Self-Assembly of Multifunctional Thin-Film Materials and Devices. R. O. Claus, Y. Liu. W. Zhao. Y-X. Wang. K. Lenahan. A. Rosidian 2:40—366. Optical Properties of SelfAssembled 2-D and 3-D Superlattices of Silver Nanoparticles and Magnetic Proper­ ties of Cobalt Clusters Organized in 2-D. M. P. Pileni 3:00—367. Toposelective Growth of Metal Wires on Isolated Particles. J-C. Bradley, Z. Ma. J. Crawford. K. Ernazarova. M. McGee. S. G. Stephens 3:20—Intermission. 3:40—368. Production of Copper and Com­ posite Nanoparticles in the Presence of Anionic Polysaccharides and/or Micelles. H. H. Paradies, M. Thies. U. Hinze 4:00—369. New Studies on the Dynamic and Chemical Properties of Nanoparticles. M. A. El-Sayed, S. Logunov. R. Little. T. Ahmadi. J. Petroski Surface Chemistry and Tribology IV: Engine Chemistry and Tribology

Room Ν F. A. Kelley, D. A. Smith, Presiding 2:00—370. Surface Engineering Systems Approach to Tribological Problem Solving. P. J. Blau


MAY 11. 1998 C&EN

2:40—371. Problem Solving through Multidiscipline Interdepartmental Tribology In­ teraction at Penn State. J. C. Conway Jr. 3:00—372. Engine Wear and Emissions of Phosphorus and Phosphorus-Free Crankcase Oils. B. A. Khorramian, H. Kaleli 3:20—Intermission. 3:40—373. Oxidation Stability of Some Phos­ phorus-Free Fully Formulated Crankcase Oils. J. M. Perez, B. A. Khorramian, H. Kaleli 4:00—374. Deposit-Forming Tendencies of Diesel Engine Oils. V. M. Palekar, R. J. Shah 4:20—375. Prediction of Lubricant-DepositForming Tendency in a High-Temperature Diesel Engine. P. Sutor. B. J. Kinzig, S. Pogany 4:40—Discussion.

3:20—395. Bubble Formation in Liquids: Mo­ lecular Dynamics Simulation. T. Kinjo, M. Matsumoto 3:40—396. Study of Nucleation Rates of Heavy Water and Light Water. P. V. N. Nair 4:00—397. Nucleation Kinetics and Heat- and Mass-Transfer Processes. S. P. Fisenko 4:20—398. Ab Initio Study of Small Sulfuric Acid/Water Clusters. H. Arstila, K. E. Laasonen. A. Laaksonen 4:40—399. Vapor Pressure of Ultramicro Clusters. N. Fukuta

Colloids in Separations and Environmental Technologies IV: Colloid Transport

2:00—400. Influence of Interfacial Properties of Span Surfactants on W/O and W/O/W Emulsion Stability. D. J. Burgess, F. O. Opawale 2:20—401. Coupling Coalescence and Re­ versible Flocculation in Dilute O/W Emul­ sions. S. S. Dukhin, J. Sjoblom 2:40—402. Spray-Dried Emulsions. B. Bergenstahl, I. Sjoholm. A. M. Fureby 3:00—403. Emulsion Stabilizing/Destabiliz­ ing Properties of Asphaltene and Resin Components from Crude Oils: A Dielectric Spectroscopic and Langmuir Film Study. J. Sjoblom, O. Midttun, H. Kallevik, M. Ese 3:20—404. Shear Thickening and Rheologi cal Instability in Polymer Emulsions. S. Qutubuddin, Y. Xu, A. Jamieson 3:40—405. Stability of Water in Diluted Bitu­ men Emulsion. J. Czarnecki, T. Dabros, D. Exerowa. K. Khristov, T. Kolarov, J Masliysh. A. Nikolov. D. T. Wasan, X. Wu A. Yeung 4:00—406. Short-Time Dynamics of Mono· disperse Paramagnetic Emulsions. Ε. Μ Frust, A. P. Gast 4:20—407. Stability of W/O/W Multiple Emul­ sions: Influence of Ripening and Interfacial Interactions. H. L. Rosano, F. G. Gandolfo, J. D. P. Hmdrot 4:40—408. Rheological Properties of Emul­ sions. P. Kumar, J. Lawler

Room Ο Β. Ε. Logan. M. Elimelech. Presiding 2:00—376. Effects of Surfactants on the Transport of Bacteria through a Porous Media. D. G. Brown, P. R. Jaffé 2:20—377. Modeling of Short- and LongTerm Aggregation. Κ. Η. Gardner 2:40—378. Colloid Transport Dynamics in Flow through Granular Porous Media. C-H. Ko, M. Elimelech 3:00—379. Mean-Free Path of Brownian Mo­ tion and Implications for Coagulation of Charged Nanoparticles. J. L. Baldwin, B. A. Dempsey 3:20—Intermission. 3:40—380. Probing Bacterial Cell Morpholo­ gy and Adhesion Forces with Atomic Force Microscopy. T. A. Camesano, M. D. Musick. M. J. Natan. Β. Ε. Logan 4:00—381. Collision Efficiency Factor in Brownian Coagulation (aBr): Calculation and Experimental Verification. M. Y. Han, H. K. Lee 4:20—382. Effect of Clays on Long-Range Interparticle Interactions. P. C. Odiachi, D. C. Pneve 4:40—383. Ionic Transport through Confined Shales. M. M. Sharma. R. Lomba, M. E. Chenevert Colloids in Materials Processing IV: Aggregation Control in Materials Processing II

Room Ρ J. H. Adair. Presiding 2:00—384. Stability of Colloidal Polymers: Control of Rheological Properties of Cationic and Anionic Latex Particles by Or­ ganic Species. M. Mielke, R. Zimehl. B. Vincent 2:20—385. Elastic and Yield Behavior of Flocculated Suspensions of Coated Parti­ cles. W-Y. Shih. W-H. Shih 2:40—386. Measurements of the Mechanical Properties of Type I Collagen Gels. D. Velegol. F Lanni 3:00—387. Restabilization of Electrostatical­ ly Stabilized Colloids in High-Salt Media. V. S. Stenkamp, J. C. Berg 3:20—Intermission. 3:40—388. Synthesis and Colloidal Proper­ ties of Polystyrene-Based Cationic Microparticle Flocculants. Y. Deng. Z. Yan. N. Yang 4:00—389. Gelation of Clay Colloid Disper­ sions. A. Mourchid, E. Lecolier. P. Levitz 4:20—390. Synthesis and Stabilization of Mesoporous NiO with Silica. X. Liu, W-H. Shih. C-M. Chun. I. A. Aksay Nucleation IV

Room Q B. N. Hale. G. Wilemski, Presiding 2:00—391. Revised Code for a Kinetic Mo lecular Mechanism for Condensation. C F. Wilcox. S. H. Bauer 2:20—392. Shapes of Cluster-Size Distribu tions Evolving in Nucleation Growth Pro­ cesses. J. W. P. Schmelzer, V. V. Slezov 2:40—393. Kinetics of Nucleation Growth Pro­ cesses: The First Stages. V. V. Slezov, J, W. P. Schmelzer 3:00—394. Molecular Dynamics Simulation as a Tool To Investigate Fluid-Phase Nu­ cleation Phenomena. M. Matsumoto, K. Yasuoka, T. Kinjo, K. Ohguchi

Emulsions, Foams, and Thin Films: Honoring Darsh T. Wasan V

Room R G. G. Fuller, Presiding

Fundamental Research in Surface Science IV

Room U K. A. Fichthorn, Presiding 2:00—409. Calorimetry on a Stepped Sur­ face: Carbon Monoxide Adsorbed on Platinum(211). R. Kose, W. A. Brown, D. A. King 2:20—410. Doubly Resonant Sum-Frequen­ cy Generation Study of an Organic Mono­ layer Film at the Air-Silver Interface. R. Mentore, G. L. Gaines Jr.. G. M. Korenowski 2:40—411. Chemical Potential Expression for Predicting Phase Transitions. C. A. Ward, H. Parizi. J. Mostaghimi 3:00—412. Novel Synthesis of Graphite Nanofibers from Iron-Nickel Systems Sup­ ported on Silica. P. E. Anderson, Ν. Μ. Rodriguez 3:20—413. Hydrogen-Bond-Mediated SelfAssembly at the Air-Water Interface: Study of Hydrogen-Bonding Assemblers Com­ plementary to a Fluorescent Amino Triazine Amphiphile. Q. Huo, K. C. Russell. R. M. Leblanc 3:40—414. Theoretical Scaling of the LiquidVapor Surface Tension of Binary Mixtures in the Critical Region. A. E. van Giessen, B. Widom 4:00—415. Surface Force Measurements with Atomic Force Microscopy. Y. I. Rabinovich, J. J. Adler. B. M. Moudgil 4:20—416. Entropie Liquid-Crystal Condition of Organic Liquids. V. N. Matveenko, V. A. Levchenko 4:40—417. Comparative Study of Polymer Carbon Surfaces. K. Lâszlo, A. Bota. I. Cabasso Surfactant Self-Assembly and Applications V: Applications of Self-Assembled Systems

Room V R. Nagarajan, Presiding 2:00—418. Polymerization of Styrene in Ternary Microemulsion Using Cationic Gemini Surfactants. M. Dreja, B. Tieke

2:20—419. Cascade Liposomal Triggering: Light-Induced Ca2* Release from Diplasmenylcholine Liposomes Triggers PLA2Catalyzed Hydrolysis and Contents Leakage from DPPC Liposomes. N. J. Wymer. O. V. Gerasimov. D. H. Thompson 2:40—420. Chiral-Optical Properties of Cationic Surfactants in the Presence of Tagged Anions. H. H. Paradies 3:00—421. Removal of Mixed Organic Films from Rotating Disks Using Aqueous Nonionic Surfactant Solutions. J. A. Kabin, A. E. Sâez, C. S. Grant. R. G. Carbonell 3:20—422. Impact of Phase Behavior on Aquatic Toxicity Testing of Alcohol Ethoxylates. K. H. Raney, K. Finney. R. Szentirmay. S. T. Dubey 3:40—423. Formation of the Crystalline Surfactant Molecular Complexes: Implications for the Physicochemical Phenomena and Its Applications. H. Hirata, N. Iimura 4:00—424. Surfactant-Assisted Transfer of Colloidal Silica between Two Liquid Nonmiscible Phases. A. Kasseh, E. Keh 4:20—425. Novel DDS Developed by the Application of the Surfactant Molecular Complex Formation. H. Hirata, N. Iimura. H. Ichikawa 4:40—426. Influence on the 2-D and 3-D Self-Organization of the Length of Alkyl Chains Used To Passivate Silver Sulfide Nanocrystals. M. P. Pileni


Nucleation V

Room F

Room Q

Room F

W. A. Steele, Presiding

D. Oxtoby, Presiding

J. Penfold, Presiding

9:40—441. Adsorption of Mixed Surfactants at the Hydrophilic Silica-Solution Interface. J. Penfold, E. Staples. I. Tucker. L. Thomp­ son. R. K. Thomas 10:00—442. Adsorption of Silane Surfactants at Solid-Liquid Interfaces: An Experimental and Numerical Simulation Study. S. Krishnan, A. Couzis 10:20—443. Adsorption of Cationic Polysac­ charides onto Latex Particles. Effect of the Presence of an Anionic Surfactant. O. An­ thony, J. Patterson. W. B. Russel 10:40—444. Spin-Labeling Study of Poly­ mers Physically Adsorbed on Solid Surfac­ es. A. P. Legrand, A. Afif. M. Chikhi. H. Hommel. M. Bacquet. E. Gaillez-Degremont. M. Morcellet. M. Leonard, C. Fourmer. E. Dellachene 11:00—445. Effect of Polyethylene oxide)/ Phenolic Polymer Complex on the Proper­ ties of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Floes. S. Goto, R. Pelton 11:20—446. Calcium Fatty Acid Soaps in De-Inking. R. J. Pugh 11:40—447. Self-Assembled Monolayers of Fibers on the Surface. Structured by Car­ bon. V. A. Levchenko, V. N. Matveenko. M. B. Guseva. V. G. Babaev. S. P. Domogatsky. A. V. Navdayev

9:40—462. Molecular Theory of VaporPhase Nucleation. H. Reiss, P. Schaaf, B. Senger. J. C. Vogel, R. Bowles, D. Corti 10:20—463. What Is a Nucleation Rate? V. A. Shneidman 10:40—464. Necessity for the Self-Consisten­ cy Correction in Nucleation Rates Based on the Capillarity Approximation. D. T. Wu 11:00—465. Cluster Binding Energies from Nucleation Rate Data. I. J. Ford 11:20—466. Tests of the Nucleation Theo­ rems Using the Ising Model. I. J. Ford. H. Arstila 11:40—467. Direct Evaluation of the Equilib­ rium Distribution of Physical Clusters by a Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation. I. Kusaka, Z. G. Wang, J. H. Seinfeld

2:00—484. Adsorption of Albumin and Fibrin­ ogen on Surfaces Modified with Various Functional Groups. R. Tsay, Y. C. Lee, K. U. Chen, S. H. Hou 2:20—485. In Situ Measurements of β-Lacto­ globulin Adsorption and Removal in a Flow Cell. C. A-C. Karlsson, A. C. Tràgardh 2:40—486. Adsorption of Plasma Proteins on Glass and Polystyrene: A Neutron Reflectivity Study. D. Forciniti, W. Hamilton 3:00—487. Conformational Stability of Adsorbed Proteins Studied with Mass Spectrometry and Hydrogen Exchange. J. Buijs, C. Costa Vera, E. Ayala, H. Samuelsson, S. Oscarsson 3:20—488. Polyelectrolyte Adsorption at the Silica-Water Interface. S. Biggs, V. Craig 3:40—489. Homogeneous Exchange Kinetics of Fibrinogen during the Formation of an Interfacial Layer on Silica. P. Déjardin, M. T. Le 4:00—490. Exploring the Nature of Polymer Adsorption onto Clay Surfaces Using Infrared Spectroscopy. C. L. McConnell, R. Y. Lochhead 4:20—491. Spatial Concentration Fluctuations in Adsorbed Polymer Layers. J. H. E. Hone, T. Cosgrove, T. M. Obey 4:40—492. Interactions between Tethered Chains and Surfactants. R. D. Wesley, T. Cosgrove, L. Thompson

Surface Chemistry and Tribology V: Base Oils, Lubricants, and Additive Chemistry

Room Ν Emulsions, Foams, and Thin Films: Honoring Darsh T. Wasan VI

Room D A. P. Gast. Presiding 9:40—427. Adsorption of Dimenc (Gemini) Surfactants at Aqueous Solution-Silica Interface. R. Zana, C. Chorro. M. Chorro. O. Dolladille. S. Partyka 10:00—428. Surface Adsorption Kinetics: Effect of Molecular Orientation and Aggregation. R. Miller, V. B. Fainerman. E. V. Akseneko. A. V. Makjevski. G. Loglio 10:20—429. Adsorption Kinetics of Ionic Surfactants. K. J. Stebe, J. K. Fern 10:40—430. Surface Force Measurements with Activated Silica in Sodium Oleate Solutions. S. Vivek. R-H. Yoon 11:00—431. Dynamic Surface Tension Behavior of Aqueous Lung Surfactants: A Comparison of Practical Systems to Model Systems. S. Y. Park. R. E. Hannemann. E. I. Franses 11:20—432. Effect of Spread Monoglycende Monolayers on Adsorption and Exchange of β-Lactoglobulin in Aqueous Solution. M. Cornec. G. Narsimhan 11:40—433. Dynamics of Protein Adsorption Layers at Liquid Interfaces. A. V. Makievski, V. B. Fainerman. J. Kragel. R. Miller. Surfactant Self-Assembly and Applications VI: Mixed Surfactant Systems

Room Ε I. Rico-Lattes, Presiding 9:40—434. Determination of Hydration Num­ bers and Oligooxyethylene Chain Distribu­ tions in Mixed Nonionic Micelles by Chem­ ical Trapping. L. S. Romsted, J. Yao 10:00—435. NMR Studies of Mixed-Surfac­ tant Micelle Composition and Thermody­ namics. C. D. Eads, L. C. Robosky 10:20—436. Spontaneous Vesiculation of La­ mellar Phases Induced by Grafted Polyeth­ ylene oxide) Layers: Theoretical Prediction and Experimental Verification. I. Szleifer. O. V Gerasimov. D. H. Thompson 10:40—437. Rapid Assembly of Soluble Sur­ factant Mixtures into Liquid-Condensed States of High Surface Viscosity. R. Subramanyam, C. Maldarelli 11:00—438. Analysis of SAXS Data from La­ mellar Phases Composed of Hydrocarbon and Fluorocarbon Surfactants by Indirect Fourier Transformation. D. J. lampietro, E. W. Kaler. A. Stradner. O. Glatter 11:20—439. Mixed Micellization of Anionic Dimenc (Gemini) Surfactants and Nonion­ ic Surfactants. R. Zana, K. Kwetkat 11:40—440. Tracer and Mutual Diffusion Co­ efficients for Zwitterionic and Ionic Mixed Micellar Systems. T. Tominaga, Y. Nogami

Adsorption at Solid Surfaces VI

Adsorption at Solid Surfaces V

A. Stipanovic, W. Lloyd, Presiding 9:40—448. NEXAFS Study of Antiwear Addi­ tives and Friction Modifiers. J. K. Mowlem 10:00—449. Surface Chemistry of ExtremePressure Lubricant Additives. W. T. Tysoe 10:20—450. Effect of Chemical Structure on Four-Ball Friction and Wear Studies. D. E. Weller, J. M. Perez 10:40—451. Carcinogenicity Screening of Re-Refined Base Oils by Proton NMR. D. W. Brmkman, M. P. Smith 11:00—452. Effect of Ligand-Exchange Reac­ tions on the Activity of Organo Molybdenum Friction Modifiers in Energy-Conserving Lu­ bricants. A. J. Stipanovic, J. E. Broas Jr., J. P. Schoonmaker. J. K. Mowlem 11:20—453. Grease Friction and Wear Stud­ ies Using the Four-Ball Wear Tester. R. Bruch, R. Adams. J. M. Perez 11:40—454. Effects of Additive Interactions on Friction-Reducing Capabilities of Mo­ lybdenum Dialkyldithiocarbamate-Containmg Oils. R. K. Jensen, M. D. Johnson. S. Korcek

Emulsions, Foams, and Thin Films: Honoring Darsh T. Wasan VII

Room R D. O. Shah, Presiding 9:40—468. Interfacial Chemistry and Adhe­ sion: Recent Developments and Pros­ pects. K. L. Mittal 10:00—469. Electrical State of Water Interfac­ es with Implication for the Generation of At­ mospheric Electricity. R. S. Schechter, A. Graciaa, J. Lachaise 10:20—470. Interfacial Phenomena: Unity in Diversity. D. O. Shah 10:40—471. Characterization of Colloidal Particles by Electrophoretic and Hydrodynamic Fingerprinting. R. L. Rowell, R. J. Bishop, L. P. Yezek 11:00—472. Preparation and Characteriza­ tion of Thin Metal Oxide Layers Used for Angle-Dependent Optical Effects. P. Reynders, M. Stech 11:20—473. Direct Observation of Foam Film Rupture by the Mixed Antifoamer Us­ ing a Laser Microscope. M. Kageyama, Y. Kaneko, M. Nikaido, T. Tamura 11:40—474. Foamlike Particles for Inhalation of Drugs. D. A. Edwards, J. Wang

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Surfactant Self-Assembly and Applications VII: Micellar Solutions and Chemical Reactions

Room Ε Colloids in Separations and Environmental Technologies V: Colloids and Environmental Remediation I

Room Ο B. A. Dempsey. S. Yiacoumi, Presiding 9:40—455. Ozonation Using Electrostatic Spraying. C. Tsouris, W-T. Shin. S. Yia­ coumi 10:00—456. Use of Fe(0) Colloids and Shear-Thinning Solutions from Groundwa­ ter Remediation. D. I. Kaplan, K. J. Cantrell 10:20—457. Natural Organic Matter Fouling of Nanofiltration Membranes. M. Elimelech, S. Hong 10:40—458. Foam-Assisted Soil Remedia­ tion: Thin-Film Stability Studies. G. Sethu, A. Nikolov. D. Wasan. J. Kilbane. V. Snvastava 11:00—459. Cross-Flow Microfiltration of Surfactants in the Presence of Activated Car­ bon. A. Cakici, C. Akmil. B. Keskinler. Y. K. Bayhan, G. Akay 11:20—460. Chromate Removal from Waste­ water Using Surfactant-Enhanced CrossFlow Microfiltration: Effect of Surfactant Structure. G. Akay, U. Danis. B. Keskinler. A. Cakici 11:40—461. Effect of Ionic Environment on the Cross-Flow Microfiltration Behavior of Yeast Suspensions. B. Keskinler, A. Caki­ ci. Y. K. Bayhan. G. Akay

C. Treiner, Presiding 2:00—475. Organized Molecular Systems as Reaction Media: Strategy for Efficient Chemical Activation. I. Rico-Lattes 2:20—476. Phase-Transfer Model for the Ki­ netics of "Micellar Autocatalysis" in the Biphasic Hydrolysis of C4 to C8 Ethyl Alkanoates. T. Buhse, R. Nagarajan, D. Lavabre, J. C. Micheau 2:40—477. Reactions of Epichlorohydrin in Aqueous Micellar Surfactant Solutions. T. Battal, J. F. Rathman 3:00—478. Polymerization of Rodlike Mi­ celles S. R. Kline 3:20—479. Sodium Alkylcarboxylate-Cyclodextrin Interactions: Volume and Heat Ca­ pacity Studies. S. Milioto, R. De Lisi, A. Pellerito, A. Inglese 3:40—480. Chiral Influence (X') of the Entan­ glement of C16_18 Dimethylammonium X' Micelles in Aqueous Solutions. H. H. Paradies, S. F. Clancy 4:00—481. Influence on Vapor Pressures by Amphiphilic Association Structures. S. E. Friberg 4:20—482. New Approach to Micellization Parameters: Its Application to Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Micelle. Y. Moroi, N. Yoshida 4:40—483. Molecular Packing Parameter and Predicting Surfactant Self-Assembly. R. Nagarajan

Surfactant Self-Assembly and Applications VIII: Solubilization and Microemulsions

Room H L. Romsted, Presiding 2:00—493. Transport and Microstructure in Microemulsions. J. Texter 2:20—494. Structure and Dynamics of RodShaped W/O Microemulsions. D. C. Steytler, A. L. Price, G. Burnett, Β. Η. Robinson, F. Mantegazza, M. Gardini, V. Degiorgio. 2:40—495. Making Microemulsions with Alkylpolyglucosides. L. D. Ryan, E. W. Kaler 3:00—496. Fluorocarbon Surfactants for C02-Continuous Microemulsions. J. Eastoe, A. Paul, D. C. Steytler, J. D. Holmes, E. Edwards 3:20—497. Dynamics of Isopycnic Phase Separation in H20/Nonionic Surfactant/C02 Mixtures. M. Lesemann, V. O. Archibald, J. H. van Zanten, M. E. Paulaitis 3:40—498. Phase Behavior of Dibasic Ester Oil-Based Microemulsions. M. S. Vethamuthu, L. D. Ryan, E. W. Kaler 4:00—499. Dynamics of Polar Solvation and Electron Transfer in Reverse Micelles. N. E. Levinger, R. E. Riter, D. M. Willard 4:20—500. Solubilization Capacity of Pyrene in Surfactant Micelles. J-H. Kim, R. D. Tilton, M. M. Domach 4:40—501. Hydrotrope Solubilization Action. R. Guo, W. Yu Surface Chemistry and Tribology VI: Alternative Fuels, Lubricants, and Test Methods

Room Ν A. Boehman, S. Asadauskas, Presiding 2:00—502. Vegetable Oil Lubricants in a Diesel Engine. A. L. Boehman, W. H. Swain, D. E. Weller, J. M. Perez 2:20—503. Incorporating Oxygen in Diesel Fuel as a Means of Reducing Engine Emissions. A. L. Boehman, P. J. A. Tijm 2:40—504. Study of Alternative Fuels and Lubricants Using RULER. L. Contreras, R. Bruch, J. M. Perez 3:00—505. Diesel Oil Life Evaluation Using Ferrography, RULER, and Conventional Analysis Methods. J. M. Perez, F. E. Lockwood, D. J. Dotson 3:20—Intermission. 3:40—506. Time and Temperature Superpo­ sition in Studies of Oxidation Kinetics. S. Asadauskas, J. M. Perez

MAY 11, 1998 C&EN


meetings 4:00—507. Characterization of Lubricants and Additives Using FTIR. NMR. and PDSC. A. Adhvaryu, C. L. Sharma. I. D. Singh 4:20—508. Development of a Microreactor Grease Stability Test. K. Dorfman, J. M. Perez. R. Adams 4:40—Final Comments on Tribology Ses­ sions.

4:20—524. Trace Element Detection with an Expansion Cloud Chamber. Η. Ν. Ereifej, G. J. Doster. J. L. Schmitt. J. G. Story 4:40—525. Photoinduced Nucleation: The Detection of Air Pollutants at Ultralow Concentrations. J. L. Katz, H. Lihavainen. Μ. Μ. Rudek

Colloids in Separations and Environmental Technologies VI: Colloids and Environmental Remediation II

3:40—514. Washing Wood Pulp Fibers from Foams for Higher Flotation De-Inking Yields. R. Pelton. N. Robertson. M. Patton 4:00—515. Collision Characteristics between Bubbles and Particles in Dissolved Air Flo­ tation (DAF). M. Y. Han. S. S. Dockko 4:20—516. Adsorption of Cationic and An­ ionic Surfactant Mixtures in FeldsparQuartz Flotation System. K. H. Rao. E. Forssberg 4:40—517. Pyrite Partition in Aqueous Bi­ phase Systems. X. Zeng. W. McGaulley. K. Osseo-Asare

Room Ο

Nucleation VI

Κ. Osseo-Asare. D. Chaiko. Presiding

Room Q

2:00—526. Model Polyurethane Thin Liquid Films. S. A. Snow, U. C. Pernisz. R. E. Stevens 2:20—527. Theory for a Model Thin-Film Drainage Experiment. R. J. Braun, S. Naire. S. A. Snow. U. C. Pernisz 2:40—528. Surface Rheology of Nonaque­ ous System and Its Relationship with Foam Stability. M. Islam, A. I. Bailey 3:00—529. Direct Observation of the Dynam­ ics of Latex Particles Confined Inside Thinning Water-Air Film. K. P. Velikov. O. D. Velev 3:20—Intermission. 3:40—530. Use of Perfluoroalkylalkanes in Hydrocarbon-Based Antifoams. R. Curtis. P. R. Garrett, M. Nicholls. J. Yorke 4:00—531. Preparation of Novel SiliconeBased Solid Antifoamers Having a High Defoaming Performance. M. Kageyama, Y. Kaneko. T. Tamura 4:20—532. Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration of Macro-/Miniemulsion Us­ ing a Conductance Technique. S. Y. Lin, C. S. Chern. H. C. Cheng 4:40—Concluding Remarks. K. L. Mittal

2:00—509. Ultrasonic Enhancement of the Removal of Heavy Metals in Water. D. D. Truax. K. Balasubramamam. K. Perinkulam 2:20—510. Hybrid Magnetic Field Gradient. Rotating Wall Device for Enhanced Colloi­ dal Magnetic Affinity Separations. A. Ghebremeskel. A. Bose 2:40—511. Preparation of Magnetic Carriers through Functionahzation of Nanosized Maghemite Particles by Molecular SelfAssembly. S. Gelinas. J. A. Finch. Z. Xu 3:00—512. Removal of Hydrophobic Con­ taminants from Soil by Froth Flotation. L. Zhang. P. Somasundaran. V. Ososkov. C. C. Chou 3:20—513. Solid-Liquid Separation Using Sol-Gel Systems. D. J. Chaiko. J. P. Kopasz. A. J. G. Ellison

Μ. Κ u I mala. Presiding 2:00—518. The Tolman Length in DensityFunctional Theories of Nucleation. J. C. Barrett 2:20—519. Validity of Tolman's Equation: How Large Should a Droplet Be? K. Koga. X. C. Zeng. A. K. Shchekm 2:40—520. Photonucleation of Carbon Disul­ fide. R. H. Heist. Η. Η. He 3:00—521. Heterogeneous Nucleation of Wa­ ter Vapor on Submicrometer-Sized Parti­ cles of Si0 2 and Ti0 2 . C-C. Chen. C-J. Tao 3:20—Intermission. 3:40—522. Aerosol Formation and Growth during Laminar Flow along a Cooled Tube. T. J. Baldwin. J C. Barrett 4:00—523. Advanced Nucleation Studies Using a Laminar Flow Tube Reactor and a Mass Spectrometer with Atmospheric Pressure Ionization. V. B. Mikheev, V. V. Pervukhin. N. S. Laulainen

Polycondensation '98 to be held in Annapolis The American Chemical Society Division of Polymer Chemistry, the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry, and the European Polymer Federation are cosponsoring Polycondensation '98 from Sept. 2" to Sept. 30 at the Historic Inns of Annapolis in Annapolis, Md. This symposium will cover a range oï topics in the step polymerization field, including reaction kinetics, mechanisms, synthesis, and degradation of materials. Recent work in materials science of polyesters, polyamides. poly(arylene ether)s. polyurethanes. polyimides, epoxies. phenolics. and so on will be addressed. Before Sept. 1. the registration fee for members of the Division of Polymer Chemistry is $550: for nonmembers. $600: for student members. $250; for student nonmembers. $300: and for nonparticipating guests. SI "5. After Sept. 1. each registration fee will increase by $50. Rooms at the Historic Inns of Annapolis are $130 per night. Contact the hotel directly to make reservations; phone (410) 216-6324. fax (410) 268-3813. People wishing to present a poster should contact Martin E. Rogers, Eastman Chemical Co., P.O. Box 1972, Kingsport, Term. 37662, phone (423) 229-4339, fax (423) 229-4558, e-mail: merogers@eastman. com. For more information and the technical 44

MAY 11. 1998 C&EX

Emulsions, Foams, and Thin Films: Symposium Honoring Darsh T. Wasan VIII

Room R K. L. Mittal. Presiding

program, see the Internet site at http:// www.chem.umr.edu/~poly/poly.spon. html: or contact James E. McGrath. NSF Science & Technology Center: High-Performance Adhesives & Composites, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. 2406OO344, phone (540) 231-59"76. tax (540) 231-851""7, e-mail: [email protected]: or Frank \V. Harris, Maurice Morton Institute of Pohmer Science, University of Akron. 1 "Ό University Circle, PSCI61", Akron, Ohio 44324. phone (330) 9"2"511. tax (330) 9"2-5"04. e-mail: sh(X)ver@ polymer.uakron.edu. To register for the conference, con­ tact Neta L. Byerly, Division of Polymer Chemistry Inc.. Virginia Tech. 201 Han­ cock Hail. Blacksburg. Va. 24061-025", phone (540) 231-3029. lax (540) 2319452. e-mail: [email protected].^

Materials science workshop The National Science Foundation will hold its annual Materials Chemistry Workshop from Oct. 15 to Oct. 18 in Morristown, N.J. Participants will discuss the most recent studies of the synthesis, characterization, and properties of poly­ mers, molecular crystals, inorganic sol­ ids, hybrid materials, biomaterials, and sur­ faces. Applications to participate should consist of a one-page abstract of the pro­ posed discussion topic, a one-page cur­ riculum vitae, and a list of publications

Fundamental Research in Surface Science V: Interfacial Transport Phenomena

Room U A. Borhan. Presiding 2:00—533. Surfactant Control of the Wake Formed at the Trailing End of a Bubble at Order-One Reynolds Number. Y. Wang, D. Papageorgiou. C. Maldarelli 2:20—534. Effect of Surfactants on the Mo­ tion and Deformation of a Droplet in a Cir­ cular Tube, R. A. Johnson, A. Borhan 2:40—535. Stresses Exerted on Deforming Drops with Saturated Surfactant Monolay­ ers. K. Stebe, C. Eggleton 3:00—536. Thermocapillary Phenomena and Bubble Coalescence during Electrolytic Gas Evolution. Y. E. Solomentsev, S. A. Guelcher. P. J. Sides. J. L. Anderson 3:20—Intermission. 3:40—537. Spreading of Liquids in the Pres­ ence of Surfactants. E. Ramé, E. B. Dussan V. 4:00—538. Dissipative Interfaces and Departures from the Young-Laplace Equation. A. Yeung, T. Dabros. J. Masliyah 4:20—539. Effects of Interface Contamination on Drop Deformation and Breakup in a Hele-Shaw Cell. N. R. Gupta, A. Nadim, H. Haj-Hariri, A. Borhan 4:40—540. Surfactant Partitioning and Its Influence on Interfacial Tension Measurements. A. Yeung, T. Dabros, J. Masliyah

for the past three years. Applications should be submitted before June 1 to Catherine Page, Department of Chemis­ try, 1253, University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. 9^403-1253.
98.5% KSCN. For Sodium Sulfate, Anhydrous or Decahydrate, change the maximum al­ lowable potassium requirement in the supplement to 0.01%.^